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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Jagxyz said:
Do you build him tanky or dps? Tried him today after a long while and got wrecked by the enemy team just constantly ganking the jungle. x_x

Since the patch I've been laning with him and not jungling. Go full offensive. Attack Speed Boots -> Trinity Force -> Infinity Edge -> Bloodletter -> Mordreds

Can pretty much burn people down in 1-7 seconds once tiger is activated.


Corporate Apologist
HappyPuppy said:
I like this new champ, he was about to be my main but they hotfix it.



I like to troll or annoy once in a while. Well it's back to Teemo and Singed I guess. Oh there was this bug where your teammates would die and then come back from the grave uuuuuuhhhh.
I don't think you could feed anymore if you tried.
Anyone able to try Gangplank after his little buff? Dunno if I'll be able to play for a couple days so I'm curious to see if it helped him in any noticable way.
Shalashaska161 said:
Anyone able to try Gangplank after his little buff? Dunno if I'll be able to play for a couple days so I'm curious to see if it helped him in any noticable way.
meh will have to try, though i suspect the nerf to avarice stacking will hurt :X


witchedwiz said:
meh will have to try, though i suspect the nerf to avarice stacking will hurt :X

Avarice stacking was never the best situation, one was okay, 2 was bad.

Hes a much better ganker now, very good as bursting into top/mid/bot with a parrley/ult for some good slows and a nice buff on his E. Not to mention a fine CC soak. His ults damage increase is neglible it seems, you will still have people walk right out of it at 10 health...

As for the meat of his "changes", the new passive is interesting Kinda makes it harder to kill Lifestealers and the like and I've never had the oppourtunity yet to actually go up and get full stacks on a person. The slow on Q is very nice though, but I would have preferred his old reduced regen+healing on Q instead. Oh, the damage on it is interesting able to work out to move but like most things, its fairly ignorable, even more so if you build Crit in which case its 50 Raw damage over 3s after a 500 crit.
Ferny73 said:
His minions go down super quick. How do you build him up Lead?

That was my most recent build. I went meki pendant, then got tear and boots, then manamue and ninja tabi. Kindle gem then phage. Spirit visage and belt. Frozen mallet then atmas. then thornmail.

Prolly going to experiment with Chalice/Bloodthirster Early instead of manamue and Spirit Visage.

And then maybe a Rylais and Frozen Mallet combo
Oh, I didn't activate Terror Capacitor first. Maybe that was the issue. That, and a Blitz that kept snatching me in the middle of team fights.

I really don't like being a one-note hero...
FlightOfHeaven said:

Not to self: Add Urgot to "Cannot play" list.
Meh who cares if you suck your first game. Urgot is an amazing champ and a huge pain to play against in a lane. One of the most overlooked champs in the game I'd say.


I just hit level 10 today. Yay. Now I can get Tier 2 runes, but shit they are expensive. I have almost 3K IP saved up, which I'm trying to save till I have 6.3K to buy either Malzahar or Karthus.

I'm using Twisted Fate until then, and sometimes dabble with Ryze still, but I like TF a lot.


sparkle this bitch
zlatko said:
I just hit level 10 today. Yay. Now I can get Tier 2 runes, but shit they are expensive. I have almost 3K IP saved up, which I'm trying to save till I have 6.3K to buy either Malzahar or Karthus.

I'm using Twisted Fate until then, and sometimes dabble with Ryze still, but I like TF a lot.
Do not buy T2 at all. They are overpriced and barely any better than T1.

Save for the T3. These are the end game ones either way. No reason to waste on ones lower.
Buy T1, these are about 60% of what T3 runes stats prove, while being a 10th of the cost. Get these if you want to keep saving up for more heroes instead.


shintoki said:
Do not buy T2 at all. They are overpriced and barely any better than T1.

Save for the T3. These are the end game ones either way. No reason to waste on ones lower.
Buy T1, these are about 60% of what T3 runes stats prove, while being a 10th of the cost. Get these if you want to keep saving up for more heroes instead.

Yeah I had no intention of buying the T2's until I know which champions I want to play. Does everyone need to be good at 2-3 or just 1-2 suffice?

Also, which do people think is better: Karthus or Malzahar?


Meh who cares if you suck your first game. Urgot is an amazing champ and a huge pain to play against in a lane. One of the most overlooked champs in the game I'd say.

His early game is absolutely bananas, god I love going mid and absolutely demolishing Annies, Ezreals and pretty much any other squishy.

But his end game is absolutely horrendous. His autoattacks have no range and even with tanky items, he's still pretty squishy from what I've played. If only I had a dollar for every time I started 6/0 and ended at like 10/8 >_<

zlatko said:
I just hit level 10 today. Yay. Now I can get Tier 2 runes, but shit they are expensive. I have almost 3K IP saved up, which I'm trying to save till I have 6.3K to buy either Malzahar or Karthus.

I'm using Twisted Fate until then, and sometimes dabble with Ryze still, but I like TF a lot.

Wait til you see tier 3 runes :p Quints are like 1.3K for one.


zlatko said:
Yeah I had no intention of buying the T2's until I know which champions I want to play. Does everyone need to be good at 2-3 or just 1-2 suffice?

Also, which do people think is better: Karthus or Malzahar?

Buy all T1, they will last you until Level 30 and beyond. I wouldn't buy regular Quints though.

Archie said:
2k IP for one greater health quint. :piss

That's why I always wait for holidays to buy Quints. Halloween, and in particular, Christmas, give the best quints for the best prices. Those are the Quints you want to buy.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I bought 3 health quints back when they were like, staples on every single layout.

Then Riot nerfed them a month or so later.

