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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Meh, every single person in this thread has done or said something in private (or so they thought, in this case) that would be vilified if given public notice.


ZephyrFate said:
The thread is less about what Kobe did and more that it seems 75% of GAF wants to defend the usage of the word faggot because, well, 'everybody says it, get over it'
But isn't it kind of the true? The F-word more or less as only recently been getting a lot of backlash. The overuse off it basically made it the equivalent of other curse words like fuck, bitch and slut where as the n-word still had the sting as many used it only to go after black person where as the f-word in many cases is not directly used to attack the sexuality of the person but rather to be put down like bitch, slut, motherfucker etc.


Sutton Dagger said:
You want to get into a discussion regarding logic, when your base argument is that racial slurs are an acceptable means of communication? You don't know anything about formal logic and arguments do you? I suggest looking up logical fallacies and in particular an Ad hominem.

LOL, dude you are just spewing out gibberish. This has nothing to do with ad hominem. You should be looking that one up. Since your post is bound to make things confusing, I'll restate my question:

"Is everyone who say racial slurs immature?" And Why?


Modesty becomes a woman
Man, who the fuck cares?

I seriously don't get this, he's not bashing gay people, he's trying to piss that other guy off. Get over it.

There are so many more important things in the world, Kobe getting pist is not that big of a deal.
Really, defending a homophobic slur? Calling people overly sensitive to an slur used to oppress and marginalize a minority?

The way faggot and gay has crept into every day speech is alarming. It doesn't matter if you direct it at a non-gay person. Normalizing derogatory slurs of minority groups will only perpetuate marginalization and oppression. People belonging to minority groups should have a much better understanding.


Kinitari said:
Because people use them for communicating. If words held no power, held no weight, why talk?

Here's what I think - I think there are a lot of people on GAF who use the word faggot, probably very innocently, during recreational sports or whatnot, or to a buddy as a joke. Now when they see how people react to the word being used, even outside of a homophobic context, they get defensive. "I use that word sometimes, I don't hate gay people. How dare they equate it to saying the N word, it's not the same thing!"

I've been called the N word once, and I've had it used around me in a casual way like "You guys are all a bunch of niggers". I didn't like it, I didn't like how it made me feel, but I knew when that person said it, he didn't mean any offence, he was just trying to be edgy and say something that would grab at peoples attention. But it still kinda hurt this part of me I didn't know could be hurt by such casual use of the word. I wished he didn't use it, I wondered why he couldn't have used another word, something that didn't make me feel bad.

I don't think anyone here is calling for Kobe to get strung up by his ankles and whipped, and I don't even think people are all too outraged at the people on GAF who use it 'innocently'. But they wish it could stop, they'd like it if people didn't use the word. Why hold onto the word so desperately if it doesn't mean anything to -you- personally? Out of spite? To protect your wounded pride? Just let the word go, you don't have to say it - and you'll make people happier by doing so. If you don't give a shit about any of that stuff, well then whatevs.

I actually encourage the non blacks that I hang out with to be comfortable with the n word around me because I don't really care.

One time a friend of mine used it and IMMEDIATELY freaked out because he didn't mean it that way. And I knew he didn't; I personally didn't like the way it made him feel. It was a slip of tounge. Shit happens.


Calcaneus said:
What kind of apology do you want from the guy? He said he didn't mean to offend anyone and wasn't saying it out of hate. What else do you want? A pledge that he will never use the word again even though you know it isn't true?

I hate this whole "fuck up/apology" cycle that always goes on. Someone says something messed up, everyone gets outraged and doesn't let up until that person gives the right public apology that everyone knows they were forced to do. Nothing gets fixed, people just get to pat themselves on the back because they feel like they accomplished something.

Its so fake.

Agree, it's hilarious how apologizing does absolutely nothing in these situations. Better off just saying nothing.


Brian Burke punched my mom


Desi said:
I enjoyed this thread. White people were finally able to type out the N-word without consequence. I know they got their jollies off.

Al Sharpton has a GAF account?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Dipindots said:
The amount of money that someone makes a year doesn't really matter. If 100k was the equivalent of 15 dollars for me, I'd be pissed that I had to fork over 15 dollars for saying a word. Sure, it doesn't really hurt me financially, but it's the principal of the matter that would be an issue for me.


Copernicus said:
Assumptions are super fun!

It's not an assumption, it's something that has been borne out again and again by personal experience. This thread is just the latest example of it.
LQX said:
But isn't it kind of the true? The F-word more or less as only recently been getting a lot of backlash. The overuse off it basically made it the equivalent of other curse words like fuck, bitch and slut where as the n-word still had the sting as many used it only to go after black person where as the f-word in many cases is not directly used to attack the sexuality of the person but rather to be put down like bitch, slut, motherfucker etc.
People have substituted the n-word for a variety of different uses, arguably as much as the f-word has been substituted. However, its ties to sexuality have never wavered or changed. Just because you and your friends use it differently doesn't mean that it doesn't have the connotations of sexuality hidden underneath it.

Just because 'everyone says it', doesn't make it a good thing.

As said above by marathonfool, this is an attempt at marginalizing gay people and normalizing derogatory words. The black people in this thread should fucking know better, I think.


marathonfool said:
Really, defending a homophobic slur? Calling people overly sensitive to an slur used to oppress and marginalize a minority?

The way faggot and gay has crept into every day speech is alarming. It doesn't matter if you direct it at a non-gay person. Normalizing derogatory slurs of minority groups will only perpetuate marginalization and oppression. People belonging to minority groups should have a much better understanding.

If a gay guy said "that's so straight" I wouldn't give a shit.


