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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I really wish I would get people other than blatant griefers so I could actually hit the pardon button. Really. All I've gotten so far are feeders (several Zeal stackers) or obvious afkers (as in, "I'll afk now enjoy your loss").

One of my cases was of a top solo queue player from back when I first started (the week Galio was released). I realised the moment I read his summoner name. Apparently all he does is rage and feed lately.
Just checked, he's ~1700 now, top rating ~2200.


I expect I will appear on the Tribunal :x

With my friends I'm always all chatting to the other team to learn how to play etc. griefing them even before mid game.

Ya I'm a bad person :S


Everything I seem to judge is people constantly spamming swearwords and racism. Either that or someone consistently AFKing after three minutes - like, seriously, how do you ever get better at the game if you never play a whole match?


red_13th said:
I really wish I would get people other than blatant griefers so I could actually hit the pardon button. Really. All I've gotten so far are feeders (several Zeal stackers) or obvious afkers (as in, "I'll afk now enjoy your loss").

One of my cases was of a top solo queue player from back when I first started (the week Galio was released). I realised the moment I read his summoner name. Apparently all he does is rage and feed lately.
Just checked, he's ~1700 now, top rating ~2200.

Same. I guess that means the community is doing its job in not abusing the report button.

All of the games I've judged so far show the people doing the same thing each time - one guy would run around the fountain if he lost his lane early, he did the same thing for each reported game. Another called his teammates the N-word and fed if he didn't get the lane he wanted. Been pretty easy decisions so far.


FlightOfHeaven said:

He's basically saying that sure, the person being complained about may have been shitty - but so was everyone who reported them, so he voted "not guilty".

Not how I'd do it, personally, but to each their own.


It says that your suppose to worry about the person in question and not the actions of everyone else. Just because they were coaxed into acting like a douche doesn't mean they should.
I'm not going to turn a blind eye on the insults going around those games. In one case, the person who was beeing acused wasn't even the one who started the problems.
BluWacky said:
He's basically saying that sure, the person being complained about may have been shitty - but so was everyone who reported them, so he voted "not guilty".

Not how I'd do it, personally, but to each their own.

That's not how you're supposed to do it in the first place. I actually read the guide, and it explicitly states that you are not supposed to pardon the player if they are bad but not the worst.

The basic rule of thumb is, if they made the game deliberately unfun to play, punish them.

I reviewed a guy today where EVERYONE ELSE reported him. That's right, 9 people in one game turned against someone.


Unconfirmed Member
BluWacky said:
He's basically saying that sure, the person being complained about may have been shitty - but so was everyone who reported them, so he voted "not guilty".

Not how I'd do it, personally, but to each their own.

I understand where hes coming from though

I feel we don't have enough information to go on sometimes. It'd be easier to make a decision with stuff like the scores of other members, or their number of previous game leaves in the case of leavers

but so far alot of mine have just been obvious leaves/trolls. People stacking zeals on support champs and spamming all talk. That kinds shit I think should be punished regardless of context


Macattk15 said:
Holy shit. All 3 of my cases were obvious griefers / feeders / racists.
It's gonna be like that for a while until results are in. If Riot sticks to their guns and hands out appropriate punishment, people will shape up.


So after watching HotShotGG get his alt account of the No. 2 spot in solo q, I decided to pick up Nidalee. Really fun/interesting character - I love pouncing away in the middle of a team fight with low life, only to come back a few seconds later with 3/4 my life back because of her awesome heal.


Second-rate Anihawk
Patch notes:

New Items in the Store

Frostfire Annie
Wasteland Miss Fortune
Summoner Name Change

PVP.net v1.36.14

Summoners can now setup multiple mastery pages in their Summoner Profile to select from during Champion Selection, up to a maximum of 10.

League of Legends


Health per level reduced to 102 from 110
Ability power ratio reduced to .6 from .8
Reduced the chance of failed knockups near terrain
Base damage reduced to 85/130/175/220/265 from 85/135/185/235/285
Ability power ratio reduced to .8 from 1


Ability power ratio increased to .75 from .6
Damage reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 80/125/170/215/260
Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
Ability power ratio increased to .8 from .6
Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 85/145/205/265/325
Mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
Summon: Tibbers
Mana cost reduced to 125/175/225 from 150/200/250
No longer gives experience on death
Gold bounty increased to 50 from 15
Now gains health per rank: 1200/1600/2000
Now gains armor per rank: 30/50/70
Now gains magic resist per rank: 25/45/65
Lowered the duration to 45 seconds from 60 seconds
Area-of-effect burn damage is now 35 at all ranks from 40/60/80, but now has a 0.2 ability power ratio
Restored old animation (skip hop run) to Annie


Reduced the chance of Rupture failing to knock up the target


Idol Of Durand's damage range now matches the taunt range


Bladesurge damage reduced to 20/50/80/110/140 from 20/55/90/125/160
Transcendent Blades
Now heals for 10% vs minions, and 20% vs champions.
Ability Power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
Deals physical damage instead of magic damage.
Scales with attack damage and ability power


