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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Retro_ said:
Gangplank is contender for worst champion in the game now I think
I'm going to play him anyways, if only for the laughs. What's weak about his exactly?

Legato.Reborn- said:
don't stack 5 avarice blades, 2 will suffice
I've seen people do this before, and I've always wondered why the fuck they would ever do that.


Shalashaska161 said:
I'm going to play him anyways, if only for the laughs. What's weak about his exactly?

I've seen people do this before, and I've always wondered why the fuck they would ever do that.

crit and gold are gangplank's best friend?
Anyone know a good build and way to play Jax?

Haven't played him since I started playing again after about a year break, and I hear he is good again.
bigmakattack said:
Anyone know a good build and way to play Jax?

Haven't played him since I started playing again after about a year break, and I hear he is good again.

doran's blade -> doran's blade -> doran's blade / boots (tabi or merc) -> vamp scepter -> cutlass -> gunblade -> situational

atmas is a must (later) -- triforce is excellent, rylais is excellent, rageblade is meh okay, banshee's is excellent


Second-rate Anihawk
Any Alistar builds and/or advice? I love the character, but I am trash with him. I'd love to know how to properly CC without knocking the enemy to the wrong side.


BAMAN said:
Soooo I just started playing this the other day.. Any Champion suggestions/build suggestions?

Playing Master Yi right now because well... Its easy.

I recommend Garen for a new player. I played Garen almost exclusively when I started and it's pretty straightforward (but he was ridiculously OP back then).
Legato.Reborn- said:
doran's blade -> doran's blade -> doran's blade / boots (tabi or merc) -> vamp scepter -> cutlass -> gunblade -> situational

atmas is a must (later) -- triforce is excellent, rylais is excellent, rageblade is meh okay, banshee's is excellent
Thanks, I'll try it. Also, do you jungle or lane? Friend suggested jungling as his burst coming out of the jungle is really good.


Archie said:
Any Alistar builds and/or advice? I love the character, but I am trash with him. I'd love to know how to properly CC without knocking the enemy to the wrong side.

When you pulverize them make sure to quickly walk in the opposite direction of where you want to headbutt your enemy and then quickly headbutt them. It's hilarious when you manage to get them hit back to your tower, so satisfying :D


Retro_ said:
Gangplank is contender for worst champion in the game now I think
I absolutely hate running into GP's in solo queue. The problem is that they all think he's an alright champion when all they do is stand back and parleyy once in a while in a fight.

GP is basically a carry support (raise morale) with a ranged nuke. There are a bunch of champs that do everything else better. GP built damage gets melted trying to walk into melee while there are many melee carry's with gap closers. GP built tank offers nothing useful other than his heal debuff. Irelia, Xin and Jarvan would do more damage than tankGP when themselves are built tank.


Boken said:
I absolutely hate running into GP's in solo queue. The problem is that they all think he's an alright champion when all they do is stand back and parleyy once in a while in a fight.

GP is basically a carry support (raise morale) with a ranged nuke. There are a bunch of champs that do everything else better. GP built damage gets melted trying to walk into melee while there are many melee carry's with gap closers. GP built tank offers nothing useful other than his heal debuff. Irelia, Xin and Jarvan would do more damage than tankGP when themselves are built tank.

Narh you're just playing with bad GP's who are probz stacking avarice.


Just fired this back up for the first time in awhile. All the E3 news got me excited for it again, and I've been wanting to be able to watch matches for awhile now,and it seems like they finally have a sweet system set up for that.

Pretty pumped to get back in.


Kozak said:
Narh you're just playing with bad GP's who are probz stacking avarice.
Nobody stacks avarice anymore. As I said, people either go mostly damage or mostly tank and they're both useless. Tank just has the benefit of dying slower. In an even game, GP can't do anything better than any other melee hero in a team fight. You can enlighten me right now if you want - what does GP do?

Outside of team fights, his ult has much less impact compared to TF's, Pantheons, Karthus' or Shen's. And those champions are easily better than GP.

He has an awkward and weak kit.
-His ult becomes merely annoying mid to late game and has way less impact compared to other globals.
-His Q has low scaling, encouraging you to stack more damage on an already squishy champion. Not only that, it's his one ability that scales with AD which gives me the impression that he is a melee "carry" with no gap closer. Yi has a better steroid, a gap closer and he's just an average hero because he is squishy. GP is worse off.
The fact that Q encourages damage stacking, "all I do is stand back and parleyy" syndrome is an issue.
-Remove scurvy is useless if they want to focus you anyway.
-And raise morale, while nice, doesn't make GP a worthy addition when many champs can provide a similar benefit.

The best use of this kit is "tank" GP which plays like an anti-carry and tries to sit on a squishy and uses remove scurvy as a one time cleanse to enable them to keep tunnelling. That sounds a lot like Irelia! GP doesn't even have built in survivability other than a small heal on remove scurvy when compared to most anti carries which do.


Boken said:
I absolutely hate running into GP's in solo queue. The problem is that they all think he's an alright champion when all they do is stand back and parleyy once in a while in a fight.

GP is basically a carry support (raise morale) with a ranged nuke. There are a bunch of champs that do everything else better. GP built damage gets melted trying to walk into melee while there are many melee carry's with gap closers. GP built tank offers nothing useful other than his heal debuff. Irelia, Xin and Jarvan would do more damage than tankGP when themselves are built tank.

