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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Leezard said:
WW is one of the strongest laners in the game, seriously.

Yes I recognized that by Dreamhack haha but yeah people in ranked games aren't too keen on Warwick/Olaf/Nunu etc. laning.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The jungling game is stale and has a stifling effect on the potential flow of the game.



Second-rate Anihawk
I bought the proper runes for jungle Olaf and I seem to really like him. At least he is more refreshing than Mumu and Nunu. Buyer's remorse -1


Archie said:
I bought the proper runes for jungle Olaf and I seem to really like him. At least he is more refreshing than Mumu and Nunu. Buyer's remorse -1
Olaf is fun, especially in team fights. Activate ult, become beast, kill their carry, run away. WORKS LIKE A CHARM.

running Vampiric Scepter first on Olaf is also fun for jungling, so much tension and hoping you don't get raped.

found an old picture, oh sunfire capes, how I miss thy.

Alright I played the Plank for a few days and he's trash. It takes pretty much a full item build before you can reliably do any damage with him. Though I must admit once you finally do get all the stuff you need hitting people with Parley for 2/3'ds of their health is a good time.

Still should of bought Miss Fortune instead. I've been playing her since she's free and she's actually pretty awesome. She hit's hard and her ult isn't totally worthless.


Shalashaska161 said:
Alright I played the Plank for a few days and he's trash. It takes pretty much a full item build before you can reliably do any damage with him. Though I must admit once you finally do get all the stuff you need hitting people with Parley for 2/3'ds of their health is a good time.

Still should of bought Miss Fortune instead. I've been playing her since she's free and she's actually pretty awesome. She hit's hard and her ult isn't totally worthless.

I honestly think you're all wrong on Plank :(

I go two faerie charms -> Philo stone. Sell one of the faerie charms for heart of gold. Build infinity edge and take it from there.

You're not supposed to be able to 1v1 a straight damage carry with just your auto attacks vs their auto attacks, thats the reason why Parley is so strong, you can blow away half their health and finish them off.

Just played my first solid game with Vlad 5 games after buying him. Although I'm never too sure in the games when I rape face cause I can't be certain whether it was me or my opponents were really that bad :|


The solid way to play plank is for the first 20~ minutes or so you are support.

Your teamfight contribution is a bit of damage a large area buff (+Dmg +Movespeed) and your ult for its slow.

I generally start off with a Philo stone followed by an avarice blade. If I'm not doing too bad grab another G/10 item, otherwise start on infinity edge by grabbing a BF sword, then a Zeal. I finish off my IE by this point as I can do a fair amount of damage. Here it becomes situational, If I can afford to ignore def for a couple more minutes I'll finish the PD otherwise its a situational defense item of your choice. Then I finish off zeal, and if I bought a Warmogs earlier, I'll grab at atmas when I sell my last Avarice blade.

I generally do very well. Always be watching for your ult. It may not seem like it can do much but the slow is very very awesome for ganks, even if it forces them to blow their flash early.

EDIT: I FAIL AT TYPING (So grammar/spelling fixes)


Cerepol said:
The solid way to play plank is for the first 20~ minutes are so you are support.

Your teamfight contribution is a bit of damage a large area buff (+Dmg +Movespeed) and your ult for its slow.

I generally start off with a Philo stone followed by an avarice blade. If I'm not doing too bad grab another G/10 item, otherwise start on infinity edge by grabbing a BF sword, then a Zeal. I finish off my IE by this point as I can do a fair amount of damage. Here it becomes situational, If I can afford to ignore def for a couple more minutes I'll finish the PD otherwise its a situational defense item of your choice. Then I finish off zeal, and if I bought a Warmogs earlier, I'll grab at atmas when I sell my last Avarice blade.

I generally do very well. Always be watching for your ult. It may not seem like it can do much but the slow is very very awesome for ganks, even if it forces them to blow their flash early.

Yes this man knows where its at!

I usually go for a heart of gold rather than an avarice blade though so if I'm in need of defense I can go Randuins.

People really do underestimate GP's ult. Heres a challenge, next time one casts it, just stand in it.


