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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Dead Man

BitchTits said:
Read my previous posts on this page for your answer :)

Edit - new page!
Same page for the master race, but right you are, sorry. I was getting a bit fired up, confused who I was replying too. Apologies.
Saty said:
Figure of speech. It's unfortunate that 'gay' and the like denote\connote both persons with a specific sexual preference and a remark of disagreement\disdain but that's the way it got to be. It by no means makes anyone who says these words in their latter use a 'homophobic' (especially that these words are also used by gay and lesbians themselves in that second manner).

If you're going to roar about that, shouldn't we also stop using 'lame' because that offends any handicapped person or anyone who doesn't have a normally functioning leg?

Also about the 'gay' slurs, how do the people who are angered by Kobe's comment treat those exact words when they are used in fictional mediums? That to me seems a much bigger concern than a genuine heated comment, if we are going to get up-in-arms over something.

It's not a figure of speech, it's a slur. To use "gay" or "fag" in such a way was derived from the negativity toward homosexuals. What's next, is it just a figure of speech to say that I got jewed out?

Most people do not think of lame to mean handicapped people, while fag and gay are clearly more commonly linked to homosexuality. And yes, we should focus more on a role model rather than fictional characters with whom are probably characters designed to be detestable in some way. And yes, he is a role model. Just because he is not paid for what he said does not change how influential he is to younger people.


How could you be from socal and say something like that? Even during the frustration of the heat of the game. Sounds like Kobe has been playing too much xbox live.


it hardly seems like a slur directed towards gay people.

'fucking fag' - it was pretty clear he did this out of frustration and anger, and it was an insult to bennie.

it's not as if he said 'FUCKING GAYS'

Dead Man

-viper- said:
it hardly seems like a slur directed towards gay people.

'fucking fag' - it was pretty clear he did this out of frustration and anger, and it was an insult to bennie.

it's not as if he said 'FUCKING GAYS'
Why is it an insult to Bennie?


Stuff you say when angry don't mean shit. It really fucking annoys me when people brand others anti-semetic or anti-gay for one little word they might shout when angry.

Political correctness is ruining the world.

Dead Man

-viper- said:
Kobe was angry and it an decided to throw an insult?

It's no different from saying 'FUCK YOU'.
No, why is calling him a faggot an insult? What is the meaning to be derived from the words? If you can't answer why something is an insult, you might be better off not supporting its use.


I wonder what you guys will accomplish by going on a rage fest on Gaf? Kobe has no idea how hurt you feel. Instead of raging on Gaf write him a letter.


-viper- said:
it hardly seems like a slur directed towards gay people.

'fucking fag' - it was pretty clear he did this out of frustration and anger, and it was an insult to bennie.

it's not as if he said 'FUCKING GAYS'
Jesus Christ. Is it so difficult to understand. The word faggot is a derogatory term for homosexual, it's use in the way this guy said it only EXISTS because it's a derogatory term for homosexual.

If he said "fucking nigger" and it's done out of frustration and anger, not an insult to the person, is that OK?


Dead Man said:
The difference that people who make your argument seem to miss is that being lame is objectively bad. It is in all ways a negative thing. Can people be awesome in spite of that? Of course. But that is how it is different to being gay, and different to gay being used as an insult. If you walked around and called everything you didn't like, Jewish, I don't think too many people would be cool with that.
While 'lame' is objectively bad it doesn't entail it being less offensive for lame people to hear the word used as derogatory.
People use bunch of terms to put others down even if they aren't inherently negative or that only became so by connotation and repeated use. And because 'gay' isn't objectively negative, the object of the insult can just wave it off and not feel offended by the remark. Like i said, it's unfortunate that such uses are lumped together to some word but there's no reason to try to paint anyone who happens to utter the word as an insult as some homophobic terrible human being.

I'm not suggesting you make a regular use of these terms in front of everybody - that's also a factor. If you use 'gay' only inside your circle of friends, in a heated situation opposed to using it as an synonym everywhere and everytime.

I guess my stance is that while the less 'gay' remarks are used as insults the better, i'm not going to be really offended or go out of my way to denounce such uses when they are clearly not representative of the person's attitude towards non-hetrosexual people and communities.


Dude Abides said:
I"m probably older than you are, and I probably know more gay people, and more closely, than you do. To be honest, you sound like a hyper-sensitive drama queen faggot. I'm allowed to say it because I know gay people and I'm pretty sure they'd be cool with it.
I know quite a lot of white people, I think they'll be okay with me calling you a cracker


Jenga said:
whatever, WHITE BREAD

no thank you I don't need any bread, not hungry.

(nice try but I don't even think white people are offended by being called white, btw I'm black)

Gaf really has some sheltered people.

Dead Man

Saty said:
While 'lame' is objectively bad it doesn't entail it being less offensive for lame people to hear the word used as derogatory.
This is very true.
People use bunch of terms to put others down even if they aren't inherently negative or that only became so by connotation and repeated use. And because 'gay' isn't objectively negative, the object of the insult can just wave it off and not feel offended by the remark. Like i said, it's unfortunate that such uses are lumped together to some word but there's no reason to try to paint anyone who happens to utter the word as an insult as some homophobic terrible human being.

