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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Yeah, Ryze is no longer one of the "god damn it he's in my lane" champs for me. Now it's Heimer, Panth and Zil that can be the most annoying.


Jazzy Network said:
She's not that good considering there are not many good Anivia players out there. That being said Ryze sucks ass now.
The champion isn't good because people suck with her??? :lol Come on now...


eznark said:
Yeah, Ryze is no longer one of the "god damn it he's in my lane" champs for me. Now it's Heimer, Panth and Zil that can be the most annoying.

I dunno, Ryze ain't a Tibbers bomb but he does pretty good on his own. Ult > Rune Prison > Overload > Spell Flux.

On Anivia, she can do some awesome burst and the troll wall but when I played with her I didn't vibe with her.
Come on now gentlemen, we all know the scariest thing today is Pantheon with Sword of the Occult.


(Also, Season 1 is getting close!!) :D


Jazzy Network said:
Honestly whenever you see an Anivia, do you get scared? I shit bricks when I see Fiddle or Annie.
Yes I do until I assess the skill level of the player... if they aren't good then I can relax. But a good player with Anivia is a force
I'd say the heroes I don't want to face 1v1 are as followed: Jax, Rammus, Fiddle, Heim, and maybe Poppy. The rest of the time, it really depends on the situation.

If you guys want to add me, we can arrange some sort of Season 1 team. I'm damn good with Jax, Rammus, Veigar, Maliphite, and Taric (still saving for him unfortunately). I have quite a few real life friends who play, but they aren't going to be around until a ways into Season 1.

Edit: Forgot, I'm Chronos in game.
So after playing bot matches for a few days thinking I was finally getting it I go into a practice game... every time I see someone I seemed to get 1 shot just by being looked at =\ :lol


aka surume
I'm gonna go through the thread over the weekend and edit the second post with everyone's summoner name. Need to get more GAF games going.


How's the matchmaking in this game? I've never played any style of DotA and would prefer not to be repeatedly curb stomped ad naseum. I'm just about to fire the game up for the first time and run through some bot maps to find a champ that I like the feel of.


I've found the matchmaking to be hit or miss. When I group I play with similar level friends, so we get matched with other pre-mades of the same level, and that works fine. However when I solo queue it's been really spotty lately. Today I got into a game where our team was 3 level 22's, a level 24, and a level 30. We were up against 4 level 30's and a lvl 26, and got stomped hard, didn't even make it to the 25 minute mark.

I find practicing with bots isn't really a great idea; they're downright terrible. Sure, you'll learn your champ's skills and item order, but not when to initiate/back out of a fight, as the bots tend to run down a lane, get stuck in walls, and attack creep while you're smashing them. There are usually a number of practice games for level 1-10 people, and no one expects (or should expect) you to know your champ, everyone's there to learn.
DarkAngelYuna said:
Katarina ftw.

Start saving that shunpo for escapes if they're focusing you.

@Anno; Plissken has it right on the money. As of now (preseason) the MM is hit or miss and solo-queue is fairly decent for premades.

Once, however, when season 1 comes out (drafting mode) I hope to see a vast improvement in team compositions.

oh; username = iTroll
Anno said:
How's the matchmaking in this game? I've never played any style of DotA and would prefer not to be repeatedly curb stomped ad naseum. I'm just about to fire the game up for the first time and run through some bot maps to find a champ that I like the feel of.

Yeah, go into Practice Games instead of Bot games, no one really cares if you suck in those. The matchmaking in general is good for low level people, but a lot of the game comes down to team composition so you might get slaughtered by an equal team if they have a better selection of champs. It also can't really account for experienced players who are low level, so you will occasionally face really skilled players at low levels.


aka surume
Added the Summoner names I could find to the second post of this thread.

If you don't see your name and you'd like to be added, post it. Let's get some GAF games going :D


Last night I ended up rage quitting after what seemed to be an entire night of constant retard match-making.

The game constantly put my friends and I with people who were jungling or switching lanes. What finally did it in for me was a Shaco who refused to go to the top lane, so we ended up having 3 people at bottom. It was then that I couldn't take it anymore and left.

I don't know how these people get level 30, but I hope Season 1 helps me avoid people like this as the current match-making is terrible. Absolutely terrible.


