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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Neo Member
I just got the game this week after planning on playing it for ages. Loving it so far (level 11), getting the hang of Veigar and Janna. Contemplating what champion to save up for next. I really like skill shots, crowd control, and casters - what's the verdict on Anivia for a casual player?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Anivia is awesome. Also hard to play. You might like Lux, all her skills are skillshots yet she's extremely newbie friendly.
I'm terribad with Ashe, whereas I'm just terrible with Caitlyn, and Ashe is supposed to be a superior carry.
Ashe is superior only because of her ult. Good teams (team being the keyword here) can take advantage of her global presence to organize ganks. It's harder to do this in solo queue since you don't know how competent your teammates are ahead of time. Caitlyn is more self reliant (farm, range, heavy nuke, traps, pseudo blink) which makes her easier to play than someone like Ashe.


faunatic said:
I just got the game this week after planning on playing it for ages. Loving it so far (level 11), getting the hang of Veigar and Janna. Contemplating what champion to save up for next. I really like skill shots, crowd control, and casters - what's the verdict on Anivia for a casual player?

Sounds like Anivia's the person for you. Skill shot stun, a hard-to-use-right wall and a toggle ult with a gnarly slow that has to be used carefully to maximize damage. Swain could also fit your bill too.


Neo Member
wow, you all are fast! Thanks for all the advice, I may go with Lux first just because I'm impatient and she costs half as much :D. and that link is great! Definitely good info for a beginner like me.


Void Insanity said:
Ezreal is only bad because everyone and their dog runs with flash. He'll be good the second Riot sort that out (if ever).

Would love riot to get rid of flash. Whenever i flash through a wall to save myself i feel so shameful

Card Boy

I'm started builing TF as a hybrid and hes is really good

I went

Trinity Force
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Hextech Gunblade
Sorcerer's Boots

I only got this far before winning i suppose there are 2 spare items are situational depending on what team the enemy is made up of. I suppose a second Gunblade wouldnt hurt, along with Void Staff.

I went Teleport and Ghost as my spells. Having the second teleport along with the Ulti is really good for jumping around the map.

I had my Masteries at 9-0-21


Ferga said:
Would love riot to get rid of flash. Whenever i flash through a wall to save myself i feel so shameful

As someone who uses Flash more for offense rather than escaping, I hope they don't get rid of it or nerf it too hard :( My Alistar and Blitzcrank would cry.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wouldn't mind if Flash was thrown on an item, for heroes like Blitz and Ali who more or less need it to combo well. But it's telling when it is the most often used Summoner Skill in the game by far. Unlike other summoner spells, Flash is useful in just about every situation except one where you're silenced.

Card Boy

EXGN said:
As someone who uses Flash more for offense rather than escaping, I hope they don't get rid of it or nerf it too hard :( My Alistar and Blitzcrank would cry.

There was a thread on the LoL forums by Zileas (Zilean?). 55.5% of people want changes to Flash. (meaning either removed or made into an item)


I think HoN did it right by not having summoner spells, and spells like Flash or Teleport are items (Portal Key and Homecoming Stone)


Can anyone recommend me and my mates a good team for 3v3?

We've been trying last night and it seemed blitz was a very good hero and annoying as hell by wall grabbing a lot. Malz seemed to have very good lane control too on the other team. Is a tank usually used in 3v3?


Gez said:
There was a thread on the LoL forums by Zileas (Zilean?). 55.5% of people want changes to Flash. (meaning either removed or made into an item)


I think HoN did it right by not having summoner spells, and spells like Flash or Teleport are items (Portal Key and Homecoming Stone)

I don't think forumites tend to be the best voice of reason. All they do is complain about stuff they want changed or removed - after Dyrus picked Singed at Dreamhack, the forums erupted with 'Nerf Singed' topics even though he is never banned in ranked matches and has been left largely untouched since he was first introduced. They see things they don't like and cry, regardless of whether its fair or balanced already.

That said, I hate that Flash is essentially used as a get-out-of-jail-free card by most, but like I said, there are a lot of characters that absolutely depend on it to line up skill shots and reposition themselves for offensive maneuvers. I'd hate to see the latter group punished for the sake of the former. Without Flash, characters like Alistar would be severely gimped.

If I had my way, I would just remove the ability to Flash over walls and/or use it if you've been attacked in the last second or so. This enables you to use it offensively while punishing the 'bail out of a fail' function.

