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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I'm a little confused as to how Riot plans on implementing their banning/drafting system. In DOTA and HoN... all characters are available on the select screen (unless in a Ban Pool game) and any can be drafted/banned.

In LoL tho... having had players purchase Champions... what now? Will all purchased champions plus weekly free pool be available for bans/drafts? Just weekly pool? Only purchased champions?


Chozo said:
Don't know what balance patch you're talking about. Is it the one where he went from 5 max turrets -> 3 max turrets? I've only been playing since the latter. In any event, the sheer amount of Heimer bitching seems to be due to the fact he's free this week, since I tend not to see a lot of him otherwise.
There was a balance patch not too long ago that changed his ultimate and turret ability. His ultimate used to upgrade a single turret and yeah, his max turrets used to increase with skill points in the turret skill. Now the turret is upgraded based on the ability level.

Chozo said:
I run ghost + teleport, because I find that Doran's Ring + mana pot usually tides me over against most people until mid-late game where Heimer's mana becomes less of an issue. That's neither here nor there, though.

I don't think Heimer is a good mid because one of the qualities of a good mid (beyond, usually, being a ranged attacker) is that they have a powerful ult that is advantageous to get early on. Upgrade is not that ult. Plus, I've been on too many teams that seem to think that:

1. Heimer destroys first mid turret
2. ??????????

People seem to psychologically overestimate the value of taking out the first mid tower to the point that they want Heimer there over a character that, practically speaking, is going to be a lot more effective there in the long run.

And you seem to really overestimate how hard it is to gank Heimer. Having someone peel off from a lane to help gank a mid Heimer is not the drain on exp/gold/lane presence you think it is, at least not in my experience. If you need three people to gank one Heimer chances are he's hanging out near his friendly turret, which means he's not pushing yours.
Ok few things here.

First off, Cleanse is almost mandatory on just about every champion. There are too many stuns, disables, roots, etc in this game for you not to have cleanse at your disposal. Did warwick just ult on to you in an attempt to take your lane dominance? Cleanse, grenade his face and watch him die by your completely OP turrets...throw a rocket in there if you want to rub it in. Did Annie just drop a Tibbers load on your head? When she moves in for the incinerate....Cleanse, grenade her face and watch her die by your completely OP turrets. You get the idea...
The other summoner skill is up to preference, I just like clarity on heimer because opponents will constantly try to take out your turrets. With clarity you can be ensured that you will have enough mana to plop another turret right in its place when one goes down.

Practically speaking, Heimer is a good mid because you want to win the game. He's good early, exceptional midgame, and exceptional late game. Getting a good ganker or a carry leveled fast is nice, but ultimately you want to win the game. And gankers and carries can do that... but not as well as heimer. This is what Heimer does, he just wins games... he is the Vince Young of LoL champions. Not to mention a heimer mid usually shuts down whoever went mid against him, so that means unfed carries on opposing teams...and unfed carries may as well be feed for your team. That's all I can say about that.

I think you are underestimating the effect of losing an early tower. A tower is global gold and exp, this is huge for your team. Taking dragon, getting towers is early is a huge momentum shift for your team.

As far as ganks on heimer are concerned, it is a big deal. When you have to pull a champion from a lane prior to level 6 because mid tower is about to die and your mid has had to blue pill twice... you're setting that champion back in gold/exp as well as potentially causing another lane to get pushed or the alone laner to get ganked in the 2v1 situation.

Chozo said:
But then I'm level 27 and I play with people who think Malady is good on Teemo because "it stacks with the poison," so who knows.
Give some time for your ELO to raise
when you start playing against teams of all level 30s with 350+ wins... you will see how a heimer without a counter (the only real counter to a heimer is another heimer) completely changes the game... and how its a constant uphill battle for the other team against his push.

hobart said:
I'm a little confused as to how Riot plans on implementing their banning/drafting system. In DOTA and HoN... all characters are available on the select screen (unless in a Ban Pool game) and any can be drafted/banned.

In LoL tho... having had players purchase Champions... what now? Will all purchased champions plus weekly free pool be available for bans/drafts? Just weekly pool? Only purchased champions?
I'd imagine players would have the option to ban all champions but only draft ones they own. But who knows...