I'm not suggesting you make a regular use of these terms in front of everybody - that's also a factor. If you use 'gay' only inside your circle of friends, in a heated situation opposed to using it as an synonym everywhere and everytime.

I guess my stance is that while the less 'gay' remarks are used as insults the better, i'm not going to be really offended or go out of my way to denounce such uses when they are clearly not representative of the person's attitude towards non-hetrosexual people and communities.
But the bolded not so much. That's like saying someone called a kike can just wave it off since it's not objectively bad to be Jewish.


Londa said:
no thank you I don't need any bread, not hungry.

(nice try but I don't even think white people are offended by being called white, btw I'm black)

Gaf really has some sheltered people.
what other race shit do whites have besides honkey

i'm seriously tapped


nah that doesn't work


Londa said:
I have yet to find a white person offended by this word. But I could be wrong!
The only 'racial' thing that offends me, as a white guy, is when some people seem to use 'white' as a synonym for 'racist'. I really don't like seeing how easily people refer to the habits and behaviours of 'white people' as if we're some homogenous blob.

Stuff like Cracker, Honky, Redneck & Coolie (I've had this a couple of times and it isn't even a slur for whites?!) just washes over me.


SmokyDave said:
The only 'racial' thing that offends me, as a white guy, is when some people seem to use 'white' as a synonym for 'racist'. I really don't like seeing how easily people refer to the habits and behaviours of 'white people' as if we're some homogenous blob.
well you're british so it makes it a lot easier

can't attack your race? time to attack yo nationality

Dead Man

SmokyDave said:
The only 'racial' thing that offends me, as a white guy, is when some people seem to use 'white' as a synonym for 'racist'. I really don't like seeing how easily people refer to the habits and behaviours of 'white people' as if we're some homogenous blob.
That's just because you feel the assault against your white male tower of privilege! You don't want to lose all the benefits that being a white male entail!!


saying cracker is just saying that a person is a slave master or owns black people. Telling a white person this, gives them power instead of degrading them.


Jenga said:
well you're british so it makes it a lot easier

can't attack your race? time to attack yo nationality
Bring it. Sleep with one eye open and listen out for the soft strains of Edward Elgar as my SAS boys come for you.

Dead Man said:
That's just because you feel the assault against your white male tower of privilege! You don't want to lose all the benefits that being a white male entail!!
I was born a poor white male. We don't get the 'White Guy Privilege Pack', just a coupon to apply for one later on, when our socio-economic status is fitting.

Londa said:
saying cracker is just saying that a person is a slave master or owns black people. Telling a white person this, gives them power instead of degrading them.
I guess it could almost, almost be hurtful if you took it to mean that all white people haven't moved on in their attitudes at all since slavery. No, actually, it can't. Cracker is a shite slur, non-whites need to come out with something better. Call us 'Jizz-Tissues' or something.
i finally found the f part...

and it"s much ado about nothing

he yells "Billy" loudly but f part was uttered mostly to be heard only from his bench area

2nd, i find it retarded when mics are installed on the court, pitch, field to listen the comments... it's so stupid

Dead Man

SmokyDave said:
I was born a poor white male. We don't get the 'White Guy Privilege Pack', just a coupon to apply for one later on, when our socio-economic status is fitting.
You must have missed out. I got mine at birth, and I've been wracked with guilt ever since. My day is not complete until I make other people guilty for accidents of birth too! ;) Although, I have become a poor white male, maybe I should give mine up.
When it comes to communication this forum is about as crass and insulting as it gets. Yet some of you guys become so self righteous when someone in the media displays the same classless behavior.


is now taking requests
Londa said:
saying cracker is just saying that a person is a slave master or owns black people. Telling a white person this, gives them power instead of degrading them.

So if (when) Sarah Silverman (or anyone really) refers to Germans as "fucking nazis", it gives them power? Not sure i agree with your contention here.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
So why was he given a technical foul? Video doesn't show anything that bad that should be a technical unless him moving his arms in the beginning?
The technical foul rules are much more strict this season, anything construed to show "lack of respect for the game" is T-worthy.


jorma said:
So if (when) Sarah Silverman (or anyone really) refers to Germans as "fucking nazis", it gives them power? Not sure i agree with your contention here.

thb I think it does. But its ok if you disagree.


ZephyrFate said:
wow guys, get your panties out of your asses and CALM DOWN

Do you see how easy it is to make a slur when not necessarily meaning it to be? This infers that they 'act like women' when they get overly upset.


H_Prestige said:
When it comes to communication this forum is about as crass and insulting as it gets. Yet some of you guys become so self righteous when someone in the media displays the same classless behavior.
Good point. I get paid millions to post on GAF and, as a role model to thousands of young people, I ought to be more careful about how I behave.

I must say, I'm impressed that you can keep track of so many members. Otherwise how would you know that the crass and insulting guys are also the same guys that are getting all 'self righteous'?


