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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Londa said:
He was implying it heavily in the way he said it and earlier in this thread there was others who said the same thing. It honestly doesn't matter who did what first. I think it is childish to go around pointing the finger. Gotta take the heat off yourself.

I asked if anyone has Kobe's email, because in all honesty you should be talking to him about your displeasure. Not trying to convince others to agree with you. The stuff you mentioned are not eye opening or even on par with the civil rights movement. That was my point. Because others were implying that and still do with every gay topic here. No one is saying we shouldn't acknowledge the bad treatment of gays, but in all honesty, leave other peoples struggles out of it. Especially when you don't even do research on black history or what they even go through. Like how someone didn't even know about permits and assumed that blacks didn't get beat up and killed.

I agreed 100% with the bolded sentence.

Give gays the respect they deserve in acknowledging their struggle as unique and all their own.

And vice-versa. Whenever something racists happens, it's rare (if ever) to see people equate the situation to the struggle of gays.
Londa said:
He was implying it heavily in the way he said it and earlier in this thread there was others who said the same thing.
You are reading a piece of text, there is no "way he said it" except for in your head as you interpreted what was written.

We need a gay history month to educate people. For example, Lou Reed was given electro-shock treatment when he was a teenager, you know to get rid of the homosexuality.


I never though i would encounter threads like these in gaf, its the whole reason why i left gt.com and joined gaf. Why are we still having this discussion.
What kobe did was wrong.
N word and F word are both offensive and hurtfull and should never be said, both words carry some weight in their own ways.
Lets not compare them to each other and agree that nobody should use them, and lets not have a contest who had it the toughest.
Lets all remember we have it 1000 times better than people in africa and palestina.


Black Canada Mafia
Satyamdas said:
Nice to see Devolution hit her "Privilege" quota 10x over within the first 3 pages of this thread. That's gotta be a new record!

Also, it was cool to see ZephyrFate appropriate the civil rights struggle blacks suffered in the 50s for his own cause in 2011. Then make the claim that when his friend calls him a faggot it is an endearing term and is OK but the rest of the world needs to just shut up and stop saying it. That seems like something only a.... wait for it...... privileged white male would say! Oh the sweet, sweet irony!

Gaborn calling for a $300K fine or dream demanding a 5 game suspension were similarly ludicrous. Nothing brings the crazy like some food ole faux outrage.

Do me Do me!
travisbickle said:
You are reading a piece of text, there is no "way he said it" except for in your head as you interpreted what was written.

We need a gay history month to educate people. For example, Lou Reed was given electro-shock treatment when he was a teenager, you know to get rid of the homosexuality.


Neo Member
Omiee said:
I never though i would encounter threads like these in gaf, its the whole reason why i left gt.com and joined gaf. Why are we still having this discussion.
What kobe did was wrong.
N word and F word are both offensive and hurtfull and should never be said, both words carry some weight in their own ways.
Lets not compare them to each other and agree that nobody should use them, and lets not have a contest who had it the toughest.
Lets all remember we have it 1000 times better than people in africa and palestina.

That's just intellectually lazy. Of course there are similarities between the slurs "faggot" and "nigger." I think those similarities are important and can promote meaningful discussion.
imo, one of the most offensive things in today's society is to strongly couple the experiences of one minority group to another. That's over generalizing the situation. You can't necessarily compare the experience sub-groups within a minority.

I think some of you believe you're being sympathetic and forward-thinking when in fact, it's pretty offensive.


Soloist said:
That's just intellectually lazy. Of course there are similarities between the slurs "faggot" and "nigger." I think those similarities are important and can promote meaningful discussion.
After 2000 posts, do you think that it has?

Dead Man

Half-and-half said:
imo, one of the most offensive things in today's society is to strongly couple the experiences of one minority group to another. That's over generalizing the situation. You can't necessarily compare the experience sub-groups within a minority.

I think some of you believe you're being sympathetic and forward-thinking when in fact, it's pretty offensive.
Gotta say, if that is one of the most offensive thing you experience, you're doing all right.


