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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Well the changes only really improve his laning capabilities which as of now is almost none, but will only help to further improve his jungling capability. Should be easier to reach trinity and go rape town now at least.


Uchip said:
you forgot Gragas and Singed
Yeah, forgot that Singed.
aAa vs Epik (Qualifying) - Dyrus' Singed

And do you mean Soaz's Gragas against Fnatic?

Ultimoo said:
The real question is should the game be balanced around casual players or the competitive players?
How can you balance something around casual players? They won't ever go deep enough as to find what's working and what isn't, they make mistakes all the time.

I've had some matches against Katarinas lately, where she Shunpos in, Ultimates, 3 people die because they are just standing there. Afterwards they surrender and cry that Katarina is OP. It's just an example.

If the game gets balanced around what casual players want and see fit, the game will start babysitting you and won't ever punish you for your mistakes.
If that happens, the competitive scene around LoL dies. And after Dreamhack I think Riot knows exactly what their focus should be.
Uchip said:
the guy from fnatic

Shushei <3

Ultimoo said:
The real question is should the game be balanced around casual players or the competitive players?

That is another discussion. Kinda annoyed that Riot favors "fun" gameplay and they make certain decisions like Vlad's nerf because he is annoying, yeap they nerf him cause he is annoying, don't have the post made by a red saying that. I wish they had a full disabler the closest thing they have is Blitzcrank, I would jump of joy if the made a Mesmer champion from Guild Wars.


drkOne said:
Yeah, forgot that Singed.
aAa vs Epik (Qualifying) - Dyrus' Singed

And do you mean Soaz's Gragas against Fnatic?

How can you balance something around casual players? They won't ever go deep enough as to find what's working and what isn't, they make mistakes all the time.

I've had some matches against Katarinas lately, where she Shunpos in, Ultimates, 3 people die because they are just standing there. Afterwards they surrender and cry that Katarina is OP. It's just an example.

If the game gets balanced around what casual players want and see fit, the game will start babysitting you and won't ever punish you for your mistakes.
If that happens, the competitive scene around LoL dies. And after Dreamhack I think Riot knows exactly what their focus should be.

Well balancing around the casual crowd would mean listening to the most of the balance complaints on the LoL forums, because I'd say 90% of the people that post that are not indicative of a high skill level. But that is what the guy was suggesting at least, qq enough about something and Riot will eventually change it.


I dont complain about their decisions because I realize how difficult it is to please everyone
there will always be complainers


Ultimoo said:
Well balancing around the casual crowd would mean listening to the most of the balance complaints on the LoL forums, because I'd say 90% of the people that post that are not indicative of a high skill level. But that is what the guy was suggesting at least, qq enough about something and Riot will eventually change it.
I meant, how will the game be balanced if they "balance" it according to forum complaints.
I understood what you meant, just don't think it'd ever be actually balanced that way.

I honestly don't visit the forums, so I don't know what people are complaining about over there. And I honestly had no clue that Riot would make dumb nerfs if enough people complained.

Edit: omg, why did I decide to check the forums.


drkOne said:
I meant, how will the game be balanced if they "balance" it according to forum complaints.
I understood what you meant, just don't think it'd ever be actually balanced that way.

I honestly don't visit the forums, so I don't know what people are complaining about over there. And I honestly had no clue that Riot would make dumb nerfs if enough people complained.

People complain and whine endlessly about the dumbest things on the Riot forums. The "balance" forum is riddled with the worst suggestions / cries.


drkOne said:
Fnatic vs Team Pacific (Qualifying) - Shushei's Alistar
Epik vs Fnatic (Qualifying) - Westrice's Akali
CLG vs Xan (Qualifying) - Hotshot's Nidalee

Semi-finals, Upper Bracket finals, 4th place, 3rd place and Grand Finals. (If you don't want to watch all of these, just watch anything with Fnatic and TSM vs Epik)

Is there a site where I watch these replays? Something like Sc2casts.com?


They should give Udyr energy already, Tryndamere is getting Rage (fits IMO) so it's not like changing a champ's resources is all that revolutionary.


sparkle this bitch
HappyPuppy said:
That is another discussion. Kinda annoyed that Riot favors "fun" gameplay and they make certain decisions like Vlad's nerf because he is annoying, yeap they nerf him cause he is annoying, don't have the post made by a red saying that. I wish they had a full disabler the closest thing they have is Blitzcrank, I would jump of joy if the made a Mesmer champion from Guild Wars.
You know, fun works both ways. When playing as and when facing. Vlad isn't an annoying character. He is a poorly designed one.

