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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ultimoo said:
sounds better than most pub games I play.

Atleast no one can pick Cass or Galio and be all like

"It's ok guys, he/she's actually a really good champion, he/she's just very underused and I am one of the players that knows how to play him/her the best"

*proceeds to go 0/6 into mid game*

"This is not my fault, this team is shit"
Uchip said:
there are no bad champions
only bad players

No, there are some pretty low tier champions that just plain suck. Usually because of a recent remake that went bad or just a bad design. Kayle, Twitch, Gangplank, Galio, Kassidan and Karma come to mind.


People are hating on that new lux skin, not sure what to think. I kinda like it, especially the splash art.

edit: hey, stop hating on gangplank, he's cool. most of us will never play on a competitive enough level to notice how bad heroes are. :p

and what's wrong with kassadin?


Ultimoo said:
People are hating on that new lux skin, not sure what to think. I kinda like it, especially the splash art.

edit: hey, stop hating on gangplank, he's cool. most of us will never play on a competitive enough level to notice how bad heroes are. :p

coming from someone that wants my little pony skins
im not sure what to think
Ultimoo said:
point taken, but aren't his other abilities really good? he seems like a good pub-stomper hero, like Pantheon. :p

Kassidan is only a good champion if the enemy team has absolutely no hard CC or Stun. Outside of that he has to carry Cleanse. Since he's such a glass cannon he'd usually die before you even activate Cleanse anyway. He's a glass cannon with only 3 skills. Malz does his job better as well.


CrazedProfessional said:
It's the first time spectator mode will be shown, so yes.
these are really weird teams, too used to playing in pubs. no one would pick janna or soraka on purpose!
Ultimoo said:
The aAa team is really lacking good CC.
They also lacked reasonable burst and couldn't team fight very well. They just fell apart later on in the game.

Loved watching Singed doing whatever he wanted the entire game, though.

NH Apache

CrazedProfessional said:
Now lets continue to see Vanye in every match.

Vayne...banned lol

Couldn't sleep (5am here) so this is perfect with a cup of coffee. Really interested in strategies!

Edit: Ugh, getting around 100k people watching the stream and already having video stutter. Imagine t=when the US wakes up, sigh.


CrazedProfessional said:
Kassidan is only a good champion if the enemy team has absolutely no hard CC or Stun. Outside of that he has to carry Cleanse. Since he's such a glass cannon he'd usually die before you even activate Cleanse anyway. He's a glass cannon with only 3 skills. Malz does his job better as well.
Kassadin is a lot better than GP, Karma and Twitch...
Sure Malz does his job "better", it's not an accurate picture of what Kassadin can do.
Kassadin is a weaker Malz (assassin mage) but with a LOT more mobility. His R lets him come in at any time from any angle then escape and wait for CDs - so if youre getting all the CC in the face, you can choose to enter later.
In a solo lane, with enough mana regen, Kassadin can zone some solo champs who have no sustainability with just Q.
Biggest difference is in lane threat at level 6+. Sure Malz is pretty scary with flash but only with flash, Kassadin however has a built in flash. He can simply Q E R trade which beats damage most people can do on exchange. He can do it over and over again.

RE: SERVERS: I guess all they give a shit about atm is Dreamhack. ZZZ I just want to play!
Boken said:
Biggest difference is in lane threat at level 6+. Sure Malz is pretty scary with flash but only with flash, Kassadin however has a built in flash. He can simply Q E R trade which beats damage most people can do on exchange. He can do it over and over again.

See, I'd agree with you if Kassidan had a ranged regular attack rather than a melee. The problem with him in a solo lane is that he can just be zoned out with a ranged auto attack very easily. His cooldowns just suck.

Also Malz combo beats the shit out of his.


CrazedProfessional said:
See, I'd agree with you if Kassidan had a ranged regular attack rather than a melee. The problem with him in a solo lane is that he can just be zoned out with a ranged auto attack very easily. His cooldowns just suck.

Also Malz combo beats the shit out of his.
Yeah Malz combo beats Kass' easily, but Kass has much more mobility.
Initially Kass might get zoned, but after he trades Q E R for a few auto attacks he ends up ahead on hp and the threat of Q E R + ignite + R starts to zone people. Sure, early game Kass can get zoned, but depending on the opposing champion and what they bought, Q spam can end up zoning them instead. Kass' problem is that he need's a lot more farm/gold to be great because of his lowish AP ratios.
Boken said:
Yeah Malz combo beats Kass' easily, but Kass has much more mobility.
Initially Kass might get zoned, but after he trades Q E R for a few auto attacks he ends up ahead on hp and the threat of Q E R + ignite + R starts to zone people. Sure, early game Kass can get zoned, but depending on the opposing champion and what they bought, Q spam can end up zoning them instead. Kass' problem is that he need's a lot more farm/gold to be great because of his lowish AP ratios.

If Kass has a shitty early game then it's pretty much over for him.


I've been thoroughly enjoying the games so far. I love watching Westrice's Akali.

I didn't think EG's team comp would work but when you think about it it completely nullified their AD carry with Akali and Lee Sin instantly bursting her down. Very impressed with EG's play.

Also here's the restream on for those laggy Australians, NZers and etc:


Say I wanted to get into this. What would you recommend I first read/watch before I even play the game? I tried like 2 games of HoN and it wasn't my thing or I just wasn't up for it at the time. I fiddled around at the LoL site and the champions seem cool.

