Super Bunnyhop really says it the best;
Kojima wrote himself into a corner. It was an attempt to bridge continuity between a game from 1987 and with one that explains how the most beloved character (MGS3) becomes a villain (MGS5).
The game failed in its execution. I think MGS4 or MGS5 was not particularly more insane or nonsical than MGS 1-3. I just think that we didn't bought the fiction in MGS5.
MGS5 has none of the charm, and thus we don't buy the bullshit. The characters don't work, there is little drama or character development, and it lacked the cohesive development the other games had.
MGS has always been bad shit insane and full of plot holes and scientific explanations that didn't made sense. MGS1,2 and 3 are all loaded with bosses with badly defined character abillities and motivations that make no fucking sense. Either mysterious psychic powers, or experimental nanomachines, or weird drawn out explanations on recessive/dominate genes, cloning, and more takes center stage.
But that's okay, because it had its charm and the characters were fun, and we bought the fiction. Snake was a cool dude on an important mission, and like a soap opera, once you're in, you're hooked.
But we didn't buy it in MGS5 and that is why I am so puzzled by all of it.
I cannot confidently engage in the Quiet discussion because at least her character had a tiny bit of action at the end. It didn't make much sense, but could I say the same for Code Talker? Paz? Ocelot? Kaz? They are all completely forgettable and unimportant and have little they learn or develop into.
MGS5 failed us from what we thought we were getting. I thought we were going to be shooting kids, making choices that turn a hero into a demon, as a hero becomes everything he sworn to fight against and losses the plot beneth him. Kojima was not brave enough to let snake become evil, and that was the problem.
Instead these mercenaries are treated as characters in Animal Crossing. THEY'RE MERCENARIES. Mercenaries doesn't discriminate, they kill anyone for money. Mercenaries are not supposed to be this loveable guys. Mercenaries rape, they kill, they torture. The game completely lacked the balls to portray them like real mercenary organizations.
MGS5 has the best stealth gameplay ("sandbox") I have ever seen in a video game. It's AI the smoothness of the animations the enemy interactions, the way you can impact the mission. It's absolutely incredible and a benchmark for all other games.
What is more, is that MGS manages to do this even though its open world is boring, hollow and empty. It really says something about how staggeringly good the core gameplay is.
And I can live with that. MGS5 plays so good that it doesn't belong in the same series as the other games. But the cost was a story that didn't pull us in.
Foxdie, nanomachines, AI simulation. I mean, look. What Kojima was going for. I understand it. And the language virus was not a bad idea. It just didn't work. On paper it probably worked. It properly ticked off all the design spec sheets that a MGS story has to have.
But then again, it didn't. MGS5 has one memorable boss fight. The skulls are nothing like the group-boss organizations of previous games.
IMO MGS4 is the ending. MGS5 is a filler. A tech demo that plays really well (like MGS Rising) but doesn't give anything meaningful to the lore. It's weird because disappointed in a video game that plays absolutely incredible, but disappoints you because its static non-playable sections are disappointing. All that shows, is just how attached many of us are to this franchise. After all these years.
I've come to terms with it, and I am not upset at it anymore. I don't think MGS5 ruined the other games retroactively. Not the same way the Matrix sequels made you dislike the first film more.
At worst MGS5 is just pointless. Venom was not the guy. He was just another soldier. The real Big Boss is somewhere else out there, following the Boss will. Okay. So at best MGS5 is like a "it was just a dream" story.