So I just got crushed as Morde in mid versus a Heimer. I thought I would play well against him! :lol Heimer is really strong.


Leezard said:
So I just got crushed as Morde in mid versus a Heimer. I thought I would play well against him! :lol Heimer is really strong.
You must counter spaghetti head with more spaghetti
Just installing this as I type. I'm new to dota games and figured I'd give them a try since I always hear so much about them. Is this game any better or worse than HON? I don't know much about Dota so I can't a difference just from web searches. LOL seems to be a lot more played but thats probably due to it being free. Just trying to get some advice on which game I should play\learn.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Just installing this as I type. I'm new to dota games and figured I'd give them a try since I always hear so much about them. Is this game any better or worse than HON? I don't know much about Dota so I can't a difference just from web searches. LOL seems to be a lot more played but thats probably due to it being free. Just trying to get some advice on which game I should play\learn.
I think it's a lot more accesible than HON. HON is more like dota, and to play you need a lot of skill, ability to last hit minions, deny, etc.

Start playing this and if you end up diggin it try HON.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Just installing this as I type. I'm new to dota games and figured I'd give them a try since I always hear so much about them. Is this game any better or worse than HON? I don't know much about Dota so I can't a difference just from web searches. LOL seems to be a lot more played but thats probably due to it being free. Just trying to get some advice on which game I should play\learn.
I was sort of in the same boat (I played a lot of Demigod but no DoTA) and I found LoL to be much, much more accessible. I would start on League of Legends then "graduate" to HoN if you feel it's lacking something.


I've been using Rammus a lot and have a good win to loss ratio. However, I think today I've decided to switch over to playing Amumu more. He just seems like a great tank that can cause a lot of frustrations to the other team.


Zhengi said:
I've been using Rammus a lot and have a good win to loss ratio. However, I think today I've decided to switch over to playing Amumu more. He just seems like a great tank that can cause a lot of frustrations to the other team.

Oh how I love Rammus. Powerball + Flash + Piercing Taunt. +1 Assist:lol


aka surume
Zhengi said:
I've been using Rammus a lot and have a good win to loss ratio. However, I think today I've decided to switch over to playing Amumu more. He just seems like a great tank that can cause a lot of frustrations to the other team.
I like Rammus' play style better, but both tanks are gonna be good to know for draft mode. Shen is sure to get banned in a bunch of games.

Also try these off tanks: AP Sion for huge burst while still being beefy, Poppy to confuse team fights (good burst too), and Gragas for body slam (for the lulz too).


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
DarkAngelYuna said:
Ugh still can't get on, play button is greyed out with the busy notice every time I try today.. Fail =\

Did you try the Konami Code?
Oh wow, this game is amazing fun. Tutorial did suck beyond words but I've just been playing around in bot matches for awhile trying to not die. Just finished a game at lvl 13-15 using Katrina. I don't know if I'm playing this right at all but hey its fun at them moment. Does Katrina suck completely or not? she seems really interesting.


If you press up down left right up up down down (arrow keys) while on the server page, you can force busy/offline into online to get you to login screen.

I'm surprised more gaffers don't play LoL :0 Was expecting some 5v5 gaf inhouse matches!


DarkAngelYuna said:
Oh wow, this game is amazing fun. Tutorial did suck beyond words but I've just been playing around in bot matches for awhile trying to not die. Just finished a game at lvl 13-15 using Katrina. I don't know if I'm playing this right at all but hey its fun at them moment. Does Katrina suck completely or not? she seems really interesting.

She's better than she used to be, but don't play AP Kat.

Also for newbies I totally recommend:


Great way to learn about build theory and what not. As you get more experienced you'll learn how to adjust your build on a game by game basis, but using a guide is a great way to start.


I came (somewhat) close to getting an internship at Riot. Really wish I had, because I'm starting to get pretty hooked to League of Legends. It's a lot of fun, though the super competitive aspect is a bit over my head. I'm not dedicated enough to study up on strategy to craft the ultimate winning character.