Black Canada Mafia
Half-and-half said:
imo, one of the most offensive things in today's society is to strongly couple the experiences of one minority group to another. That's over generalizing the situation. You can't necessarily compare the experience sub-groups within a minority.

I think some of you believe you're being sympathetic and forward-thinking when in fact, it's pretty offensive.

How is it offensive? I don't understand this? Do you know what the term 'solidarity' means? When multiple groups go through similar struggles, you would think that they could easily empathize and understand each others positions, and thus - support each other. How comparing struggles to other struggles can offend someone absolutely baffles me.

"Man, I hate my teacher, never explains a damn thing clearly"
"I know bro, I had a teacher like that last semester, drove me nuts"
1) It's offensive that people use black people as a litmus test for what's considered offensive. "Hey as long as it isn't the n-word, then it ain't that bad." As if the f-word isn't offensive all it's own.

2) It's offensive that people use black struggles in arguments to add more weight to their argument, a trump card of sorts. Sure there may be similarities. But as a black man, I wouldn't dare tell a gay person I have any idea what it's like being gay.

Kobe said the f-word right? There's plenty to discuss right there w/o bringing anything else into this.

Dead Man

Half-and-half said:
1) It's offensive that people use black people as a litmus test for what's considered offensive. "Hey as long as it isn't the n-word, then it ain't that bad." As if the f-word isn't offensive all it's own.

2) It's offensive that people use black struggles in arguments to add more weight to their argument, a trump card of sorts. Sure there may be similarities. But as a black man, I wouldn't dare tell a gay person I have any idea what it's like being gay.

Kobe said the f-word right? There's plenty to discuss right there w/o bringing anything else into this.
So, if someone is looking for an analogy to explain how it feels when someone is called a faggot, what do you suggest?


Black Canada Mafia
Half-and-half said:
1) It's offensive that people use black people as a litmus test for what's considered offensive. "Hey as long as it isn't the n-word, then it ain't that bad." As if the f-word isn't offensive all it's own.

? No one in this thread did that. People in this thread used the slurs Nigger, Kike, Chink, Wetback, and a whole slew of other offensive slurs. But people only seem to care that Nigger was used. And even then, it wasn't used as any sort of litmus test, it was used to show people that derogatory slurs of any type cannot be divorced from their minority. I'm not even a little bit sorry that I used Nigger as an example.

2) It's offensive that people use black struggles in arguments to add more weight to their argument, a trump card of sorts. Sure there may be similarities. But as a black man, I wouldn't dare tell a gay person I have any idea what it's like being gay.

Trump card of sorts? Who is trumping whom? It was brought up simply to say "Gay people are going through a similar struggle as black people were 50 years ago" - I would disagree that it's exactly the same, or at the same severity, but I would not disagree that it was a similar struggle. And if anything, I would expect it to encourage empathy, which is not what happened here. For some reason black struggle is a sacred beast that should not be mentioned or named.

Kobe said the f-word right? There's plenty to discuss right there w/o bringing anything else into this.
It's like you've ignored 85% of my points. There are people who deny that faggot is a slur that is associated with gay people, fuck there are people who have done this -right on this page- nothing has gotten through to them as much as juxtaposition. It's a tool I am using, and I have no qualms about using it in the future, no one should hold the struggles of their people above others, no one should say "the struggles of my ethnicity are too precious to be compared to any other". That's an abhorrent attitude to have. Yes, argue when someone demeans or diminishes the struggles of your people, but don't you dare tell me that is what happens when it is even brought up or compared to the struggles of others.
Dead Man said:
So, if someone is looking for an analogy to explain how it feels when someone is called a faggot, what do you suggest?

Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to explain what that a gay person is, well, a person. You know, discuss them as people with their own experiences and problems. How being gay has affected their lives in negative ways. Perhaps experiences that gays go through that non-gays wouldn't understand.