Sadaiyappan said:
How could you be from socal and say something like that? Even during the frustration of the heat of the game. Sounds like Kobe has been playing too much xbox live.
Well, he was in the CoD commercial. Makes sense now.

Masked Man

I said wow
Londa said:
I have yet to find a white person offended by this word. But I could be wrong!

When have white people been marginalized en masse in this country?

Now, in contrast:
When have black people been marginalized en masse in this country?
When have gay people been marginalized en masse in this country?

Maybe there's some connection between the history of oppression in this country and the stigma attached to words like "nigger" and "faggot"?


Masked Man said:
When have white people been marginalized en masse in this country?

Now, in contrast:
When have black people been marginalized en masse in this country?
When have gay people been marginalized en masse in this country?

Maybe there's some connection between the history of oppression in this country and the stigma attached to words like "nigger" and "faggot"?

I will never get this.

Gay people are only prevented from getting married in states who vote against it. Not all states vote against this. Gays can get great paying jobs, they are heavy covered in the media, they are not seen as criminals where ever they go, they have never been enslaved in America, they have never been told to go to gay only stores and places, etc.

Blacks have gone through much more than what I have even listed.

Still in today's world employers will avoid people with names that look too black while hiring.

Many people will take what I said the wrong way and list reasons why gays are going though exactly what blacks went through during Martin Luther King days. But whatever they mention will never equal what blacks went through and still go through.

I do acknowledge what gays go through, but I get so tired of how every topic mentions blacks to prove a point on how unfair something is to gays.

There is gay hate, but there is hate for all kinds of people and their personal interest.


Londa said:
I will never get this.

Gay people are only prevented from getting married in states to vote against it. Not all states vote against this. Gays can get great paying jobs, they are heavy covered in the media, they are not seen as criminals where ever they go, they have never been enslaved in America, they have never been told to go to gay only stores and places, etc.

Blacks have gone through much more than what I have even listed.

Still in today's world employers will avoid people with names that look too black while hiring.

Many people will take what I said the wrong way and list reasons why gays are going though exactly what black went through during Martin Luther King days. But whatever they mention will never equal what blacks went through and still go through.

I do acknowledge what gays go through, but I get so tired of how every topic mentions blacks to prove a point on how unfair something is to gays.

I totally agree with you.


Londa said:
I will never get this....
Whilst you may well be correct about the US, GAF is an international forum. When taking a wider, global view of the Oppression Olympics, you might find that gay people have historically been marginalised and treated much worse than you think.

There aren't any countries that have a death penalty for being black.

I find the comparisons slightly distasteful, but ultimately, perfectly understandable.
SmokyDave said:
Good point. I get paid millions to post on GAF and, as a role model to thousands of young people, I ought to be more careful about how I behave.

I must say, I'm impressed that you can keep track of so many members. Otherwise how would you know that the crass and insulting guys are also the same guys that are getting all 'self righteous'?

I'm sorry was I talking to you? I wonder why you immediately assumed I was referring to you :)

I can't keep track of every member, and I don't care to. But I do know at least one self righteous guy (who I won't name) in here has a posting style that is extremely condescending and a generally off-putting disposition.

I'm not defending Kobe in anyway. I don't care if he is fined and blasted over his comment. This was just an amusing observation I made.


SmokyDave said:
Whilst you may well be correct about the US, GAF is an international forum. When taking a wider, global view of the Oppression Olympics, you might find that gay people have historically been marginalised and treated much worse than you think.

There aren't any countries that have a death penalty for being black.

I find the comparisons slightly distasteful, but ultimately, perfectly understandable.

Sorry, I'm not trying to say anything hurtful. Its just I get tired of every five post mention blacks as a scape goat to prove a point. But this will never change.


Londa said:
I will never get this.

Gay people are only prevented from getting married in states who vote against it.

Totally dude, and you know what's bullshit? Gay people CAN get married in every state! They just have to marry the opposite sex. All their shit about gay rights, what a joke.


lexi said:
Totally dude, and you know what's bullshit? Gay people CAN get married in every state! They just have to marry the opposite sex. All their shit about gay rights, what a joke.

You are a liar or you can't read. I never said gays can marry in every state, nore did I not acknowledge that gays do get oppressed. You are a troll who needs glasses and a better argument.

jorma said:
"butt hurt" is probably a gay slur as well, just sayin'

no, it is to describe someone who is taking something too personal, overreacting. Also I had no intention of a gay slur.

I predicted the incoming butt hurt to be hand. Continue...


Londa said:
Sorry, I'm not trying to say anything hurtful. Its just I get tired of every five post mention blacks as a scape goat to prove a point. But this will never change.
Don't get me wrong, I'm neither gay nor black, I'm not really suited to judge. I was just trying to point out why I feel the comparison always comes up :)

H_Prestige said:
I'm sorry was I talking to you? I wonder why you immediately assumed I was referring to you :)
Just playing with ya!

Except the bit about me getting paid millions and being a role model to thousands. Both of those were true.
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