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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
Just get rid of the pool or make Q a skill shot >_>

Though I wouldn't mind a massive nerf to shut up a lot of the people who say "Vlad=Skill"
Jazzy Network said:
I'd like to dedicate this post to all the trolls and assholes out there. Stay free.

Yeah, and I was just off that game. : /

For this game I was completely off; I accidentally set my rune page to Tank, and thus couldn't get any last hits. Managed to contribute, but still. : /

For this game, it was quite different. Competent teammates, the right skills and safe playing won the day. Check out dem turret/inhibitor takedowns!
We didn't. We closed out with these two in Ranked.

Missing image

It was fun, but I played waaaaay too much. I need to find a better tank than Maokai, and I need to find another DPS character to play as. Maybe Vayne? I have gotten better with Tristana, though.


FlightOfHeaven said:
We didn't. We closed out with these two in Ranked.

Missing image

It was fun, but I played waaaaay too much. I need to find a better tank than Maokai, and I need to find another DPS character to play as. Maybe Vayne? I have gotten better with Tristana, though.

Maokai is a great tank. Hes one of the only tanks that can actually make a losing team into a winning team in a team fight even if hes not focused.

Don't bother with Zhonyas or Philo stone especially Philo stone cause of Maokais incredible farming ability.
I usually go straight up Banshees , Merc treads, Glacial Shroud and then depending if the other team is dominantly magic or attack damage, I purchase another negatron or finish off the frozen heart.


Uchip said:
I dont think we lost one
what is up with your avatar choice man, you're freaking me out.

GAF games are good though. I really need more heroes, but I don't want to waste RP/IP. But if I don't have fun, the RP/IP go to waste anyways, hm. loool.


Ultimoo said:
what is up with your avatar choice man, you're freaking me out.

GAF games are good though. I really need more heroes, but I don't want to waste RP/IP. But if I don't have fun, the RP/IP go to waste anyways, hm. loool.

A my little pony fan is freaked out by this?


Vlad needs a straight up remake. If they adjust numbers and let's say they make him weaker, newer champions that fill his role will be the new hotness like Swain who can abuse the tanky Mage will fill the void that Vladimir had on lock. I like Vlad and he can be played skillfully but he has numerous advantages over other AP champs and itemization makes him super strong with the current mix of AP and survivability items.




jax is such a n*****, all he does is jump and run.
jumping on you like hes robbing you, then taking off like he's running from cops


Second-rate Anihawk
When do these GAF games happen? I've been smurfing with a bro and holy shit low level LoL is lol. Every single game I have played has had a feeder, leaver, rager or racist.


sparkle this bitch
You know, I really dislike whiny jungles. The one thing they all have in common is that they are idiots. They seem to expect perfect skill shots that go through minion waves >_>

Goon Boon

shintoki said:
You know, I really dislike whiny jungles. The one thing they all have in common is that they are idiots. They seem to expect perfect skill shots that go through minion waves >_>
I really hate whiny laners who complain when I don't gank because they autoattack and push the wave as hard as they can when I say just last hit for a bit :(


Goon Boon said:
I really hate whiny laners who complain when I don't gank because they autoattack and push the wave as hard as they can when I say just last hit for a bit :(

yeah this. stopped jungling for a while because of this reason. got a few reports for losing the game too when i was the only positive in the team


Played 3, lost 3 - I'd like to think it's not my fault, but those stats are pretty damning.

Username xMithosx btw if anyone wants to add me (thanks to WitchedSoul for the previous add!)


Boken said:
An assassin hero with 3000 hp and a fucking painful auto attack. Today I got leap struck by Jax for 900 damage. What the fuck is up with that?
Only way to get a single leap strip up to 900 damage is to be fully farmed. And I mean complete items farmed. For jax that's a ragebalde and 4 gunblades. He could have hit you for two quick ones given the low cooldown of the skill at level 5.