There's really so much to talk about there that bringing up the n-word is just plain lazy.
Double post apologies:

Kinitari said:
? No one in this thread did that. People in this thread used the slurs Nigger, Kike, Chink, Wetback, and a whole slew of other offensive slurs. But people only seem to care that Nigger was used. And even then, it wasn't used as any sort of litmus test, it was used to show people that derogatory slurs of any type cannot be divorced from their minority. I'm not even a little bit sorry that I used Nigger as an example.

Trump card of sorts? Who is trumping whom? It was brought up simply to say "Gay people are going through a similar struggle as black people were 50 years ago" - I would disagree that it's exactly the same, or at the same severity, but I would not disagree that it was a similar struggle. And if anything, I would expect it to encourage empathy, which is not what happened here. For some reason black struggle is a sacred beast that should not be mentioned or named.

It's like you've ignored 85% of my points. There are people who deny that faggot is a slur that is associated with gay people, fuck there are people who have done this -right on this page- nothing has gotten through to them as much as juxtaposition. It's a tool I am using, and I have no qualms about using it in the future, no one should hold the struggles of their people above others, no one should say "the struggles of my ethnicity are too precious to be compared to any other". That's an abhorrent attitude to have. Yes, argue when someone demeans or diminishes the struggles of your people, but don't you dare tell me that is what happens when it is even brought up or compared to the struggles of others.

There are most certainly people in this thread saying the f-word is not as bad as the n-word. There are most certainly people using it to add fuel to their argument. And no where have I said black struggles are sacred.

Dead Man

Half-and-half said:
Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to explain what that a gay person is, well, a person. You know, discuss them as people with their own experiences and problems. How being gay has affected their lives in negative ways. Perhaps experiences that gays go through that non-gays wouldn't understand.

There's really so much to talk about there that bringing up the n-word is just plain lazy.
Yes, all of that is good and needed, but when someone asks how it feels, a gay person should just say 'We're people too'? And being gay does not effect people lives negatively, other peoples reactions to that do. There are very few experiences anyone goes through that other people can't understand, even if they have never experienced it, it is what is wonderful about the human capacity for empathy.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Soloist said:
That's just intellectually lazy. Of course there are similarities between the slurs "faggot" and "nigger." I think those similarities are important and can promote meaningful discussion.

Oh yeah, there's been a ton of important and meaningful discussion here :\


The key thing about the word faggot as an insult is that its used to strip men of their masculinity. It's not necessarily used to put down all homosexuals. People can be fine with homosexuality in general. But if you are straight, and are accused of being homosexual, then that is a different story entirely. This is why gay, faggot, etc will almost always be used in derogatory manners on playgrounds, sports, whatever. And it will always have a defense force of people claiming that they dont mean anything by it, people are too PC etc.

Racial slurs like nigger are slightly different. They put down a whole race of people when used, and also bring people back to a time where they were straight up gettin raped and enslaved. When used as an insult to a member of that race, you are putting down their culture and heritage, and is why it usually is less tolerated. It's less of an insult and more about trashing an entire race. Even if you arent black, people can understand and feel the weight of the word nigger. The use of faggot isn't comparable, IMO. That is, if you agree that its use is to take away masculinity, and not to put down a group of people with that sexual preference

However, its use is also clearly offensive. And clearly people that are gay may hear this word and associate it with troubles of their own. So its use will also not be tolerated in the majority of situations, so there is no real defense for Kobe or anyone that uses it

The key point is to accuse a man of not being a man, being macho or being gay, etc will always be an insult to a straight man. And the word that encompasses this is the word faggot. Unless men suddenly dont care about people telling them they cant get women and like dudes, this will always be a street insult commonly used. It's hard to see this ever changing. Knowing this, I can't get too angry at Kobe, even though the fine was more than appropriate. But then again I'm not gay so really have no idea how some take the word.


All they ever do is put words in your mouth that you have never said. This is why most of gaf has ignored this thread except for the few that continue to come back. Some of black gaf ignore these type of threads because of the incoming comparison of the black civil rights movement. Its like a Egypian God Card/Blue eye White Dragon in Yugioh. Half-and-half, don't take them for anything. They make up history and articles to prove their point. All they want to do is be angry.