Yeah, he needs a serious overhaul. His kit is just not useful in it's current iteration, he could use a better focus. Pretty much Nunu does everything he does but way better. Strong nuke that also acts as a perma slow, heal, speed boost/AS steroid and an AOE ult that can actually be useful. Plus he's one of the strongest junglers in the game.


red_13th said:
Guinsoo said on twitter the new Gangplank is a jungler.
Global ult on a jungler is fun.
But I wonder if that's trolling.

has to be. no point in jungle GP. just doesnt fit the mold. unless he gets a MASSIVE remake.
Archie said:
Any Alistar builds and/or advice? I love the character, but I am trash with him. I'd love to know how to properly CC without knocking the enemy to the wrong side.

This is the build I've been using with success:

start with 2x fearie charm and pot
upgrade to 2x philospher's stone, boots
optional sheen
1x upgrade philo to shurelya, boots to Ionian
upgrade philo to miracle
additional tank items and/or triforce depending on game

prioritize pulverize, headbutt, heal

masteries 9/21 (cdr and spell pen in offensive)
runes, preferably mana regen in yellow and blue, move speed quints
Not sure if it was a bug on my side or Riot's side, but it's showing I have 2700 rp when I bought only 1380 worth of Riot points. Checked all my card statements and bank statements and it only shows a 10 dollar debit from all of them in regards to Riot points. Hope it sticks. Gonna go spend my free points!

Card Boy

Anyone seen the MS Paint Garen hate thread? Lots of classics on there


Craploads more at


Boken said:
Nobody stacks avarice anymore. As I said, people either go mostly damage or mostly tank and they're both useless. Tank just has the benefit of dying slower. In an even game, GP can't do anything better than any other melee hero in a team fight. You can enlighten me right now if you want - what does GP do?

Outside of team fights, his ult has much less impact compared to TF's, Pantheons, Karthus' or Shen's. And those champions are easily better than GP.

He has an awkward and weak kit.
-His ult becomes merely annoying mid to late game and has way less impact compared to other globals.
-His Q has low scaling, encouraging you to stack more damage on an already squishy champion. Not only that, it's his one ability that scales with AD which gives me the impression that he is a melee "carry" with no gap closer. Yi has a better steroid, a gap closer and he's just an average hero because he is squishy. GP is worse off.
The fact that Q encourages damage stacking, "all I do is stand back and parleyy" syndrome is an issue.
-Remove scurvy is useless if they want to focus you anyway.
-And raise morale, while nice, doesn't make GP a worthy addition when many champs can provide a similar benefit.

The best use of this kit is "tank" GP which plays like an anti-carry and tries to sit on a squishy and uses remove scurvy as a one time cleanse to enable them to keep tunnelling. That sounds a lot like Irelia! GP doesn't even have built in survivability other than a small heal on remove scurvy when compared to most anti carries which do.

Once kralex gets a infinite edge, he dominates. Don't know how he does it too


Boken said:
Nobody stacks avarice anymore. As I said, people either go mostly damage or mostly tank and they're both useless. Tank just has the benefit of dying slower. In an even game, GP can't do anything better than any other melee hero in a team fight. You can enlighten me right now if you want - what does GP do?

Outside of team fights, his ult has much less impact compared to TF's, Pantheons, Karthus' or Shen's. And those champions are easily better than GP.

He has an awkward and weak kit.
-His ult becomes merely annoying mid to late game and has way less impact compared to other globals.
-His Q has low scaling, encouraging you to stack more damage on an already squishy champion. Not only that, it's his one ability that scales with AD which gives me the impression that he is a melee "carry" with no gap closer. Yi has a better steroid, a gap closer and he's just an average hero because he is squishy. GP is worse off.
The fact that Q encourages damage stacking, "all I do is stand back and parleyy" syndrome is an issue.
-Remove scurvy is useless if they want to focus you anyway.
-And raise morale, while nice, doesn't make GP a worthy addition when many champs can provide a similar benefit.

The best use of this kit is "tank" GP which plays like an anti-carry and tries to sit on a squishy and uses remove scurvy as a one time cleanse to enable them to keep tunnelling. That sounds a lot like Irelia! GP doesn't even have built in survivability other than a small heal on remove scurvy when compared to most anti carries which do.

hating on gangplank, gangplank does not approve of these shenanigans. :p you don't need great hero choice in pubs anyways.


Boken's quick tips to playing Ryze!
1. Is Overload up? yes? Cast it!
2. Is Overload up? yes? Cast it!
Seriously if overload is up you should cast it. Too often do I see Ryze opening with W because rooting first makes sense or because they freak out because theyre getting hit and try to be defensive by rooting. Q Q Q it uppp.

-I think his sustained combo is really strong. Q W (kite for 1s) Q E (kite for 1s) Q R (kite for 1s) Q W (kite for 1s) Q E (kite for 1s) Q. holy shit! Sustained damage without having to play Cassiopeia.

v - eh I don't think he needs to be any kind of assassin. His burst (QREQW-Q) is weaker than old ryze and many burst mages. He can stand in a fight and just spam shit cos Ryze is boss and bulky.


CrazedProfessional said:
But seriously don't bother logging in guys, the servers are completely fucked, no one can ban, select a champ, start a game or view/use mastery/rune pages.
sounds better than most pub games I play.
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