Gez said:
Udyr is a beast on 3v3 Twisted Treeline.
I have gone
Ninja Tabbi
Mandreds Razors
At this point i can farm the dragon with ease and get craploads of gold and buffs.
My final items are
Ninja Tabbi
Trinity Force
Mandreds Bloodrazor
Infinity Edge
Last Whisper
Black Cleaver
You really shouldn't be getting all of those items on Udyr. A strong Madreds + Trinity Force will be the end of most games in the first place, but if you get to beyond that, tanky is the true way to go. Banshee's, Sunfire, Spirit Visage, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature, or even Warmogs all work really well on him.
Edit: I don't have any videos of my Lanewick, but I can tell you a foolproof method to winning the lane. Grab either a Doran's Ring or two Faerie Charms with a Ward to start. Play conservatively for the first few levels, let them push if you want. Last hit with your Q or your normal attack, but don't go fully out of your way to get them. Once you hit lvl 5, you can start being a bit more aggressive (but be wary of ignite, that can fuck you up), start taking swipes at the opposing champ if possible. By the time you hit lvl 6, if they are low enough (or even if they aren't), you should ult almost right away. It's sort of like a harass that might push them out of lane or even get you a kill.
Once I have enough (typically 1500g+), I go back and grab lvl 1 boots (or spell pen boots if you have enough for everything), a defensive item that caters towards their main damage. Either Cloth Armor or the MR equivalent, and also buy a Kindlegem (for both CDR and Health). Go back to lane. From here you should start to dominate anyone and everyone in lane. Harass with Q every time it's up, if they can avoid or kite you, let them and just last hit instead as you are probably zoning them. This is when I normally start to wrack up kills/I start to be more mobile between top and mid. WW is a great, great ganker. He sets up easy kills for your mid if you collaborate. Use flash to close distance for your ult, it catches people by surprise every time.
Late game, your core build should be Spirit Visage (you should already have Kindlegem and maybe Null-Magic Mantle), Wriggle's (cloth armor that you may have bought), Spell-Pen Boots, and Wit's End. After that I normally build straight out tank. Typically Warmogs and Guardian Angel.
My summoners are Flash and Ignite. Masteries go 9-0-21, grabbing spell pen %. Runes I have been using Spell Pen Reds, Armor or MR Yellows (depending on who I think I face), and CDR/18 Blues, which gets me to about 40% CDR with Masteries and Spirit Visage. Quints I have Movement Speed, but flat Health is always good, or maybe more Spell Pen.