Dead Man

Future said:
The key point is to accuse a man of not being a man, being macho or being gay, etc will always be an insult to a straight man. And the word that encompasses this is the word faggot. Unless men suddenly dont care about people telling them they cant get women and like dudes, this will always be a street insult commonly used. It's hard to see this ever changing. Knowing this, I can't get too angry at Kobe, even though the fine was more than appropriate. But then again I'm not gay so really have no idea how some take the word.
Unless you think there is something lesser or wrong about being gay, you would not use it as an insult.
Dead Man said:
Yes, all of that is good and needed, but when someone asks how it feels, a gay person should just say 'We're people too'? And being gay does not effect people lives negatively, other peoples reactions to that do. There are very few experiences anyone goes through that other people can't understand, even if they have never experienced it, it is what is wonderful about the human capacity for empathy.

C'mon now man, you know what I'm saying.

Look, I used to work with two gay guys:

One guy came from a strict family in Syria, and his mother was so disgusted by him that she was physically abusive and involved him in strange religious ceremonies to try to "convert him", which of course failed.

The other guy told me the confusion he had realizing he was gay and the awkwardness of trying to explore his first relationship with another male w/o anyone finding out.

They told me lot's of other uncomfortable stories which all underlined the fact that the gay struggle is so unique that it's a disservice to them to just say "it's like being black in the 60s" or whatever.


Future said:
The key thing about the word faggot as an insult is that its used to strip men of their masculinity. It's not necessarily used to put down all homosexuals. People can be fine with homosexuality in general. But if you are straight, and are accused of being homosexual, then that is a different story entirely. This is why gay, faggot, etc will almost always be used in derogatory manners on playgrounds, sports, whatever. And it will always have a defense force of people claiming that they dont mean anything by it, people are too PC etc.

Racial slurs like nigger are slightly different. They put down a whole race of people when used, and also bring people back to a time where they were straight up gettin raped and enslaved. When used as an insult to a member of that race, you are putting down their culture and heritage, and is why it usually is less tolerated. It's less of an insult and more about trashing an entire race. Even if you arent black, people can understand and feel the weight of the word nigger. The use of faggot isn't comparable, IMO. That is, if you agree that its use is to take away masculinity, and not to put down a group of people with that sexual preference

However, its use is also clearly offensive. And clearly people that are gay may hear this word and associate it with troubles of their own. So its use will also not be tolerated in the majority of situations, so there is no real defense for Kobe or anyone that uses it

The key point is to accuse a man of not being a man, being macho or being gay, etc will always be an insult to a straight man. And the word that encompasses this is the word faggot. Unless men suddenly dont care about people telling them they cant get women and like dudes, this will always be a street insult commonly used. It's hard to see this ever changing. Knowing this, I can't get too angry at Kobe, even though the fine was more than appropriate. But then again I'm not gay so really have no idea how some take the word.
It's an interesting point. Seems a way to avoid these insults from flaring up, especially in sports may also require discouraging praising people with "masculine" accolades. The reason "playing like a girl, playing soft, being afraid of contact, getting manhandled/ragdolled/b*tchslapped/raped etc." is an insult is because "playing manly, making a 'grown man move,' playing strong, putting a body on a player (when boxing out or setting a pick) and beating the other team into submission" are considered "good" things. The same way saying "I slept with your mother/sister" last night is considered trash talk, because it elevates the trashtalker's masculinity and tries to emasculate the one insulted.


Dead Man said:
Unless you think there is something lesser or wrong about being gay, you would not use it as an insult.

I'm aware that at the core it's illogical. Surely if someone getting called gay is an insult, than being gay must be a terrible thing. Or else why would it be an insult?

But if you are straight, it IS an insult. Because its a direct challenge to masculinity and getting women. Street/Playground talk is always filled with insults that challenge masculinity, and faggot/gay is the most concise way of doing it.

I suppose if men stopped caring about being masculine, then these types of words would hold no weight. But even though tolerance for homosexuality will undoubtedly increase over the years, I feel that straight men will always be sensitive of their own masculinity. And therefore, things like this will always be an insult

Dead Man

Future said:
I'm aware that at the core it's illogical. Surely if someone getting called gay is an insult, than being gay must be a terrible thing. Or else why would it be an insult?

