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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Black Canada Mafia
commish said:
Which groups? Based on race and sexuality? What about those who want equality for their religion? What if that religion contains practices that are not in line with what society deems is right? Equality is most certainly not universal.

If a religion wants to practice things that do not squash anyone else rights to equality, where is the problem? Equality is the practice that says everyone is equal - if a religion has a practice that fundamentally ignores this, then they are not striving for equality.


Wow, this thread is still happening. I'm glad there were some kind of repercussions for what he said. Just because he a famous but stressed athlete doesn't mean he should get away with what he said.

Londa said:
Then I guess you don't understand how that could easily be seen as me hating something, for not joining arms with them. I'm not gay, that should be enough reason. I don't have to fight someone elses battle. Maybe you should fight your own?
So if you see some kind of injustice, but its not happening to you, its ok to just stand by and watch it happen? I'm not saying what Kobe said was some great injustice, but for other situations.


commish said:
What, rich white male privilege? What about poor white males? Do muslim white males share all of these privileges? A black guy can't go into a jewelry store without being looked at funny - how do you intend to change this? Would fining people every time they looked at a black man funny REALLY impact how they behaved? What they truly believed? Is fining Kobe 2 billion dollars really going to change what he believes? Will it improve how people react to that gay man's family picture on his desk? Will fining people vast sums of money improve the relations between the various groups? You honestly don't think that there are people who had negative feelings toward gays simply because Kobe got fined for saying what he did?

Again, you guys are just painting way too simplistic a picture.

Prejudicial attitudes are a societal issue - we need to confront and discuss them together, in open debate, and more importantly we need everyone's voices to be heard. The catch-22 of the situation is that some voices are louder than others. No one thinks that fining Kobe will really change anything, but what has happened as a repercussion, i.e., activist groups and individuals coming forward to discuss the (in-)appropriateness of the remark, is exactly what any so-called democracy needs. I think it is you that is really painting too simple a picture, which is one in which society never progresses and individuals cannot think for themselves.

But Kobe won't learn his lesson unless we fine him over half a million dollars.

The point isn't about Kobe learning his lesson, it's about we as a society addressing the issues of prejudice and intolerance in modern discourse, and elsewhere. You could fine him several millions and it would just be a drop in the bucket.


Dead Man said:
I would still say the fine was meaningless. I have no doubt it was pressure from sponsors, or his PR people worried about sponsors, that prompted the statement more than anything else. The important thing is that he has made the statement.
What would be a meaningful fine? You will either have to place it in the context of other NBA imposed fines on players in the past, or, in the alternative, creating precedent for how much players should be fined in the future. Remarks made on the bench should be less than remarks made on the court, directly to a ref, etc. Keep in mind that the average NBA player makes $64,056 per game.

NBA fines, 1994-2011:


Black Canada Mafia
Londa said:
Then I guess you don't understand how that could easily be seen as me hating something, for not joining arms with them. I'm not gay, that should be enough reason. I don't have to fight someone elses battle. Maybe you should fight your own?

Londa, do you know how many non-black people fought, and continue to fight for equality on behalf of black people? Do you know how many minority groups band together and through their combined effort, help change things for the better? I am assuming you didn't think this statement through, because you have to know better than that.
Wow Londa, you seriously said that? "I'm not gay so why should I fight for your rights"? What the fuck?

You realize straight people have allied themselves with gays since our movement started gaining ground, right? Sexuality isn't a barrier.

Dead Man

numble said:
What would be a meaningful fine? You will either have to place it in the context of other NBA imposed fines on players in the past, or, in the alternative, creating precedent for how much players should be fined in the future. Remarks made on the bench should be less than remarks made on the court, directly to a ref, etc. Keep in mind that the average NBA player makes $64,056 per game.
I don't really care about precedent, I care about fines that make sense if you want to deter the behaviour you are fining. Lets say, if something is worth fining over, it is worth fining properly. So lets say 50% of your game fee. That way each player gets fined an amount that matters to them. As for what gets a fine? I don't know, I'm not that familiar with the rules of basketball, but I would say insulting remarks towards a ref, or touching a ref should definitely be included. Racist/sexist/otherwise derogatory remarks against a group should also be included.