I cried a little bit inside.
Halycon said:
I bought 3 health quints back when they were like, staples on every single layout.

Then Riot nerfed them a month or so later.

I cried a little bit inside.

They are still used here and there to counter specific lanes.
Ultimoo said:
I still run Health Quints on my carry build, am I bad? I use MS on my mages.

Well you can go either route.

A -> Go the extra Armor penetration and get that 25 (omgawd damage)


B -> Get that extra health and you'll have more lane sustainability. (yay i don't have 4 bars!)

However this is all moot because you shouldn't be anywhere other than bottom with a babysitter if you're an AD carry. (barring corki top)

You need to have multiple pages to be able to counter rune what the enemy team is showing at champion select.

So you see a vlad right? You know that you're going mid and so will he (or top). For the sake of the argument we'll say he's laned against you. You NEED to have that flat mres page to counter him. Lee sin? Flat armor. Vayne? Flat armor + HP quints. You get the idea.
Phreak said:
Things we're looking at: This means we may do one, some, all, or none of these. These are just current possibilities.

Base stats
Mana costs
Ghoul durability vs AoE specifically
Ultimate duration / durability (considering removing the -10% per sec portion of it)
Damage output of various abilities

lol, that didn't take long


Legato.Reborn- said:
Well you can go either route.

A -> Go the extra Armor penetration and get that 25 (omgawd damage)


B -> Get that extra health and you'll have more lane sustainability. (yay i don't have 4 bars!)

However this is all moot because you shouldn't be anywhere other than bottom with a babysitter if you're an AD carry. (barring corki top)

You need to have multiple pages to be able to counter rune what the enemy team is showing at champion select.

So you see a vlad right? You know that you're going mid and so will he (or top). For the sake of the argument we'll say he's laned against you. You NEED to have that flat mres page to counter him. Lee sin? Flat armor. Vayne? Flat armor + HP quints. You get the idea.

I wish I was rich enough to do that. :)
HappyPuppy said:
I like this new champ, he was about to be my main but they hotfix it.



I like to troll or annoy once in a while. Well it's back to Teemo and Singed I guess. Oh there was this bug where your teammates would die and then come back from the grave uuuuuuhhhh.
how can you get over a hundred kills? how can you get 8000+ death?
zlatko said:
I just hit level 10 today. Yay. Now I can get Tier 2 runes, but shit they are expensive. I have almost 3K IP saved up, which I'm trying to save till I have 6.3K to buy either Malzahar or Karthus.

I'm using Twisted Fate until then, and sometimes dabble with Ryze still, but I like TF a lot.
I never touched the rune page, untill recently (reached level 30 long time ago) I found the help from the runes aren't very significant. I had multiple 40+ kills games without any runes. I suggest you save your IP for champs or tier 3 runes at this point.


Ladyboy101 said:
I never touched the rune page, untill recently (reached level 30 long time ago) I found the help from the runes aren't very significant. I had multiple 40+ kills games without any runes. I suggest you save your IP for champs or tier 3 runes at this point.

Sounds good. My other question aside from runes right now is how many champions people tend to learn and play? 1-2? 2-3? 3+ ?

I'd also like to hear Gaf's thoughts on who they think is better/more annoying to deal with out of Malzahar and Karthus? I'm probably going to main one of them when I make the IP to purchase, but I don't know which to buy first. :(
zlatko said:
Sounds good. My other question aside from runes right now is how many champions people tend to learn and play? 1-2? 2-3? 3+ ?

I'd also like to hear Gaf's thoughts on who they think is better/more annoying to deal with out of Malzahar and Karthus? I'm probably going to main one of them when I make the IP to purchase, but I don't know which to buy first. :(
learn at least one in each class, physical DPS (ranged and melee), tank, mage
i just play who ever looks interesting, you get bored if you stick to a few.


zlatko said:
Sounds good. My other question aside from runes right now is how many champions people tend to learn and play? 1-2? 2-3? 3+ ?

I'd also like to hear Gaf's thoughts on who they think is better/more annoying to deal with out of Malzahar and Karthus? I'm probably going to main one of them when I make the IP to purchase, but I don't know which to buy first. :(

Depends on your play style, really. Malzahaar is a beastly one target burst assassin, whereas Karthus is a multi-target caster.


So I downloaded this game about 3 days ago, already level 11.

Favorite character is Master Yi. He's easy to focus down, but I just play him like a Rogue so it all works out. If I don't keep my level up with everyone I get owned, but I've been winning more then losing. Would know my w/l if I could find it on the damn site...

But it's something like 2 to 1 with Yi.

Fun game. Wish there was more maps though.


I recommend playing the new GP, he's great fun.
I gave him a run, laned against a Vlad (still a nightmare to any mana user IMO) but I managed to hold my own and farm a decent bit. I got an early Philo Stone to support my farming, actually my build was completely random, I think I went something like Pendant, Philo, Merc Treads, Zeal + Sheen, Negatron + Glacial Shroud, Trinity Force, Banshee's.

Party-wide buff is godly on teamfights, even though I built him semi-tanky I still did great damage. He just felt so much fun to play, great kiter, great anticarry, great team utility, decent survivability. Thinking of trying Jungleplank later.


Jangocube said:
So I downloaded this game about 3 days ago, already level 11.

Favorite character is Master Yi. He's easy to focus down, but I just play him like a Rogue so it all works out. If I don't keep my level up with everyone I get owned, but I've been winning more then losing. Would know my w/l if I could find it on the damn site...

But it's something like 2 to 1 with Yi.

Fun game. Wish there was more maps though.

Yi is pretty beastly when played correctly. Should look into other characters though ;p In ranked games people ban champions so it's good to diversify your portfolio
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