Updated recommended items
Caustic Spittle
Cast range increased to 625 from 600
Now lowers both magic resist and armor
Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown decreased to 15 seconds from 17
Living Artillery now scales with attack damage and ability power at a 0.5 ratio
Void Ooze width increased slightly


Junkyard Titan bonus damage on basic attacks no longer procs Rylais or works with Spell Vamp
Flamespitter cooldown increased by 1 second
Fixed a bug where Rumble's ultimate would display the wrong team indicator on some machines with low graphics settings


Boomerang Blade
Missile speed increased to 1350 from 1200
Attack damage ratio increased to 1 from .95
Base damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 75/120/165/210/255


Movement speed reduced to 305 from 310
Range decreased to 550 from 555
Tumble mana cost increased to 40 from 35.
Silver Bolts base damage reduced to 20/30/40/50/60 from 30/40/50/60/70
Condemn base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 60/100/140/180/220


Transfusion heal reduced to 15/25/35/45/55 from 17.5/28.75/40/51.25/62.5


Moonflair Spellblade combine cost lowered to 340 from 430
Hextech Revolver's Spell Vamp component is now Unique


Only very long-range abilities such as Enchanted Crystal Arrow will cast using the minimap, other spells will no longer cast using the minimap.
Cursor-cast spells, which cast at the location of your mouse cursor without requiring a left-click, will cast through parts of the UI (including the minimap) as though you were targeting the ground underneath
The Havoc mastery now increases total physical and magic damage dealt by 4%, instead of increasing base physical and magic damage dealt by 5%

Pretty big Vayne nerf, who didn't see that? :p

Saved masteries are awesome too.

Also NAME CHANGE OMG. I must have that so my account isn't named after some shitty song I was obsessed with when I started playing the game.


Another Vlad nerf. Sheesh. I know he gets shit for being an easy character and is a huge cunt mid game and late game but I honestly think people don't know how to shut down Vlad's early game to gimp him.


VaLiancY said:
Another Vlad nerf. Sheesh. I know he gets shit for being an easy character and is a huge cunt mid game and late game but I honestly think people don't know how to shut down Vlad's early game to gimp him.

He should just be remade already. He's far and away the worst champion design on the game (or best, depending on your point of view).


red_13th said:
He should just be remade already. He's far and away the worst champion design on the game (or best, depending on your point of view).

I love Vlad, I love his design, I love beefy characters because I hate getting blown up in a teamfight after a stun like Yi or Akali but yes, I feel like it's a rollercoaster ride with Vlad the way the team balances his design. Riot does has some weird design issues, I like that they're buffing old champions but a majority of the new champions outshine the old ones.


Second-rate Anihawk
Teknopathetic said:
Riot just needs to drop the anti-fun credo already.

What does Riot consider anti-fun anyway? I know an employee posted Bloodseeker's ultimate as a specific example on their forums, but I can't remember anything beyond that.


sparkle this bitch
Archie said:
What does Riot consider anti-fun anyway? I know an employee posted Bloodseeker's ultimate as a specific example on their forums, but I can't remember anything beyond that.
I'd argue Teemo's shrooms being another pretty anti-fun ability.

Vlad just needs a change. Too much defense+offensive+utility. One of the areas has to go. I still think if they turn his Q into a skill shot, a lot of the complaints would die down. Make it were it only recovers half of the health from minions as it does against champions.


Archie said:
What does Riot consider anti-fun anyway? I know an employee posted Bloodseeker's ultimate as a specific example on their forums, but I can't remember anything beyond that.

Globals tis' why Riot is nerfing TF and Pantheon(lol) ults in the future but buffing them in other areas.
Archie said:
What does Riot consider anti-fun anyway? I know an employee posted Bloodseeker's ultimate as a specific example on their forums, but I can't remember anything beyond that.

Wow, looking up Bloodseeker brought back memories. The original DotA was a lot of fun and I wanted to get into HoN, but it's so hard to distinguish creeps, heroes and terrain. Also, denying is a fucking terrible mechanic, when I saw that happening I raged on the inside.

Why would his ult be "anti-fun" though? It's a really neat spell. It either forces the opponent to stand their ground, or severely punishes them for running. If it were in LoL, the duration would severely shortened, but I don't see why it's "anti-fun." I don't see it much different from a snare like Morgana's, Lux's, or Ryze's.


Forgot I hadn't posted my Summoner Name here yet.

Guy Buttersnaps

Feel free to add me. Roommate and I just started playing again after a few months away so we're still rusty.
"What does Riot consider anti-fun anyway? I know an employee posted Bloodseeker's ultimate as a specific example on their forums, but I can't remember anything beyond that."

I have no idea, but with the frequency of champ additions the end result is a lot of samey skills.