2nd, looking at the patch notes... They barely touched him. He gained a single second to the final level of Transfusion and lost 10/20 damage to the last two, but gained it to the first two. The last one actually helps him.


Second-rate Anihawk

Would it kill Riot to buy a few more servers?
So since I'm living in China for the summer, I figured it would be fun (with the bonus of not dealing with horrendous ping) to play some Chinese LoL. It's a bit of a strange world but really not at all different. There's some different art, descriptions are all unreadable to me, champs speak Chinese, and the players all type in Chinese, but besides that it's the same game. Here's me as Nunu:


I know what it feels like to smurf now.


shintoki said:
2nd, looking at the patch notes... They barely touched him. He gained a single second to the final level of Transfusion and lost 10/20 damage to the last two, but gained it to the first two. The last one actually helps him.

Because of the CD, it's a bit more noticeable. Adding 10/20 damage to the first 2 levels, while it helps, only increases DPS per 12 seconds by 10/20. Whereas at level 5, not only are people able to cast the spell less often (lets say 3 times in 12 seconds @ 4s CDR VS 4 times in 12 seconds @ 3s CDR), it's also losing damage/healing up front - it adds up to 300 damage difference.

TLDR, in a 12-second team fight (admittedly on the long side), Vlad's Q (not counting upgrades) previously would have done 1,000 damage, now it does 690.

Not that I'm complaining, I've been an advocate of Vlad nerfs for a while - a mage shouldn't get perks to his damage by building health or vice versa, IMO casters are supposed to be relatively fragile.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Why are you looking at anything other than her paint on bra?
EXGN said:
Because of the CD, it's a bit more noticeable. Adding 10/20 damage to the first 2 levels, while it helps, only increases DPS per 12 seconds by 10/20. Whereas at level 5, not only are people able to cast the spell less often (lets say 3 times in 12 seconds @ 4s CDR VS 4 times in 12 seconds @ 3s CDR), it's also losing damage/healing up front - it adds up to 300 damage difference.

TLDR, in a 12-second team fight (admittedly on the long side), Vlad's Q (not counting upgrades) previously would have done 1,000 damage, now it does 690.

Not that I'm complaining, I've been an advocate of Vlad nerfs for a while - a mage shouldn't get perks to his damage by building health or vice versa, IMO casters are supposed to be relatively fragile.

I find if Vlad doesn't get any defensive items, he melts just as fast as any other caster. The only thing that makes him last a bit longer/easily escape is his pool, and that isn't really fool proof anymore.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hmm why is the "Play"-button greyed out?


udyr is so nice now. makes stance dancing in the jungle so much easier. now you arent pretty much forced to stay in turtle if you want to maintain high health.


sparkle this bitch
Real support, when every kill on your team either has you the KB or Assist. >_<. Coming back from a 0-8 with zero deaths for the game.

Just a bunch of posers out there trying to play support after Dreamhack.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hey guys I heard buying oracle to counter wards is pro!

*walks into 5 man gank*

At least more people are buying wards now.


Halycon said:
Vayne is so good.

So good!

If I ever wanted to see a video game character drawn and quartered - it would be that bitch right there.

Edit - I made a chat room, "NeoGAF" if anyone wants to play.


FallingEdge said:
I love playing support. Taric, Zil, Soraka, Janna. Super fun for me. I'll leave the kills for my teammates haha..

I love playing with good supports, but I hate when someone in solo Q chooses them because at my Elo (1100) people tend to try to play them as carries

This reminds me of a game I had recently where I played as Garen and laned with Soraka. We laned against an Eve and Xin Zhao and they tried to dive me at half life. I silenced XZ before he could pop me, but Eve stunned me, drawing aggro from the tower.