Dead Man said:
You were doing so well, and then you had to leave that snide comment under the article. Oh well. Glad to see, it is the sort of comment he should have made initially. But good to see, none the less.
Kobe has been saying this since Wednesday. I even linked the audio yet people are still calling for his head.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SolKane said:
Prejudicial attitudes are a societal issue - we need to confront and discuss them together, in open debate, and more importantly we need everyone's voices to be heard. The catch-22 of the situation is that some voices are louder than others. No one thinks that fining Kobe will really change anything, but what has happened as a repercussion, i.e., activist groups and individuals coming forward to discuss the (in-)appropriateness of the remark, is exactly what any so-called democracy needs. I think it is you that is really painting too simple a picture, which is one in which society never progresses and individuals cannot think for themselves.

Right, that's exactly what I said - society never progresses and individuals cannot think for themselves.



Dead Man said:
I don't really care about precedent, I care about fines that make sense if you want to deter the behaviour you are fining. Lets say, if something is worth fining over, it is worth fining properly. So lets say 50% of your game fee. That way each player gets fined an amount that matters to them. As for what gets a fine? I don't know, I'm not that familiar with the rules of basketball, but I would say insulting remarks towards a ref, or touching a ref should definitely be included. Racist/sexist/otherwise derogatory remarks against a group should also be included.
If something is worth fining, then it should be 50%?
They've decided that hanging on the rim is worth fining over, so it should be 50% for hanging on the rim.
Taunting an opponent is worth fining over, but now it's 50%?
If you argue with a referee, you lose 50%?
If you touch a referee, you lose the same 50%?
If you Twitter during a game, you lose 50%, the same amount as if you use a derogatory word against a ref?
If you talk about the union bargaining process with the owners, you lose 50%?

Unless you mean that they should stop issuing fines for some behavior.

And then it doesn't touch on those situations where players are paid lower salaries because another team is paying them through the waiver loophole, cases like Jordan taking a lower salary because he has saved up a billion, front loaded contracts, or how Shaq, McGrady, and Jermaine O'Neal actually made $22 million for the years 2009-2011, but are only making $12,000 per game in 2011.

That doesn't even get into the problems with the CBA, where the league can discretionally take away 50% of a player's negotiated salary based on the judgment of the referees. At least in the current process, the players and players association has an idea about what type of conduct and fines are warranted.

Dead Man

numble said:
If something is worth fining, then it should be 50%?
They've decided that hanging on the rim is worth fining over, so it should be 50% for hanging on the rim.
Taunting an opponent is worth fining over, but now it's 50%?
If you argue with a referee, you lose 50%?
If you touch a referee, you lose the same 50%?

If you Twitter during a game, you lose 50%, the same amount as if you use a derogatory word against a ref?
If you talk about the union bargaining process with the owners, you lose 50%?

Unless you mean that they should stop issuing fines for some behavior.

And then it doesn't touch on those situations where players are paid lower salaries because another team is paying them through the waiver loophole, cases like Jordan taking a lower salary because he has saved up a billion, front loaded contracts, or how Shaq, McGrady, and Jermaine O'Neal actually made $22 million for the years 2009-2011, but are only making $12,000 per game in 2011.
Those ones, yes. Hey, if the players don't like it, they can bargain, right. It's not like any of them are going to be starving tomorrow. And if they have complicated salary structures, fine them a much smaller percentage of their annual salary, I don't care. But if you are bothering to fine someone, it needs to be a number they will notice, otherwise it achieves nothing. And yes, if the behaviour is not something that deserves a fine, then don't fine. As I said, I don't know what is and what is not considered a finable offense at the moment in the NBA.

Edit: SHit man, I am making this up on the spot, and you want a detailed policy response? Fuck it, the only point I would say is that a fine that is too small to be a penalty to the player is not penalty at all, and will not contribute very much towards stopping the behaviour. For the other shit that they fine for now, maybe give the other team a free throw or something. Yardage penalties for stupid behaviours seems to work okay for some stuff in the NFL. Make them responsible to the team for their action, not their bank balance.


Dead Man said:
Those ones, yes. Hey, if the players don't like it, they can bargain, right. It's not like any of them are going to be starving tomorrow. And if they have complicated salary structures, fine them a much smaller percentage of their annual salary, I don't care. But if you are bothering to fine someone, it needs to be a number they will notice, otherwise it achieves nothing. And yes, if the behaviour is not something that deserves a fine, then don't fine. As I said, I don't know what is and what is not considered a finable offense at the moment in the NBA.
Why would players offer the league the ability to take away 50% of their bargained per game salary, especially if fines comes at a fixed 50% for all offenses, where something you say to yourself on the bench warrants the same fine as touching a ref or taunting your opponent. The current schedule of fines is reasonable, players know what fines are likely to occur for certain conduct.

