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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Half-and-half said:
The most important thing to take away from all this is that w/o Shaq, Kobe doesn't have all those rings and is just a footnote on wikipedia.
He got three with him and two without him. You're not making the compelling case you think you're making.
Devolution said:
No one said kicked out, although I am amused how many people are here to make the people who don't like his talk out to be the "bad guys." Seriously grow up bros.

Why not? A lot of shit is talked on the court whether you're playing professionally or at the rec. I simply reject the idea that getting outraged over sports shit talk is a legitimate gripe. Who cares what he says on the bench in private to his teammates, or on the court to opponents?


Mock outrage over an incident in which every person on the planet knows had nothing to do with Kobe intending to be homophobic or offend gays in the least.

News at 11.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
AstroLad said:
exactly. first amendment all over yo face little whiny bitches. good to live in america even though sometimes we have so many babies in this country it's ridiculous.

Um, you know he's not being arrested and what he did isn't against the law, right? This is something else. Not the law.


Kobe looks like a douche, did he really need to hit that dude before he sat down. He's got a worse temper than me.

Baby Milo

Half-and-half said:
The most important thing to take away from all this is that w/o Shaq, Kobe doesn't have all those rings and is just a footnote on wikipedia.
have you been living under a rock the past two years?
dream said:
Kicking Kobe out of the league does seem harsh but there has to be some sort of repercussion here. Letting this slide without consequences just fosters an environment where homophobia is implicitly condoned.

I think a 5 game suspension would send a message to Kobe.
do you realize if they suspended kobe for this, then 99.9% of nba players would also be under investigation for suspension?


listen to the mad man
RE: GAF Mods. In general we don't ban quoted slurs versus slurs actually being spoken by the particular poster, but I think a lot of people self-censor (myself included) when it comes to particularly offensive ones.


brianjones said:
not a good look to be caught on camera but i wonder how much talk like this goes on in a regular basis that isnt caught on camera

http://www.hbo.com/sports/24-7-penguins-capitals-road-to-the-nhl-winter-classic/index.html (and on YouTube and other video websites)

NHL referees take way more abuse. I was actually pretty shocked, even though, as a Wisconsinite, I'm required to know at least 3 professional hockey players, minimum. They use that kind of language irregularly toward officials, says one of them.


Joates said:
As long as their not personal attacks and OT I dont see why mods would get too uppity.

That said, people have to have something to bitch about.

I wonder what NBA stars say when the camera isnt on them :shudders:

God forbid they rode along with my unit on a patrol in Iraq, they would explode at the amount of slurs we use when addressing each other, or vehicle, the insurgents, kids walking down the street, our weapons, etc.
PhoenixDark said:
Why not? A lot of shit is talked on the court whether you're playing professionally or at the rec. I simply reject the idea that getting outraged over sports shit talk is a legitimate gripe. Who cares what he says on the bench in private to his teammates, or on the court to opponents?
"That's just the way it is" is the most terrible excuse for this sort of thing.

Call people assholes, fuckers, shitstains, whatever. There's really no need to ever make homophobic comments.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I think people are blowing this out of proportion but I guarantee you if a white player was heard calling another white player a "n-word" on the court there would be hell to pay.The n-word never became a general term that was used towards people who were not black but if it had I bet it would be a problem.

Homosexuals are in the same position we(african americans) were not so long ago. I'm not talking about the slavery part but I am talking about the acceptance part. It's a little easier because you cannot hide your race but you can choose who you tell your sexuality to.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
should be thrown in jail and given the death penalty

spurs 2011 nba champions, bitches
You're right, if that happens the Spurs do indeed have a chance

at a semi-final exit.


commish said:
Do you really think Kobe called him the F word because the ref is gay? I think we can all agree that isn't the case. Do people call white ppl the "n word" in hate? You don't understand the difference? Seriously?

Is the difference that one slur refers to a minority group whose members are more often than not difficult to identify just by looking, so people feel free to use that slur against anyone including non-members to suggest that they actually are a part of that minority group, whereas with the other slur, it refers to something that is generally, though not always, visible, meaning that there's no motivation to use it against people who aren't the natural target of the slur?
yacobod said:
i don't think you are going to win that argument comparing what blacks went through with the slave trade and the equal rights movement etc with the plight of the gays.

