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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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2th said:
meh... jax, like any other melee physical dps is highly susceptible to casters and CC. ryze, morganna, lux,... one snare and jax gets boned.
Jax is beefier that most melee physical dps and can seriously punish the person in his lane if its a hero with low sustainability leading to easy snowballliiin. It's gross really.


thats kind of redundant though
snare anyone thats not beefy as hell and they're usually fucked because the team is going to jump on them
not just jax
jax actually has some decent outs too
shintoki said:
Jax shouldn't be engaging first anyways. He should be coming in from a side or following the tank, where he eats most of the CC spells.

Exactly, but he kept arguing that Jax would be snared/stunned. QSS always the answer :)


Urgh, queued for 24 minutes to play this for the first time, then it just threw me back to the login page with the options greyed out... as if it was trying to load something... but 5 minutes later still nothing :( Trying again now.

(same again! got a connection error this time though, 50 minute wait now!)


Boken said:
Jax is beefier that most melee physical dps and can seriously punish the person in his lane if its a hero with low sustainability leading to easy snowballliiin. It's gross really.

jax is only a threat if he gets miraculously fed. its a well known fact that his early game is pretty much a joke.


Uchip said:
when was the last time you played?

last week. havent this week since i was out at E3. but i play every week several times. and ive been playing since early closed beta. jax really isnt much a threat unless fed. and he is particularly weak vs casters. even with his ult.
2th said:
last week. havent this week since i was out at E3. but i play every week several times. and ive been playing since early closed beta. jax really isnt much a threat unless fed. and he is particularly weak vs casters. even with his ult.

I disagree


2th said:
jax is only a threat if he gets miraculously fed. its a well known fact that his early game is pretty much a joke.

him and xin zhao in a lane just completely and utterly destroys. His jump does quite a lot to me :|


Doo doo do doo do, up the bracket we go.


went 6/6/21 with Maokai in ranked. Everyone on our team was positive. Everyone on their team was negative.

How'd we lose? Some Lee Sin left at 25 cause he considered it GG. 4v5. He was 4-3-1. Why the fuck do you leave when you're 4-3-1 and denying a Morde and Malz?

Down down down my elo goes :D

Apparently ELO gets reset once season 2 hits? Any truth to that?


2th said:
jax is only a threat if he gets miraculously fed. its a well known fact that his early game is pretty much a joke.
There's a new jax build going around. Uses AD runes for early game burst - his leap strike hits like a truck and if you're laning against a squishy carry or somebody who can't sustain well top, they just get zoned. Simple as that. Especially if you take ignite it's just extra dangerrrrous.
Boken said:
There's a new jax build going around. Uses AD runes for early game burst - his leap strike hits like a truck and if you're laning against a squishy carry or somebody who can't sustain well top, they just get zoned. Simple as that. Especially if you take ignite it's just extra dangerrrrous.


ding ding ding! we have a winner!


dc89 said:
The store in this game makes me want to rip my head off.

Anyone elses store really slow and shit?

yeah it's always been slow as shit lol


sparkle this bitch
You don't even need the dmg runes for it. His jump+Bonus damage move will take at least 2 bars away from a squishy at level 2. Most come out there with 4-5 bars to begin with. In a solo lane, only takes one or two hits before they are zoned and in dual lanes. Stick him with anyone who can lock em down or follow up the combo. Any squishy is dead if they get caught once.

4v5 wins are always nice. An all AP and without a single true damage dealer(3 tanks and one support). Wasn't fun being the support =[
I'm running an account up to lvl 30 for a 2nd chance in ranked right now. Not trying to smurf at all, but it has to happen for a while. I'm actually surprised how good some of the lower level guys are, probably smurfs of their own, but still.

Had one Ashe on my team my first game on the account that never got boots and kept saying "wow I really like my special, it's really awesome". I don't think he hit it once.


Just had a ranked match that we got slaughter, our jungler got anti-jungle and underlevel like crazy, and our scores are like 10-25. My team was also full of crybaby, name calling, everyone screaming at each other, no one grouped up, no ward, etcetc.

We were about to surrender but then realize that none of them have mercury thread or any kind of tenacity, while we have Sona, Galio, blitz, xin, and vlad. Needless to say, once everyone group up for team fight, they got aoe disable to dead even though they are more gear and out level all of us. We just take turn pressing ult, then xin and vlad will pick them out 1 by 1. The score ended at like 46:44 with us dominating them at the end.

Ranked is so freaking random ~_~
2th said:
jax is only a threat if he gets miraculously fed. its a well known fact that his early game is pretty much a joke.
wait what?
you're joking right?
if he's with a good lane-mate and the other side of the lane has a daring squishy, jax is a guaranteed first blood... worst case scenario turret death straight after, but it's a 500g headstart from fb, so definitely worth it...
ooooooor, he can deny some of their exp if he keeps pressuring, since jax + enemy minion = leap -->stun--> autoattack :p


Legato.Reborn- said:

ding ding ding! we have a winner!