So far Anivia has been my best; picked her up on a whim and ended up kicking some serious ass in a few rounds. Paired with Ashe, their ice attacks play extremely well together.


Unconfirmed Member
Einherjar said:
If you press up down left right up up down down (arrow keys) while on the server page, you can force busy/offline into online to get you to login screen.

I'm surprised more gaffers don't play LoL :0 Was expecting some 5v5 gaf inhouse matches!

I already knew about that, but i still dont think you can create any new games while the servers are down for maintenance. Maybe I'm just unlucky but 2 of the last 3 times I set down to play this game i haven't been able to thanks to server maintenance. Its getting very annoying.

I cant imagine what its going to be like once they start Season 1.
bluemax said:
She's better than she used to be, but don't play AP Kat.

Also for newbies I totally recommend:


Great way to learn about build theory and what not. As you get more experienced you'll learn how to adjust your build on a game by game basis, but using a guide is a great way to start.

Ty, Amazing site. I'm gonna stick with Kat even if she isn't great.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Just installing this as I type. I'm new to dota games and figured I'd give them a try since I always hear so much about them. Is this game any better or worse than HON? I don't know much about Dota so I can't a difference just from web searches. LOL seems to be a lot more played but thats probably due to it being free. Just trying to get some advice on which game I should play\learn.
I played Dota for several years and HoN a lot during its beta. That said, I later migrated to LoL after playing a couple of games. HoN is trying to be exactly like Dota, with both pros and cons. My experience is that HoN is still limiting itself to not doing things that were not possible under the WC3 engine (like cooldown reduction, ability power, not having to use str/agi/int, etc.), while LoL tries to actually do something new, and mixes it up and improves the balance (not saying LoL is perfectly balanced, but not having Tempest ulti/Electrician shackle, invis +higher movespeed, etc. makes for a more enjoyable game to me). I enjoyed HoN for what it is, but after playing a lot of LoL it just feels archaic. Now, if only LoL could get a client that isn't completely inferior to the HoN client, everything would be perfect. :lol

That said, some people enjoy HoN more to LoL, so you should definitely give it a try if you're interested. Since you haven't played Dota you shouldn't feel burned out on HoN after a while like I did, but you should know that a lot of the abilities and items work like they do because S2 seems to want to emulate the WC3 engine with a better client outside the games, and if so, then they have succeeded.


So reading through this thread, I wanna concur with almost everyone here who says that Heimer is an amazing hero and is a credit to team. However with Season 1 around the corner and the implementation of the draft system, you would almost guarantee that Heimer would be one of the first champions banned. I would ban him and I'm sure most others would too. ;)

On the flipside, I may need to find a new champion because I main Shen and I have really been enjoying tanking my team to victory. I'm hoping he doesn't become banned often but if I wasn't already playing Shen, I'd ban him too when S1 is released.

Of course, considering team strategy and comp, the same heroes shouldn't be banned all the time.

Lets organise some teams and games, yo!
"Room, channel?


There are chatrooms in the game (Click the Speech bubble, then Create/Join a room).

"Heimer and Zilean get to sit in the bleachers and watch everyone else during the season."

Nooo, not Zilean. Surely there are much better bans than Zilean.


Teknopathetic said:
"Heimer and Zilean get to sit in the bleachers and watch everyone else during the season."

Nooo, not Zilean. Surely there are much better bans than Zilean.
Indeed. People will probably ban Janna or Ashe before Zilean. I've not seen Zilean being played much in these days actually.


Soraka, Shen, Janna... game changing heroes will be the first batches banned. I'm not sure about Zilean either... I haven't been seeing much of him since the last batch of new heroes were released.

As for Garen: I spent a good amount of time playing as him and came to the conclusion that he really is only a viable hero in 3v3 maps. 5v5 I've found that it is just too easy to stay away from him. In any case... items that worked on him for me were (this order): Dorans Shield, Health Pot, Boots, Heart of Gold, Merc Treads, Phage, Aegis, Malet, Omen.

