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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Dipindots said:
If you're talking about me I'm not being smug. I just started playing LoL and the whole community stupidity that goes on between DOTA/HoN/LoL thing is merely entertaining to watch.
It's the PC version of console fanboyism. Riot is the nintendo to S2's is um...... Atari? It's all stupid, the bias and denial is the main hilarity.




some guy who had a top rating of 1500 was calling me bad when I said I prefer lux over janna, and that he doesnt use voice chat because you "should be good enough without it" ...

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Second-rate Anihawk

Glad you guys could see my pro Amumu. :)


Also I need a real headset. Using a Rock Band mic is beyond ghetto.


Archie said:
Also I need a real headset. Using a Rock Band mic is beyond ghetto.

By ghetto I hope you mean awesome!

...but yeah invest in a headset. If you're really cheap, you can buy one of those like 12-15 dollar POS logitech headsets. They suck but get the job done, kinda.


Uchip said:
some guy who had a top rating of 1500 was calling me bad when I said I prefer lux over janna, and that he doesnt use voice chat because you "should be good enough without it" ...

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while you might not be terrible i have to agree that preferring lux over janna is bad. janna is the goddess slut of assists for good reason. a knockup and a knockback. only person with similar CC is alistair. (ignoring blitz because pull, while does displace, doesnt save your teammates really like a knockback can)

just saying though.
My Caitlyn is getting decent, but I really need to find other champions to play as. I prided myself on being able to fulfill a variety of roles, and now I'm just ranged DPS all the time. LAME

But it's so crucial to me to be able to teleport and take out a tower. Any casters capable of doing that?


GAF Games rock. I forgot to screencap the second game of he day, but we won that, too.

Look at that second screenshot. Just look at that. I was raging a bit, but I kept my ingame composure and just played as solid as I could. Ended up winning three team fights and taking out two towers and two inhibitors in one go. When they pushed back while we were down 1 (making it 3v5) I teleported to their bot lane, took out the second tower, inhibitor tower, inhibitor, and nexus towers to win.

That felt so goddamn good.


2th said:
while you might not be terrible i have to agree that preferring lux over janna is bad. janna is the goddess slut of assists for good reason. a knockup and a knockback. only person with similar CC is alistair. (ignoring blitz because pull, while does displace, doesnt save your teammates really like a knockback can)

just saying though.

No it isn't. Lux may not be the better character, but she's a lot more fun to play, and her spells are all awesome. Soraka is top tier, but I still prefer playing Lux over her any day.


2th said:
while you might not be terrible i have to agree that preferring lux over janna is bad. janna is the goddess slut of assists for good reason. a knockup and a knockback. only person with similar CC is alistair. (ignoring blitz because pull, while does displace, doesnt save your teammates really like a knockback can)

just saying though.

Its personal preference
if you dont play whats fun to you, then you shouldn't be playing videogames
plus i carry way harder than any janna ive ever seen


FlightOfHeaven said:
My Caitlyn is getting decent, but I really need to find other champions to play as. I prided myself on being able to fulfill a variety of roles, and now I'm just ranged DPS all the time. LAME

But it's so crucial to me to be able to teleport and take out a tower. Any casters capable of doing that?

Obvious answer would be TF. Lichbane + red card = dead turret.


sparkle this bitch
Uchip said:
Its personal preference
if you dont play whats fun to you, then you shouldn't be playing videogames
plus i carry way harder than any janna ive ever seen
Lux is a better hard carry than Janna. She's that half support/half hard carry. The QER combo will absolutely wreck players early, and squishies all game. With decent ward placement, I can control Dragon and their Blue. I can also keep minion waves pushed back easily too in multiple lanes.

But Janna is really just that perfect fit to any team game. She shines most when teams are evenly matched.


Unconfirmed Member
2th said:
agreed. but janna is the better support champion. that is really all i am saying. i mean she is the goddess slut of assist for a good reason.

I think they are played too differently to be compared.

I have champs like Lux, Orianna and Kayle, and ones like Janna, Taric and Soraka in two different categories in my mind


Retro_ said:
I think they are played too differently to be compared.

I have champs like Lux, Orianna and Kayle, and ones like Janna, Taric and Soraka in two different categories in my mind

I agree with this. They play two different support roles in my book. I have played a good amount of games with both so far and I'm getting just as many assists with Lux as I ever did with Janna, and I feel like im helping the team more as Lux as well. Her ult can change a game more so than Janna (atleast for me) but both are good champions in their own right.


Corporate Apologist
Archie said:
Also I need a real headset. Using a Rock Band mic is beyond ghetto.
I use a Sing Star Mic and one of these


Cheap stand to hold the mic up, works great. Cost $10 now, was $7 when I got it. I personally don't like the Mic and the Headset to be one piece, you are more prone to the device breaking in some way.



FlightOfHeaven said:
I can't play with Excel anymore. We lose everytime. We're cursed.

We can be dominating, hard, and we'll lose anyways.

We suck :\

Still, seeing Brand cry no MIAs when TF ulted to kill him made my night. Also, being called a "truly terrifying Singed" by the opposing team the second game was nice too :p


Corporate Apologist
Decided to watch one of the Dreamhack games, sadly the 5th/6th place match turned into a stream roll, which is boring to watch.
Ferga said:
CLG got steamrolled in the game i watched. Haven't seen them steam rolling anyone

They steamrolled the 5th place match, got steamrolled to be in the 5th place match. They also Steamrolled one other game where Hotshot managed to get Nidalee.