Also, that topic is kinda old - hasn't the CD and range been nerfed since then?


Neo Member
Summoners name : Fallen exaven pls add to the list :)

started playing a month and a half ago and love this game
im lvl 19 atm

mostly playing Brand, Alister, Twisted Fate and depending on the free-ones every week the ones i like or want to try out

have only like 9 pvp games so far :D mostly botting till now :D
watching Dreamhack got me even more pumpt about this game :)


I'd be fine with removing Flash tbh. I feel like people use it way too much as a crutch for stupid playing... kind of like a get out of jail free card for overextending and such.
Dipindots said:
I'd be fine with removing Flash tbh. I feel like people use it way too much as a crutch for stupid playing... kind of like a get out of jail free card for overextending and such.

Then imagine the bad player whining when it's gone.


I wouldn't mind them trying out "can't cast flash 20s after being attacked" ala the keleseth's dagger limitation.

GP is pretty alright now. His jungle is fast and his ganks post 6 are incredibly deadly. Even before 6 a ranged red at melée levels is nothing to be scoffed at.

Douche bag blitz:
Builds tank
Never initiates

"I'm good at grabbing"
Grabs singed into carry
I just had a really fun game as Ali, we were losing the first 30 mins of the game and I tried my best to save my teammates and send the silly enemy Annie to our frontline with headbutt (she god demolished fast). I managed to annoy the enemy team and they started to focus me during the whole game which I loved and 85% of the time escaping with flash then returning to annoy some more. Tower diving an Alistar = not smart.
The best part of this whole match is my friend Orianna send her little ball to check Baron and we got it ... lulz were had, it's funny cause we noticed after we fought and won.



HappyPuppy said:
Why didn't you buy Soulstealer on Lux? It's one of those champions that it is so easy to build stacks. I am disappoint son :p.

game after i had 11-1
i dont need it ;)
basically in the picture, I had 6K gold before i went back to base
so there was no point buying a soulstealer


HappyPuppy said:
Why didn't you buy Soulstealer on Lux? It's one of those champions that it is so easy to build stacks. I am disappoint son :p.
soulstealer is too momentum based. if you get it as a first item and don't get any kills, you've basically sunk 1200 gold that could have went to a deathcap instead.
Gez said:
There was a thread on the LoL forums by Zileas (Zilean?). 55.5% of people want changes to Flash. (meaning either removed or made into an item)


I think HoN did it right by not having summoner spells, and spells like Flash or Teleport are items (Portal Key and Homecoming Stone)
such change would need a massive rebalance..
squishy carry would be even squishier (no flash = no omfg need to run/escape), some ult would loose meaning..
es: amumu miss a bandage, if he has flash he can just flash in the middle&R, else he has to travel by foot..
and if by any chance they add them as items, they would need to rebalance the stuff a LOT...
for you'd see anyone blinking till say 35-40 mins, and than they'd most likely sell it in the REAL late-game for the sixth item..
and man..
akali with R+ flash item + ghost + exhaust = "you can't escape BRO!" :X
no thx, really :p


you would never sell a blink dagger item, you're insane. and if amumu misses a bandage toss, too bad, he's supposed to be use Q to get in, if he misses, then that's his fault.

Card Boy

witchedwiz said:
and if by any chance they add them as items, they would need to rebalance the stuff a LOT...
for you'd see anyone blinking till say 35-40 mins, and than they'd most likely sell it in the REAL late-game for the sixth item..
and man..

Have you played HoN or DOTA? It's not an issue at all.

witchedwiz said:
akali with R+ flash item + ghost + exhaust = "you can't escape BRO!" :X
no thx, really :p

Hes my idea, remove Summoner spells! I hate when developers add crap in games for the sake of being 'unique' when its either OP or broken.

EDIT: Rally/Flash/Ghost would really serve better as an items IMO. The rest of the spells can go away.

The day they remove summoner spells is the day I will finally put some money into this game.


like chip said, summoner spells make LoL different from DotA in a possibly good way, makes the same hero play different due to variations in runes/summoner spells. if you want to play dota, play dota. though if summoner spells were removed, people would actually have to learn map awareness, which would be good. just add denying and we got a new dota game!


Gez said:
Have you played HoN or DOTA? It's not an issue at all.

