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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Blazed said:
I don't mind learning a few other heroes , but will it really be selfish of me if i instantlock trynda when i know that's how i can support my team the best =p?

Yes. If you have last pick and your team has no tank, instalocking Trynda will not support your team the best. If the two people before you take AD characters, taking Trynda will not support your team the best. If the enemy have heavy crowd control characters, then taking Trynda will not support your team the best.

I'm not saying I'm great with lots of characters or anything (and hell, I'm a pretty awful Trynda player) but it's a good idea to play lots of characters rather than one. Especially in ranked where in most games Trynda will be banned (because everyone hates his ulti) or if he isn't then the enemy team might pick him first - and if you're going to queue dodge every time you can't play Trynda then that'll get annoying for both you and the other players.
Blazed, you'll find that your fun will increase the more characters you learn and play.

Note that I didn't say master, but learn. I've played Annie, Ashe, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Heimerdinger, Kayle, Mordekaiser, and Nunu. Not that I own all these characters, or that I was even any good with them, but at least I know how their abilities work and how they are supposed to chain together.

I play Amumu, Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Garen, Kog'Maw, Malphite, Nasus, Ryze, Singed, Sivir, Taric, Veigar, Xin Zhao, Yi, and Zilean serviceably.

My main cast is Caitlyn/Tristana (DPS), Lux (Caster), Rammus/Maokai/Shen (Tank), and Sona (Support). That way I can fill in almost any role as required.


Kozak said:
lol Sorry, I should have said I find him the most fun anyways. I don't know if he's the best though, that probably belongs to Trist or Ashe. I just like his game-play and the ability to go AD/AP. I also like characters with long range abilities for some reason too. Lux, Ashe, Nidalee, Ezrael, Kogmaw, are like my main characters.


Ultimoo said:
lol Sorry, I should have said I find him the most fun anyways. I don't know if he's the best though, that probably belongs to Trist or Ashe. I just like his game-play and the ability to go AD/AP. I also like characters with long range abilities for some reason too. Lux, Ashe, Nidalee, Ezrael, Kogmaw, are like my main characters.

Ez USED to be the best carry ever due to his poke and mobility. And best carry right now is Ashe. She has a global stun and the ability to kite forever.


Ultimoo said:
lol Sorry, I should have said I find him the most fun anyways. I don't know if he's the best though, that probably belongs to Trist or Ashe. I just like his game-play and the ability to go AD/AP. I also like characters with long range abilities for some reason too. Lux, Ashe, Nidalee, Ezrael, Kogmaw, are like my main characters.

I agree that he is very fun but I must say, I find him one of the weakest if not the weakest carries in the game.


Kozak said:
I agree that he is very fun but I must say, I find him one of the weakest if not the weakest carries in the game.
Mystic shot begs to differ, ha, ha, ha!


I guess I just like carries with inherent escape mechanisms, lol.


2th said:
Ez USED to be the best carry ever due to his poke and mobility. And best carry right now is Ashe. She has a global stun and the ability to kite forever.

You spelled Corki wrong.

I do confess my love for Ashe's arrow


VaLiancY said:
You spelled Corki wrong.

I do confess my love for Ashe's arrow

no. not even close. old corki wasnt nearly as punishing as Ez used to be. Ez had the lower cooldowns, longer range, and higher mobility with Arcane shift. Hell think about old Essence Flux.. that thing used to heal your teammates too. He was broken beyond all compare. The only people who were bore broken were old old old old old TF when destiny and gate were separate and gold card was an AOE stun, Udyr after his first buff when there was literally zero way to get him out of a lane when turtle was the same lifesteal and mana regen cause you could spam turtle all day and ignore any harassment, and release xin zhao,,, an ult that does a quarter of your enemies health on top of good damage on top of it being AOE... yeah corki wasnt nearly as bad as any of them at his peak of power.


sparkle this bitch
Freakinchair said:
Best carry right now is vayne.
She is good, but she has poor CC and easy to shut down. True damage though lets her build tanky similar to Ire, to offset it.

