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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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So I tried ranked again.... our team was winning until 40 minutes in when our MF decide to solo push at bot while the whole enemy team is mia, and our ww and swain want a little romantic walk in the forest all by themselves.

The 2 lovers got surprise group hug by the whole team in bush. After they die, MF still pushing at bot (at this point, she haven't make a single hit to enemy tower yet), she got gang like 20 seconds afterward. Don't bother to ask why she didn't run away, its my karma for kicking puppies.

So after 3 of them died, Rene and I are sitting in the base hanging out. Suddenly, my little ward caught 5 of them in baron. So being the protector of endanger species, Rene ran in trying to rescue baron (baron was at half health, so he was not trying to steal it). After Rene died, the 3 teammate respawn 1 by 1, and they all ran to baron in new tactic, the single line feeding formation....

I understand that people do stupid shit when they are losing, but before all those happen, we had 6 kills ahead of the other team.

May be I should start building AP on sona again, this aura and ward spamming crap isn't working very well.

Einbroch said:
And I just remembered why I quit playing this game. :(

People are assholes. Purposefully feeding the other team over and over so we lose.

Three games. All with one dick. One with two.

It get better at higher level, but you still run into them once in a while.


How is it that whenever I have a Vlad on my team they manage to do piss poor? Isn't he supposed to be a pub stomper? Last week, I had a 5/22, yesterday a 1/14.

Also had a TF that couldn't gold card to save his life. Went 1/9 and three times he gated and blue carded instead of yellow.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

Tanky Carries: Superior

(Btw I love the new wits end, shits all over SotD and gives you a hefty amount of MR to boot!)
Anyone around level 12 that wants to just play for fun or doesn't mind playing with a level 12/showing the ropes? Getting to the point where the grind is getting to me and playing with randoms is doing the same. I like the game, but that fact has only gotten me this far.
There are quite a few other GAFfers at your level, and a few others that smurf. I'm sure you'll find someone.

I'm thinking of getting Jarvan and Irelia. Do they use the same or similar Rune set up?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I have three pages. One for generic caster, two for generic AD/jungle that only differ a bit in terms of AD vs AS. Irelia and Jarven aren't that much different in my experience, although Jarven definitely leans toward the tank side of things whereas Irelia is focused on dps and burst. They're both great initiators though.

Honestly I don't put that much stock into rune pages. It's just there to make me feel at less of a disadvantage against other 30s.


Neo Member
What is it about Udyr that screams "COME SCREW UP MY JUNGLE!"

Just played 2 games with him and both times the opposing team went well out of their way to try to gank me, take my buffs, etc.. One of them seriously had their entire jungle warded and anytim eI set foot over there, they would come rushing for me..

He's way fun though and despite my jungle being screwed up both games, did pretty well. Won a 4v5!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Udyr has an extremely vulnerable jungle before he gets some skills. You won't be leveling bear until 4, and turtle 1 doesn't do much in the way of damage mitigation. Without gap closers like Yi/Xin/Noc or an escape mechanism like Shaco or kiting/anti kiting like Nunu, a good gank will render a Udyr helpless.

Also he is so so so so item dependent. Unlike Noc/WW/Amumu who become an ever present threat the moment they reach 6, Udyr is just more of the same the entire game.


Neo Member
Halycon said:
Udyr has an extremely vulnerable jungle before he gets some skills. You won't be leveling bear until 4, and turtle 1 doesn't do much in the way of damage mitigation. Without gap closers like Yi/Xin/Noc or an escape mechanism like Shaco or kiting/anti kiting like Nunu, a good gank will render a Udyr helpless.

Also he is so so so so item dependent. Unlike Noc/WW/Amumu who become an ever present threat the moment they reach 6, Udyr is just more of the same the entire game.

Yeah, understandable. I never have the problem when I jungle Trundle and he is just as vulnerable at level 1 as Udyr. It just seemed like they went well out of their way to screw with me. Found blue/red a few times with the golem/liz dead, but the smaller minions left behind.. them warding basically their entire jungle, etc.. seemed excessive. I've never seen a team be so anti-jungle before.

Luckily Udyr seems pretty good at not letting jungle ganks keep him behind. I got ganked at blue golem by their entire team one game, because or mid was afk and they ran around and behind me (I was watching river). I thought that was gg for me, but after respawning I just went and started with wolves and i caught back up quickly.
Halycon said:
Udyr has an extremely vulnerable jungle before he gets some skills. You won't be leveling bear until 4, and turtle 1 doesn't do much in the way of damage mitigation. Without gap closers like Yi/Xin/Noc or an escape mechanism like Shaco or kiting/anti kiting like Nunu, a good gank will render a Udyr helpless.

He survives the jungle the same way every other jungler does, Flash.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Void Insanity said:
He survives the jungle the same way every other jungler does, Flash.
It's not like other people don't have Flash.

I hate jungling against nunu.

"Herp derp i'm going to walk into ur jungle. KITE KITE KITE KITE KITE KITE KITE"
Halycon said:
I have three pages. One for generic caster, two for generic AD/jungle that only differ a bit in terms of AD vs AS. Irelia and Jarven aren't that much different in my experience, although Jarven definitely leans toward the tank side of things whereas Irelia is focused on dps and burst. They're both great initiators though.

Honestly I don't put that much stock into rune pages. It's just there to make me feel at less of a disadvantage against other 30s.

Thanks for the tips. I'm now debating getting Jarvan and Irelia through real money and saving my IP for Runes... although I don't know when I'll actually be able to buy them. :(

I also want to get that 7 page pack. Having flexibility with my Rune pages is key, they totally change how I approach a game. My Caitlyn without her dedicated Rune page is completely gimped.