I was looking at Ashe, Lee Sin, Shaco, Master Yi, and Ryze. I'm not sure which is the most noob friendly or bottom/top tier.

I also do not have a headset to use for my PC----am I fucked to actually be able to play the game well with others without one or does text chat suffice?

I'll probably download it later tonight or tomorrow to mess around with for a while to see if I can get into it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How long does the farming phase usually last for in these high level games? They're going to rice their way to 20 minutes at this rate.

EDIT: Much better now.


zlatko said:
Say I wanted to get into this. What would you recommend I first read/watch before I even play the game? I tried like 2 games of HoN and it wasn't my thing or I just wasn't up for it at the time. I fiddled around at the LoL site and the champions seem cool.

I was looking at Ashe, Lee Sin, Shaco, Master Yi, and Ryze. I'm not sure which is the most noob friendly or bottom/top tier.

I also do not have a headset to use for my PC----am I fucked to actually be able to play the game well with others without one or does text chat suffice?

I'll probably download it later tonight or tomorrow to mess around with for a while to see if I can get into it.

I'd say there is no reason why you shouldn't just jump right in and play the game, you don't need to read long guides or watch livestreams you won't even understand. Lol has co-op vs ai, which is quite a noob friendly mode where you play against bots, no one will yell at you if you arent very good in there, plus there are tutorials which should help.

As for champions, its worth bearing in mind that one of the ways Riot tried pricing champs was by ease of use, so Ashe and Master Yi who are both 450ip are both easy champs, though that isn't always the case. I'd say the easiest champs by type are: tank - rammus, ranged dps - ashe, melee dps- master yi, mage - annie, support - sona, jungle - nunu.

As for your lack of headset, that's not a problem at all, you will hardly ever see anyone with headsets in solo games.
Welcome! If you have any further questions, just ask.

But there's no real way to get better or to get to know the game systems outside of playing. Thankfully, the elements within the game are easy to distinguish (heros, terrain, objectives) because of the art style and the shop is very easy to use.

Also, the new spectator mode is AWESOME.


sohois said:
I'd say there is no reason why you shouldn't just jump right in and play the game, you don't need to read long guides or watch livestreams you won't even understand. Lol has co-op vs ai, which is quite a noob friendly mode where you play against bots, no one will yell at you if you arent very good in there, plus there are tutorials which should help.

As for champions, its worth bearing in mind that one of the ways Riot tried pricing champs was by ease of use, so Ashe and Master Yi who are both 450ip are both easy champs, though that isn't always the case. I'd say the easiest champs by type are: tank - rammus, ranged dps - ashe, melee dps- master yi, mage - annie, support - sona, jungle - nunu.

As for your lack of headset, that's not a problem at all, you will hardly ever see anyone with headsets in solo games.

Okay, this is a great response. Thank you. :) I'll try messing around with Ashe and Master Yi later against bots.
zlatko said:
Say I wanted to get into this. What would you recommend I first read/watch before I even play the game? I tried like 2 games of HoN and it wasn't my thing or I just wasn't up for it at the time. I fiddled around at the LoL site and the champions seem cool.

I was looking at Ashe, Lee Sin, Shaco, Master Yi, and Ryze. I'm not sure which is the most noob friendly or bottom/top tier.

I also do not have a headset to use for my PC----am I fucked to actually be able to play the game well with others without one or does text chat suffice?

I'll probably download it later tonight or tomorrow to mess around with for a while to see if I can get into it.

There is no in-game voice chat as of now, so you shouldn't worry about that. Honestly, at the beginning don't worry about who is the "best" champion, but rather who is the best champion for you. Find someone that fits your normal play style and stick with that champ until you learn the little nuances. After you learn one champion well, it'll be easier to branch out to other champions to play.


I would be so annoyed if I was gamed.de against that team. A broken champ in Vlad, spirit visage on Vlad, Sona and fucken Warwick. Why even bother?
"Can't believe the lengths they are going in this tournament. Helicopter headphones?"

It's not just this tournament. Pretty much any major lan has some equipment/headphones for soundproofing because they're also commentating over loudspeakers in the venue. Some even have complete soundproof booths, etc.


Went afk after GDE vs CLG, what happened during the XAN match? Came back to the Victory screen and commentators being all over how amazed they were with XAN.
Reposting from DH thread in GD...

HOLY SHIT @ Team Solo Mid (#1 seed from NA) getting totally steamrolled by Xan, an unknown Asian team. Awesome aggressive play from Xan... I wish that was commentated by the official guys and had sound because that was epic. They had Morde on their team too, lol.


Oh god, need to see that match afterwards.
I heard they went Mord + Nocturne... What was the rest of their picks?
Teknopathetic said:
"Can't believe the lengths they are going in this tournament. Helicopter headphones?"

It's not just this tournament. Pretty much any major lan has some equipment/headphones for soundproofing because they're also commentating over loudspeakers in the venue. Some even have complete soundproof booths, etc.

Oh, I didn't know. I'm used to fighting game tournaments. Seems the setups for team tournaments totally blows away what I'm used to. Thanks for letting me know, seems I have to raise my expectations.

Also, it's a shame we can't see, or chose to see, both concurrent games.

I also hope that a similar revamp, comparable to spectator mode, of the game's interface is coming. It has all the info you could need.
gamed!de is using Tristana! THIS IS AWESOME

Last time I saw a pro-game, it helped me level up my Caitlyn immensely. Now I can do the same for Tristana, my original main DPS!
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