And lets not forget the true Overpower carry of carries. The Locket. Only item to be removed and never re-introduced. On Alistar, Sona(Pre-Nerf Sona.....*Cries*), Or Gargas. They could spam their abilities all day.
"no. not even close. old corki wasnt nearly as punishing as Ez used to be. Ez had the lower cooldowns, longer range, and higher mobility with Arcane shift. Hell think about old Essence Flux.. that thing used to heal your teammates too. He was broken beyond all compare. The only people who were bore broken were old old old old old TF when destiny and gate were separate and gold card was an AOE stun, Udyr after his first buff when there was literally zero way to get him out of a lane when turtle was the same lifesteal and mana regen cause you could spam turtle all day and ignore any harassment, and release xin zhao,,, an ult that does a quarter of your enemies health on top of good damage on top of it being AOE... yeah corki wasnt nearly as bad as any of them at his peak of power."

I guess you weren't around for Tower Shot dodging Jax and Instant kill Ryze?
Teknopathetic said:
"no. not even close. old corki wasnt nearly as punishing as Ez used to be. Ez had the lower cooldowns, longer range, and higher mobility with Arcane shift. Hell think about old Essence Flux.. that thing used to heal your teammates too. He was broken beyond all compare. The only people who were bore broken were old old old old old TF when destiny and gate were separate and gold card was an AOE stun, Udyr after his first buff when there was literally zero way to get him out of a lane when turtle was the same lifesteal and mana regen cause you could spam turtle all day and ignore any harassment, and release xin zhao,,, an ult that does a quarter of your enemies health on top of good damage on top of it being AOE... yeah corki wasnt nearly as bad as any of them at his peak of power."

I guess you weren't around for Tower Shot dodging Jax and Instant kill Ryze?

Anivia global stun. (Flash Frost)

Good times.



Teknopathetic said:
I guess you weren't around for Tower Shot dodging Jax and Instant kill Ryze?

oh god i forgot about tower dodging jax.. that was insanely broken. as for ryze. i honestly dont remember him being that broken and i have been playing since june 2009. care to refresh my memory?

shintoki said:
She is good, but she has poor CC and easy to shut down. True damage though lets her build tanky similar to Ire, to offset it.

And lets not forget the true Overpower carry of carries. The Locket. Only item to be removed and never re-introduced. On Alistar, Sona(Pre-Nerf Sona.....*Cries*), Or Gargas. They could spam their abilities all day.

locket was only broken on Udyr and Gragas. I mean with that single item it was so hard to kill either. It was only broken on Ali when it gave health back to nearby allies, not health regen, i mean it gave like 200 health back to nearby champions.
"oh god i forgot about tower dodging jax.. that was insanely broken. as for ryze. i honestly dont remember him being that broken and i have been playing since june 2009. care to refresh my memory?"

Before his revamp when his ult destroyed everyone whenever there weren't any creeps around.


Teknopathetic said:
"oh god i forgot about tower dodging jax.. that was insanely broken. as for ryze. i honestly dont remember him being that broken and i have been playing since june 2009. care to refresh my memory?"

Before his revamp when his ult destroyed everyone whenever there weren't any creeps around.

oh yeah when his ult gave him AP. i completely forgot about that.


Teknopathetic said:
"oh yeah when his ult gave him AP. i completely forgot about that."

I mean when his ult was Spell Flux.

yeah that was ages ago. i barely remember that at all. it wasnt as gamebreakingly overpowered as the stuff i mentioned earlier though. ryze back them was a solo queue champ.


How are people building orianna?

i tried ap burst mage but its not working very well. Support work alright.

I want to try ap/as.
Ferga said:
How are people building orianna?

i tried ap burst mage but its not working very well. Support work alright.

I want to try ap/as.

I've been building Catalyst, then Ionian Boots, then RoA, Lich Bane and then Hourglass/Rabadons/Malady. So far it's worked out.


sparkle this bitch
Building her kind of tanky seems to do well. Pure AP/Support makes her a bit too weak while being fairly easy to grab. Cata is always a good starting point too.


I played this for the first time last night, it's a very fun game.

My brother and all his friends play it, so I decided to download it and they invited me to play a game or two.

I played as Nunu and instantly clicked with the spells and tactics. We played two games (5v5), won two games and I only died once over the games.

If I like Nunu what other Champions would I enjoy playing? Nunu just facerolled once I bought a few items from the store.


