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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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SmokyDave said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm neither gay nor black, I'm not really suited to judge. I was just trying to point out why I feel the comparison always comes up :)

Just playing with ya!

Except the bit about me getting paid millions and being a role model to thousands. Both of those were true.

I understand, however, because this article and the person who I replied to was talking about situations that happen in the United States, my comment was only about situations in the United States.

I do acknowledge that in some countries it is worse. Being black in other places is also hard. Same for women not getting their equal rights.


is now taking requests
Dead Man said:
I believe it could be, but probably comes from people being uptight having a 'stick up heir arse'

Ah, probably true. I hate the expression regardless. It's nearly as insulting as being accused of having "entitlement issues" (very popular on GAF). I'd very much prefer being called a faggot :X

Dead Man

jorma said:
Ah, probably true. I hate the expression regardless. It's nearly as insulting as being accused of having "entitlement issues" (very popular on GAF). I'd very much prefer being called a faggot :X
Yeah, it is not the classiest of retorts.
Londa said:
I will never get this.

Gay people are only prevented from getting married in states who vote against it. Not all states vote against this. Gays can get great paying jobs, they are heavy covered in the media, they are not seen as criminals where ever they go, they have never been enslaved in America, they have never been told to go to gay only stores and places, etc.

Same-sex sexual activity: legal nationwide since ...2003


Homosexuals have had a very hard time in modern society globally, even in what you would consider "liberal" countries, homosexual activity was illegal in England till the 60s.

Difficulty getting jobs, stigmatized by people when they go out, they weren't enslaved, but I'd assume because it was illegal for most of the 20th Century they'd have to go to their own bars and places to act as they want to. Homosexuals have had it bad, the British government banned teaching of homosexuality in schools, I think that was only repealed recently.
The Lamonster said:
I have an idea you guys. Let's keep paying our professional athletes embarrassing amounts of money and keep letting them get away with being criminals and human scum. I like beer.
Don't watch sports & stop whining.

This is not a big deal. Yeah it's in bad taste to say it but dude didn't mean anything hateful behind it.

& to the what if I called him a N-word in the same situation crowd. You know it's not the same thing.

Fine his ass & move on.


What Kobe did has no place, but if they are going to start fining NBA players for derogatory comments, do they fine guys for every time they drop the N-bomb on each other?


theignoramus said:
In one day, the thread is almost bigger than the one related to the conflict in Libya.....seriously?
No kidding. I'm all for respect, but this is just comical. He said an offensive word and apologized big deal.
Dosia said:
No kidding. I'm all for respect, but this is just comical. He said an offensive word and apologized big deal.

Pretty sure this stopped being about Kobe a long time ago. Like at around the 200th post or something. Not sure why people think it's impossible for a discussion to change turns, it happens all the time on the internet.

Dude Abides

Pristine_Condition said:
Whatever. You win. You win at the internet.

Do continue your campaign to cleanse the internet of any discussion, any difference of opinion, no matter how minor, that you find conflicting with yours.

Use whatever means are necessary to "win." No matter how crude, rude, or disgusting. Spit on some graves, while you're at it.

Because it is soooooo important that you win. And it's so important that you get all the bad people like me to leave your thread, so you don't have to hear their "dangerous" opinions.

Maybe I am a "hyper-sensitive drama queen faggot." But at least I'm not you.

Lighten up, Francis. You came in on some kind of high horse because you have gay associates and expected everyone to just defer to you on that basis and now you're in a frothing rage because it didn't happen. Sorry, but your life story is just not as impressive as you seem to think it is.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
travisbickle said:
Same-sex sexual activity: legal nationwide since ...2003


Homosexuals have had a very hard time in modern society globally, even in what you would consider "liberal" countries, homosexual activity was illegal in England till the 60s.

Difficulty getting jobs, stigmatized by people when they go out, they weren't enslaved, but I'd assume because it was illegal for most of the 20th Century they'd have to go to their own bars and places to act as they want to. Homosexuals have had it bad, the British government banned teaching of homosexuality in schools, I think that was only repealed recently.

Indeed. A gay man was badly beaten in the West Village of Manhattan, which is supposed to be a very gay friendly neighborhood:



jorma said:
Not sure, but i guess so, since girls who suck the cock are probably not gay.
Do people use cocksucker insult as a girl sucking cock? I always assumed it was cocksucker like guy sucking guy :|


NotebookJ2 said:
Pretty sure this stopped being about Kobe a long time ago. Like at around the 200th post or something. Not sure why people think it's impossible for a discussion to change turns, it happens all the time on the internet.



richiek said:
Indeed. A gay man was badly beaten in the West Village of Manhattan, which is supposed to be a very gay friendly neighborhood:

Turns out it was by the hands of another gay man.
supabrett said:
Don't watch sports & stop whining.

