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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Mercury Fred said:
If he made a real apology, the donation underlines the fact.

Ultimately, you're not going to get a sincere apology out of a character like Bryant, so you might as well put his money to decent use.
What do you mean, "character"?


Listen, he was just making fun of him because he knows he rides a Harley. You guys are getting your panties in a wad for nothing.
Joates said:
Care to say what you think on this matter? I know its easier to ignore something that you cant answer unless taking it out of context :lol
It honestly doesn't matter. The word itself is a remnant of the past and needs to be erased from language in general. The fact that you keep defending its usage even if it's in a different context speaks volumes about your character.

Weren't you the guy who sat there defending Exodus International from the fact that they ruined Uganda's views towards homosexuality? This feels like deja vu.


The real story here is how hard Popovich was trolling the Lakers. Lakers post-season implosion is imminent. Pop psychologically ruined them.
Pastry said:
The real story here is how hard Popovich was trolling the Lakers. Lakers post-season implosion is imminent. Pop psychologically ruined them.
spurs 2011 nba champions

if i say it enough times, it must come true


Sutton Dagger said:
No one has addressed the issue of abusing the ref (regardless of what was said), and is that allowed in sport? I would think that abusing a referee would incur a suspension?
the refs are shit at their jobs and deserve even more stick than they get.
MThanded said:
It's kobe rules don't apply. Black mamba n shit you know

Well there is talk in this thread of 'much worse directed at the ref', and I'm wondering why these athletes don't get reprimanded? In Australia there have been plenty of cases where abusing the ref (regardless of what was said), results in a suspension. Is the US more lenient on such things?


Sutton Dagger said:
Well there is talk in this thread of 'much worse directed at the ref', and I'm wondering why these athletes don't get reprimanded? In Australia there have been plenty of cases where abusing the ref (regardless of what was said), results in a suspension. Is the US more lenient on such things?

you have to touch a referee to get a lengthy suspension


Sutton Dagger said:
No one has addressed the issue of abusing the ref (regardless of what was said), and is that allowed in sport? I would think that abusing a referee would incur a suspension?

Nobody would ever be able to play if using un-PC words incurred something as big as a suspension. This type of thing happens in every possession in every game. I played basketball in high school and cussing happens by at least 1 player every single possession, let alone actual competitive enviroments like college where kids want to hold onto scholarships and professional leagues where the guys make their living playing. The only reason this has become any sort of story is because it was clearly caught on video and he used the word faggot, he could of used asshole, dipshit, dumbass, etc and it would not have been much of an issue. It was something he said without much thought behind it in the middle of a game where he had just been given a technical, and he already issued a statement describing it as such.

Kobe Bryant via espn.com said:
"What I said last night should not be taken literally," he said. "My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period. The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings towards the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone."
InertiaXr said:
Nobody would ever be able to play if using un-PC words incurred something as big as a suspension. This type of thing happens in every possession in every game. I played basketball in high school and cussing happens by at least 1 player every single possession, let alone actual competitive enviroments like college where kids want to hold onto scholarships and professional leagues where the guys make their living playing. The only reason this has become any sort of story is because it was clearly caught on video and he used the word faggot, he could of used asshole, dipshit, dumbass, etc and it would not have been much of an issue. It was something he said without much thought behind it in the middle of a game where he had just been given a technical, and he already issued a statement describing it as such.

I'm not talking about player-player banter, I'm talking about openly abusing the ref as a player.
InertiaXr said:
Nobody would ever be able to play if using un-PC words incurred something as big as a suspension. This type of thing happens in every possession in every game.
there are lots of choice, vulgar words to hurl at fellow players and referees other than racial, orientation and gender-specific slurs.

Kobe needs to learn them. Perhaps take some notes from KG.


Imagine the field day the press would have if they knew what NHL'ers were chirpin' at each other before every drop of the puck..


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Qwomo said:
Oh, do you think so? Cool, dude.
He is trying to be funny by comparing comedians who say things for a laugh to people who are trying to be intentionally derogatory by using slurs.

Earlier in the thread we said one of those groups of people was immature. I'll let you figure that one out.


DeathbyVolcano said:
You know Mercury Fred, for someone who preaches that love unites and makes everyone equal, you sure are a fucking hateful bastard.

lmao way to prove the point here, drop faggot and it's an angry slip, just threaten to drop "the n word" and you're a fucking hateful bastard.


MThanded said:
He is trying to be funny by comparing comedians who say things for a laugh to people who are trying to be intentionally derogatory by using slurs.

Earlier in the thread we said one of those groups of people was immature. I'll let you figure that one out.

Except there is some truth in what Louis C.K. says.


ZephyrFate said:
It honestly doesn't matter. The word itself is a remnant of the past and needs to be erased from language in general. The fact that you keep defending its usage even if it's in a different context speaks volumes about your character.

Weren't you the guy who sat there defending Exodus International from the fact that they ruined Uganda's views towards homosexuality? This feels like deja vu.

Oh so now it doesnt matter. Which word is "a remnant of the past and needs to be erased from language in general". The problem there is, people will just pick a new word to label that category of people and youll have a new word to crusade against.

This thread, like the other thread, is simply full of people who wouldnt know what the fuck context was if it was fucking them in the ass.