Leona sounds fun, too. Sounds like there are three champs I might start testing out in solo queue in the future.

Card Boy

Udyr is a beast on 3v3 Twisted Treeline.

I have gone

Ninja Tabbi
Mandreds Razors

At this point i can farm the dragon with ease and get craploads of gold and buffs.

My final items are

Ninja Tabbi
Trinity Force
Mandreds Bloodrazor
Infinity Edge
Last Whisper
Black Cleaver
Mr. B Natural said:
Anyone around level 12 that wants to just play for fun or doesn't mind playing with a level 12/showing the ropes? Getting to the point where the grind is getting to me and playing with randoms is doing the same. I like the game, but that fact has only gotten me this far.

Pupwoofbark is my smurf, so add me and we can have some fun.

I just had a lolzy game with Shen, my friend was feeding Annie at mid and well we payed for it but good thing this poppy was wrecking face and I made it my job to protect her. We turn around that game so hard it was fun. Went 2/2/26 should have bought soulstealer :p.
Gez said:
Udyr is a beast on 3v3 Twisted Treeline.

I have gone

Ninja Tabbi
Mandreds Razors

At this point i can farm the dragon with ease and get craploads of gold and buffs.

My final items are

Ninja Tabbi
Trinity Force
Mandreds Bloodrazor
Infinity Edge
Last Whisper
Black Cleaver

You really shouldn't be getting all of those items on Udyr. A strong Madreds + Trinity Force will be the end of most games in the first place, but if you get to beyond that, tanky is the true way to go. Banshee's, Sunfire, Spirit Visage, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature, or even Warmogs all work really well on him.

Edit: I don't have any videos of my Lanewick, but I can tell you a foolproof method to winning the lane. Grab either a Doran's Ring or two Faerie Charms with a Ward to start. Play conservatively for the first few levels, let them push if you want. Last hit with your Q or your normal attack, but don't go fully out of your way to get them. Once you hit lvl 5, you can start being a bit more aggressive (but be wary of ignite, that can fuck you up), start taking swipes at the opposing champ if possible. By the time you hit lvl 6, if they are low enough (or even if they aren't), you should ult almost right away. It's sort of like a harass that might push them out of lane or even get you a kill.

Once I have enough (typically 1500g+), I go back and grab lvl 1 boots (or spell pen boots if you have enough for everything), a defensive item that caters towards their main damage. Either Cloth Armor or the MR equivalent, and also buy a Kindlegem (for both CDR and Health). Go back to lane. From here you should start to dominate anyone and everyone in lane. Harass with Q every time it's up, if they can avoid or kite you, let them and just last hit instead as you are probably zoning them. This is when I normally start to wrack up kills/I start to be more mobile between top and mid. WW is a great, great ganker. He sets up easy kills for your mid if you collaborate. Use flash to close distance for your ult, it catches people by surprise every time.

Late game, your core build should be Spirit Visage (you should already have Kindlegem and maybe Null-Magic Mantle), Wriggle's (cloth armor that you may have bought), Spell-Pen Boots, and Wit's End. After that I normally build straight out tank. Typically Warmogs and Guardian Angel.

My summoners are Flash and Ignite. Masteries go 9-0-21, grabbing spell pen %. Runes I have been using Spell Pen Reds, Armor or MR Yellows (depending on who I think I face), and CDR/18 Blues, which gets me to about 40% CDR with Masteries and Spirit Visage. Quints I have Movement Speed, but flat Health is always good, or maybe more Spell Pen.


HappyPuppy said:
Pupwoofbark is my smurf, so add me and we can have some fun.

I just had a lolzy game with Shen, my friend was feeding Annie at mid and well we payed for it but good thing this poppy was wrecking face and I made it my job to protect her. We turn around that game so hard it was fun. Went 2/2/26 should have bought soulstealer :p.

whats with you and dogs
Ferny73 said:
Got us a Mumble server woo woo. Figured the quality of voice chat puts a bit of an advantage over Vent. Anyone on GAF can use it for LoL games. It's 15 slots which should be enough and I can always up that if needed.

Server Address: lolgaf.mumble.com
Port: 6923

Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it.
Uchip said:
whats with you and dogs

Dogs are my favorite animal, they are noble, super cute, intelligent and empathic creatures. I highly respect them and they make me smile a lot. They have qualities I admire and feel that we could learn a lot from them.


<3 Pet it!


So guys... Jarvan or Xin? I'm sitting at 3000 ip and I really want to play a strong melee character. Is Jarvan worth saving up the extra 1700 ip? I read a rumor somewhere that he might be getting hit with the nerf bat? Hmmmm


Ladyboy101 said:
both champs can go tanky dps.
xin is much easier to use. with everyone running flash, jarvan's ulti is kinda worthless
jarvan has a much easier time being a tank, just like how xin has a much easier time doing dps. that's just their skill sets. I would take Jarvon over Xin, but that's because I prefer the playstyle and I think melee dps gets raped by mages and ranged carries.


sparkle this bitch
Ladyboy101 said:
both champs can go tanky dps.
xin is much easier to use. with everyone running flash, jarvan's ulti is kinda worthless
I'd probably argue, most melee DPS should go tanky DPS. WW, Ire, Xin, Jav, Lee, Noc, Jax(Thought it builds up either way, regardless of how he goes).

2nd, Jav's ult is great. Flash is a 4minute cooldown. His ult is up far before that. He can also harass and punish a lot better than Xin. Though Xin is basically a rocket. Once he latches onto a target, he hits hard and fast.
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