Again, I don't know why you think the current fine structure is meaningless. They didn't throw down heavy fines for breaking the rim, tweeting, or not wearing dress clothes when you're on the bench, but players understood and stopped doing it. Dikembe Mutombo would taunt opponents every game, but once they started handing down $1000-$2500 fines, he stopped.

Dead Man

numble said:
Why would players offer the league the ability to take away 50% of their bargained per game salary, especially if fines comes at a fixed 50% for all offenses, where something you say to yourself on the bench warrants the same fine as touching a ref or taunting your opponent. The current schedule of fines is reasonable, players know what fines are likely to occur for certain conduct.

Again, I don't know why you think the current fine structure is meaningless. They didn't throw down heavy fines for breaking the rim, tweeting, or not wearing dress clothes when you're on the bench, but players understood and stopped doing it. Dikembe Mutombo would taunt opponents every game, but once they started handing down $1000-$2500 fines, he stopped.
Man, it's 5am, I don't follow the NBA, and you want to have a detailed discussion on the regulation of the game? I don't know what you expect here.


Good for the Lakers distancing themselves from kobe's idiocy. They should suspend him for a quarter or something in the next game to show that they are serious. And Kobe, pay the damn fine already!

Darkman M

TangMeng said:
Good for the Lakers distancing themselves from kobe's idiocy. They should suspend him for a quarter or something in the next game to show that they are serious. And Kobe, pay the damn fine already!

Wow man just read four or so post above you.


Dead Man said:
Man, it's 5am, I don't follow the NBA, and you want to have a detailed discussion on the regulation of the game? I don't know what you expect here.
I just think you can't throw out proposals without thinking of the repercussions. There is no indication that the current system of fines is broken. Amare Stoudemire, was fined $7500 for tweeting during a game, he never did it again. He's made more money than Kobe at the same point in the career. Tim Duncan was fined $25,000 for arguing with an official (where one challenged the other to a fight), he never has had the problem again. Dikembe Mutombo used to always wag his finger in his opponents direction after he blocked their shot; he stopped doing it once the league issued technical fouls (which carry a fine between $1000-$2500, depending on the running tally). They've fined players $5,000 for wearing their shorts too long (including Shaq and Kobe, who make a ton of money), and the players corrected it.

If you eliminated the small fines, the NBA has no way of enforcing those rules. And/or extending it to 50% of a game salary is just excessive, when there is no current problem with players breaking rules and incurring fines because they think they don't mean much.


Professional atheletes use offensive and insulting language during games? I AM SHOCKED!

But seriously, you're going to get smacked down if you talk to any ref like that.

Dead Man

numble said:
I just think you can't throw out proposals without thinking of the repercussions. There is no indication that the current system of fines is broken. Amare Stoudemire, was fined $7500 for tweeting during a game, he never did it again. He's made more money than Kobe at the same point in the career. Tim Duncan was fined $25,000 for arguing with an official (where one challenged the other to a fight), he never has had the problem again. Dikembe Mutombo used to always wag his finger in his opponents direction after he blocked their shot; he stopped doing it once the league issued technical fouls (which carry a fine between $1000-$2500, depending on the running tally). They've fined players $5,000 for wearing their shorts too long (including Shaq and Kobe, who make a ton of money), and the players corrected it.
Bloody hell, I didn't just throw it out there, you asked for the proposal! :lol

Edit: Just wandered over to the NBA thread. You guys sure are classy!


Dead Man said:
Bloody hell, I didn't just throw it out there, you asked for the proposal! :lol
Yeah, but you'll still need to think through your proposal. Why do you think the current fine system is meaningless? You want a 50% game fee, how much meaningful is that extra $37,812.50 fine going to be? (Kobe's per game salary is $275,625, 50% is $137,812.50).

Dead Man

numble said:
Yeah, but you'll still need to think through your proposal. Why do you think the current fine system is meaningless? You want a 50% game fee, how much meaningful is that extra $37,812.50 fine going to be? (Kobe's per game salary is $275,625, 50% is $137,812.50).
You knob. I'll tell in a year when I have had time to work it out. :)

EricHasNoPull said:
Hey "Dead Man" is "Numble" your alt Gaf account?

