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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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And I just remembered why I quit playing this game. :(

People are assholes. Purposefully feeding the other team over and over so we lose.

Three games. All with one dick. One with two.


Corporate Apologist
Einbroch said:
And I just remembered why I quit playing this game. :(

People are assholes. Purposefully feeding the other team over and over so we lose.

Three games. All with one dick. One with two.
Ouch. Are you in a new account or an old one?

Stuff like that is why I always play with friends.


Drkirby said:
Ouch. Are you in a new account or an old one?

Stuff like that is why I always play with friends.
Old, but when I quit I didn't play too terribly much. Probably like 40 games under my belt or so.

Card Boy

Boken said:
If youre doing tribunal for IP you're doing it wrong =p

i got 64IP for a win yesterday which is a joke. I will take free IP where i can get it. It takes almost 2 weeks of daily playing just to buy 1 3150 hero assuming you are getting match of the day daily bonus's.


Unconfirmed Member
I hate gangplank

even moreso now that he's good

fuck that mother fucker

So, Singed advise? Goo throwing and fling tips would be greatly appreciated.

build rylai's first after catalyst and boots(unless you're losing and need resistances)

run around in team fights

utilize the best dance in the game as you see fit


Void Insanity said:
It has far better design than HoN though, since HoN does not have any.
What do you mean with this?
If there's one thing HoN has over LoL, in my opinion, is character design. Pretty much every character looks badass. Abilities are also much more spectacular, first time I saw Myrmidon's Carp I remember thinking "I wish LoL had this much detail and originality on skill animations".
Before you try to call me out has being biased, I played 20 matches of HoN and 250~ of LoL
drkOne said:
in my opinion
A DotA clone with that replaces the heroes with rejected characters from a doctor seuss book is not good design. Playing that game with alot of the heroes it was hard to tell things apart from the background. Game is also over detailed to the point of stagnation, it is an eyesore. I've shat turds with less brown than HoN's colour pallet.

LoL is nothing special either but at least the design is clean, clear and colourful.


Second-rate Anihawk
Void Insanity said:
A DotA clone with that replaces the heroes with rejected characters from a doctor seuss book is not good design. Playing that game with alot of the heroes it was hard to tell things apart from the background. Game is also over detailed to the point of stagnation, it is an eyesore. I've shat turds with less brown than HoN's colour pallet.

LoL is nothing special either but at least the design is clean, clear and colourful.

Are you sure you aren't talking about LoL?

Card Boy

Void Insanity said:
Playing that game with alot of the heroes it was hard to tell things apart from the background. Game is also over detailed to the point of stagnation, it is an eyesore. I've shat turds with less brown than HoN's colour pallet.

LoL is nothing special either but at least the design is clean, clear and colourful.

Agree but this is the only way LoL is better than HoN, and one of the key reasons i don't play it much. It is extremly difficult to tell things about from the background. If you watch streams LoL>HoN due to the visual ease.

Having said that HoN address all my complaints about LoL. I'm hoping DOTA2 makes people rage and goes the Diablo 3 route with a bright and colorful pallet. Judging from the few character renders we have they might be doing this.


GAF, I am new to LoL and have been playing Co-Op vs. Bot games all day. I really like this game and was wondering a few things:

Are there any OP characters that can get an insane amount of kills by purchasing the right items, or can anyone do this really? (I ask because there was a game where on guy went around 44/x/5)

Secondly, are there any orders for leveling up abilities in game that I should memorize for certain characters? Is there a [universal] order of items that one could buy for certain builds? (E.g. an order for a DPS character, tank, etc. [sorry if there aren't tanks in this game I'm still really new])

Lastly, are there any good character combinations that you can employ with your party?

Thanks for a response :)

As for my info.: Gaf name: goldensun
Summoner name: Bionic Arrrmmmmm (3 R's and 5 M's)


goldensun said:
GAF, I am new to LoL and have been playing Co-Op vs. Bot games all day. I really like this game and was wondering a few things:

Are there any OP characters that can get an insane amount of kills by purchasing the right items, or can anyone do this really? (I ask because there was a game where on guy went around 44/x/5)

In bot games, that's pretty common - the bots aren't generally that tough. There are characters that are better than others, but generally speaking, unless you're playing tournament level, just about any character can be played with a certain level of success.