Void Insanity said:
They steamrolled the 5th place match, got steamrolled to be in the 5th place match. They also Steamrolled one other game where Hotshot managed to get Nidalee.
Nidalee confirmed to be OP! :p
Ultimoo said:
Nidalee confirmed to be OP! :p
op..... she's quite good, but it's the player that made her great :)
In the hands of a normal player nidalee is just above average, in the hands of a good player surrounded with a communicative&good group, she shines...


Ferga said:
btw whoever was in that bad ad lux game, can any of you confirm it wasn't me :|

my ign: GUNDERex

I don't know if you were that ad LUX, but you were definitely playing something questionable in one of my games I was playing with you, loool.


Second-rate Anihawk
So who is everyone cheering for to win the finals? I'm hoping Fnatic goes all the way so they can be the undisputed MOBA champions (they steamrolled in HoN yesterday)

Drkirby said:
Decided to watch one of the Dreamhack games, sadly the 5th/6th place match turned into a stream roll, which is boring to watch.

Watch Fnatic vs. EG game 2 and stare in awe.


Yeah Fnatic vs EG 2nd game was awesome. Heck Fnatic playing is awesome.
Their game against EG 1st round was even more epic. They didn't ban Akali and were all like "oh Swain hard counters Akali". By like 5min in, Swain lane swapped with Ali because he couldn't handle Westrice's Akali hehe. Doublelift fed them two kills by 2min too, and EG still won.
Awesome game.


Played 2 more games against AI bots with people and am definitely enjoying myself playing as Ryze. I'm not really sure about:

* What should I spend my gold on? Just the recommended items?
* What runes are good to purchase and equip ?
* What path should I go down on the masteries?
* As I level in the game, what abilities do I want to level up in what order ?

I've been going top with another person and holding my own. The only time I died was as I was backing up, even with a bunch of minions from our team by me, the tower kept shooting at me? I didn't target an enemy champion either, so I'm not sure why it kept sniping me. :(


AaA just got rolled lol

Ultimoo said:
I don't know if you were that ad LUX, but you were definitely playing something questionable in one of my games I was playing with you, loool.

nah that was KiW OhemGEE


Second-rate Anihawk
zlatko said:
:) Cool.

Are the official site forums worth reading over for guides or is leaguecraft the best source?

Never ever ever EVER go to the official forums. Your IQ will drop in nanoseconds. Stick to Leaguecraft and Solomid guides and watch top tier players stream to get a better grasp at the game.


zlatko said:
Played 2 more games against AI bots with people and am definitely enjoying myself playing as Ryze. I'm not really sure about:

* What should I spend my gold on? Just the recommended items?

If you're playing Ryze all you really need to do is build endless amounts of mana in various configurations. Ryze's recommended items are a very good selection - you might consider adding a Rod of Ages into the build (extra health, mana and ability power, although AP isn't THAT useful on Ryze).

I start off by building Catalyst, then boots, then Tear of the Goddess, then building other items depending on the other team.

* What runes are good to purchase and equip ?

Cooldown reduction and mana regen, mainly. They're good for loads of other champs when you branch out as well.

* What path should I go down on the masteries?

Standard caster masteries are (as far as I know) 9/0/21.

In offense get all the AP related things up to the magic penetration option, plus one other (I usually stick a point in critical strike, does no good but it has to be there). In utility, just build down to the bottom - I always take Flash and Ghost on casters so I put a point in those masteries, plus anything for health/mana regen. I don't bother with stuff for neutral buffs.

* As I level in the game, what abilities do I want to level up in what order ?

Honestly? For Ryze? A point in everything by level 3, then whatever you like (obviously putting a point in your ultimate whenever you can). I personally don't think it's worth levelling your Q skill until you have Catalyst and Tear in place as it's a spammable nuke and you'll just end up wasting mana too quickly.


Unconfirmed Member
* What should I spend my gold on? Just the recommended items?

start mana crystal and health pots

build catalyst, tear and boots.

build based on team. Frozen heart if enemy damage is from AD or auto attacks and banshees if they have strong CC or magic damage

build rest of mana items lol

Ryze is one of the easiest champs to build in the game. One set of items that covers everything for him

* What runes are good to purchase and equip ?

I run magic pen reds
health per level yellows
mana per level blues and quints

but use what you got.

* What path should I go down on the masteries?

I've gone 9/0/21 and 0/8/22(getting strength of spirit in defense and using the extra point to max neutral buff mastery) with Ryze

Anything that has to do with mana is good for Ryze since your goal in the game is to build the largest mana pool possible

* As I level in the game, what abilities do I want to level up in what order ?

Prioritize R>Q>W>E

Q is your nuke, W is your snare and E is the button you press to make your Q refresh faster. lol


Awesome responses guys. Really appreciate it. :)

I definitely don't think I'll be doing Ryze permanently, but until I hit 6,300 points to purchase the one I want I'll stick with him. I'm probably going to go with a range DPS, preferably a mage. I'll wait until I hit that many points before make a commitment.


zlatko said:
* What runes are good to purchase and equip ?

I would suggest not buying runes until you are at least level 20. Two reasons: One, you don't unlock the best level of runes until that level. Two, runes are expensive and should be optimized for your prime character, but you likely won't find your favorite character until you've played enough of them.

Hell, I think Singed is probably my best character but I didn't start playing him until just the past few months or so. Actually, when I first started, I dismissed him because I did really bad with him. You just never know!
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