Neo Member
So i have enough ip for Orianaa, is she worth it? I see her in team fights and not exactly sure of what she is bringing to the table. Anyone got a summary of her that would be much appreciated.


I've lost eight out of the last ten games I've played. I am now 66 wins and 85 losses and feel terrible.

I've also been playing as Morgana. She's a fun champion but holy shit is she slow. I have no chance of escaping from a team fight alive.


Uchip said:
im getting 400 ping (far worse than my beautiful 200 ping!)
and about 4 second delay
must be the bad weather :(
blame it on your terrible location, lol

And lets not forget the true Overpower carry of carries. The Locket. Only item to be removed and never re-introduced. On Alistar, Sona(Pre-Nerf Sona.....*Cries*), Or Gargas. They could spam their abilities all day
Locket was so fun, Gragas, Tank Soraka and Udyr cry. :(


Holy shit, just played the craziest match ever. We had the upperhand on the enemy team, we had pushed them to their inhibitor turrets. However, our Lee Sin and Xin Zhao started getting overzealous and dove their towers and were wiped, after that, the enemy sandwiched me (Singed), Janna and Nasus and wiped us as well. That flub enabled them to destroy our mid inhibitor and the turret.

After we respawn, we started heading to Baron, but again the enemy team had a better position on us, ambushing us from the Baron bush. My team scattered, with some running toward blue buff and others running toward mid. Again, we got wiped and this time they destroyed the remainder of our inhibitors and one of the base turrets.

Fortunately, we respawn just in time to wipe them as they destroy our final Nexus tower. At this point, our base is flooded by super minions wailing away on the Nexus, but we manage to clear them with our Nexus down to 1/8 life. GG's were said by all, anticipating this was the end.

However, we managed to ace them a few more times and swatted a few BD attempts by their TF. After a handful of aces, we managed to finally push back for the win. It was the closest match I've ever played - literally two more champion hits would have ended it for us at one point.
solblade00 said:
I've lost eight out of the last ten games I've played. I am now 66 wins and 85 losses and feel terrible.

I've also been playing as Morgana. She's a fun champion but holy shit is she slow. I have no chance of escaping from a team fight alive.

Ah good 'ol Morgana.

I use to play her when everything was 1:1.

Or as I liked to call it, OP.


Here's a tip, get sum dat catalyst, then get sum dat hourglass.

E friendly carry -> Q towards enemy team -> W enemy team's rough area -> Flash into enemy team (YES, ALL OF THEM, RIGHT IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF ALL 5 OF THEM.) -> Press R -> Press associated 1-6 key for hourglass.

edit: oh oh oh, and might I add you need to do all of this in the span of .5 seconds. The enemy team must not realize what's going on before it's too late and you've FUCKING SHACKLED ALL OF THEM, ALL OF THEIR FUCKING BITCH ASSES ARE SOUL SHACKLED TO YOU.

Let there be many victory screens for you in your future, brother.


I've been looking online for a while now for the specifics on QQ releasing the Chinese version of LoL, but I have no idea where the info (if it exists is)... So does anyone know when it will hit those shores?


Release Xin was delicious in a solo due to his passive, his broke ass snare. His level 6 was like release Pantheon's level 3 - it was on.

Edit - The Locket would've been amazing on Cass.


By far the best hero on release was Nasus, who was the most op champ ever. For those who are unaware, upon release Nasus has a small bug, which was that his ult had 1:1 ap scaling. Essentially this meant if someone had to only get 100ap on Nasus to instakill everyone on the enemy team. He was only around for a few hours before they hotfixed him, but yeah, i think he safely stands as the most op champ ever.


What are people's general thoughts about Orianna? I've played a couple games with her and find her to be a ton of fun, just wanted to know if people were having any issues with her besides her ult cooldown.


Teknopathetic said:
Can't forget Leblanc, who was hotfixed within 2 days (UNFAIRLY).

meh she wasnt the first champion to be hotfixed because they were broken. that place is taken by the only and only Udyr.


God I hate free Blitzcrank week. Just played a ranked game with a 3/17 Blitz and a 9/20 Shaco. Those two players counted for 80 percent of the enemies' kills. The rest of the team was good - I went 13/5 on Singed, we had a 4/2 Olaf and 11/6 Brand - but it's impossible to overcome that kinda handicap...
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