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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Sunflower said:
Why not? Both are lazily used verbal attacks on someone because of the way they were born.
Because I hear the word "faggot" probably at least 20 times a day and rarely, if ever, hear the other.

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Einbroch said:
Because I hear the word "faggot" probably at least 20 times a day and rarely, if ever, hear the other.

Your experience doesn't make it okay to use that word in any way. :(


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Sunflower said:
Why not? Both are lazily used verbal attacks on someone because of the way they were born.
Yeah but if you call a non black person the n-word they are not offended they are confused.

Not sure where i was going with that just a comment.

Einbroch said:
Because I hear the word "faggot" probably at least 20 times a day and rarely, if ever, hear the other.
Thats a weak argument. Expect people to jump on you for this one.


Parmesan et Romano
edit: Yeah this:

Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Is the referee gay? I think it makes a big difference in a case like this.
This is important. It doesn't justify what he said, but it is important.

This isn't directly comparable to calling a black person the n-word.
Huh. I'm sure Kobe would be fine if public figures just casually tossed around "fucking n***er" then issued non-apologies for it.

He's a piece of shit, end of story.


While that does reflect poorly upon his character, wouldn't the more appropriate solution be to just not watch him play?

I'm seriously trying to fathom a world in which anyone gives a shit about a ball players outlook on absolutely anything. If he were a politician with a modicum of clout, sure.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Sunflower said:
Why not? Both are lazily used verbal attacks on someone because of the way they were born.

Exactly. We should also group shit like "stupid" in there, too. After all, when I call someone stupid, it's just a verbal attack on someone because of the way they were born, i.e., stupid. Lacking intelligence.


Big deal. I hear athletes say it all the time.

How about we stop acting like professional athletes are supposed to be role models.
commish said:
Exactly. We should also group shit like "stupid" in there, too. After all, when I call someone stupid, it's just a verbal attack on someone because of the way they were born, i.e., stupid. Lacking intelligence.



Look, this is completely unacceptable. Children watch the NBA and idolize players on high profile championship teams like the LA Lakers. Kobe using such a loathsome word, steeped in a history of hate and violence, in a casual context just gives impressionable children the idea that it's acceptable behavior. It is not. We have to send a message to the league by demanding a suspension of no less than 5 games for Kobe Bryant.
Srsly said:
Big deal. I hear athletes say it all the time.

How about we stop acting like professional athletes are supposed to be role models.

Can we stop paying them so much too? I mean I wouldn't care if it wasn't for the fact that they get multi-million dollar stadiums on tax payer dime. Fuck the owners too.
pc-gaf/gay-gaf is going to have a field day.
this happens in every game folks. non-pc comments are as common as lebron james choking game winning jumpers.


I will be hated for this probably, but that is common verbiage used by the vast majority to identify something that one doesn't like or agree with. People can get upset over that fact all they want but its the truth and no one should be punished for using it in that way IMO.
Srsly said:
Big deal. I hear athletes say it all the time.

How about we stop acting like professional athletes are supposed to be role models.
This, they are respected for their physical abilities not their mental.
viakado said:
pc-gaf/gay-gaf is going to have a field day.
this happens in every game folks. non-pc comments are as common as lebron james choking game winning jumpers.

Just because it's common doesn't make it okay. Wtf is up with the logic in here.


Mercury Fred said:
Huh. I'm sure Kobe would be fine if public figures just casually tossed around "fucking n***er" then issued non-apologies for it.

Well at one time(especially in sports)...They did!
commish said:
Exactly. We should also group shit like "stupid" in there, too. After all, when I call someone stupid, it's just a verbal attack on someone because of the way they were born, i.e., stupid. Lacking intelligence.
Mmm, yeah, because people who are "stupid" get targeted for attacks and get beaten so badly that they're near death. Or they're simply targeted and killed. And they don't have full equality under the law.

Yeah. Really great comparison. Spot fucking on.

methos75 said:
I will be hated for this probably, but that is common verbiage used by the vast majority to identify something that one doesn't like or agree with. People can get upset over that fact all they want but its the truth and no one should be punished for using it in that way IMO.
Totally. I feel exactly the same way about the N word. And also about using "Jew" as a slur. And also "Chink." It's all totally fine IMO.
Devolution said:
The slurs people pull of out their hats in the "heat of the moment" say more about them then they or their apologizers are willing to admit.

I completely disagree with this. It took my a long time to condition myself out of saying said slurs. It wasn't until I became close friends with two gay people that I even realized how it offended people.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
So if Kobe pisses me off during a competition, I can just call him an n-word and say "it's cool, I was just frustrated"?

We've been conditioned to not say this since we were very very little.

Obviously what he said isn't cool and I'm not condoning it. Some of the resonponses in here are rediculous though.
Devolution said:
Just because it's common doesn't make it okay. Wtf is up with the logic in here.
if people are getting offended by purely by the words and not the intent behind it, then its your own damn fault.
i can say "gay"

i apologize for saying that derogatory word.


343i Lead Esports Producer
fuzzyreactor said:
This, they are respected for their physical abilities not their mental.
Maybe they're not supposed to be but they are. Little kids idolize Kobe like I used to idolize Jordan.


couldnt care less if he said the F*G word or not, the guy was clearly in heat of a match...

seriously, there's a line between improving the gay/lesbian community and then there's people who just want to be anal about everything.


People get way too upset for the most insignificant things nowadays. He called a guy a f*g, so fucking what? Does it really ruin your day? Who cares. Have you guys never played a pickup game? Shit talk happens all the time.


Tashi0106 said:
God I hate Kobe Bryant. For everything.

Hate is a strong word. Why do you hate him? Have you ever met him? Has he ever done anything to you? What has he done exactly that would cause you to hate him?

Do you hate him because he's rich and etremely talented and amazing at his profession?

Or is it because he was accused of something that was never proven or ever close to going to trial?


There's no problem with people taking offense to what happened, but clearly the man was frustrated. Anybody here that claims that something like that couldn't just slip out in a moment of frustration and stress is a fucking liar and a hypocrite.
Sorry, but I don't give a shit what athletes say on the court, field, etc. I've played enough sports not to care, and said things I wouldn't say anywhere else.


Mercury Fred said:
Mmm, yeah, because people who are "stupid" get targeted for attacks and get beaten so badly that they're near death. Or they're simply targeted and killed. And they don't have full equality under the law.

Yeah. Really great comparison. Spot fucking on.

i don't think you are going to win that argument comparing what blacks went through with the slave trade and the equal rights movement etc with the plight of the gays.
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