But if you are straight, it IS an insult. Because its a direct challenge to masculinity and getting women. Street/Playground talk is always filled with insults that challenge masculinity, and faggot/gay is the most concise way of doing it.

I suppose if men stopped caring about being masculine, then these types of words would hold no weight. But even though tolerance for homosexuality will undoubtedly increase over the years, I feel that straight men will always be sensitive of their own masculinity. And therefore, things like this will always be an insult
Now you are equating being gay with being non masculine. Stop. I think I understand your point, but you are now saying that being either unmasculine OR gay is an insult to a straight man. I guarantee you, there are plenty of masculine gay men, and plenty of unmasculine straight men. Street/playground talk is not the arbiter of what is acceptable.


Future said:
I'm aware that at the core it's illogical. Surely if someone getting called gay is an insult, than being gay must be a terrible thing. Or else why would it be an insult?

But if you are straight, it IS an insult. Because its a direct challenge to masculinity and getting women. Street/Playground talk is always filled with insults that challenge masculinity, and faggot/gay is the most concise way of doing it.

I suppose if men stopped caring about being masculine, then these types of words would hold no weight. But even though tolerance for homosexuality will undoubtedly increase over the years, I feel that straight men will always be sensitive of their own masculinity. And therefore, things like this will always be an insult

I don't think you quite understand. The problem is dual. It's not even just about being called gay, because "faggot" is not a direct synonym for being gay. "Faggot" is similar to "sissy" if you will or to "fairy." The connotation as you said is that a "faggot" is not a "real" man.

"Faggots" are weak. Effeminate. Sissy. They're hair dressers, they're interior designers. A "faggot" can never play or enjoy watching football. They drink wine coolers and cocktails with risque names. They don't fight back.

You say that straight men object being called a "faggot" but gay men do too because we're not particularly INHERENTLY weak. We're not all effeminate. Some of us LOVE football. Some of us LOVE beer. And we ARE "real men." The connotation attached to words like "faggot" are the big problem because they're the stereotypes for what bigots see gay men as.


numble said:
It's an interesting point. Seems a way to avoid these insults from flaring up, especially in sports may also require discouraging praising people with "masculine" accolades. The reason "playing like a girl, playing soft, being afraid of contact, getting manhandled/ragdolled/b*tchslapped/raped etc." is an insult is because "playing manly, making a 'grown man move,' playing strong, putting a body on a player (when boxing out or setting a pick) and beating the other team into submission" are considered "good" things. The same way saying "I slept with your mother/sister" last night is considered trash talk, because it elevates the trashtalker's masculinity and tries to emasculate the one insulted.

Exactly. Being called a "girl" is similar to being called a "faggot" because it accomplishes the same goal at the end. But saying that doesnt necessarily you hate women or gay people.

Or at least thats what people that use it think. I know this first hand, because I used to say things things when I was younger during trash talk (and why its all over youtube comments, xbox live, etc). But I agree that them being used as insults does have an affect on women and homsexuals in an indirect way This TED talk goes into this phenomenon in regards to men insulting each other by "playing like a girl" and the like. TED talk is unrelated to homosexuality though, but more about how all boys are raised to "be a man" and not cry like a girl


Devolution said:
The slurs people pull of out their hats in the "heat of the moment" say more about them then they or their apologizers are willing to admit.

That would only be true if the guy who issued him the foul was indeed gay.

We know that gay slurs have been used for decades in general application having nothing to do with actual gay people. It's hard to untrain saying stuff like "that's so gay" with the meaning of "that's so uncool" and if you're not even saying it about a gay related subject then there was likely no gay-targeted harm meant anyways.

Yes it's bad that people still say stuff like "that's so gay" and it's good that there is an effort to get people to stop doing it. However, that takes time, and in this case I don't think much harm was done, nor did he mean to degrade a specific gay person by saying it.