Rather than healing me or silencing Xin or doing anything useful, my Soraka chased after Eve spamming Starfall, trying to get the kill on the half-life Eve. Predictably, I died, Eve cloaked away for a moment, and then XZ and Eve finished off the over extending Soraka.


problem with yorick is that he needs so much to do so little

he's a tank with hardcore mana problems who also needs a high cdr rate

add lackluster ghouls and he's a champ that needs so much just to do decent

his early game ain't bad, but it's hard to handle

he needs buffs, and a more forgiving mana drain. I can't use tank runes on the dude cuz he needs all the mana regen he can get


IsayFever said:
Dear lord have I been fucking shit up all day with Udyr. 23-3-12 in my last game

I am having a similar experience. Didn't use him since I switched from US to EU server, now I'm going to unlock it as soon as the free week ends. Such a beautiful troll character.


shintoki said:
Real support, when every kill on your team either has you the KB or Assist. >_<. Coming back from a 0-8 with zero deaths for the game.

Just a bunch of posers out there trying to play support after Dreamhack.

I've been playing a pretty kickass Soraka for months and since Dreamhack I feel like I'm Doing It Wrong. All the supports in the matches I watched were just buying gold farming items and endless wards - sure, wards are important, but surely buying useful items for your team are too like Soul Shroud etc.? Why build a philosopher's stone on Janna when you can have a catalyst and be infinitely more useful?


Alas my run of victories using Udyr has been cut short. Malz / AP Alistar / Ashe shut me down soooooooooo quickly last game.


I think wards are a lot more important for competitive play rather than just casual normal games atleast to the extent that you saw at Dreamhack. I usually make sure to ward up baron and dragon when needed but not much else when just doing normal games.


Yorick OP. just went 6-1-9 with him.

I love how everyone is going WHAT THE FUCK?? when i ult them and they come back alive

My team was getting dominated early game but then i started to play a bit more offensively. That life steal on his E is brilliant


sparkle this bitch
BluWacky said:
I've been playing a pretty kickass Soraka for months and since Dreamhack I feel like I'm Doing It Wrong. All the supports in the matches I watched were just buying gold farming items and endless wards - sure, wards are important, but surely buying useful items for your team are too like Soul Shroud etc.? Why build a philosopher's stone on Janna when you can have a catalyst and be infinitely more useful?
Completely different scenarios. That's the highly competitive team matches, were a support is only meant to support the bottom carry and let him farm. And to be 100% fair, I don't particularly even agree with that method. They had no mana, no AP, or really anything to add to the team. It leans heavily on the side that the game will be over in 30 minutes and your carries can carry.

If I played like that as a support, I'd lose a shit load.


IsayFever said:
Dear lord have I been fucking shit up all day with Udyr. 23-3-12 in my last game

Do you build him tanky or dps? Tried him today after a long while and got wrecked by the enemy team just constantly ganking the jungle. x_x
kiunchbb said:
Everyone have their bad days once in a while.

It was bad enough doing horribly the night before my exam and causing the team to fail, it sucked to have the entire team verbally ragging on me. :(

I dunno if I should play until my exams are over.


BluWacky said:
I've been playing a pretty kickass Soraka for months and since Dreamhack I feel like I'm Doing It Wrong. All the supports in the matches I watched were just buying gold farming items and endless wards - sure, wards are important, but surely buying useful items for your team are too like Soul Shroud etc.? Why build a philosopher's stone on Janna when you can have a catalyst and be infinitely more useful?
Other than an Aegis (if your tank won't get one), the support really should focus on being useful for the team rather than buying items for himself. The way I see it: why get a catalyst when you could get a philosophers + oracles + wards and be infintely more useful for the team? I mean, that catalyst won't really help your team, will it? You're still squishy, so you still need to position yourself correctly. Increased map control, however, will give your team an advantage.

It really is more effective to not steal last hits from your carry, which means you won't have enough gold to try and build "real" items and still be able to ward well and have oracle.

The gold per 10 items are excellent for supports since you don't need to farm to be able to get gold for wards. If your team is doing well you'll get assists and be able to buy other items from that gold if you find yourself having more gold than you can use for wards.

This is a big part of the European meta, which has proven itself to work really well.
Yes, I play in EU


Corporate Apologist
Well, they nerfed Gold for 10 items a bit, since they are now unique. Not a major problem for most classes, since you can still stack the 3 types of Gold Per 10 Items, but you can't just make 3 hearts of gold for example.

Letting the carry farm as a support isn't to hard, its trying to let them get the kill that can be hard.
I like this new champ, he was about to be my main but they hotfix it.



I like to troll or annoy once in a while. Well it's back to Teemo and Singed I guess. Oh there was this bug where your teammates would die and then come back from the grave uuuuuuhhhh.
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