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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sohois said:
Her. Kayle is a she.

I've found you're better off building full ad on Kayle rather than going with a typical hybrid build - rageblade, nashors & hextech gunblade - since she gets double the bonus from ad compared to ap (30% to 15% iirc)

Lol I always mix that up. Kyle lol. Bloodrazor on Kayle is pretty good on her.


sohois said:
Her. Kayle is a she.

I've found you're better off building full ad on Kayle rather than going with a typical hybrid build - rageblade, nashors & hextech gunblade - since she gets double the bonus from ad compared to ap (30% to 15% iirc)

30% of her AP is converted into AD. So its better to go AP cause if you get to 400 AP which is a pretty easy feat, you add on 120 damage which is pretty great.

I just find Kayle an overall weak hero to team with.


Kozak said:
30% of her AP is converted into AD. So its better to go AP cause if you get to 400 AP which is a pretty easy feat, you add on 120 damage which is pretty great.

I just find Kayle an overall weak hero to team with.

no its definately 30% of attack power that becomes ap & 15% of ap that becomes attack power.

Kayle has been a bit poor for a while now, she's not a ranged dps because her E isn't always up and in any case kog'maw or ezrael would be a superior choice for ranged hybrid characters. She can't match up to regular melee dps chars either, not being able to jungle and lacking survivability. Tbh i prefered her in her previous incarnation before the remake, even though she was almost certainly worse then i just liked to play her as tank/support.



Right now I'm having a lot of fun with maokai, although it's quite dependent on the team, I'm specially loving the big purple circle of doom. people tend to run away from it and I actually saves partners because of it (and kill some poor anies too)
undu said:
Right now I'm having a lot of fun with maokai, although it's quite dependent on the team, I'm specially loving the big purple circle of doom. people tend to run away from it and I actually saves partners because of it (and kill some poor anies too)

You just played against a team with four ranged ad carries. Congrats haha, never been that lucky before personally.


Tideas said:
so who are the OP champions now?

Amummu and Rammus to the list above.

Rammus' taunt is dadly and Amummu is about the best group stun I've seen. Works well if you have another AOE in your team like Nunu.

Brands ult works well in it too.


In US server the the popular bans are Eve, Zilean, Shen, Twisted Fate and Nocturne.

Eve because of her roaming and ganking with her stealth causes players to play more conservatively and waste money on more wards and oracles.
Zilean because he can pretty much correct bad plays with revive.
For the same reason, Shen is pretty OP with his global shield teleport, being able to turn around ganks into the teams favour.
Twisted Fate has that same ability to turn ganks around, create ganks and being able to split push and backdoor is really strong also.
Okay question, I've been running a Crit-plank as my main to much success early and mid with Gangplank. The issue I'm having is late game survivability. I hit like a truck but my find my self too squishy to really allow my damage to kill. Any recommendation as far as items go?

My core items are:
Trin Force
Ionian Boots
Yomuu Blade
Phantom Dancer
Infinity Edge


Dubbedinenglish said:
Okay question, I've been running a Crit-plank as my main to much success early and mid with Gangplank. The issue I'm having is late game survivability. I hit like a truck but my find my self too squishy to really allow my damage to kill. Any recommendation as far as items go?

My core items are:
Trin Force
Ionian Boots
Yomuu Blade
Phantom Dancer
Infinity Edge

Your core build costs 14482 Gold. I'd hate to ask what you get when you get more gold.
caromelo said:
Your core build costs 14482 Gold. I'd hate to ask what you get when you get more gold.

Usually it's hard enough to get those items. I get a philosopher's stone and avarice blade to help with the gold (stone I sell and blade I build to Yomuu). Mainly the money comes from kills and Parrrley last hits. Without a AOE spell besides ult it makes a bit more tedious to farm minions. With the build though the speed and crit damage is worth it.
I've determined that playing Warwick in Ranked is just about the best way to ensure wins. I'm now 28-10 with him, and that is the main reason I've climbed up from ~1000, along with doing well with Udyr and Ashe. If I Warwick, I know the jungle on my team doesn't suck, and I can control side lanes and mid with ganks if need be. He also stays high enough to not get easily counter jungled, I don't even need health pots when jungling, and can spend the money on wards instead.


The average gold per game I get is around 10000g. Which is why I was concerned if you consider your build core.

Your core should basically be boots and Infinity Edge because that would be the most reliable to get in any game. After you get this core, you can then build depending on the situation, building more offense or defense. For defense, get Sunfire cape if you are struggling with physical damage or Banshees Veil if you're having trouble with casters. It is important to adapt your build according to the situation.