ZephyrFate said:
Alright. You can go tell a bunch of gay people they're faggots, see how that works out ;)

I guarantee Id have better luck with that than you calling a bunch of black guys niggers.


marathonfool said:
Really, defending a homophobic slur? Calling people overly sensitive to an slur used to oppress and marginalize a minority?

The way faggot and gay has crept into every day speech is alarming. It doesn't matter if you direct it at a non-gay person. Normalizing derogatory slurs of minority groups will only perpetuate marginalization and oppression. People belonging to minority groups should have a much better understanding.

"LOL" and "<3" are in the dictionary.

Language has evolved.
BamYouHaveAids said:
Why do you even post in these threads? You don't (can't) quantify any of your points and just go off on useless tangents and nonsensical analogies. It's as if you get angry and just splash shit across the computer screen. You don't actually debate and if anything you turn people away from your cause. You haven't made a single relevant or insightful post this entire thread. You've just been smarmy and pedantic.
Oh, I'm sorry. Am I supposed to give a fuck what you think?
Joates said:
I guarantee Id have better luck with that than you calling a bunch of black guys niggers.
Oh really, and why is that? Please elaborate as to why gay people are less threatening than black people.


Margalis said:
It's not an assumption, it's something that has been borne out again and again by personal experience. This thread is just the latest example of it.

Anecdotal evidence translated to asinine assumptions are doubly delicious.
Great Rumbler said:
What, you want him to personally come to your house, get down on his knees, and plead for your forgiveness?
No, I don't think anything should happen. I was correcting you.

What's with most of you thinking the people that don't like him saying that word want something from this? We just don't like that word used as an insult.
Yeah I'm not freaking out about that, shit even I said that when I was on COD once, he was emotional and people say a lot of dumb thing when they're pissed.
Dipindots said:
People get way too upset for the most insignificant things nowadays. He called a guy a fag, so fucking what? Does it really ruin your day? Who cares. Have you guys never played a pickup game? Shit talk happens all the time.

edit the f*g word you get banned. and I agree, words are just that, words.

edit: never mind, didn't realize this topic exploded so quick.
Kinitari said:
I don't think anyone here is calling for Kobe to get strung up by his ankles and whipped, and I don't even think people are all too outraged at the people on GAF who use it 'innocently'. But they wish it could stop, they'd like it if people didn't use the word. Why hold onto the word so desperately if it doesn't mean anything to -you- personally? Out of spite? To protect your wounded pride? Just let the word go, you don't have to say it - and you'll make people happier by doing so. If you don't give a shit about any of that stuff, well then whatevs.

This is something I just wanted to quote here for emphasis. I just don't get why people are getting upset that people are getting upset.

Then again, I guess this trash talk is part of sports in general, which something I know I have very little experience in. I'm kinda surprised it's really that common though which is kinda disappointing in a way. No, that does not mean I want to be PC or whatever, I just thought a bunch of adults should know better. Or maybe I'm in the wrong about all of this.

LM4sure said:
Isn't this how black people talk though? I hear that word all the time in rap.

ZephyrFate said:
Oh really, and why is that? Please elaborate as to why gay people are less threatening than black people.
looks like some good ol' fashion STEREOTYPESS YEEEAHHHHHHHHH

we'd OBVIOUSLY just do his hair and dance to lady gaga instead of beat him up for being a douche HAYYY GURLFRAN


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Dipindots said:
That guy is an idiot, what's your point?
You were saying that its the premise. Players do not care if some measly morsel of money is taken from them.
MIMIC said:
"LOL" and "<3" are in the dictionary.

Language has evolved.
Jesus, this is so stupid.

Do I really have to point out that LOL and <3 are neither used in a negative sense nor reference a group of people?
We need to have a thread discussing why the word 'N' word remains to be used in black society simultaneously whilst making it unspeakable heresy, that by default equates you to a racist, for the white community and why, in addition, the term 'white' can be used in a derogative context by said group. I would stay up all morning reading that thread live


evil solrac v3.0 said:
edit the f*g word you get banned. and I agree, words are just that, words.

Mod already came in stating that in context of the thread, censorship isn't necessary.

...but I will edit anyway >_>


ZephyrFate said:
Oh really, and why is that? Please elaborate as to why gay people are less threatening than black people.

Context ;) People have a tendency to completely ignore it is cases like this.

Crumpet Trumpet said:
looks like some good ol' fashion STEREOTYPESS YEEEAHHHHHHHHH

we'd OBVIOUSLY just do his hair and dance to lady gaga instead of beat him up for being a douche HAYYY GURLFRAN

Ironically enough, in a certain context that may be just the response I get. But again WTF is context?


marathonfool said:
It's called power + prejudice. Minorities are minorities because they lack power in societal and economic apparatuses.

so it's impossible for the "majority" to get offended, only minorities can?


Wouldn't you say that's an inequality in its self?
evil solrac v3.0 said:
edit the f*g word you get banned. and I agree, words are just that, words.
So then we should all be allowed to say the n word, right? Words are just words.

This is the weakest argument of all time, and scarily used by most of GAF in this thread.

Joates: How is the context different if I call a black person the n-word and a gay person a faggot? The context is almost ENTIRELY the same.
Riposte said:
LOL, dude you are just spewing out gibberish. This has nothing to do with ad hominem. You should be looking that one up. Since your post is bound to make things confusing, I'll restate my question:

"Is everyone who say racial slurs immature?" And Why?

I have given you my response, you said you wanted someone to use logic to explain why racial slurs are immature. If you need me to break it down further... A mature conversation between mature people involves not using logical fallacies in conversations. Simple.
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