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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Unconfirmed Member
I'm trying Singed out now. He's a lot of fun. I tried going double RoA on him in the second game, since his Q doesn't seem to trigger Tear or Staff.

You should try Rylai's instead of RoA. Turns his poison into a persistent AoE slow.

When I played him I'd start Mana crystal and build catalyst then rush rylai's before building tanky.(usually going FoN, Sunfire afterwards)


Anyone on EU server having weird lag spikes? Just had two losses forgiven as the game lagged massively right at the end of the matches.

Not that it mattered that much, though. I've ended up in a weird part of ELO hell where I'm matched with people playing their first few ranked games. Just played with a Veigar who hadn't learnt to last hit with his Q...
EXGN said:
Excellent advice
You should try Rylai's instead of RoA. Turns his poison into a persistent AoE slow.

Thanks, guys! I was wondering what to do with him, outside of powering up his Q and just stacking mana on him. Rylai's sounds like a great idea. I'll try skipping Stone; I usually grab it on a tank since they have trouble farming. And yeah, I noticed Tear was a waste about 30 seconds in. :/

y2dvd said:
The new stuff is definitely comparable. I'm not even sure which one I prefer outta the recent pics.

Oh, absolutely. I think their new art started with Poppy's newest skin, which oddly enough looks a lot like the Chinese standard skin. I hope they keep updating it, but they can cut out ALOT of work if they transfer the Chinese artwork over.

Jazzy Network said:
Cuz you bros arent always on.

I used to be always on...


Spookie said:
Am I the only person who find the Chinese art your stereotypical F2P MMO look? For me everyone looks tacky with their BIG ANIME EYES! ^_^

Edit- I'll give the Chinese one thing: there is less 'fan service' when it comes to the females.

No your not, the art does make the game looks like some crappy F2P MMO. I much prefer the art in the Chinese version, but if my first impression of LoL are those Chinese arts, I will ignore the games thanks to all the crappy f2p mmo out there.
kiunchbb said:
No your not, the art does make the game looks like some crappy F2P MMO. I much prefer the art in the Chinese version, but if my first impression of LoL are those Chinese arts, I will ignore the games thanks to all the crappy f2p mmo out there.

Really? I honestly think that LoL's interface and art could use some snazz-ing up after seeing HoN's set up. F2P MMO or no, the art is good.

Also! New Poppy Skin vs Standard Chinese Poppy. Can you tell which is which?

Also, GAF Games are awesome!



FlightOfHeaven said:

New Sivir is the best makeover, really. Check old Sivir (or Xena skin) and the new art, they're like different characters.
Morgana REALLY needs new splash art IMO.
I just reinstalled this tonight, I'm done with wow because their pvp team sucks and I missed LOL. I haven't played in a few months and just did 2 games, wow there's so many new characters. I'm only level 14 but I'm still loving Katarina :)
red_13th said:
New Sivir is the best makeover, really. Check old Sivir (or Xena skin) and the new art, they're like different characters.
Morgana REALLY needs new splash art IMO.

Yeah, I actually like her new art, and her Bandit art. I just put it up for a fairer comparison.
GAF is closing up shop for the night. I think tonight is rare; we've won every game we played, handily. There was a rotating cast, and I got to add a few new GAFfer to the GAF friend list!

Also, that suggestion to skip Philosopher's Stone? Awesome. I did use a different Rune build for Singed, though; I actually used my caster page which features only CDR and mana regen. It worked fine.



Just out of curiosity what are peoples opinions on Rumble? I missed the free rotation and im debating just buying him.
The only problem with the Chinese art is that it really doesn't look as close to in-game models as the normal artwork. That's probably why they went with it. To not confuse people.


just had a game with one of THOSE master yi's....
they kind that thinks they are supposed to go in first and then blames the team when they die


Wren said:
Just out of curiosity what are peoples opinions on Rumble? I missed the free rotation and im debating just buying him.

he is MEH at best. he is a tanky mage that can easily get melted in a team fight. he has the whole kennen problem without the massive AOE stunning ult. Run into middle of other team, blow everything, die instantly.


2th said:
he is MEH at best. he is a tanky mage that can easily get melted in a team fight. he has the whole kennen problem without the massive AOE stunning ult. Run into middle of other team, blow everything, die instantly.

doin it wrong


2th said:
he is MEH at best. he is a tanky mage that can easily get melted in a team fight. he has the whole kennen problem without the massive AOE stunning ult. Run into middle of other team, blow everything, die instantly.

He is pretty much used to beast in a lane. Knowing that I'll lane up against an AP champion, I'll take max MR and be ultra aggressive since he does have generally favourable matchups in lane. If you that works out than it should snowball to other lanes since he'll be farmed to be tanky and have crazy deeps. That said the nerfs to Hextech Revolver did hurt him along with those items and Rylai's not being able to proc with his danger zone passive.


caromelo said:
He is pretty much used to beast in a lane. Knowing that I'll lane up against an AP champion, I'll take max MR and be ultra aggressive since he does have generally favourable matchups in lane. If you that works out than it should snowball to other lanes since he'll be farmed to be tanky and have crazy deeps. That said the nerfs to Hextech Revolver did hurt him along with those items and Rylai's not being able to proc with his danger zone passive.

he is easy to lane against though. if he uses flamethrower a lot he will end up pushing his lane and be ripe for ganking. and if he doesnt it is just a matter of dodging skillshots. pretty easy to deal with. but then again you dont see him all that often at my elo (1400s) so i could be wrong.


Uchip said:
just had a game with one of THOSE master yi's....
they kind that thinks they are supposed to go in first and then blames the team when they die
alpha strike is so fun to spam though, of course he has to go in first. D: ap yi rocks.
Well, the way I usually do it is...