Generally I like to build my Gangplank as such because it outputs enough damage and can take a few hits too.
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
Frozen Mallet - Parley applies slow, gives more survivability.
Atmas Impaler - Gives more attack damage with the amount of health and more crit chance.
Late Game it is important to get Last Whisper to deal with tanks.
been playing poppy as of late, really fun carry and it's great harrassing at towers, but her farming is horrible.

I've been going the AD route, dorans, then beserkers, sheen, trinity, life steal, phantom dancer, blood thirster, black cleaver and finally an infinity edge. I hit like an absolute truck but it's very hard to farm.


Well, I always seem to like playing characters in unconventional ways (I think I've played with a couple Gaffers as AD Kassadin), so I've decided to pick up AP Shaco. Deathfire Grasp>Shiv>Lichbane Proc + hit > Deceive = glass cannon destroyer.


Neo Member
les papillons sexuels said:
been playing poppy as of late, really fun carry and it's great harrassing at towers, but her farming is horrible.

I've been going the AD route, dorans, then beserkers, sheen, trinity, life steal, phantom dancer, blood thirster, black cleaver and finally an infinity edge. I hit like an absolute truck but it's very hard to farm.

He farms off getting kills ha and really last hitting in a lane without heroes with a stun. He only really needs trinity and he becomes a hassle.


Tideas said:
so who are the OP champions now?

Irelia, Jarvan and Nocturne, IMO.
Unkillable mobile self-healing tanky bursty assassin, triple CC high-damage tanky DPS and... whatever Nocturne is meant to be. AD-scaling, double steroid tanky DPS ganker with a spell-shield? Everything feels wrong about Nocturne, idk.
les papillons sexuels said:
been playing poppy as of late, really fun carry and it's great harrassing at towers, but her farming is horrible.

I've been going the AD route, dorans, then beserkers, sheen, trinity, life steal, phantom dancer, blood thirster, black cleaver and finally an infinity edge. I hit like an absolute truck but it's very hard to farm.

I say skip the shield and rush sheen.. start with a mana crystal and a couple health pots.. get sheen, then boots
Fisticuffs said:
I say skip the shield and rush sheen.. start with a mana crystal and a couple health pots.. get sheen, then boots

I don't get the sheild, I get the blade, I've been finding that the little bit of life steal and the extra damage keep me in the lane a bit longer. I've also tried some of the gold/10 items, seemed to be usefull.


sparkle this bitch
les papillons sexuels said:
I don't get the sheild, I get the blade, I've been finding that the little bit of life steal and the extra damage keep me in the lane a bit longer. I've also tried some of the gold/10 items, seemed to be usefull.
Poppy sitting in a lane is a waste though, similar to Alistar. Get out there and start harassing other lanes as soon as you get a few levels. Once you get your first kill or two. It's gravy. She needs very little to be effective for a large portion of the game(Boots+Sheen). So either start with the boots and get 3 pots, or start with the mana gem and get 2 pots. A Doran's item just slows you down from getting those two all important items for her.

Then get your Gold over time items.
I just had a game with one of the worst teams I've ever had. Then... we won? It was damn weird. We finished the game a collective 13-45, but while half our team was getting raped in team fights, we had 1 or 2 backdoor them. Teams with no pushing power are really hindered in the long run, and that really showed this game. Their only ranged hero was an Anivia, who really has zero ability to push.
I'm fucking uninstalling this game. I can't play this shit anymore. So many bad fucking players. The service is terrible. Fuck Riot and fuck this shit game.


sparkle this bitch
And you'll get many more. There are games were I completely feel like I'm a league above everyone in it. When both of your tanks are chasing around a Teemo away from the group fight. They keep targeting our Viegar? Never thinks to buys a Bashee Viel so Anumu can't ult him. Our Udyr is still in the jungle 50 minutes in while group fights are going on?

I think the most rage inducing one lately was that Udyr and a Fiddle who followed. Continually went off on their own to fuck around in the jungle. 4v5... and you know what, everytime we told them to get in a group. OH SORRY! do it again? OH SORRY! How about you take the shit out of your ears and listen instead of having to apologize.

I really wanted to kill that fiddle. Group fight? He's farming on top. Group fight? He runs off to get blue. Group fight? He is killing the fucking dogs. Ended up with about 4-5 kills less than the next lowest, and 10+ assists than the next lowest. The shithead deserved to be banned, even with us winning the game.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Can't say much about the players as I haven't played in a while, but I'd say he's right about the service.


Jazzy Network said:
I'm fucking uninstalling this game. I can't play this shit anymore. So many bad fucking players. The service is terrible. Fuck Riot and fuck this shit game.