Secondly, are there any orders for leveling up abilities in game that I should memorize for certain characters? Is there a [universal] order of items that one could buy for certain builds? (E.g. an order for a DPS character, tank, etc. [sorry if there aren't tanks in this game I'm still really new])

Some characters have abilities that are much better than others, so yes there is usually a commonly followed skilling order. There is also no universal build - the optimal build generally changes game to game depending on what your enemy team is doing. That said, most characters have pretty specific "core builds" which are items that should always be build except in rare situations.

Lastly, are there any good character combinations that you can employ with your party?

The ideal team will have a strong AD or AP in middle, a jungler (someone who farms all the neutral monsters in the jungle instead of staying in lane), a strong AD or AP top and a bottom with a support and another AD/AP. The ideal composition is one tank, two APs, a ranged DPS and a support or a bruiser.

At your level, don't worry about jungling and just focus on learning the basics.


goldensun said:
GAF, I am new to LoL and have been playing Co-Op vs. Bot games all day. I really like this game and was wondering a few things:

Are there any OP characters that can get an insane amount of kills by purchasing the right items, or can anyone do this really? (I ask because there was a game where on guy went around 44/x/5)

If you're talking about what happened in a bot game, don't ever think that that will represent PvP. But yes, there are champions that are more powerful then others. Tier lists exist out there if you want to look, but it changes with each update.

Secondly, are there any orders for leveling up abilities in game that I should memorize for certain characters? Is there a [universal] order of items that one could buy for certain builds? (E.g. an order for a DPS character, tank, etc. [sorry if there aren't tanks in this game I'm still really new])

No, you should always build according to the situation in the game, but since you are starting out, stick with a set build may be recommended. It depends on what the opposite team and what your team is building, if you're dying, etc. And yep, there are roles in the game - AD (attack damage, like straight up DPS), AP (ability power, your magic burst champs), Support (healers, generally), and tanks. Champions often times can be built either way, but almost never hybrid - like.

Lastly, are there any good character combinations that you can employ with your party?

Thanks for a response :)

As for my info.: Gaf name: goldensun
Summoner name: Bionic Arrrmmmmm (3 R's and 5 M's)

Yep, but you'll have to find them yourself and experiment. Teams are extremely versatile.

EDIT: I'm late, noooo


C'mon Riot. Just won a hard earned victory in ranked then what should've been the stats screen froze up. When I relaunched it said game still in progress. Tried relaunching a few time and still the same message. Finally got a friend to invite me to a game and it got me out of the in progress screen. I check my match history and it doesn't even show the game I won. Rage!


goldensun said:
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll be reading up for sure.

Tier lists, oh no it's fighting games all over again haha.

unless you plan on playing premade ranked every time at 1500+ elo you should just ignore tier lists and have fun. it is possible to be good with every hero, sometimes at risk of a poor team composition though.
Tier lists are dumb. I used to swear by them, but I kinda ignore them now. Of course there are definitely heroes that are stronger than others, but someone like me I can't play really any good melee heroes so even the best ones like Jarvan, I'll suck with no matter what.
I will give away a small child to be carried out of ELO Hell. Last game the bans were Poppy, Miss fortune, Ashe and Morde.

Poppy was banned because "She cannot be killed, her ult is OP"


Pretty much why I play ez. Far from the best but you know what, there's so many leavers and afkers you might as well have fun playing a character you like.


CrazedProfessional said:
I will give away a small child to be carried out of ELO Hell. Last game the bans were Poppy, Miss fortune, Ashe and Morde.

Poppy was banned because "She cannot be killed, her ult is OP"

pretty sure the elo will reset for season 2
if you fall back into hell then bad luck :p
I haven't seen wards put down by other players in months.

When I put down wards people say I waste my money.

