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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Neo Member
Hey guys, it's been a long time since I posted on this thread. I think I was level 15 and it must have been September. Anyway if anyone wants to play with me I'm up for it. My ign is Digleto.

Just don't look at my ranked stats. I made the worst decision and started playing ranked right when I hit 30. I fed every single game. Stayed around 1100 with a high point of 1400 because I played supports. A few days ago my friend just hit level 30 and he really wanted to play ranked. I said I'd duo with him, and maybe gain some ELO myself. He was awful. I fell to 1000 before I told him I was done playing with him.

Now its easy sauce and last game I played as trist I went 9-2-11. Now I have to grind out that elo slowly, and get back to a respectable number.


Diglet said:
Hey guys, it's been a long time since I posted on this thread. I think I was level 15 and it must have been September. Anyway if anyone wants to play with me I'm up for it. My ign is Digleto.

Just don't look at my ranked stats. I made the worst decision and started playing ranked right when I hit 30. I fed every single game. Stayed around 1100 with a high point of 1400 because I played supports. A few days ago my friend just hit level 30 and he really wanted to play ranked. I said I'd duo with him, and maybe gain some ELO myself. He was awful. I fell to 1000 before I told him I was done playing with him.

Now its easy sauce and last game I played as trist I went 9-2-11. Now I have to grind out that elo slowly, and get back to a respectable number.

Had a similar story, hit 30 and started ranked immediately. Did shit like trying out characters for the first time (on top of getting paired with other idiots). I sank to 800, now I'm back up to 1100, give or take a few points.

Feel free to add me, ExcelBeyond.


Corporate Apologist
Unranked games are still based off a hidden ELO, aren't they? Or am I just crazy in thinking the players when I am not playing with a friend are far easier.

Enemy team IMO gave up far to easy last game. Sure, Trynd was 13 and 0 at the 20 minute mark, but they have a decent amount of CC, stunlock him as a team and shut him down! Or realize you had a tower advantage. Oh well, I won, so not a big problme.


Drkirby said:
Or am I just crazy in thinking the players when I am not playing with a friend are far easier.
Afaik you come across harder enemies if you're playing with a premade (more friends in a premade = being matched up with better people).


Corporate Apologist
I would sort like to play someone who isn't a tank, but every time everyone just locks in as a bunch of carries. Oh well, life goes on. At least I can have some fun times annoying the hell out of the enemies.


Corporate Apologist
Dubbedinenglish said:
Caught LOTR yesterday, proceeded to get Maokai....So much fun, his harass in sapling bomb is amazing and the ult turns teamfights. Such a fun tank.
I hate Maokai. Last game I made it my mission to shut him down as hard as possible. The saplings are the worst.


Corporate Apologist
Just had a nice turn around. My own team wanted to give up at about

The only annoying part was the Shako on my own team kept complaining I didn't tank enough. I think he just wanted me to run into the enemy head on and somehow magically not die, also called me a noob when his antics with laneing with him kept getting us killed. Game went must better after our tower got destroyed and I went to help top.

Actually, I just realized, he had teleport and only used it once at the very start of the game.
Pjodor said:
I have been thinking about Jarvan alot and he seems to be really good, maybe I'll save up the ip for him, it "only" 4800.

He's tanky, has two CC, does decent damage with minimal items, and has an escape. Fun fun fun.

Only thing that sucks is that everyone and their mother runs Flash or has an inbuilt escape. I had to isolate Garen that fight because he was the only one that didn't have a way out.

Sometimes you just gotta say "fuck it" and jump anyway.


Jazzy Network said:
Went 20-10 with Pantheon and lost cause my team doesn't know the proper way to b.

By "B" you mean stand around your turret with 70 health left and keep poking, m i right?

Only thing that sucks is that everyone and their mother runs Flash or has an inbuilt escape. I had to isolate Garen that fight because he was the only one that didn't have a way out.

The key is keeping track of who has flashed or baiting the flash before you ulti. At least, that's when I always seem to get caught by Jarvan, lol.


Neo Member
FlightOfHeaven said:
He's tanky, has two CC, does decent damage with minimal items, and has an escape. Fun fun fun.

Only thing that sucks is that everyone and their mother runs Flash or has an inbuilt escape. I had to isolate Garen that fight because he was the only one that didn't have a way out.