I'm on to you buddy! Muahahahah!
See? Not so much :D

Edit: Sorry, it was the NFL thread I read, they are pretty shabby. NBA guys seemed fine. Apologies.


As long as I'm fact-checking, people should know that the per game salary being reported everywhere ($302,515.24) is wrong, the salary paid includes 8 preseason games, and a player is deducted 1/90th of his salary (82 regular season + 8 preseason games) if he is suspended. His actual per game salary is $275,625.

Edit: It is weird that this is being talked more in the NFL thread, but the NBA has the playoffs coming up.
Future said:
The key thing about the word faggot as an insult is that its used to strip men of their masculinity. It's not necessarily used to put down all homosexuals. People can be fine with homosexuality in general. But if you are straight, and are accused of being homosexual, then that is a different story entirely. This is why gay, faggot, etc will almost always be used in derogatory manners on playgrounds, sports, whatever. And it will always have a defense force of people claiming that they dont mean anything by it, people are too PC etc.

Racial slurs like nigger are slightly different. They put down a whole race of people when used, and also bring people back to a time where they were straight up gettin raped and enslaved. When used as an insult to a member of that race, you are putting down their culture and heritage, and is why it usually is less tolerated. It's less of an insult and more about trashing an entire race. Even if you arent black, people can understand and feel the weight of the word nigger. The use of faggot isn't comparable, IMO. That is, if you agree that its use is to take away masculinity, and not to put down a group of people with that sexual preference

However, its use is also clearly offensive. And clearly people that are gay may hear this word and associate it with troubles of their own. So its use will also not be tolerated in the majority of situations, so there is no real defense for Kobe or anyone that uses it

The key point is to accuse a man of not being a man, being macho or being gay, etc will always be an insult to a straight man. And the word that encompasses this is the word faggot. Unless men suddenly dont care about people telling them they cant get women and like dudes, this will always be a street insult commonly used. It's hard to see this ever changing. Knowing this, I can't get too angry at Kobe, even though the fine was more than appropriate. But then again I'm not gay so really have no idea how some take the word.

Childhood gender nonconformity is pretty common with kids who grow up to be gay. I have rather intimate experience with this, and in some ways it will always be a part of who I am. So will the general mistrust in the attitude that marks these people as easy targets. Pre-gay kids, or a significant number of them, probably have more experience with this use of the word. To say it's a mental association on my part is kind of understating it. It's essentially an attack on one's identity, in a stage where one is already keenly aware of anything that would mark one as different from one's peers. It essentially demands that people adopt an unnatural, false identity to meet some arbitrary standard of masculine behavior.

It's sometimes justified to say that it will 'toughen' people up, but that cause more often than not seems to 'work' on the basis of fear or emotional amputation. Maybe it serves a valid social function, but I tend to see the kind of masculinity that denigrates others as an inferior form of masculinity and doing more harm than good. For example, a masculine ideal is the concept of 'stewardship' and protection, an ideal that is mistakenly pursued if not entirely abandoned by this line of thinking, as it is marked by the kind of insensitivity that causes individual harm. I think we can do better than that, kids already know what the established social roles are without being stigmatized, doing so is overkill.

Again, obviously that's not everyone, there are kids who grow up to be gay that don't exhibit those traits, but the correlation isn't insignificant. Effemiphobia and homophobia are joint issues. Faggot is similar. It's meaning is a little less specific and more nuanced, but it targets gender nonconformity, a category which homosexuality (by the very nature of not being heterosexuality) happens to fall into.


Mumei said:
No, I asked what your reason for not joining arms was. I don't know what's up with your reading comprehension.
This joining arms nonsense is bullshit... I remember "joining arms" with gays during the whole Prop 8 debacle. Shit I even got some of my less enlightened relatives to vote no, and for all of my trouble I was called a nigger by the very same people I was trying to support. I also remember some of you who are pissed at Kobe, defending the use of nigger. I believe Gaborn said he "understood their anger".
enzom21 said:
This joining arms nonsense is bullshit... I remember "joining arms" with gays during the whole Prop 8 debacle. Shit I even got some of my less enlightened relatives to vote no, and for all of my trouble I was called a nigger by the very same people I was trying to support. I also remember some of you who are pissed at Kobe, defending the use of nigger. I believe Gaborn said he "understood their anger".
Just because some people called you a nigger doesn't mean you should stop supporting gays.