Then they get ganked and rage that NO ONE CALLED MIA JGFDGGSA.


sparkle this bitch
I'm pretty sure most people lie about their Elo anyways. I go into a game and people start spouting off how they are 1600 or Elo hell is 1800. I just don't see how its possible.

Another clear intentional troll game I just got put into... sigh.


CrazedProfessional said:
I haven't seen wards put down by other players in months.

When I put down wards people say I waste my money.

Then they get ganked and rage that NO ONE CALLED MIA JGFDGGSA.

wow what rating are you?

I am at 1450~ already complaining about retards that flash into 1 vs 5, then other 3 dudes jump in 1 by 1.

The freaking Blitz that said "I tank" then stack out on AD items, or the WW that disappear inside a jungle, doesn't come back out until level 8.
I'm doing nothing wrong, I buy wards, pick based on other picks and build to counter what I'm laning against then 10 minutes in the other two lanes become a mess and I have to help one of them out then the other team puts the hurt on the lane I left and gah.

I am just one man.


Thanks for the friend request uchip/flightofheaven, definitely looking forward to getting some games in with you guys!

How do you guys feel about Jarvan? I've been getting an itch to play a tanky DPS type character and AP Allistar/poppy (kind of bored of poppy) aren't doing it for me... is he worth saving up the IP?

About the Elo hell.. I don't really understand how after getting to lvl 30 you can still be so dumb about the basic game mechanics. I read people complaining about the things that people do and it just baffles me that after playing as many games as they have they still don't know wtf they're doing lol
I just slaughtered some level 30s, so I know what you mean.

lost the last game solely because our Singed and Kennan were fucking terribad. 1/9 each, I couldn't do anything. I even single handedly destroyed every tower bot with only a zeal, berserker, and infinity edge in one go, but I never got to take the inhibitor. : /

I ended something like 5/5.

I swore these were sub 20s, but nope. Level 30...
Ugh, I am sick of instalocking bad players, not only do they have to be squishy as fuck, they always have to chase a 10% HP opponent halfway across the map and then die to 4 people.

I'm usually the Tank because of people leaving during select because Morde was banned HUEHUEHUE or they didn't get their favourite mid carry, so come my select it's usually last or second last meaning that I have to look above at the team composition, sigh as it's something retarded like Ashe, Vayne, Twisted Fate and Miss Fortune then atempt to save the team by picking a tank. In the end they don't thank me for trying. Nope, they wonder why I have so little kills. I am a tank you clods.


Do they realize that they'd be worse off without a tank?

Of course I've tried jungling and see how it panned out. I've been called more names as a jungler than as a tank. The common belief <600 ELO is that Jungling is for noobs and it does nothing.

I feel so much pain.
Try a 90 minute game where 3 of your team mates think surrendering is for 'pussys' and it "has no honour" Since when was an online game about HONOUR.

I mean when it's 40 minutes in and all our outer towers are gone and we have killed no towers where does honour come into play here?


CrazedProfessional said:
Try a 90 minute game where 3 of your team mates think surrendering is for 'pussys' and it "has no honour" Since when was an online game about HONOUR.

I mean when it's 40 minutes in and all our outer towers are gone and we have killed no towers where does honour come into play here?

You would be surprised how a game can suddenly turn around. I've been in the exact same position as you and the other team came for the final push and we killed them in teamfight, managed to push trough mid and win the game. It's the beauty about the long death timers in the end (70 seconds or something?). If you're full build you can finish the game with some damage dealing buddies with you.


Yeah, even in the ranked games it is pretty amazing how ignorant people can be. The best part is those same people start explaining how to play the character I've picked. This can include the cooldown periods shown in game aren't accurate, and that my ULT was able to be launched even though it was available. I think I'm ready to find some steady teammates and try premades.


CrazedProfessional said:
Try a 90 minute game where 3 of your team mates think surrendering is for 'pussys' and it "has no honour" Since when was an online game about HONOUR.

I mean when it's 40 minutes in and all our outer towers are gone and we have killed no towers where does honour come into play here?

why are you never playing with us, we're always on. :O

edit: like right now
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