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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Mercury Fred said:
Oh, I'm sorry. Am I supposed to give a fuck what you think?
This is the wit we have all come to love, it's so good it's capable of being featured on an episode of Maury! I can't wait for your next post saying "lets call everyone nigger guys lololol" riveting stuff, especially the sixth time posted it. It's like Groundhog's day!
Calcaneus said:
Really? If I were offended by his use of the word, I would be even more offended that he would try to buy his right to offend.
If he made a real apology, the donation underlines the fact.

Ultimately, you're not going to get a sincere apology out of a character like Bryant, so you might as well put his money to decent use.

BamYouHaveAids said:
This is the wit we have all come to love, it's so good it's capable of being featured on an episode of Maury! I can't wait for your next post saying "lets call everyone nigger guys lololol" riveting stuff, especially the sixth time posted it. It's like Groundhog's day!
Well, gosh. I have to say I'm flattered by the hard on you have for me and if my use of a rhetorical device goes over your head then maybe we can have some quality time together soon and I can explain it to you in person. Ever make it to NYC?


Not enough self-righteous outrage in this thread. What's the point of apologizing? He said what he said and explained why he said it and what he meant. No, it's not OK that he called someone a faggot, and he should have to deal with whatever penalties the league wishes to impose, but this is such a trivial matter that it shouldn't be more than a second page story.

Looking to professional athletes for moral leadership is unfair and sets a bad example.


You white knights are crazy. I have plenty of friends who say all kind of so called slurs about anything and everyone. What is it so many people being more and more sensitive to things?
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's disturbing how much you remember of me. I'll take it as a compliment.

I don't see the vulgarity there. It is a literal use of the word.

to be fair, you are on A LOT of bycicle related topics, just saying.
Meus Renaissance said:
We need to have a thread discussing why the word 'N' word remains to be used in black society simultaneously whilst making it unspeakable heresy for the white community. I would stay up all morning reading that thread live

Who says it's okay for people in the black community to use the word in the first place? Believe it or not, there are people in the black community who don't think so. Of course, that's completely different than trying to do something about it, which is another topic altogether.


ZephyrFate said:
People have substituted the n-word for a variety of different uses, arguably as much as the f-word has been substituted. However, its ties to sexuality have never wavered or changed. Just because you and your friends use it differently doesn't mean that it doesn't have the connotations of sexuality hidden underneath it.

Just because 'everyone says it', doesn't make it a good thing.

As said above by marathonfool, this is an attempt at marginalizing gay people and normalizing derogatory words. The black people in this thread should fucking know better, I think.
I don't use the word. It was more of observation in that many times when I see people using it its never really to strictly attack the person over being gay.
jehuty said:
You white knights are crazy. I have plenty of friends who say all kind of so called slurs about anything and everyone. What is it so many people being more and more sensitive to things?
Isn't it funny how all of a sudden it's only PC if we call out someone for a homophobic remark?

I swear, this argument is ONLY applicable to when someone says fag, or faggot. And then they use the 'well it's common parlance' argument as if that means anything.

I love how these two are inextricably tied together, as if it's only a problem when someone threatens to take away your precious anti-gay slurs.

J2 Cool

It all goes back to George Carlin's "context" bit. People need a life. I doubt .01% of the people complaining even watched the game.


ZephyrFate said:
So then we should all be allowed to say the n word, right? Words are just words.

This is the weakest argument of all time, and scarily used by most of GAF in this thread.

Joates: How is the context different if I call a black person the n-word and a gay person a faggot? The context is almost ENTIRELY the same.

Looking at OP: You know you may be onto something. If you call a Gay referee a faggot it would be similar to calling a black ref a nigger.

Which one happened with Kobe?


Souldriver said:
Jesus, this is so stupid.

Do I really have to point out that LOL and <3 are neither used in a negative sense nor reference a group of people?

Way to miss the point.

.....which was is that things that didn't mean shit maybe 20 or 30 years ago are used frequently today.

Like I said: Language has evolved. Love it or hate it; it is what it is.
ZephyrFate said:
Isn't it funny how all of a sudden it's only PC if we call out someone for a homophobic remark?

I swear, this argument is ONLY applicable to when someone says fag, or faggot. And then they use the 'well it's common parlance' argument as if that means anything.

I love how these two are inextricably tied together, as if it's only a problem when someone threatens to take away your precious anti-gay slurs.
people just ain't used to them uppity gays being so uppity and such
MIMIC said:
Way to miss the point.