No one has defended the use of that word.


enzom21 said:
This joining arms nonsense is bullshit... I remember "joining arms" with gays during the whole Prop 8 debacle. Shit I even got some of my less enlightened relatives to vote no, and for all of my trouble I was called a nigger by the very same people I was trying to support. I also remember some of you who are pissed at Kobe, defending the use of nigger. I believe Gaborn said he "understood their anger".

I NEVER EVER EVER EVER "defended the use of 'nigger'" I did say that I understood why gays were upset with blacks considering blacks were so out of proportion voting no, but that is as far as I went.

edit: I meant voting in favor of prop 8.
enzom21 said:
This joining arms nonsense is bullshit... I remember "joining arms" with gays during the whole Prop 8 debacle. Shit I even got some of my less enlightened relatives to vote no, and for all of my trouble I was called a nigger by the very same people I was trying to support. I also remember some of you who are pissed at Kobe, defending the use of nigger. I believe Gaborn said he "understood their anger".

As crazy as it sounds, there is a such thing as a racist homosexual. Oxymoron no doubt, but you see as many token gays on TV/movies than I do other minorities (latinos, asians, etc.). The best thing that could ever happen to many gays is that many are white and have a strong presence in Hollywood. But if you are a gay racial minority, then you are really screwed in the real world.


Black Canada Mafia
enzom21 said:
This joining arms nonsense is bullshit... I remember "joining arms" with gays during the whole Prop 8 debacle. Shit I even got some of my less enlightened relatives to vote no, and for all of my trouble I was called a nigger by the very same people I was trying to support. I also remember some of you who are pissed at Kobe, defending the use of nigger. I believe Gaborn said he "understood their anger".

I'm sorry to hear you were bit at like that, it's not fair to you or anyone who helped with the cause - but don't let a few people soil your view of an entire group. Hopefully you won't.

And I hope what gaborn said was," I understand their anger, but it dosnt excuse what they said"
Shin Dynamo X said:
As crazy as it sounds, there is a such thing as a racist homosexual. Oxymoron no doubt,
that's not oxymoronic at all. sexual orientation has nothing to do with seeing yourself as superior to another because of your skin color and desirous of diminishing the power and influence of those inferior people.

same can be said of racist women. them being in an oppressed group themselves never seemed to reduce their acceptance of racism. see: 1700's South.


Kinitari said:
I'm sorry to hear you were bit at like that, it's not fair to you or anyone who helped with the cause - but don't let a few people soil your view of an entire group. Hopefully you won't.

And I hope what gaborn said was," I understand their anger, but it dosnt excuse what they said"

I believe I did say something along those lines. Probably closer to "nothing can excuse using that word, we're all upset by this but lashing out doesn't help"


numble said:
As long as I'm fact-checking, people should know that the per game salary being reported everywhere ($302,515.24) is wrong, the salary paid includes 8 preseason games, and a player is deducted 1/90th of his salary (82 regular season + 8 preseason games) if he is suspended. His actual per game salary is $275,625.

Edit: It is weird that this is being talked more in the NFL thread, but the NBA has the playoffs coming up.

There's so little going on in the NFL right now that I'm paying attention to baseball.


rexor0717 said:
Wow, this thread is still happening. I'm glad there were some kind of repercussions for what he said. Just because he a famous but stressed athlete doesn't mean he should get away with what he said.

So if you see some kind of injustice, but its not happening to you, its ok to just stand by and watch it happen? I'm not saying what Kobe said was some great injustice, but for other situations.

Seeing injustice happening infront of my eyes and joining a cause that has nothing to do with me are two different things. I have enough things to deal with as it is. Now I'm being recruited and told to fuck my history because gay struggles are more important than my own.

Plus none of you are convincing me to join your cause with your extreme sensitivity to everything and wanting someone to pay millions for saying one word to someone who wasn't even gay. Give me a break. I don't help people that blow up a situation to new heights just to scream inequality at any corner.
Londa said:
Seeing injustice happening infront of my eyes and joining a cause that has nothing to do with me are two different things. I have enough things to deal with as it is. Now I'm being recruited and told to fuck my history because gay struggles are more important than my own.