With the above build... you will be VERY hard to kill. You may have a little more trouble against teams with a more physical build... but you survivability should still be through the roof. It is important to make sure that you are using your CDs properly with Garen. Because he doesn't use energy or mana... he truly can be seen as one of the most, if not the most, spammable characters in LoL. I usually get 1 point in his first skill only until the end... and then bounce between his spin and defense skill depending on how many minions I've killed (remember, his defense skill rises for every minion kill you get... so... it caps at every level unless you level it).

Garen really helped me understand the game a lot better after I had taken a huge break from it. After playing him awhile... I realize there are MANY MANY better heroes in the game.. however... I do feel that a with well played champion... ANY CHAMPION... you can and will be a force to be reckoned with.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
DarkAngelYuna said:
Just installing this as I type. I'm new to dota games and figured I'd give them a try since I always hear so much about them. Is this game any better or worse than HON? I don't know much about Dota so I can't a difference just from web searches. LOL seems to be a lot more played but thats probably due to it being free. Just trying to get some advice on which game I should play\learn.

I wouldn't say better or worse is a good way to compare them.

LoL is more accessible but there's less room for personal skill growth.
HoN has a learning curve the size of the Everest and there's a lot of things you need to be good at just not to be smackered.

LoL has annoying quirks like the forced metagame that tiers your access to champions and other stuff.
HoN has annoying quirks like starting you at 1500psr which means you'll get slaughtered a couple dozen times until you settle at your skill level (for a total noob, thats 1200-1300).

LoL is free to play while HoN requests an upfront 30$ expense.

I suggest you start with LoL since it's free, if you happen to enjoy the style of game (arena heroe match or whatever they're calling it these days not to say another dota inspired game) and wanna try something beefer then give HoN a hard look.


How in the hell do you control Tibbers? I know it says hold alt + click but damn I swear dude responds 2 seconds later. I also can't seem to have Tibbers attack while Annie runs around.


y2dvd said:
How in the hell do you control Tibbers? I know it says hold alt + click but damn I swear dude responds 2 seconds later. I also can't seem to have Tibbers attack while Annie runs around.
Alt and right click will move him around and attack things however, right clicking something else as Annie will cause tibbers to change focus. If I've already spent my tibbers load, I'll usually just use him to tower dive an enemy and try to get them to blue pill back. Other than that and scouting he's not terribly useful after the initial aoe.


I harass and control the hell out of mid Heimers with Kog'maw. Just paying attention to where they are moving .... vomit balling and then artillery strikes .... keeps people off my doorstep.

Not to mention bio-arcane barrage to hit him at a very long range for a good amount of damage.


hobart said:
As for Garen: I spent a good amount of time playing as him and came to the conclusion that he really is only a viable hero in 3v3 maps. 5v5 I've found that it is just too easy to stay away from him. In any case... items that worked on him for me were (this order): Dorans Shield, Health Pot, Boots, Heart of Gold, Merc Treads, Phage, Aegis, Malet, Omen.

With the above build... you will be VERY hard to kill. You may have a little more trouble against teams with a more physical build... but you survivability should still be through the roof. It is important to make sure that you are using your CDs properly with Garen. Because he doesn't use energy or mana... he truly can be seen as one of the most, if not the most, spammable characters in LoL. I usually get 1 point in his first skill only until the end... and then bounce between his spin and defense skill depending on how many minions I've killed (remember, his defense skill rises for every minion kill you get... so... it caps at every level unless you level it).

Was kinda afraid to get that answer. Guess I'll stay away from him until a possible future buff =)


Delodax said:
Was kinda afraid to get that answer. Guess I'll stay away from him until a possible future buff =)

As a new player there are two things that always helped me out whether it was DotA, HoN, or LoL..

1. Find a character you like and stick with him/her. For me that was the best way to learn about items and every other champion I face throughout the game. It just makes me more familiar with the map and the game's mechanics in general. A lot of people will tell you to try a wide variety of characters... and although I can see the benefit of that... I can only see its benefit after you learn the core basics of the game... something playing with one character only does for me.

2. Play a ranged character. Melee characters have you move closer to danger because they are, ha, Melee! Being a ranged character helps you learn the most basic and pure aspect of these types of games: Don't die. Staying behind creeps, last hitting and tower hugging are all easier when you are ranged.