Yeah, take a look at this. It just happened a couple months ago, in 2011, and it happened because he was gay. Dude was almost killed. And this shit happens all the time. Gay people are still second class citizens and we're still being fucking killed for being who we are. So you need to fuck off pretty much immediately.


This was him before he got gay bashed:


methos75 said:
Oh come on really, fact is that most who use statements like "man that was Gay" Or " Hey Bob you F**, get over here" are just using it as slang and not in anyway attacking actual gays or even truthfully think what they just stated as an insult towards that group.

Man that was black. Hey Bill, you Ch*nk, get over here.

No big deal right?


The M.O.B said:
In this thread, people who have never been to a competitive sporting event.

This is sort of true. For myself it was HS football where we would go against a rival school(Shawnee in NJ) and they had one black player on their team...His nickname was spot. During our games there would be some serious racial shit thrown back and forth after a lot of plays. Was really stupid now that I think back on it.


Hail to the KING baby
Sunflower said:
Um, you know he's not being arrested and what he did isn't against the law, right? This is something else. Not the law.
the amount of whiners in this thread convinces me that, yes, most of pc-gaf is blissfully negligent of the first amendment. it's ok to use to protect flag-burners and radical muslims, but let's just ignore it if someone in the heat of a sports game called a ref a "fag" (and even went above and beyond and clarified he didn't mean it literally)


That's a real shame. The pressures of being famous, can't even say the words you want to say!


AstroLad said:
the amount of whiners in this thread convinces me that, yes, most of pc-gaf is blissfully negligent of the first amendment. it's ok to use to protect flag-burners and radical muslims, but let's just ignore it if someone in the heat of a sports game called a ref a "fag" (and even went above and beyond and clarified he didn't mean it literally)

It is a case of "liberal" bigotry vs "non-liberal" bigotry.
PhoenixDark said:
Why not? A lot of shit is talked on the court whether you're playing professionally or at the rec. I simply reject the idea that getting outraged over sports shit talk is a legitimate gripe. Who cares what he says on the bench in private to his teammates, or on the court to opponents?

You just marginalize your fellow team mates with such talk. I remember reading an article about a homosexual player who winced every time he heard "faggot" launched at other players.

Let's not forget the kinds of people who idolize a guy like Kobe.

If I said even half the shit I see on TV my coaches would have sat me on the bench or forfeited my games, since they were of the school that competition doesn't need to be drenched in bad sportsmanship.
Devolution said:
No one said kicked out, although I am amused how many people are here to make the people who don't like his talk out to be the "bad guys." Seriously grow up bros.
Really? You're just as bad as the people you're vilifying sometimes. Geez.


Talladega Knight said:
do you realize if they suspended kobe for this, then 99.9% of sports players would also be under investigation for suspension?
Fixed. The only thing that would be left to watch is the LPGA.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
AstroLad said:
exactly. first amendment all over yo face little whiny bitches. good to live in america even though sometimes we have so many babies in this country it's ridiculous.

Hilarious, I love it.


I love the idea that not meaning it literally somehow makes it better. "I didn't mean that he was actually gay - now that would be REALLY offensive!"

As far as what should happen to him, obviously he should be beheaded. Or fined. One of those two.

AstroLad said:
the amount of whiners in this thread convinces me that, yes, most of pc-gaf is blissfully negligent of the first amendment. it's ok to use to protect flag-burners and radical muslims, but let's just ignore it if someone in the heat of a sports game called a ref a "fag" (and even went above and beyond and clarified he didn't mean it literally)

Wow. Are you a Constitutional Scholar? Lol.

First, "negligent" does not mean what you think it means.

Second, the person "negligent" of the first amendment is you. The first amendment is a single sentence - one which you should probably read before you comment on. The first amendment does not apply to private enterprises. The NBA already has draconian speech codes. Note how you can be fined in pro sports for criticizing refs, saying mean things about David Stern, etc. There is no right to free speech in the NBA and the first amendment has fuck-all to do with that.


These threads are pointless. We have two different ideologies that aren't going to change. No one's going to go "OH JEEZ I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT THAT WAY."

People are just getting pissed. Time to sit back and :popcorn.


methos75 said:
God forbid they rode along with my unit on a patrol in Iraq, they would explode at the amount of slurs we use when addressing each other, or vehicle, the insurgents, kids walking down the street, our weapons, etc.