Question on queue etiquette. I only play with friends and I don't play as often as the rest of the group. Currently I am level 16 while the majority is level 30. Lately there has been a good amount of people that just rage in the lobby because of the level disparity in our group. People claim that it causes the other team to be level 30s etc. I personally never feel disadvantaged playing level 30 teams and have never felt grouping with my friends hurts our chances of winning. What is gaf's thoughts on this? Am I expected to solo queue until I am level 30 too? Seems odd considering how long it takes to level up in this game.


joelseph said:
Question on queue etiquette. I only play with friends and I don't play as often as the rest of the group. Currently I am level 16 while the majority is level 30. Lately there has been a good amount of people that just rage in the lobby because of the level disparity in our group. People claim that it causes the other team to be level 30s etc. I personally never feel disadvantaged playing level 30 teams and have never felt grouping with my friends hurts our chances of winning. What is gaf's thoughts on this? Am I expected to solo queue until I am level 30 too? Seems odd considering how long it takes to level up in this game.
If you don't have a problem facing lvl 30s then just keep doing it.


joelseph said:
Question on queue etiquette. I only play with friends and I don't play as often as the rest of the group. Currently I am level 16 while the majority is level 30. Lately there has been a good amount of people that just rage in the lobby because of the level disparity in our group. People claim that it causes the other team to be level 30s etc. I personally never feel disadvantaged playing level 30 teams and have never felt grouping with my friends hurts our chances of winning. What is gaf's thoughts on this? Am I expected to solo queue until I am level 30 too? Seems odd considering how long it takes to level up in this game.

The only thing 30's will have on you will be mastery points and possibly runes. Don't let the level scare you, A LOT of them are still baddies who make more mistakes then some newer players (who are alot more cautious). If you're doin fine don't even worry about it.


joelseph said:
Question on queue etiquette. I only play with friends and I don't play as often as the rest of the group. Currently I am level 16 while the majority is level 30. Lately there has been a good amount of people that just rage in the lobby because of the level disparity in our group. People claim that it causes the other team to be level 30s etc. I personally never feel disadvantaged playing level 30 teams and have never felt grouping with my friends hurts our chances of winning. What is gaf's thoughts on this? Am I expected to solo queue until I am level 30 too? Seems odd considering how long it takes to level up in this game.

I queued with my level 30 friends when I started off too. I would honestly say it helps you in the long run so best just to ignore them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's a disadvantage mathematically speaking but in practice it's so slight as to be inconsequential. I've seen many 30s play as though they were just learning the game. Getting to 30 is not really proof of skill at all.

If you feel confident then there's no reason why you shouldn't queue with friends who are 30s. Ignore the tryhards.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't see anything wrong with liking asses!
Kozak said:
I honestly think you're all wrong on Plank :(

I go two faerie charms -> Philo stone. Sell one of the faerie charms for heart of gold. Build infinity edge and take it from there.

You're not supposed to be able to 1v1 a straight damage carry with just your auto attacks vs their auto attacks, thats the reason why Parley is so strong, you can blow away half their health and finish them off.
I'll try this build out I guess. Perhaps it's just my inexperience with him but I never really had any success with him except in a couple 3v3 games I played with my buddies. I don't really want to write him off since like I said he is actually pretty fun to play.


Started playing Twisted Fate and I seem to do a lot more good for the team with him. Last game I had I went 7 and 1 with 5 assists, was the highest level, and cleared all the way to the inhibitors and destroyed them on both top and mid basically solo every time. :D

<_< Now if only I could consistently get team mates that all play. Shit is so dumb when you have 3 games in a row where one guy just jacks off in spawn doing nothing.


shintoki said:
As long as you can hold your own and not like an ass. You'll be fine.

Yeah it's all good, I have been playing a support Janna and staying positive and getting tons of assists. We are well above 500. I am going to keep on doing what I am doing. Thanks gaf.


I wouldn't worry about playing with lvl 30's. I've played a few games with my lvl 30 buddies and the players weren't that much better, they just tend to not make really stupid errors like accidentally dying to turrets for no reason and they don't pick the revive/heal combo.


IsayFever said:
Gotta say that I eagerly await the remade Kayle. Good champ still, but fucking confusing!
Kayle was already remade! (Yeah I know they're remaking her again.) I just think her current rendition - the dps semi support occupies a unique niche in LoL. I suppose her problem is that she's terrible at both but it is a special place anyway.

Yeah it's all good, I have been playing a support Janna and staying positive and getting tons of assists. We are well above 500. I am going to keep on doing what I am doing. Thanks gaf.
Playing as a support is a good way to learn since you can stay out back and throw out supportliness.

I'll try this build out I guess. Perhaps it's just my inexperience with him but I never really had any success with him except in a couple 3v3 games I played with my buddies. I don't really want to write him off since like I said he is actually pretty fun to play.
Yeah, Heart of Gold is a lot better than avarice because ghostblade isn't that great anymore so the avarice blade would go to waste. (I still think GP is pretty weak. Hopefully the buffs will help him out so I don't groan everytime I see one).


Kozak said:
I queued with my level 30 friends when I started off too. I would honestly say it helps you in the long run so best just to ignore them.

you're still up at 4am? You so crazy...