This is not a big deal. Yeah it's in bad taste to say it but dude didn't mean anything hateful behind it.

& to the what if I called him a N-word in the same situation crowd. You know it's not the same thing.

Fine his ass & move on.

I don't understand this notion that if you are offended by Kobe saying "fucking fag" you should stop watching sports. Just because it is common place doesn't make it right. He's a role model for many people and he should simply know better than to ever say that, let alone on TV.

Did he even apologize for it?
NubCakes09 said:
I don't understand this notion that if you are offended by Kobe saying "fucking fag" you should stop watching sports. Just because it is common place doesn't make it right. He's a role model for many people and he should simply know better than to ever say that, let alone on TV.

Did he even apologize for it?

Maybe you should read the OP huh?

Dead Man

supabrett said:
Don't watch sports & stop whining.

This is not a big deal. Yeah it's in bad taste to say it but dude didn't mean anything hateful behind it.

& to the what if I called him a N-word in the same situation crowd. You know it's not the same thing.

Fine his ass & move on.
Comparisons, how do they work?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Maybe you should read the OP huh?

Lol, from the OP: "Bryant issued a statement Wednesday afternoon." The OP doesn't mention an apology, but the updated espn article said that he apologized to the ref before Wednesday's game. I guess he did apologize for it, so that's good.


NubCakes09 said:
I don't understand this notion that if you are offended by Kobe saying "fucking fag" you should stop watching sports. Just because it is common place doesn't make it right. He's a role model for many people and he should simply know better than to ever say that, let alone on TV.

Did he even apologize for it?
Are people still choosing Kobe to be their role model after his sexual assault case?


richiek said:
Indeed. A gay man was badly beaten in the West Village of Manhattan, which is supposed to be a very gay friendly neighborhood:

Whatever, the ammount of hardships you bring up will never equal what blacks go through and continue to go through. You don't post all the reports of police beating up blacks who have never showed signs of resisting. There is no driving while gay.
NubCakes09 said:
Lol, from the OP: "Bryant issued a statement Wednesday afternoon." The OP doesn't mention an apology, but the updated espn article said that he apologized to the ref before Wednesday's game. I guess he did apologize for it, so that's good.

I've read the OP, you clearly didn't since ESPN link had that he apologized and an interview with him.


travisbickle said:
Same-sex sexual activity: legal nationwide since ...2003


Homosexuals have had a very hard time in modern society globally, even in what you would consider "liberal" countries, homosexual activity was illegal in England till the 60s.

Difficulty getting jobs, stigmatized by people when they go out, they weren't enslaved, but I'd assume because it was illegal for most of the 20th Century they'd have to go to their own bars and places to act as they want to. Homosexuals have had it bad, the British government banned teaching of homosexuality in schools, I think that was only repealed recently.
Selective quoting. You don't show where I have said that I acknowledge gay hate. But I will never say that gays are the next blacks when it comes to fighting for their rights. Blacks couldn't do anything without a permit before they faught for their rights and ecaped slavery, after they were torn from their birth place.

Dead Man

Londa said:
Whatever, the ammount of hardships you bring up will never equal what blacks go through and continue to go through. You don't post all the reports of police beating up blacks who have never showed signs of resisting. There is no driving while gay.
Wow. Really? Okay.

SmokyDave said:
Homosexuality is illegal in 93 nations and punishable by death in 7.

Is it illegal to be black anywhere? Is it punishable by death?
Sometimes I think I love you, Dave. :D


SmokyDave said:
Homosexuality is illegal in 93 nations and punishable by death in 7.

Is it illegal to be black anywhere? Is it punishable by death?
Did you not see where I am talking about in america. Its like people can't read here. Blacks were killed for just being black.

lil smoke

Wow. It's evident we are still very sensitive about this stuff.

I guess talking about it is good, but I've been here about 5 years, and the conversation is exactly the same. Not a lot of progress..

I'll check back in 5 years.


Londa said:
Did you not see where I am talking about in america. Its like people can't read here. Blacks were killed for just being black.
You can choose to focus on a narrow section of society to suit your agenda but I'll keep taking the broader view if that's OK. The world is much bigger than just the United States.