PantherAttacks said:
Having someone jungle gives your team a pretty significant level + gold advantage.
Isn't that only if they're hitting dragon every time he spawns? The normal creeps aren't shared right?


Delodax said:

Is there anyone here who has been playing Garen a lot? I fail to find a good build for him that works throughout the game, I feel very weak late on.

PS. If anyone wants to start playing (I'm EU), I wouldn't mind you using me as referral: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4bfe65f35d23e .DS

This is how I play Garen, usually with great success:
First off, Cleanse and Ghost should be your skills.

- Start with Brawler's Gloves and 2x health potion
- Upgrade Brawler's Gloves to Avarice blade and buy Boots, then get a second Avarice blade
- Farm to Infinity Edge, start with buying the damage items. You may also want to buy a Vampiric Scepter at this point.
- Upgrade your boots to Mercury Threads
- Last Whisper
- Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Bloodthirster
- Phantom Dancer

This may not be the right build for you, but IMO he has to be played as a DPS, his damage output late-game is absolutely pathetic with a tank build.
DrBo42 said:
Isn't that only if they're hitting dragon every time he spawns? The normal creeps aren't shared right?

XP from regular lane creeps is shared between all the friendly champions nearby. The last hit gold just goes to the last hitter, but that gets harder when you have multiple heroes trying to last hit at the same time.


PantherAttacks said:
XP from regular lane creeps is shared between all the friendly champions nearby. The last hit gold just goes to the last hitter, but that gets harder when you have multiple heroes trying to last hit at the same time.
Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. I know about the lane xp system but I was referring to the regular jungle monsters like the wolves or non-card golems and such.
DrBo42 said:
Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. I know about the lane xp system but I was referring to the regular jungle monsters like the wolves or non-card golems and such.

A good jungler can level slighly faster than a duel lane while also allowing an extra solo for your team.


830920 said:
This is how I play Garen, usually with great success:

I've tried a more tank oriented build with kind of great results. However, right now I use Cho'Gath instead, he kinda fits the role even better:

- better silence
- nice finisher with feast
- knockup with rupture

I feel tank Cho'Gath is a greater threat than tank Garen so I'll try it out for a bit more, however I do miss the free armor/magires bonuses of Garen.
They work the same as regular lane creeps - the XP is split between anyone nearby. In general the jungler is on his own so he gets the XP all to himself. You'll notice the person who really benefits is the extra solo lane guy. So long as he plays conservatively and doesn't get himself killed he'll enjoy a nice level advantage, just like the guy who solos mid.


PantherAttacks said:
Having someone jungle gives your team a pretty significant level + gold advantage.

Not when laning phase is over and your tank needs to be initiating team battles......

Thanks for that protip though I clearly had no idea what jungling was after all this time.
Delodax said:
I feel tank Cho'Gath is a greater threat than tank Garen so I'll try it out for a bit more, however I do miss the free armor/magires bonuses of Garen.
It's okay, Cho'Gath has a free 900 HP anyway :D

I havent played this game in a while but maybe I'll start playing again when Season 1 start this week.


New champion spotlight up.

And when I mean spotlight, I mean Phreak killing people. And some new skins the pipeline. Janna still has no clothing, Kayle took off her helmet, another awesome Poppy skin.:)lol ) and a decent Ashe skin.

Also, you can get Cho'gath for free. When you get a skin, the champion unlocks.



oh hey

My friend and I regularly play as a Heimer-Blitzcrank combo. We eliminate worlds together.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I'm trying to play smarter with Kennen and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as far as items. I like going AP with Kennen but my problem isn't so much long term items as it is what items I should first pick up. A lot of people seem to want to go Doran's Shield and then health potion, but it seems inefficient since the Doran items do not build up to anything else, they just take up space (unless I sell them when the lane phase ends).

Anyway, I also am just figuring out Kennen's passive - it's hard to keep track of the fifth attack to add a MotS simply because it's hard to stop auto attack in time to attack another champion to add a MotS - is there a way to turn auto attack off?


Shrinnan said:
I'm trying to play smarter with Kennen and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as far as items. I like going AP with Kennen but my problem isn't so much long term items as it is what items I should first pick up. A lot of people seem to want to go Doran's Shield and then health potion, but it seems inefficient since the Doran items do not build up to anything else, they just take up space (unless I sell them when the lane phase ends).