Black Canada Mafia
Londa said:
All they ever do is put words in your mouth that you have never said. This is why most of gaf has ignored this thread except for the few that continue to come back. Some of black gaf ignore these type of threads because of the incoming comparison of the black civil rights movement. Its like a Egypian God Card/Blue eye White Dragon in Yugioh. Half-and-half, don't take them for anything. They make up history and articles to prove their point. All they want to do is be angry.

I can see you're upset, but if you want to address a particular issue, please do. I don't mind the discussion, and if anything I like seeing things from different perspectives. As far as I understand, you don't like the civil rights struggle of homosexuals being equated with the civil rights struggles of black people. Firstly, I understand that you think saying that they are 'exactly the same' diminishes the severity of the struggle, and I would argue against someone who implied such a thing.

But - at the same time, I think focusing on the severity, focusing on 'how much worse' it was does nothing to help the struggle that continues for both groups today. I keep saying this word, but solidarity.

Dead Man

Zzoram said:
That would only be true if the guy who issued him the foul was indeed gay.

We know that gay slurs have been used for decades in general application having nothing to do with actual gay people. It's hard to untrain saying stuff like "that's so gay" with the meaning of "that's so uncool" and if you're not even saying it about a gay related subject then there was likely no gay-targeted harm meant anyways.

Yes it's bad that people still say stuff like "that's so gay" and it's good that there is an effort to get people to stop doing it. However, that takes time, and in this case I don't think much harm was done, nor did he mean to degrade a specific gay person by saying it.
Round and round we go!!

Anyway, good discussion at the moment, it's late here I'm checking out for the night. I hope at least a few people reading this may have learned some new thing from it.


Kinitari said:
I can see you're upset, but if you want to address a particular issue, please do. I don't mind the discussion, and if anything I like seeing things from different perspectives. As far as I understand, you don't like the civil rights struggle of homosexuals being equated with the civil rights struggles of black people. Firstly, I understand that you think saying that they are 'exactly the same' diminishes the severity of the struggle, and I would argue against someone who implied such a thing.

But - at the same time, I think focusing on the severity, focusing on 'how much worse' it was does nothing to help the struggle that continues for both groups today. I keep saying this word, but solidarity.

This is a great example of them adding shit to what you have never even said. I'm far from upset. I was trying to warn half and half.
Zzoram said:
That would only be true if the guy who issued him the foul was indeed gay.

We know that gay slurs have been used for decades in general application having nothing to do with actual gay people. It's hard to untrain saying stuff like "that's so gay" with the meaning of "that's so uncool" and if you're not even saying it about a gay related subject then there was likely no gay-targeted harm meant anyways.

Yes it's bad that people still say stuff like "that's so gay" and it's good that there is an effort to get people to stop doing it. However, that takes time, and in this case I don't think much harm was done, nor did he mean to degrade a specific gay person by saying it.
The fact that gay slurs have been appropriated for other uses actually makes those other uses equivalent to gay people, by virtue of the medium.

But seriously, if you haven't understood that by reading this topic you don't have any fucking clue about the word faggot at all.


Half-and-half said:
I agreed 100% with the bolded sentence.

Give gays the respect they deserve in acknowledging their struggle as unique and all their own.

And vice-versa. Whenever something racists happens, it's rare (if ever) to see people equate the situation to the struggle of gays.

Congratulations, you've used the one argument I have any respect for with regards to not making the comparison: that it is unnecessary and that it can stand on its own merits.

That said, while I agree, I'm not going to pretend that the comparison isn't valid simply because it isn't necessary.

Londa said:
This is a great example of them adding shit to what you have never even said. I'm far from upset. I was trying to warn half and half.

... Then what were you arguing? You said repeatedly that what gay people go through today is not as bad as what black people went through in the 1960s, and disagreed with people who compared the two. What else was your motivation if you didn't think comparing the two diminishes the severity of what happened in the 1960s?
Londa said:
This is a great example of them adding shit to what you have never even said. I'm far from upset. I was trying to warn half and half.