Jax is so goddamn annoying to lane against. Yesterday I was playing Blitz on a bunch of normals and laned with a Heimer vs Jax and Shaco (yeah WTF). They were pretty bad but Jesus, so much burst coming out of Jax.
Thankfully we had a level advantage on the lane from hooking Shaco and smashing him to pieces. :)
Sona destroys twisted treeline.

I really should try to learn some new heroes, but I'm having too much fun winning with heroes I already know how to use. I think I'm at like 15-1 recently using only Sona, Janna, and Warwick.


So frustrated right now. Recently I've been having some internet problems (which I'm fortunately getting fixed in the near future) and thus have been having some crazy lag spikes and disconnects. Today, I played a few games and got disconnected yet again at the beginning of the game. I had to go do errands and I come back to find that I've been banned for 5 days D: It's not my first ban, but man it's just so upsetting to get banned because of disconnects due to my internet and not me rage quitting or anything. I understand why the ban system is in place as I'm sure it ruins the enjoyment of my teammates when I get DC'd, but I wish it would be slightly less harsh for just disconnects and not leaves (can they even make the distinction?)

WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR 5 DAYS?! I'm especially frustrated because I just bought Rammus (WHO I LOVE. Seriously, so much fun for what little I got to play him. Somehow went 18-0-1 on my 2nd game... didn't think that a tank would have such killing power, though I did get fed pretty early on in the game) and Leblanc for fun and now I can't even play them >_<
Dipindots said:
It's not my first ban, but man it's just so upsetting to get banned because of disconnects due to my internet and not me rage quitting or anything. I understand why the ban system is in place as I'm sure it ruins the enjoyment of my teammates when I get DC'd, but I wish it would be slightly less harsh for just disconnects and not leaves (can they even make the distinction?)

No, unfortunately. : / That sucks to hear.


That's pretty lame :/

Though, if I try really hard I can kind of see this in a good light. Mebbe I need a good week off from playing because I've slowly been getting more and more addicted... last night I was up until 4:30am playing games >_>
Uchip said:
Vlad is just too strong late game
thats the only thing they need to change

It's not the late game that's causing his upcoming nerf (again), his ENTIRE KIT IS TOXIC.


*ahem* -- Let me rephrase that, this kit combines in a way that makes the entire phase of the game not fun and toxic to other players. Starting in the lane, ending at the nexus.


Legato.Reborn- said:
It's not the late game that's causing his upcoming nerf (again), his ENTIRE KIT IS TOXIC.


*ahem* -- Let me rephrase that, this kit combines in a way that makes the entire phase of the game not fun and toxic to other players. Starting in the lane, ending at the nexus.

so they should just make him weaker at either early or late
Uchip said:
so they should just make him weaker at either early or late

Wall of text incoming:

Here's the deal. You can't just nerf (or for that matter buff) something that is inherently broken.

Vladimir is inherently broken as a champion for league of legends. His kit allows "Low Risk High Reward" which is what at his core makes him a broken design.

This is exactly why Evelynn is in a placeholder until the stealth rework.

This is exactly why Twitch is not on the public rotation roster, and nerfed extremely hard and put into a placeholder much like Evelynn until the stealth rework.

You can't just nerf or buff a broken kit. It must be remade.

Give Eve her 50hp-5armor-.0025 attack speed back and say hello again to SorakaBot in the EU servers. (For those who don't know Sorakabot, he is(was) the #1 player on the EU roster as a sole player of jungle eve. He pioneered the smite/revive eve jungle path that completely wrecked the game for a month)

Errr, going off topic, but you get my point.

Vladimir will eventually get a remake because he has a broken infinite lane sustainability mechanic plus a broken escape mechanic that also does damage and heals plus a broken AoE ability that detects stealth objects (both wards and players) that also increases health regen and damage output by a multiplicative factor plus one of the best team fight ultimate's in the game -- the ability to increase damage output for your team by a flat %.

*whew* -- This is why Vlad is broken. Changing numbers won't solve the problem because he'll either be incredibly over powered or incredibly inferior. Changing his mechanics, will.


Just had the most soulcrushing defeat in a ranked game.

Within the first 10 minutes, our Karthus went 0/5 and ragequit. Cait went mid an continue to feed, their LeBlanc went 9/1. Fortunately, they weren't capitalizing on these kills and didn't push any turrets. Me (Singed), Panth and Morde farmed up a bit and we got some lucky kills when their team tried to take turrets without minions.

We started pushing together and their team kept trying to take us 5v4 and got scattered and killed. We pushed through mid and took their inhibitor. And then... fucking Cait quit the game for no apparent reason. We kept playing and had another team fight and knocked down one of their Nexus turrets. Unfortunately, it came down to a numbers game - they began split pushing and there was nothing we could do 3v5.

So disheartening - we were within reach of victory, but we missed it just barely.


Give Vlad's skills a high mana cost and +2 second cooldown. He would be quite vulnerable if his oom.

I reckon this could work
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