Oh and if you want to drag that thread into the mix, we shouldn't be mad at kobe, hes the victim here of an environment that made him say that. Just like the Ugandans were helpless against the onslaught of bigoted christians.
Joates said:
Oh so now it doesnt matter. Which word is "a remnant of the past and needs to be erased from language in general". The problem there is, people will just pick a new word to label that category of people and youll have a new word to crusade against.

This thread, like the other thread, is simply full of people who wouldnt know what the fuck context was if it was fucking them in the ass.
Considering faggot in 99% of its usage is a gay slur or a slur against 'feminine' men, I don't care if the other 1% is something totally different, it's a word that has negative connotations and negative context ubiquitously.
Instead of fining people, maybe we should just encourage people not to use the word because it's insulting to homosexuals and it's just as poorly descriptive as calling things and people stupid and retarded(also offensive).


How about the tv networks stop zooming in on angry players after they've been teed up? lol

I'm not a homophobe but I've used the"f" word several times in jest or as an insult towards hetero guys. The political correctness in society is truly getting ridiculous when Stern has to fine Kobe 100k for dumb shit like this to avoid the wrath of interest groups. What the fuck ever happened to context?


Junior Member
ZephyrFate said:
Considering faggot in 99% of its usage is a gay slur or a slur against 'feminine' men
No, not really. If anything, 99% of the time it's used to just insult annoying people.
nVidiot_Whore said:
language is powerful, but actions are far more important.
interestingly enough, I've found that many of the same people who happily use these words are also homophobic or otherwise recoil at the sight of anything gay-related.

They're the same people that would, for example, get all weird and uncomfortable while watching an episode of Six Feet Under...or who would mock the instructor guy from Project Runway. Sometimes, they have genuine aspersions and would discriminate based on sexual orientation if they had the power to do so without consequence....while other times, they are simply very immature and lack enough exposure to gays to do better. All the time, they are uncomfortable with aspects of gay life.

Just my experience perhaps...but no, I just don't know too many people that use such words without some of those feelings being in their hearts. YMMV.

Qwomo said:
No, not really. If anything, 99% of the time it's used to just insult annoying people.


Will QA for food.
samus i am said:
No one has been banned yet? Disappointing.




Black Canada Mafia
MrGame&Watch said:
Instead of fining people, maybe we should just encourage people not to use the word because it's insulting to homosexuals and it's just as poorly descriptive as calling things and people stupid and retarded(also offensive).

I would agree. He used a word I don't like, and whatever punishment the NBA wants to dole out for it is fine by me, even if it would have been no punishment.

More importantly, I don't know why people WANT to keep using the word. Why defend it? I'm not saying it should be illegal, I am not saying that professional sports players should not be allowed to use racial or homophobic slurs when they toss insults - but why is it okay that they do? Why not push forward and try to get to a place where you don't use this sort of language?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Qwomo said:
No, not really. If anything, 99% of the time it's used to just insult annoying people.
When i was younger thats what people used it for but all of the times i have heard it more recently it has been used to emasculate a man.


samus i am said:
No one has been banned yet? Disappointing.
Why do you expect or want people to get banned? Because everyone is not agreeing and saying the same thing or saying what you want to hear?
What PC bullshit. So let me get this straight:

1. Kevin Garnett called some one a cancer kid, and yet it is OK.
2. Kobe call someone gay, gets fined 100k.

WOW!! Which one is more serious??

Of course, it's the one that plays for the favored team, KG can do and say what he wants. Also it's because cancer patients aren't sensitive little whiners and fight until the end. And don't whine and complain about everything about being persecuted and oppressed.

The main reason why politcal correctness has brainwashed America is due to the ease of pursuing lawsuits. PC why is America has gone soft.


Dreams-Visions said:
there are lots of choice, vulgar words to hurl at fellow players and referees other than racial, orientation and gender-specific slurs.

Kobe needs to learn them. Perhaps take some notes from KG.

Oh no no I agree, using faggot is a pretty poor decision on his part. I just feel as though people are using this story to try and paint Kobe as the only guy who ever does this kind of stuff to refs, when he's not. Using faggot should indeed not be tolerated (he got fined 100k a few minutes ago) but the whole cussing and yelling at refs is something that I have always seen in basketball and other sports. Whether it's appropriate or not people will debate, but it's become customary and the refs know this, and I think if anything allowing guys to yell what they want at the refs helps to keep them from bottling up emotions and unleashing them on opposing players.


Cerebral Assassin said:
Would you call a woman a faggot?

I certainly would.

Wouldn't make a lick of sense, but I'd still use it as a curse word if someone pissed me off.

Little old lady driving way to slow? "Move out of the way you fucking faggot!"


ZephyrFate said:
Considering faggot in 99% of its usage is a gay slur or a slur against 'feminine' men, I don't care if the other 1% is something totally different, it's a word that has negative connotations and negative context ubiquitously.

But men can be feminine(or rather more-feminine) and not be gay. And vice versa. That includes nerds, I believe.

And so it is worth shunning someone for dislike feminine qualities in men in the same way people shun homophobes?
I posted in the NBA thread that it was incredibly immature and classless, but really I personally couldn't care less. I don't get offended by any insult no matter what they mean, and I pretty much grew up hearing that every day and worse on our b-ball courts.

Then again, none of us were 32 with kids.
Riposte said:
But men can be feminine(or rather more-feminine) and not be gay. And vice versa. That includes nerds, I believe.

And so it is worth shunning someone for dislike feminine qualities in men in the same way people shun homophobes?
Uhh... yes? Just because you're male doesn't mean you have to be masculine.
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