Anyway, I also am just figuring out Kennen's passive - it's hard to keep track of the fifth attack to add a MotS simply because it's hard to stop auto attack in time to attack another champion to add a MotS - is there a way to turn auto attack off?

As far as I know you should focus on magic penetration and not ability power since his abilities scale pretty badly. As starting item I would recommend something that regens health, maybe build a spirit visage or wardens mail depending on the opposing team.

I know of no way to turn of autoattack except moving, which is a good thing to do anyway =)

You haven't by any chance tried the new energy runes? I often find myself with too little energy playing Kennen :(
Delodax said:
As far as I know you should focus on magic penetration and not ability power since his abilities scale pretty badly. As starting item I would recommend something that regens health, maybe build a spirit visage or wardens mail depending on the opposing team.

I know of no way to turn of autoattack except moving, which is a good thing to do anyway =)

You haven't by any chance tried the new energy runes? I often find myself with too little energy playing Kennen :(

Yeah, what you need for a good Kennen is magic penetration, attack speed, and energy runes if you want to shell out for them. As for early game items, decide whether you want to go for Phage/Frozen Mallet or Rylai's Crystal Scepter. If you go for Phage, grab either an Long Sword or a Ruby Crystal. Rylai's, go Amplifying Tome or attack speed first (because Rylai's is really a later game item). If you want to play it safe, especially if you are soloing, just grab a Regrowth Pendant. In addition to the two items I mentioned above, an item I always get for him is Guinsoo's Rage Blade, which gives him attack, ability power, and attack speed.

The good thing about Kennen is that he is fairly flexible, but I find that he isn't great late game unless he gets really fed. Make sure to use your shurikan every single time it's cool down is up, it is the most spamable ability in the game.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
So Magic Penetration and Attack Speed? I was thinking of doing an AP/AS build, but instead I can do a MP/AS build.

Delodax said:
I know of no way to turn of autoattack except moving, which is a good thing to do anyway =)

Yea, I try to move often, but sometimes the attack that would add the MotS sometimes goes through right as I move away. I'll have to get used to it - it definitely helps that I now realize that the weapon glows when the passive is activated.

You haven't by any chance tried the new energy runes? I often find myself with too little energy playing Kennen :(

No, I don't have any runes right now. I need to pick some up though. I'll look into the energy runes - I find Kennen running out of energy as well, but I guess that's because he needs good micromanagement of his abilities because I know he has the ability to stay in the game long because of his use of energy rather than mana.

thestopsign said:
Yeah, what you need for a good Kennen is magic penetration, attack speed, and energy runes if you want to shell out for them. As for early game items, decide whether you want to go for Phage/Frozen Mallet or Rylai's Crystal Scepter. If you go for Phage, grab either an Long Sword or a Ruby Crystal. Rylai's, go Amplifying Tome or attack speed first (because Rylai's is really a later game item). If you want to play it safe, especially if you are soloing, just grab a Regrowth Pendant. In addition to the two items I mentioned above, an item I always get for him is Guinsoo's Rage Blade, which gives him attack, ability power, and attack speed.

Thanks for the item suggestions. I'm also going to look at some items that incorporate MP/AS/AP as well. I usually get Rage Blade and sometimes I go for Soul Stealer (although this can sometimes be worthless if I'm not getting kills).


I guess I'll post my Summoner name as well.

It's Raydonn, if anyone was interested.

I would say my main is Ez, but I've been experimented with random champions more than sticking to a single one.


I pretty much suck bad at this game, but am determined to get better at it. I'm sick and tired of getting bad players I'm looking to find some people of like skill and mind to level up with!

Summoner name = Sabot, anyone feel free to add me because I want to play this game a lot.


My summoner name is Siccar.

I pretty much play a lot of the champs, I'm best with Tryndamere, Kog'maw, Yi and Tristana though. Pretty good with Shen also.
In general, it's a bad idea to get stacks unless you are already overpowered or if you are 100% sure that you can get kills. It really isn't worth it unless you stay above ten stacks. The only time I use them is for a Sword of Occult on Ashe, because I get lots of assists for her or Majai's for Veigar, because I rarely ever die as him. Even then, those are only if my match ups are good hero-wise.
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