Second-rate Anihawk
Patch notes up


Hate Spike missile speed increased
Shadow Walk now applies a 3 second 30/35/40/45/50% slow instead of a stun
Malice and Spite
Passive heal reduced to 150/225/300 from 350/500/650
Attack speed bonus reduced to 25/50/75% from 50/75/100%



I used to hate eve with a passion until I sucked it up and bought sight wards every game I played against her. The nerfs are a little harsh, but I guess they're kind of necessary because playing against eve is just a chore.

Card Boy

Archie said:

Does this mean people will stop banning her in ranked?



Range increased to 475 to 450
Heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded
Dark Wind damage increased to 65/90/115/140/165 from 65/85/105/125/145
Ability power ratio increased to .45 from .4
Channel duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2


The gold per 10 component of Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Avarice Blade is now unique to itself

LOL, take that you Avarice Blade Staking Gangplanks!

Maximum gold for killing a player on a long kill streak reduced to 500 gold from 1000
Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 gold
Gold rewards for kills where the target is on a 3 kill or 3 death streak or less should give comparable amounts or even more gold than before
Experience granted for kills is now determined by the dying champion's level. Killing champions higher level than you will now grant more experience while killing champions lower level than you will now grant less experience. Killing equal level champions is unaffected

This pleases me and should reduce the amount of 'feeding'


thestopsign said:
Udyr buffs? UDYR BUFFS!

FUCK YES!!!!! He just got the ability to lane and be amazing due to the reduced mana costs. also his jungling will be so much better now.


goober said:
Crap I missed the season one championship. Any matches worth watching?y

The one that really stood out to me was Day 2 Game 1 of AAA VS TSM. Most epic finish ever. There were definitely some other great ones too - Jungle Gangplank, Shushei's Gragas, Xan's upset over TSM, lots of really entertaining matches.
goober said:
Crap I missed the season one championship. Any matches worth watching?y

CLG vs FnMSI (These euro players are amazing)

  • Maximum gold for killing a player on a long kill streak reduced to 500 gold from 1000
  • Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 gold

I like this, I really like this.

Also Evelynn Nerf, one of my favorite champs just because she can stomp bad players who think spending 175g on a pink ward is silly. If you QQ hard enough on the forums you can change thing also the Vlad nerf. I love stealth guess I'll go back to ganking as shaco and then split pushing at late game. It sucks that they do this hotfix on her and leave her useless promising a rework soon TM (like Magma chamber and other low class features) but yes more champs please :/ go go more tanky dps :/.


goober said:
Crap I missed the season one championship. Any matches worth watching?y
Fnatic vs Team Pacific (Qualifying) - Shushei's Alistar
Epik vs Fnatic (Qualifying) - Westrice's Akali
CLG vs Xan (Qualifying) - Hotshot's Nidalee

Semi-finals, Upper Bracket finals, 4th place, 3rd place and Grand Finals. (If you don't want to watch all of these, just watch anything with Fnatic and TSM vs Epik)
HappyPuppy said:
Also Evelynn Nerf, one of my favorite champs just because she can stomp bad players who think spending 175g on a pink ward is silly. If you QQ hard enough on the forums you can change thing also the Vlad nerf. I love stealth guess I'll go back to ganking as shaco and then split pushing at late game. It sucks that they do this hotfix on her and leave her useless promising a rework soon TM (like Magma chamber and other low class features) but yes more champs please :/ go go more tanky dps :/.

Ah, you're one of "those" people.


drkOne said:
Fnatic vs Team Pacific (Qualifying) - Shushei's Alistar
Epik vs Fnatic (Qualifying) - Westrice's Akali
CLG vs Xan (Qualifying) - Hotshot's Nidalee

Semi-finals, Upper Bracket finals, 4th place, 3rd place and Grand Finals. (If you don't want to watch all of these, just watch anything with Fnatic and TSM vs Epik)

you forgot Gragas and Singed


HappyPuppy said:
Those people that believe that Riot makes changes to the game if players stick to something and start asking for it, yes I am.
The real question is should the game be balanced around casual players or the competitive players?
IsayFever said:
Udyr buffs make me weep tears of absolute joy. God of the jungle!
yay and no..
mana reduction on stance switch is a big YAY...
turtle healing be actual dmg and not raw dmg, well if you're jungling shielded target are not there :X when you're ganking sure, but doubt you'd switch to turtle for long enough to notice the difference :)
phoenix stance buff seems nice but if they don't change the ap ratio, it will just be "for fun"... tiger for raping, turtle for shield+healing, bear for sprint&stun.... phoenix for.. creeps? XD
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