Because those game are balanced around not having them.
This game is pretty much balanced around having Flash, there would have to be massive changes to remove it. Besides that everyone is "forced" to have Flash, I have no problems with summoner spells. It adds a bit of flavor to the game.

Card Boy

Ultimoo said:
like chip said, summoner spells make LoL different from DotA in a possibly good way, makes the same hero play different due to variations in runes/summoner spells.

But the fact of the matter being unique for the sake of being unique is coming at the cost of balance and this isn't a good thing.

My brother (level 8) is duo queuing with his friend (level 23) and at the moment he is VSing people anywhere from Level 15 to 25. These people have flash (a level 12 spell), they have Tier 3 runes (he has none) and they have more mastery points. The game is unbalanced because it's trying to 'add some flavour'. This shouldn't be some COD crap where people have to earn shit, everyone should be on a level playing field.

Fine you like your summoner spells, but why shouldn't they be make into items? They would still exist in some form.

Riot should give everybody all Tier 1 runes, unlock the Rune pages so you can use said Tier 1 runes (not to be confused with giving out free pages) and give everybody 30 mastery points so the balance gap is closed. The only reason I’m not suggesting their removal is because people have paid real money for the rune pages, and it would be unfair to them.


wouldn't the easier solution be for your brother's friend to get a on a newbie account then? also, you don't need flash, I'd say ghost is almost as good as flash at lower levels. I ran T1 runes for the longest time and it barely made a difference too. Masteries/runes/summoner spells make a huge difference when skill levels are the same between both sides in my eyes, but at lower levels of play, it doesn't really do anything. it doesn't matter that you have T3 runes when you suck, having T3 runes don't make you automatically better. T1 runes aren't even expensive, besides Quints, and you should only buy holiday Quints.


T1 runes are indeed great. I had a couple of pages with them until I had the IP to get T3 runes. If a lvl 8 is duoing with a lvl 23, he should probably be concerned with the difficulty level of the opponents rather than their masteries.


nah... dont get rid of summoner spells just nerf flash.

make it so that you can flash through walls. that'll make me very happy.

nothing worse than chasing one person down for an ace and a final push and then suddenly they disappear


Second-rate Anihawk
Gez said:
But the fact of the matter being unique for the sake of being unique is coming at the cost of balance and this isn't a good thing.

My brother (level 8) is duo queuing with his friend (level 23) and at the moment he is VSing people anywhere from Level 15 to 25. These people have flash (a level 12 spell), they have Tier 3 runes (he has none) and they have more mastery points. The game is unbalanced because it's trying to 'add some flavour'. This shouldn't be some COD crap where people have to earn shit, everyone should be on a level playing field.

Fine you like your summoner spells, but why shouldn't they be make into items? They would still exist in some form.

Riot should give everybody all Tier 1 runes, unlock the Rune pages so you can use said Tier 1 runes (not to be confused with giving out free pages) and give everybody 30 mastery points so the balance gap is closed. The only reason I’m not suggesting their removal is because people have paid real money for the rune pages, and it would be unfair to them.

Agreed. I have been playing with my friend who is level 10 and it is fucking painful because has no runes and no flash. I wish all this meta game grinding bullshit would go away.


your friend is not going to notice the lack of runes / lack of masteries. the only runes that I actually ever notice are my mp5/level runes, and my CDR/level runes. he's only going to miss flash, but eventually he'll get that. until then, he can run ghost/exhaust, which is almost as good.


Second-rate Anihawk
I disagree. He has been trying to run a jungle Udyr (at level 10? why.jpg) and it is very inefficient because of the lack of runes and masteries.


tell him not to jungle udyr then. he's not cut out for it right now. if he wants to be a masochist, then let him be I suppose. I also hope he's not trying to start at blue too.


Second-rate Anihawk
And that is one of my issues with the game. He has the competency to jungle Udyr, but he is only hurting the team because of a lack of runes and levels. Runes are great in theory because you can give characters different builds (instead of the fairly static HoN/Dota builds), but they are too expensive to allow for experimentation. (especially if you buy characters with IP)


Second-rate Anihawk
CrazedProfessional said:
We haven't even seen it yet. For all we know it could be as much as a step away from the original as LoL was.

It isn't. Icefrog has already confirmed as much.

I'm sure Valve will add casual modes and stuff like that, though.
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