Sometimes you just gotta say "fuck it" and jump anyway.
Yeah, with flash you can isolate your self from the fight insted of the enemy :p

I have been playing alot of Renekton at the moment and I really like him. It's fun to use Slice and Dice :)
I feel Renekton is just bad. When you build DPS, he just doesn't do enough damage. When you go tanky, he just can't survive unless he has his ult up and even then he still dies fast.


Drunky McMurder
What does the opposing team see when Twisted Fate uses Destiny?

There's a little icon that appears over their heads. An eye, I think? I've never really paid enough attention to what it is, tbh. I just know when it's there, get safe.


FlightOfHeaven said:
A flame over their head, and if he's teleporting next to them, a circle of cards appearing in a in a spiral that completes when he appears.
Opponents can see the spot where TF teleports to also? Hmm


God I love Singed. Just carried a game with the most ineffectual Ashe ever - her only AD item for 90 percent of the game was Sword of the Occult (she went 2/9) and the rest were all AS items. The rest of my team was alright, but we had bad comp: Singed, Ashe, Annie, Vayne and Irelia.

We were losing hard, but eventually I farmed up enough to get my Sunfire+FON. At that point I just started diving the enemy team, which would flee every time I charged in. The probably could have won 5v5 but because they ran, I'd pick up whoever was trailing and fling them back into the team, turning the game into a perma 5v4. Went 10/3/20 :p

I've been doing great since GAF got completely shut down yesterday, 3/3 in ranked.
Opponents can see the spot where TF teleports to also? Hmm

Only if he teleports within their line of sight. Smart TFs pick a nearby bush OR teleports behind them and just out of their line of sight.

Also, goddamn flash


FlightOfHeaven said:
Only if he teleports within their line of sight. Smart TFs pick a nearby bush OR teleports behind them and just out of their line of sight.

Also, goddamn flash

Goddamn flash indeed, they were talking about removing or remaking it, but didn't follow through.


Drunky McMurder
If anybody was online and saw those alerts, believe it or not, they didn't come from riot. Apparently some account got hacked and they put up fake alerts about free Riot points. I was in game with a couple Riot employees and one said "Hey, gotta finish, servers about to come down" before he single handedly charged mid and took their nexus while the rest of us distracted the team.


Hey guys, level 30 looking for some people to play with. User name is masis, please add me/msg me if you feel like playing. :]


Saint Nic
I'm only level 10, but I've played on and off since beta - my tag is nicoga3000. I've played nothing but Annie pretty much since I started. I tried some jungle Warick yesterday night and failed super hard...I think I'll stick with casters/ranged. Add me if you're looking for some practice rounds or whatever - and on top of that, I'm always looking to play with people who can whip my ass and teach me a thing or two so I can handle myself in ranked a bit better.


I love playing Kogmaw when there's a tank on my team. Last game I laned mid against Ashe. She was the only damage on their team lategame (I think it was something like Trundle Garen Vlad Janna) so every lategame teamfight I made my goal to fuck her up with Exhaust/BAB/spew.
After she was down I usually had the time to drop someone to below half health, then die. But the rest of their team couldn't really kill anybody after killing me, Ashe was gone and my team was super tanky (Amumu WW Noct and someone else).
They ff'd and started flaming Ashe on /all. I think she was hating me in the end. :p


Corporate Apologist
Was going to play some more free Heimerdinger, people Queue twice, third time someone locks in as Heimer before me :/

Very nice character to play as a glass cannon.
If they made him tankier that's good news to me. He always seemed to melt in my hands.

That said, I am greatly enjoying Jarvan. I always seem to get out of team fights with barely any health. I don't think I should initiate with Cataclysm, I usually do as much harm as I do good, but man if it's not a rush to see your champ jump into the middle of the fray in such a grandiose manner.



Corporate Apologist
A Haunting Guise and some Magic Pen Runes makes mid game Taric a beast to take down glass canons and anyone else who doesn't build any MR. -28.5 MR leaves a lot of champs with 1.5 MR left, making them take 98.5% of all my Magic Damage, and while Taric caps off low, he can burst down very well mid game.

Or if they do build a touch of MR, just skip the guise and build a death cap quicker.
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