Veidt said:
Can we please stop this gay == black,. thing.

Stop gay blacks?

You bigot!

Dead Man

Londa said:
Did you not see where I am talking about in america. Its like people can't read here. Blacks were killed for just being black.
I think you are an idiot who wants to feel like a special class of victim. Sorry. Sometimes other people and groups have it bad too, and in the current world, many have it worse than black people in America. Try being gay in Uganda, or from the wrong tribe in Sudan. Good luck with that. Historically, black people in America had it pretty bad, and it is still far from perfect, or even good in a lot of ways, I am not trying to dispute that, but being black in America is not the worst fate in the world.

lil smoke said:
Wow. It's evident we are still very sensitive about this stuff.

I guess talking about it is good, but I've been here about 5 years, and the conversation is exactly the same. Not a lot of progress..

I'll check back in 5 years.
Nah, I think it is better than it was. Not much different, but the base ground that everyone agrees on is broader now.


SmokyDave said:
You can choose to focus on a narrow section of society to suit your agenda but I'll keep taking the broader view if that's OK. The world is much bigger than just the United States.
Do your athletes get fined 60,000 £ for saying that word in your world?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
numble said:
Do your athletes get fined $60,000 £ for saying that word in your world?
In England, a fag is a good thing.
I'm craving one right now!


SmokyDave said:
You can choose to focus on a narrow section of society to suit your agenda but I'll keep taking the broader view if that's OK. The world is much bigger than just the United States.

Stop gay blacks?

You bigot!
This thead is about someone saying faggot in the united states. You are off topic, and a douche for implying I have a seeded agenda.


Can't believe there are 17 pages over what he said.

Context people.. context. Most people vent their frustration via verbal abuse.

Everyone swears. Get over it.

It wasn't as if he was specifically calling out a gay man. He was merely angry at the ref and that is that. It's no different to call someone a 'fucking fag' or a 'fucking asshole'. At the end, you probably mean the same thing.

And lastly, stick and stones break your bones, but words will never hurt me. :p


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
SmokyDave said:
You bigot!

hey, gays are okay, blacks are okay. but gay blacks?! i'm not so sure the world is ready for that!


numble said:
Do your athletes get fined $60,000 £ for saying that word in your world?
As far as I'm aware, it hasn't happened (on TV). It wouldn't be 'fag' anyway, as that is a cigarette and doesn't have the other connotation here.

I'd wager that if a footballer made a racist or homophobic remark, and that remark was broadcast, they'd be strung up in the streets. We've had a fair few people sacked for making inappropriate comments when they didn't know they were on air.

Londa said:
This thead is about someone saying faggot in the united states. You are off topic, and a douche for implying I have a seeded agenda.
What does that matter? One of the cool things about GAF is the international perspective we give to things. It's not so much an agenda, it's more of an unwillingness to empathise with others due to your narrow, US-centric focus.

Veidt said:
hey, gays are okay, blacks are okay. but gay blacks?! i'm not so sure the world is ready for that!
That's why I'm pretending to be straight and white. It's the ultimate disguise!


Dead Man said:
I think you are an idiot who wants to feel like a special class of victim. Sorry. Sometimes other people and groups have it bad too, and in the current world, many have it worse than black people in America. Try being gay in Uganda, or from the wrong tribe in Sudan. Good luck with that. Historically, black people in America had it pretty bad, and it is still far from perfect, or even good in a lot of ways, I am not trying to dispute that, but being black in America is not the worst fate in the world.

Nah, I think it is better than it was. Not much different, but the base ground that everyone agrees on is broader now.
And I think you are a idiot who can't read because I have said three times in this thread that I acknowledge gay hate. But for you saying I only believe that blacks have it bad give you reason to rage. Have at it.
lil smoke said:
Wow. It's evident we are still very sensitive about this stuff.

I guess talking about it is good, but I've been here about 5 years, and the conversation is exactly the same. Not a lot of progress..

I'll check back in 5 years.

I never really heard of a social revolution that took five years to complete. They tend to be slow. Though I don't think you can really call this topic a revolution of sorts.

SmokyDave said:
You can choose to focus on a narrow section of society to suit your agenda but I'll keep taking the broader view if that's OK. The world is much bigger than just the United States.

But saying how bad one group has it in one [or multiple] part of the world doesn't really contribute to the fact that another group still has it bad in another part.
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