You'll know when you start feeling more comfortable with your playstyle... even if LoL is more accessible... these types of games take time to learn and master. Keep with it... I find this game to be very rewarding.


I just want to reiterate how powerful Heimer is. I played against him the past few games and he totally got us staying away for turrents while freely taking down towers. Nerf him plz!


y2dvd said:
I just want to reiterate how powerful Heimer is. I played against him the past few games and he totally got us staying away for turrents while freely taking down towers. Nerf him plz!
I've yet to lose a game with him post-patch....


y2dvd said:
Teach me the ways. How do I counter him?
Basically the only direct counter I know of right now is to play another heimer better. Some other champs can kind of deal with him... Kog Maw, Morde, Mundo .. but it's still tricky and it usually requires help.


y2dvd said:
Teach me the ways. How do I counter him?

I've had 0 problems with him as Kog'maw. My K/D Ratio playing as Kog'maw is like 107-33 though. I always go AP Kog'maw route and I'm pretty damn good at sniping with Living Artillery.


I've decided to get back into this after playing a ton in beta. Going to pick up the boxed copy today.

In beta I was best with Fiddlesticks, is he actually viable currently? I tried playing a round with Kog'maw last night and was absolutely massacred. I really need to hunker down and study up on everything, I'm most likely just pretty rusty.


Flib said:
I've decided to get back into this after playing a ton in beta. Going to pick up the boxed copy today.

In beta I was best with Fiddlesticks, is he actually viable currently? I tried playing a round with Kog'maw last night and was absolutely massacred. I really need to hunker down and study up on everything, I'm most likely just pretty rusty.

Yeah Fiddle can still be nasty. Just have to build him properly and just ult into team fights and change the course of the fight.


aka surume
Flib said:
I've decided to get back into this after playing a ton in beta. Going to pick up the boxed copy today.

In beta I was best with Fiddlesticks, is he actually viable currently? I tried playing a round with Kog'maw last night and was absolutely massacred. I really need to hunker down and study up on everything, I'm most likely just pretty rusty.
Yes, he's still pretty goo-CAWCAWCAW
Hemmy is countered rather easily by kog maw. Living Artillery owns Turrets. Nunu also kicks his ass since he can just run up and eat them as they are placed :lol



When you sign in to PVP.net to play your games of League of Legends, it is our sincerest hope that you will encounter only pleasant players, who are polite and adhere to the tenants of the Summoner's Code. As we head into Season One, League of Legends will become an even more intense and competitive title. As such, we expect players to continue to show maturity and good manners to their fellow players despite the increased stress.

With this in mind we have been making an effort to crack down on those players who ruin other people's game experience. Whether it's verbal harassment, AFK players, leavers, feeders or any other form of griefing, we're prepared to take measures to sanction those players you identify as abusive. In the past 48 hours alone we have suspended hundreds of players for abusive behavior, excessive leaving, and other violations of the terms of service.

We are even adding additional personnel to our Customer Support Team in order to ensure that we have the manpower necessary to continue to address these concerns on a regular basis. If you're taking it upon yourself to ruin other players games, we will be watching you, and if you're a stand-up player, we encourage you to continue to utilize our player reporting tools. We will be identifying problem players so that they can be dealt with appropriately.

Awesome. Hopefully just the possibility of it will clean up some shit that has been getting a bit out of hand.


Flib said:
I've decided to get back into this after playing a ton in beta. Going to pick up the boxed copy today.

In beta I was best with Fiddlesticks, is he actually viable currently? I tried playing a round with Kog'maw last night and was absolutely massacred. I really need to hunker down and study up on everything, I'm most likely just pretty rusty.

Fiddle, Annie and Ryze are pretty much the best casters. Fiddles is fucking godlike, my favorite mage. Dark Wind > Terrify > Drain = Success.


And this mother fucker right here, Don't feed him early game. He'll have 300 AD and 30% crit. :lol


y2dvd said:
Teach me the ways. How do I counter him?

Tristana at a certain level can destroy the turrets due to her passive. Veigar's spell that drops shit from the sky, Kog'maw, Pantheon due to his passive and Heartseeker Strike.
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