Second-rate Anihawk
Yeah, one of my biggest gripes against LoL is that alot of characters are very samey. Nearly every character is guaranteed to have some form of a skillshot, AoE DD, passive skill with a steroid activation and AoE/targeted disable. There are some really fun champs to play (Corki <3), though.


Archie said:
Yeah, one of my biggest gripes against LoL is that alot of characters are very samey. Nearly every character is guaranteed to have some form of a skillshot, AoE DD, passive skill with a steroid activation and AoE/targeted disable. There are some really fun champs to play (Corki <3), though.

I'm starting to see this too. I was watching some HoN spotlights of their new champs from the most recent til December release. They had some mage that can dive into allies and a healer gives his life to allies. I was really disappointed as to why LoL just has the same cookie cutter design for certain champions type like when the AoE metagame was in its zenith. I'd like to see a lot more variety in the future. It's the reason why I'm bored with most of the AD carries, I only like Ashe because of her "fuck you, team fight now" initiation and Corki cause....Corki is a boss at everything.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
For Riot, anti-fun is basically any ability which requires additional research to fully understand, or something that can kill you without you understanding what happened. They want everything to be "skill" based, hence all the skill shots.
That's a load of bull. A lot of the abilities in LoL took me a while to understand what was going on. I think most people can wrap their head around Rupture (Bloodseeker's Ult).

Anyways, I was in a game that pit 4 premade v an entirely random team. Fuck that shit.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't think Bloodseeker/hunter's ult is that complicated either but apparently Riot does.
FlightOfHeaven said:
That's a load of bull. A lot of the abilities in LoL took me a while to understand what was going on. I think most people can wrap their head around Rupture (Bloodseeker's Ult).

Anyways, I was in a game that pit 4 premade v an entirely random team. Fuck that shit.

I agree, wouldn't bloodseeker be pretty much the same as veigar's event horizon, with only difference being damage as opposed to a stun?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Event Horizon is closer to Engineer's Ult. There's nothing quite like Rupture in LoL as far as I can remember.


I recently got a new computer with a ati radeon hd 5450 graphics card. And I can't believe how terrible this game looks. What am I doing wrong?
"I recently got a new computer with a ati radeon hd 5450 graphics card. And I can't believe how terrible this game looks. What am I doing wrong?"

It's just not particularly attractive. There is a graphics update coming (sometime lolololol, coincident with the real rapture), but yeah, its only got its more accessible art style going for it.

That said I have to say that despite HoN being a significantly better looker, I'd take LoL's graphics over HoN's any day of the week for a game I have to actually play.
Door2Dawn said:
I recently got a new computer with a ati radeon hd 5450 graphics card. And I can't believe how terrible this game looks. What am I doing wrong?
Nothing, the game just looks like a Warcraft 3 mod. Though to be honest I don't really mind. The graphics are bright and colourful and it's way easier for my colourblind eyes to follow the action in LoL when you compare it to the darker colours in HoN.
Teknopathetic said:
"I recently got a new computer with a ati radeon hd 5450 graphics card. And I can't believe how terrible this game looks. What am I doing wrong?"

It's just not particularly attractive. There is a graphics update coming (sometime lolololol, coincident with the real rapture), but yeah, its only got its more accessible art style going for it.

That said I have to say that despite HoN being a significantly better looker, I'd take LoL's graphics over HoN's any day of the week for a game I have to actually play.

Agreed. I was really impressed by the graphical prowess of HoN, but the design does not help the gameplay. I got a headache after one game.
Annie buffs:


Before, you were worried about Annie blowing people up in lane and initiating team fights later on. Now she blows people up all game long and you really don't want to see her with Mejai stacks.
Shalashaska161 said:
Nothing, the game just looks like a Warcraft 3 mod. Though to be honest I don't really mind. The graphics are bright and colourful and it's way easier for my colourblind eyes to follow the action in LoL when you compare it to the darker colours in HoN.

I think you need to go back and play W3 - This game is looks ALOT better than it :p

But the graphics arent exactly something to write home about anyways.


sparkle this bitch
Honestly, she was fine before. The biggest "Once she turns 6, finger on the fucking flash button at all times". They are already buffing a fairly solid character.


I honestly can't fathom why they buffed Annie and left Veigar as he is. Decent caster gets remake over clunky caster. Next thing you know they will be buffing Anivia.

More racist abuse on my Tribunal cases, this guy cursed Koreans and Chinese on each of his 11 reports except the two he afk'd. He ran his mouth on /all and even fed once just because one of his team mates had an Asian name, wtf.


Another update and Shaco is still broken and underpowered as hell. I guess it's better than last summer when he pretty much shat kills, but it would be nice if they could find a happy medium. Currently, there are people who do everything he does and infinitely better (here's looking at you, Nocturne).


I am about to hit 20, and I have been saving up my IP for runes! Can anyone recommend runes to buy first? I enjoy tanks and support champions the most.
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