.....which was is that things that didn't mean shit maybe 20 or 30 years ago are used frequently today.

Like I said: Language has evolved.
Faggot is still used as anti-gay rhetoric to an even more startling degree than ever before. You're right, it has evolved, in the wrong direction.


But isn't it kind of the true? The F-word more or less as only recently been getting a lot of backlash. The overuse off it basically made it the equivalent of other curse words like fuck, bitch and slut where as the n-word still had the sting as many used it only to go after black person where as the f-word in many cases is not directly used to attack the sexuality of the person but rather to be put down like bitch, slut, motherfucker etc.

No, it's not really true

Gay/faggot etc is generally used against other men to emasculate them. It's similar to calling someone a pussy - that's an insult because women are the "weaker sex." Calling a man gay is similar, it feminizes and weakens him.

That's why using a sniper rifle in an FPS is "faggot shit" - it's a weak, "feminine" way to fight. Fag is nearly always used as way to make another man less manly and is not generic at all, it's intimately tied to sexuality, the perception that gay men are lesser men or more womanly, etc. That's part of the reason it's so popular an insult in sports, for frat/bro dudes and for 14 year old kids going through puberty.

I think if you pay attention to how gay insults are used more often than not it's not in generic fashion at all.

Think of it this way: "piece of shit" is generic. You can call anyone or anything a piece of shit.

Would you call a woman a fag? Probably not. Were it truly generic you would be able to, but that has a very odd ring to it. Calling anything or anyone other than a man a fag sounds strange.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
J2 Cool said:
It all goes back to George Carlin's "context" bit. People need a life. I doubt .01% of the people complaining even watched the game.
NBA season does not start until the playoffs. Quit faking. AMIRITE! AMIRITE! AMIRITE! AMIRITE! AMIRITE!

i am only half joking here.


ZephyrFate said:
Isn't it funny how all of a sudden it's only PC if we call out someone for a homophobic remark?

I swear, this argument is ONLY applicable to when someone says fag, or faggot. And then they use the 'well it's common parlance' argument as if that means anything.

I love how these two are inextricably tied together, as if it's only a problem when someone threatens to take away your precious anti-gay slurs.

The whole "I have a friend who says it so it's ok" thing kinda bothers me..


ZephyrFate said:
as if it's only a problem when someone threatens to take away your precious anti-gay slurs.
They don't have the imagination to think of any others, may as well stick with the ones they learned in junior school.


Parmesan et Romano
Mercury Fred said:
If he made a real apology, the donation underlines the fact.
What exactly is a real apology to you? Do his eyes have to tear-up for it to be real enough?


Meus Renaissance said:
We need to have a thread discussing why the word 'N' word remains to be used in black society simultaneously whilst making it unspeakable heresy, that by default equates you to a racist, for the white community and why, in addition, the term 'white' can be used in a derogative context by said group. I would stay up all morning reading that thread live
black people don't say nigger, we say nigga. Well that is incorrect because old black people may call someone a nigger.
ZephyrFate said:
Oh really, and why is that? Please elaborate as to why gay people are less threatening than black people.

I would assume he thinks that gay people are more erudite & would debate the use of the word "Faggot" whereas black people are obviously going to resort to violence because that's all they are able to do.
Cubsfan23 said:
so it's impossible for the "majority" to get offended, only minorities can?


Wouldn't you say that's an inequality in its self?
When there is no power, there is no threat. White hetero males are reaffirmed so much more in American culture that these statements directed at a person's majority status doesn't contain a fraction of historical oppression and marginalization of minority groups. There are anecdote examples of the opposite, say the only white person in a mostly black school. But it is temporary as the media, political, and economic institutions will be speak much louder.
DeathbyVolcano said:
You know Mercury Fred, for someone who preaches that love unites and makes everyone equal, you sure are a fucking hateful bastard.
Yeah I'm not sure alienating people is the right way to get your message across, Freddy.


DeathbyVolcano said:
You know Mercury Fred, for someone who preaches that love unites and makes everyone equal, you sure are a fucking hateful bastard.
He's a fucking asshole. It's best to just ignore him.
Cerebral Assassin said:
I would assume he thinks that gay people are more erudite & would debate the use of the word "Faggot" whereas black people are obviously going to resort to violence because that's all they are able to do.
Just what I thought. I knew there was a reason I was so smart.


LQX said:
I don't use the word. It was more of observation in that many times when I see people using it its never really to strictly attack the person over being gay.
This is beside the point. I think this is a concept that a lot of people aren't getting. There are a lot of words people use derogatively, that are completely unacceptable, even if the meaning isn't intended or meant to be literal.

