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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Neo Member
Are any of these games ever saved for viewing later? I can't seem to find any of them (except that match where doublelift zoned ashe out of her fountain).. It'd be nice to watch them on my time since I usually can't when they're actually streaming.
I just had one of my best games ever. I was reliably last hitting to the point that I had 50+ minion kills when the next closest person was at 25, effectively harassing mid lane (which is my weakest), and had taken mid tower. I had boots, BF Sword, and 3 Doran's Blades. It was working great.

Unfortunately, we were down one for the entire game, and I ended up getting tower dived again and again, ending up 8/12/7/ :<
In other news, GAF Games:

I've been doing a lot better since I started mimic-ing this build I saw one of the tournament players use. I just go straight for Doran's, then hold out for B.F. sword. I also heeded the advice of a guide and remapped my rune page entirely; ArmPen and Mana Regen runes everywhere, with Quints going towards ArmPen.

Extremely effective. I don't need Manamune anymore, as long as I'm prudent with my mana consumption. Damage comes in fast; I go Dorans -> BF -> Boots -> Last Whisper. Depending on what I need I go either Bloodthirster or Infinity Edge from there. If there's time, I go for Banshee's Veil. I've been wanting to build a Trinity Force, but I never get that far.


Wow...TSM seed number 1? I was rooting for them but after they lost set 1 to CLG and dominated early and mid game in set 2, it seemed like they threw it away before I had to leave. Hopefully ColbyCheeze or TSM saved their VODs.


when you're sick of losing
just bring out the lux


Ultimoo said:
What a coincidence, Lux is my go to hero too. easy mode, yes!

well not really easy mode when you have 1700 rated players and 1 disconnected
but yeah, ive played a lot of lux (random brand game)
caromelo said:
What's this? SouthernDragon finally learnt how to farm? Hope that means your positioning has improved also. xD

We'll have to play another game and see! :p

As for farming, I have no idea what's going on. Things just clicked during my first game yesterday, I just started last hitting everything. Weird.


So, rant incoming.

I'm pretty sure I'm done with solo queue unless I'm duoing with someone I know is at least a competent player. Over the past week, I've managed to tank my ELO by like 200 points from 1150 to 950. Not blaming it entirely on my teams (I did less than exemplary in a few games), but I've just had some just plain awful teammates.

One game, for example, the enemy Viegar was getting the majority of kills and was easily the biggest threat, with more than 700+ AP. Our tank's build? Frozen Heart, Sunfire Cape and one Null Mantle. Or I had another with a Lux that kept trying to 1v1 a Malzahar and went 1/13. Or another where my teammate intentionally fed because he didn't get the lane he wanted. Or another where Xin went 4/12 by repeatedly running around in the enemy jungle and getting ganked because their Teemo had it shroomed.

I have no grand illusions that I am a 2,000-rank ELO player, but I do think I'm at least competent and have a basic understanding of this game. It's frustrating that the game can't match me up with people of my skill level. Can't wait til they reset the ranks for S2.


Second-rate Anihawk
I still don't understand why Riot doesn't just use the Chinese art. It makes the western one look embarrassing.


Archie said:
I still don't understand why Riot doesn't just use the Chinese art. It makes the western one look embarrassing.

Am I the only person who find the Chinese art your stereotypical F2P MMO look? For me everyone looks tacky with their BIG ANIME EYES! ^_^

Edit- I'll give the Chinese one thing: there is less 'fan service' when it comes to the females.
Spookie said:
Am I the only person who find the Chinese art your stereotypical F2P MMO look? For me everyone looks tacky with their BIG ANIME EYES! ^_^

Edit- I'll give the Chinese one thing: there is less 'fan service' when it comes to the females.

I dunno, I find it a) aesthetically more appealing and b) just better "art" over all.*

*highly subjective, I know

I mean, come on:

Also, I'm not seeing the "anime" critique. They are quite fan-service-y at times, though.


you're comparing the oldest art with the chinese art
the more recent characters at least have detailed artwork for our version
Yeah, the newer art is up to par with the Chinese art. Look at Katarina and Sivir for some good examples on that.

What baffles me though is why they don't use the Chinese art that's available. If they are hellbent on redrawing art, why not do it for skins? The Chinese team hasn't done a lot of them yet.
How to build Soraka? I wanted her to have good AP b/c I want to do some damage and also have monster heals so this is what I did the last couple games:

1. Rod of Ages
2. Cooldown Nikes
3. Either Abyssal Scepter or Zhonya's Hourglass depending on enemy team make-up (AD/AP)
4. Aegis shield

I dunno what after that... maybe Rylai's or Deathcap. Her heals end game were massive.

Runes I use:
3x flat ap quints
9x ap per lvl blues
9x magic pen reds
9x armor per lvl yellows


Heavy said:
How to build Soraka? I wanted her to have good AP b/c I want to do some damage and also have monster heals so this is what I did the last couple games:

1. Rod of Ages
2. Cooldown Nikes
3. Either Abyssal Scepter or Zhonya's Hourglass depending on enemy team make-up (AD/AP)
4. Aegis shield

I dunno what after that... maybe Rylai's or Deathcap. Her heals end game were massive.

Interesting. I don't tend to farm much with Soraka and games don't tend to go far enough to get that much gold for me. I usually go:

1. Mejai's
2. Mercury's Treads
3. Aegis
4. Soul Shroud

You're right that a bit of AP makes Soraka's heals enormous, but I find that Abyssal and Zhonya cost too much gold to make them worthwhile. Mejai's gives me all the AP I need (supporting gives me loads of stacks) and then I focus on support and survival items since a good enemy team will focus me at any opportunity. With that said, at my ELO most enemy teams just go "LOL SORAKA NOOB" while I run rings around them and never die. I should play Soraka more often...

Might go for Morello some day just for the extra cooldown, I dunno.


Unconfirmed Member
The best Soraka's I've seen just stack Doran's Rings or Kage's Lucky Picks and babysit

Then buy rabadon's when it's late enough for them to afford it

Here we are. GAF Games:

I'm trying Singed out now. He's a lot of fun. I tried going double RoA on him in the second game, since his Q doesn't seem to trigger Tear or Staff.

Also, someone asked for more art comparisons? In the interest of fairness, I used Sivir's newest one. I couldn't be assed to reopen the client for Kayle's Battleborn art, though.

Ok, I went back and found a way to do it without opening the client.

I'm not sure the one on the right is the Chinese Battleborn, though. Maybe it's a recolor?


Neo Member
Their old artist was TERRIBLE. I mean truly terrible.

The new stuff is at least on par with the Chinese artwork. In many cases better. New Western Annie is much better than Chinese Annie.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm trying Singed out now. He's a lot of fun. I tried going double RoA on him in the second game, since his Q doesn't seem to trigger Tear or Staff.

As a Singed player, I would advise against Archangels and Philostone. As you observed, Q doesn't proc Tears so that's essentially a waste.

I don't like Philos because Singed can farm well enough to not need it, especially if you're delaying ROA for it. If you're having mana issues, then simply manage your poison a bit better - a quick Q tap is all you need to poison a whole minion wave (I also have utility masteries and mana regen runes). With ROA, your mana pool will keep growing as well so it shouldn't be much of a problem. I'd rather have that 800 gold so I can pick up armor or a negatron cloak.

I usually start with mana crystal + 2 health pots, lane until I have 1.2K and get Wand + Boots. At that point, poison should be doing enough damage to be taking out minions fairly quickly. I then finish ROA, get Swift Boots and then go tanky. My core build is essentially ROA, boots, Giant Belt and then either Force of Nature or Sunfire depending on what the biggest threat is..
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