Plus none of you are convincing me to join your cause with your extreme sensitivity to everything and wanting someone to pay millions for saying one word to someone who wasn't even gay. Give me a break. I don't help people that blow up a situation to new heights just to scream inequality at any corner.
Wow talk about crying for no reason. No one is saying gay struggles are more important than your own, but your indifference or perhaps, more appropriately, your spiteful apathy ("this cause has nothing to do with me") reveals more about your character than you realize.

Just because you're not gay doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for equal rights for people.

Rexor is correct. People who see injustice in the world and just sit and do nothing, like you apparently are just fine doing, are the worst type of people.


ZephyrFate said:
Wow talk about crying for no reason. No one is saying gay struggles are more important than your own, but your indifference or perhaps, more appropriately, your spiteful apathy ("this cause has nothing to do with me") reveals more about your character than you realize.

Just because you're not gay doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for equal rights for people.

Rexor is correct. People who see injustice in the world and just sit and do nothing, like you apparently are just fine doing, are the worst type of people.

Yet you and a bunch of others are crying even louder over on use of the f word to a straight man.

I haven't seen gay injustice in front of my eyes. I have however seen very well off gays that let everyone know their gay and do not get attacked for it. I don't need to protect them of fight for their rights. I rather help people who loss everything to a tsunami.


ZephyrFate said:
Wow talk about crying for no reason. No one is saying gay struggles are more important than your own, but your indifference or perhaps, more appropriately, your spiteful apathy ("this cause has nothing to do with me") reveals more about your character than you realize.

Just because you're not gay doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for equal rights for people.

Rexor is correct. People who see injustice in the world and just sit and do nothing, like you apparently are just fine doing, are the worst type of people.

Even worse than Kobe?


Black Canada Mafia
Londa said:
Seeing injustice happening infront of my eyes and joining a cause that has nothing to do with me are two different things. I have enough things to deal with as it is. Now I'm being recruited and told to fuck my history because gay struggles are more important than my own.

Plus none of you are convincing me to join your cause with your extreme sensitivity to everything and wanting someone to pay millions for saying one word to someone who wasn't even gay. Give me a break. I don't help people that blow up a situation to new heights just to scream inequality at any corner.

Jigga what?

Who here is telling you to do that? Who here is recruiting you? Is your problem that some people are overly sensitive? Is that reason enough to think that a 'cause' is not worth supporting, because some of the people in said cause have been hurt by words you don't personally find offensive?


Londa said:
Yet you and a bunch of others are crying even louder over on use of the f word to a straight man.

I haven't seen gay injustice in front of my eyes. I have however seen very well off gays that let everyone know their gay and do not get attacked for it. I don't need to protect them of fight for their rights. I rather help people who loss everything to a tsunami.

How do you know he's straight?


ZephyrFate said:
Just because some people called you a nigger doesn't mean you should stop supporting gays.

No one has defended the use of that word.
Like how people shouldn't call an entire group of people niggers because some of them voted yes to prop 8.

Gaborn said:
I believe I did say something along those lines. Probably closer to "nothing can excuse using that word, we're all upset by this but lashing out doesn't help"
I'm pretty sure you only said you understood their anger, but if I am wrong I apologize.

I think the one big issue I am having is there wasn't the same level of condemnation of gays calling black people niggers from the gay community as there is for Kobe saying faggot. I also feel there has been an undercurrent of anger toward the black community by some of the gay members of GAF.

Take Mercury Fred for example, he said he called a black cashier at a store a nigger and she should get over it or something along those lines to make a point about people defending Kobe's use of faggot, or the time he posted pictures of black men being lynched because 50 cent said something stupid. Now I doubt Mercury Fred hates black people but he sure loves to take things to the extreme and toss around nigger willy-nilly.

Darkman M

enzom21 said:
Like how people shouldn't call an entire group of people niggers because some of them voted yes to prop 8.

I'm pretty sure you only said you understood their anger, but if I am wrong I apologize.

I think the one big issue I am having is there wasn't the same level of condemnation of gays calling black people niggers from the gay community as there is for Kobe saying faggot. I also feel there has been an undercurrent of anger toward the black community by some of the gay members of GAF.

Take Mercury Fred for example, he said he called a black cashier at a store a nigger and she should get over it or something along those lines to make a point about people defending Kobe's use of faggot, or the time he posted pictures of black men being lynched because 50 cent said something stupid. Now I doubt Mercury Fred hates black people but he sure loves to take things to the extreme and toss around nigger willy-nilly.
Hmm interesting indeed my friend.
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