Think about it. There's one that some people use for "greedy", and it's unacceptable.

Imagine if your ethnicity, or your skin color, or whatever was used by other people as a slur.


Parmesan et Romano
DeathbyVolcano said:
You know Mercury Fred, for someone who preaches that love unites and makes everyone equal, you sure are a fucking hateful bastard.
no, no he's being clever! His use of rhetorical device is over your head!
Mercury Fred said:
Well, gosh. I have to say I'm flattered by the hard on you have for me and if my use of a rhetorical device goes over your head then maybe we can have some quality time together soon and I can explain it to you in person. Ever make it to NYC?
That was clearly the case. I mean your use of rhetoric is intricate and much too complex for feeble mind, how ju so smart? Is it the shoes?
No one has addressed the issue of abusing the ref (regardless of what was said), and is that allowed in sport? I would think that abusing a referee would incur a suspension?
It's a bad habit.. but most people really don't "mean any offense" to homosexuals when they use the word faggot as an insult.

Doesn't make it right.. and it's use as a negative insult certainly stems from bigotry..

... but it's also just a general insult to a man's machismo and often isn't even meant to imply they are a homosexual... calling a man a "faggot" can often be interchanged with calling them a "pussy" or a "bitch" in many contexts.

You won't catch me using it though... I can understand how it could offend some.. although I also think people in general need to lighten up on scenarios like this... language is powerful, but actions are far more important.
DeathbyVolcano said:
You know Mercury Fred, for someone who preaches that love unites and makes everyone equal, you sure are a fucking hateful bastard.
Sometimes it's difficult to not get antagonistic reactions when your "companion" in a gay-related argument is very aggressive and insults people all the time. It just becomes one big fight regardless of positions.

And I'm not specifically talking about Fred btw.


Margalis said:
No, it's not really true

Gay/faggot etc is generally used against other men to emasculate them. It's similar to calling someone a pussy - that's an insult because women are the "weaker sex." Calling a man gay is similar, it feminizes and weakens him.

That's why using a sniper rifle in an FPS is "faggot shit" - it's a weak, "feminine" way to fight. Fag is nearly always used as way to make another man less manly and is not generic at all, it's intimately tied to sexuality, the perception that gay men are lesser men or more womanly, etc. That's part of the reason it's so popular an insult in sports, for frat/bro dudes and for 14 year old kids going through puberty.

I think if you pay attention to how gay insults are used more often than not it's not in generic fashion at all.
This needs to be quoted in every gay slur thread - which seem to be a weekly occurence now.

(I'm aware of the irony of my username!)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Sutton Dagger said:
No one has addressed the issue of abusing the ref (regardless of what was said), and is that allowed in sport? I would think that abusing a referee would incur a suspension?
It's kobe rules don't apply. Black mamba n shit you know
DeathbyVolcano said:
You know Mercury Fred, for someone who preaches that love unites and makes everyone equal, you sure are a fucking hateful bastard.
Um, are you coming onto me?

Crumpet Trumpet said:
Yeah I'm not sure alienating people is the right way to get your message across, Freddy.

You know, I just don't care honestly.

Gay people are still being killed for being who they are. We don't have full rights under the law and apparently a lot of people here think it's A-OK to use homophobic slurs. Pardon me for not feeling like holding the hands of a bunch of hypocrites who feel that some slurs that target a marginalized group are OK and some are not.
nVidiot_Whore said:
It's a bad habit.. but most people really don't "mean any offense" to homosexuals when they use the word faggot as an insult.

Doesn't make it right.. and it's use as a negative insult certainly stems from bigotry..

... but it's also just a general insult to a man's machismo and often isn't even meant to imply they are a homosexual... calling a man a "faggot" can often be interchanged with calling them a "pussy" or a "bitch" in many contexts.

You won't catch me using it though... I can understand how it could offend some.. although I also think people in general need to lighten up on scenarios like this... language is powerful, but actions are far more important.
probably the best post in this clusterfuck. good job, i'm out now


Junior Member
Has this been posted yet? Sums up my thoughts on the matter.



ZephyrFate said:
Just what I thought. I knew there was a reason I was so smart.

Joates said:
Looking at OP: You know you may be onto something. If you call a Gay referee a faggot it would be similar to calling a black ref a nigger.

Which one happened with Kobe?

Care to say what you think on this matter? I know its easier to ignore something that you cant answer unless taking it out of context :lol
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