Thank you for your bigoted service. =)
I can understand that blurting out offensive words can happen when you're very mad, and the things you say bare little meaning except for "god damned I'm mad!". So what the guy said doesn't enrage me or anything, but it is a sad moment and it is sad that a role model says it. So I see no reason not to point out the word is unacceptable. It should make Bryant (and everyone else) aware that they should try and get rid of the word "fag" as the go-to offensive word to utter when mad. How about using something that doesn't offend a whole demographic who already has to deal with daily discrimination?

Then again, while I do see some extenuating circumstances, it's amazing how unable the part of gaf that doesn't see a problem with this is at bringing forth arguments that aren't complete trash. "I say it all the time", "calling someone nigger is not the same as fag", "who gives a shit really", "why does he get shamed when I hear it all the time?", "I don't use fag towards gays", ... are not helping your cause.


There needs to be a PC Police to police the PC Police so these over sensitive ninnies can be smacked in the face when they start to overreact.


PhoenixDark said:
Sorry, but I don't give a shit what athletes say on the court, field, etc. I've played enough sports not to care, and said things I wouldn't say anywhere else.

Pretty much.


If someone wants to write up a petition to have Kobe suspended by David Stern for a minimum of 5 games, I would be glad to sign it.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
A lot of black people I have run into have some of the worst double standards when it comes to what you can say about black people and what you can and can't say about homosexuals.

It enrages me. I'm black. How quick we forget. Luckily for us the "n-word" never became something that non-black people use on each other on a regular.


Souldriver said:
I can understand that blurting out offensive words can happen when you're very mad, and the things you say bare little meaning except for "god damned I'm mad!". So what the guy said doesn't enrage me or anything, but it is a sad moment and it is sad that a role model says it. So I see no reason not to point out the word is unacceptable.

Then again, while I do see some extenuating circumstances, it's amazing how unable the part of gaf that doesn't see a problem with this is at bringing forth arguments that aren't complete trash. "I say it all the time", "calling someone nigger is not the same as fag", "who gives a shit really", "why does he get shamed when I hear it all the time?", "I don't use fag towards gays", ... are not helping your cause.

God forbid you ever take a vacation to London and someone asks you for a cigarette.


Mercury Fred said:
Yeah, take a look at this. It just happened a couple months ago, in 2011, and it happened because he was gay. Dude was almost killed. And this shit happens all the time. Gay people are still second class citizens and we're still being fucking killed for being who we are. So you need to fuck off pretty much immediately.


This was him before he got gay bashed:


Man that was black. Hey Bill, you Ch*nk, get over here.

No big deal right?

Not really IMO, you can like it or hate it all you want, but the fact remains that calling one a n***** outside a pretty defined slice of culture is not socially acceptable nor is it even common verbiage for anything but a racially motivated slur. But calling someone or something gay, a fag, etc has a common verbiage use that has dual meanings in two different contexts and most intelligent people realize this. You can look into as deeply as you want and comeback offended by that, but your just doing yourself a disservice and thinking too much on it. Until society changes and those words no longer mean what they mean now, this is going to be something that the Gay community is going to be constantly winning a losing battle against.
MWS Natural said:
Are any gay people actually upset by this?
I'm not upset by this particular moment, I guess, just disappointed that people are still throwing around faggot willy-nilly during a time when we are still hated for being who we are by a significant portion of the population. Especially for someone who is such a role-model.
I once heard Charles Barkley yell "Bitch!" really loud while missing a free throw on a Sunday NBC broadcast. But that was back in the day when people didn't give a shit about this sort of thing...


dream said:
If someone wants to write up a petition to have Kobe suspended by David Stern for a minimum of 5 games, I would be glad to sign it.
A player to could beat another player's ass on the court and only get a 2 game suspension.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Devolution said:
Expecting better of people is so over-sensitive of others.

A lot of people are attacking you right now, but you know I get what you're saying.

It just seems like just a human thing to do. We all make mistakes and Kobe happened to make his mistake in front of millions with cameras on him. Yeah it was in poor taste and unfortunately his "apology" wasn't an apology, but a lot of people (not saying you) want blood for this. A simple slip of the tongue that if said during practice would never had been a piece of news.

It's not right that words like that can be used so loosely, but it happens because we aren't as progressive of a society as some people really really wish we were, but crashing down on Kobe for this one instance isn't going to change anything. In fact it will just make people on Kobe's side more sarcastic and less open to watching their own tongues just out of spite.

He should be asked to do a better apology, but that's about it. He's human and made a mistake, just like we all have.
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