I sign on and invite people. I'm GAF Coordinator, I guess. I have a list of about 15 GAFfers who play regularly. We usually have groups of 2-4 that play. Getting 5 is difficult because GAFfers have their own groups they play with.

Also, I exhort everyone to get Vent/TeamSpeak/Mumble/Skype. Setting up voicechat is such a pain.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, the way I usually do it is...

I sign on and invite people. I'm GAF Coordinator, I guess. I have a list of about 15 GAFfers who play regularly. We usually have groups of 2-4 that play. Getting 5 is difficult because GAFfers have their own groups they play with.

Also, I exhort everyone to get Vent/TeamSpeak/Mumble/Skype. Setting up voicechat is such a pain.

Are you playing right now? I need to do something while watching hockey. :p
I can't play right now... maybe past midnight EST. :(

What's your name, I'll add you.

Edit: SouthernDragon is my name, just let me know you are a GAFfer or somethin', so I can add you to my GAF list.


My name is Neki, I'll add you when I get on later. Midnight EST might be okay for me though, I'll try to be on around that time.


Jazzy Network said:
Frostfire Annie skin looks so cool. I'm not paying full price for it though.
I wouldn't pay full price for a lot of skins. I hate how 4 Caitlyn skins have all gone on sale, and only one Lux skin has gone on sale, like, comon.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, only her Spellthief skin is worth it. I do wish she'd get a COMMANDO varient, so I can see a glorious DEMACIA COMMANDO team.
I'd buy it in a heartbeat I think, lawl. I wish the spell thief one would go on sale too though, I only bought the Sorceress one because it was on sale. ;o

edit: maybe I should play Poppy, Poppy is super fun when you just want to troll the carry on their team.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, only her Spellthief skin is worth it. I do wish she'd get a COMMANDO varient, so I can see a glorious DEMACIA COMMANDO team.

Commando Lux is coming out soon, from what Riot implied. At least a new Lux skin is and I believe she's the only demacian not to have a Commando skin. I want Disney Princess Lux and/or Sailor Lux. :D
I think they haven't made any so far because she isn't popular, they stated they give preference to popular characters (therefore no new Taric skins :/). She's one of my favourite character designs in LoL, thank god they dropped the early crackwhore art.
Jazzy Network said:
Frostfire Annie skin looks so cool. I'm not paying full price for it though.
If only the art for the skin wasn't so messed up. I agree though it does look awesome.

Also what's the consensus on the new champ. Worth the points?

BTW throw my name on your friend lists. DIKSMAKR. I usually play with my real life friends but if I get a chance I'll gladly join in on the GAF games.
How the hell is a young sprightly blonde ranged caster with a snare, slow, aoe nuke, and a giant fucking laser you can spam every 24 seconds not popular?


FlightOfHeaven said:
How the hell is a young sprightly blonde ranged caster with a snare, slow, aoe nuke, and a giant fucking laser you can spam every 24 seconds not popular?
She's my favourite caster, everyone else must be delusional, lawl. Just lost a match to Poppy, oh my. >_>
Just got out of a CRAZY game with Orianna; fed like crazy at first but got into the grove of support when team fights took place. Good thing I had a Yi and Poppy filling their roles perfectly and all I had to do was throw around the ball a bit and watch the assist counter go up as the enemies dropped. 'rianna's ult is soooooo good while hugging turrets.

edit- just noticed I'm on some sort of winning streak with her. I'm not even that good yet 0_o


sparkle this bitch
Luxie is awesome, Luxie is the best, Luxie is the Greatest! Hahahahaha! But... She is no Janna. I still can completely rock and carry teams with Janna far more than Lux.

Recent game with Lux. For starters, we get laned vs a Nasus. Me and Sivir against a lone Nasus. It took him 5+ minutes to get a single minion kill, at 10 minutes, He lost his turret, died twice, forced their jungle to lane with him, and had a single minion kill. We continue to follow this up with dropping wards at Baron and at their Golem push to continually push the lane. Everytime one of them came to gank, I'd know about it far in advance. Hop in the bush and combo them blindly with Sivir. Normally either engage the others or back out gracefully.

Its clear when you got put in a match far below your skill level.
Probably my best and most skillful game ever. Lowest amount of deaths, highest amounts of kills, played very safe. All my deaths were to Xin Zhao, and it was always when my team initiated in their jungle, next to brush where he was hiding.

Also, they got first blood, and were pushing us hard. We were at an overall negative k/d ratio until the last 2-3 minutes of the game.

Also, this is the first time I have ever had a 10-win streak. I hope to someday get back to parity in wins/losses.


Hey guys, if anyone wants to play my IGN is Biazed. You should be forewarned though that I only use tryndamere.(I have some sort of psychological problem to use only one character in whatever game i play egs sonic in SSBB) . I usually like to have a good support with me on lane to get early kills and own lategame =p. I'm level 28 if that makes a difference XD. Hope to see some of you ingame =p


FlightOfHeaven said:
How the hell is a young sprightly blonde ranged caster with a snare, slow, aoe nuke, and a giant fucking laser you can spam every 24 seconds not popular?

id do lux
Blazed said:
Hey guys, if anyone wants to play my IGN is Biazed. You should be forewarned though that I only use tryndamere.(I have some sort of psychological problem to use only one character in whatever game i play egs sonic in SSBB) . I usually like to have a good support with me on lane to get early kills and own lategame =p. I'm level 28 if that makes a difference XD. Hope to see some of you ingame =p
so what do you do when trynd is picked by someone else


Most of the time i'm too fast to let that happen, only had two times where trynd was taken. I usually try to take another hero that's free and that uses AD, so that i don't have to drastically change my item set and have an idea about what to do
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