Appreciate it Londa ;) I'm far from upset as well, just confused as to why race had to be brought into this, and it looks like it's dominating the thread now.
Half-and-half said:
Appreciate it Londa ;) I'm far from upset as well, just confused as to why race had to be brought into this, and it looks like it's dominating the thread now.
If you can't understand why minority struggles are similar and have connections then you really don't understand anything.


Mumei said:
Congratulations, you've used the one argument I have any respect for with regards to not making the comparison: that it is unnecessary and that it can stand on its own merits.

That said, while I agree, I'm not going to pretend that the comparison isn't valid simply because it isn't necessary.

... Then what were you arguing? You said repeatedly that what gay people go through today is not as bad as what black people went through in the 1960s, and disagreed with people who compared the two. What else was your motivation if you didn't think comparing the two diminishes the severity of what happened in the 1960s?

You may be able to brain wash someone weak minded but you are never going to get me to agree with this. You and Zep are tools for continuly bring that one statement up. That has already frustrated people and cause them to leave the conversation. You don't want real discussion. You just want to hear yourself say these made up things. I wish you would say that to a black person on the street.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
ZephyrFate said:
If you can't understand why minority struggles are similar and have connections then you really don't understand anything.

Much like those who ignore the fundamental differences between these struggles really don't understand anything. Yes, beer and water are both wet and you can drink both, but it doesn't always make sense to bring up water when discussing beer.
commish said:
Much like those who ignore the fundamental differences between these struggles really don't understand anything. Yes, beer and water are both wet and you can drink both, but it doesn't always make sense to bring up water when discussing beer.
No one has ignored the differences.

But to say that race can't ever be brought up in a discussion about sexuality is ridiculous. It's an immutable trait just like race.
Londa said:
You may be able to brain wash someone weak minded but you are never going to get me to agree with this. You and Zep are tools for continuly bring that one statement up. That has already frustrated people and cause them to leave the conversation. You don't want real discussion. You just want to hear yourself say these made up things. I wish you would say that to a black person on the street.
I can't believe you, of all the posters here, have the nerve to write this. Unbelievable.


ZephyrFate said:
No one has ignored the differences.

But to say that race can't ever be brought up in a discussion about sexuality is ridiculous. It's an immutable trait just like race.
Just admit you were wrong when you used descriptors saying that "gays are in the exact same position blacks were 50 years ago."

Then we can get back to the discussion of Kobe saying the F word. Otherwise, every single thread with some connection to LGBT rights is going to be dragged through the same waters.
Londa said:
nice avatar and tag. I have no idea why you would think this way. :p
I'm glad you've spent so much time on here telling people that being gay isn't as hard as being black.

Congratulations, you're an ass.
Mercury Fred said:
I know. We should all be snappy, fabulous, sunny best friends, kooky characters, florists and BFFs to straight women everywhere.
Yep that is 100% exactly what I said isn't it.

I just thought it was a nice gesture to be told to fuck off for no reason apart from being straight.


Black Canada Mafia
Londa said:
This is a great example of them adding shit to what you have never even said. I'm far from upset. I was trying to warn half and half.

I honestly have no idea what your issue is than. Sincerely, it's probably my own personal failing here. But what is the particular problem you had with people bringing up racial slurs and/or civil rights struggles?

edit: Didn't see this
Londa said:
You may be able to brain wash someone weak minded but you are never going to get me to agree with this. You and Zep are tools for continuly bring that one statement up. That has already frustrated people and cause them to leave the conversation. You don't want real discussion. You just want to hear yourself say these made up things. I wish you would say that to a black person on the street.

Who has he brainwashed? What is he trying to get them to believe? Please, be more clear with your points, I don't think we understand what it is exactly that we are saying that is upsetting you. Sorry not upsetting, but disagreeing with you.
Lol, wow, name calling...

Please lock this thread. Nothing good came out of it aside from a few select debates and nothing else good will come from where things are going.


ZephyrFate said:
I'm glad you've spent so much time on here telling people that being gay isn't as hard as being black.

Congratulations, you're an ass.

Yet you ignore the fact that you continue to stick words in my mouth. Just like in this sentence above.
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