Yuuuuuuurp. I hate to be that person but I'm wondering if the only time Riot will get their shit together is when Valve start a DoTA2 beta or S2 brings out some significant changes to HoN.


Spookie said:
Yuuuuuuurp. I hate to be that person but I'm wondering if the only time Riot will get their shit together is when Valve start a DoTA2 beta or S2 brings out some significant changes to HoN.

Yeah, I definitely like what they have done with the game so far, but it seems like they need more ways to make money. They are definitely prioritizing making new charas/skins because that's what drives their revenue, while other things - Project Shiny, Magma Chamber, new game modes rebalances/tweaks - have definitely fallen by the wayside because they can't be monetized without getting flak from players.

I mean, how long ago did they announce Magma Chamber and it still isn't even close to being done? If money is the issue, I definitely wouldn't mind paying for a 'premium account' or something that gave them guaranteed revenue monthly and me some free champions or something.

Will definitely be interesting to see how DOTA 2 impacts both HON and LOL (I think HON has more to worry about, though, considering League is notably different than DOTA).


EXGN said:
Will definitely be interesting to see how DOTA 2 impacts both HON and LOL (I think HON has more to worry about, though, considering League is notably different than DOTA).

We'll see. Valve tend to play test the shit out of their games and I wouldn't be suprised if they pulled a 'TFC to TF2' and stripped it down to it's bare basics. That and it's a Valve, so it's a given everyone will drop their DoTA clones and flock to try out the sequel.

EXGN said:
while other things - Project Shiny, Magma Chamber, new game modes rebalances/tweaks - have definitely fallen by the wayside because they can't be monetized without getting flak from players.

Well they can kindly fuck off. I refuse to buy any more Riot Points until I see some significant improvements.


shintoki said:
Money is not an issue with Riot games. They are one of the fastest rising companies in the industry.

They need money to fund all that growth, plus they just moved to a new studio. While I don't doubt that the company is making bank, I think it's pretty telling from their actions (focusing on new skins/expensive champs rather than maps/tweaks/modes) that they still need more money to finish off all the unmonitizable (made up words, yay!) projects they're working on.

We'll see. Valve tend to play test the shit out of their games and I wouldn't be suprised if they pulled a 'TFC to TF2' and stripped it down to it's bare basics.

I can only hope so. I tried HON over the weekend since its was free and trying learning all those new champs was pretty overwhelming. If Dota 2 is really gonna ship with more than 100 champs without some way to assist the learning process, I'm not sure I'll bite.


Jazzy Network said:
I'm fucking uninstalling this game. I can't play this shit anymore. So many bad fucking players. The service is terrible. Fuck Riot and fuck this shit game.

Hi-5. I'm quitting too
Marn playing LoL right now...

Also, what's this news of Flash becoming an item? Not that I'm opposed, but I hope it's either useful outside of Flash or that it's a Boot item. I don't want to be limited to 4 slots.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Marn playing LoL right now...

Also, what's this news of Flash becoming an item? Not that I'm opposed, but I hope it's either useful outside of Flash or that it's a Boot item. I don't want to be limited to 4 slots.

The flash being an item issue has been talked about for a long long time now. In fact I'm sure it was discussed earlier in this thread. Honestly I think removing the summoner skill would be a terrible idea.


Tomat said:
So Tribunal, what does GAF think?

Three reports a day shouldn't include ones you've skipped; it's a tiny limit for something fun and constructive. And everyone on there appears to be an arsehole, so I've punished everyone for whom I can understand the chat.


Not really seeing the point of the tribunal at this time. Every one I've voted on so far has been a person with a large history (atleast 5 games) of be a dick/leaving/feeding etc. These cases seem like they'd be easy for riot to deal with on their own.
Wow, being part of the Tribunal ROCKS.

Hitting that "Punish" button against obvious pricks has never felt quite so satisfying. Now that I know how it looks like from the Tribunal's end, I intend to be much more specific in my reporting.


sparkle this bitch
Gave it a try. 2nd case didn't load properly, so I skipped it. But I personally would much rather have options to see everyone else in the game too, and punish based on that.

Both of the other two were clearly feeders, with multiple games like 1/19, 4/22
Two of the cases the people clearly blew and were constantly rude, so that was easy.

There was one where the guy had a very mixed record. Occasionally strong games (19/5) with some even k/d ratios. But the guy was just a prick throughout. I was hesitant to punish until I just saw way too much evidence.

What's damning is when the winning team flags someone on the opposite side for being a prick.
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