Had to take a 2 week break off this due to the rage building up (and MH Tri is so much fun). Back to the grind though if i'm on hit me up, on a strange soraka trip lately.. junglers got dull.
Kozak said:
Maokai is a great tank. Hes one of the only tanks that can actually make a losing team into a winning team in a team fight even if hes not focused.
Don't bother with Zhonyas or Philo stone especially Philo stone cause of Maokais incredible farming ability.
I usually go straight up Banshees , Merc treads, Glacial Shroud and then depending if the other team is dominantly magic or attack damage, I purchase another negatron or finish off the frozen heart.

Thanks for the advice. I picked up Stone just because I was desperate for health and mana regen early that game. I figured, why not Stone? It was the first item I got.

I do like your build, but mind me asking why not Hourglass? It boosts my farming ability, gives me survivability and gets me out in a pinch. More importantly, it keeps my ult around for two seconds longer, which could be crucial to my team.

Edit: Divine Edge wreaks Jax, especially as a ranged carry. Deny him EVER getting that damn stun off.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I do like your build, but mind me asking why not Hourglass? It boosts my farming ability, gives me survivability and gets me out in a pinch. More importantly, it keeps my ult around for two seconds longer, which could be crucial to my team.

I say this though going in with full AP, mana regen and magic penetration runes though so I myself really don't require any other AP as the saplings manage to kill the mage minions in 1 toss + explosion. I fully understand why Hourglass might be a viable option though I just feel the active might be a bit wasted since most people at our levels are smart enough to not focus the tank.
Kozak said:
I say this though going in with full AP, mana regen and magic penetration runes though so I myself really don't require any other AP as the saplings manage to kill the mage minions in 1 toss + explosion. I fully understand why Hourglass might be a viable option though I just feel the active might be a bit wasted since most people at our levels are smart enough to not focus the tank.

Hmm, I hear ya. I just need a rune page for Maokai, then. :(


what is Lulzsec
edit: holy shit, wendys burgers should not be reheated in microwaves because their wrapping has tinfoil. shit caught on fire!
Uchip said:
what is Lulzsec

EDIT- On June 14th, LulzSec took down four websites by request of fans as part of their "Titanic Take-down Tuesday" These websites were Minecraft, League of Legends, The Escapist, and Fin Fisher. They also attacked the login servers of the massively multiplayer online game EVE Online, which also disabled the game's front-facing website, and the Free to Play MOBA League of Legends login servers.

lol wat. it's a routine to DDOS servers now?
jax is such a n*****, all he does is jump and run.
jumping on you like hes robbing you, then taking off like he's running from cops

How this one lasted long enough to get his full membership I have no idea.


CaptainMintMan said:

EDIT- On June 14th, LulzSec took down four websites by request of fans as part of their "Titanic Take-down Tuesday" These websites were Minecraft, League of Legends, The Escapist, and Fin Fisher. They also attacked the login servers of the massively multiplayer online game EVE Online, which also disabled the game's front-facing website, and the Free to Play MOBA League of Legends login servers.

lol wat. it's a routine to DDOS servers now?
"by request of fans" That's just frigging stupid now.
2th said:
Only way to get a single leap strip up to 900 damage is to be fully farmed. And I mean complete items farmed. For jax that's a ragebalde and 4 gunblades. He could have hit you for two quick ones given the low cooldown of the skill at level 5.

But no competent Jax would get 4 gunblades.


started a ranked game
it lagged out and nobody could pick
gg hackers/riot/both

and now a 30 minute wait in queue LOL

I like how there is a map when you create a game
with 11 different levels to choose from
and only one has been available since launch :p


Legato.Reborn- said:
But no competent Jax would get 4 gunblades.

true. just going off the information of leapstrike doing 900 damage. as for a godly jax builds go these days... he does crazy good with the hex drinker. rageblade, gunblade, hex drinker. Enjoy being all but immune to magic damage when you ult.
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