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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Anyone want to add me for some premades? Summoner name is barnone. I'll be hitting mumble up pretty soon if that is still active. Currently level 26. Kind of tired of the instalocking carries (though I am a solid tank/support player now because of it).
barnone said:
Anyone want to add me for some premades? Summoner name is barnone. I'll be hitting mumble up pretty soon if that is still active. Currently level 26. Kind of tired of the instalocking carries (though I am a solid tank/support player now because of it).

See this man? Be like this man.

I'll add you when I get the chance. Or add me: Southern Dragon


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Mothman91 said:
Want to save for a really powerful ability power caster hero. Any suggestions? And no Veigar, I hate that punk.
Annie, Brand, Karthus


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't consider Rumble a typical caster but I guess he's good too.

Anivia has her own problems. Dhe's not easy to play and needs a team that keep people away from her.

I agree with Malz though.


Mothman91 said:
Want to save for a really powerful ability power caster hero. Any suggestions? And no Veigar, I hate that punk.

Depends, if you want a multi-target caster, go Annie or Annivia. Malzahar is great for dominating a single-target, though.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Build him tanky with damage then. Items like Atma's, Sunfire, Banshees, and Trinity ought to work well with him.

And I dunno, but I find him dangerous to play against early to mid game. His constant, instant nuking is a pain. Late game he's only a nuisance.

early game heroes are useless unless you win in the early game.

see Urgot for example.


Corporate Apologist
Mothman91 said:
I'm thinking of Anvia or Brand. Your opinions?
One of the people I play with goes with Anvia all the time, and is a beast as her. A very powerful Glass Canon, Brand seems to be beefier though, and I think is the easier of the two to play.


Mothman91 said:
I'm thinking of Anvia or Brand. Your opinions?
Anivia is a very heavy position based hero while Brand is more along the lines of a normal caster. Anivia also carries harder too, but is a lot more fragile because she needs to be relatively close to deal damage.


Corporate Apologist
Ultimoo said:
early game heroes are useless unless you win in the early game.

see Urgot for example.
Unless they are a support hero, which is why I like Taric. He actually has a good amount of damage output till mid game, then falls off, but can still be useful with stuns and heals. 28.5 (8.5 from runes, 20 for Haunting Guise) Magic Penetration make his burst hurt like hell to the enemies glass canons, and Boots of Mobility are great for getting off stuns (And can be sold off if anther type of boot is needed later game)

Something I found interesting but not too useful is some abilities of the boots stack. I could make Boots of Mobility and Sorcerers boots, getting the speed bonus and the magic penetration bonus. The only two that don't stack are Boots of Speed and Boots of Mobility, the Mobility boots seem to completely override the Speed boots. The only boots that seem like they could be worth doubling up are the Cooldown boots and Merc Treds though, since the Cooldown boots are the cheapest cooldown item in the game (15% for 1050, where the Kindlegem is 10% for 850, though obviously that isn't taking the health into consideration)

Now, I am not saying it is a viable strategy, but I found it an interesting note. Can anyone think of a situation where it would ever be useful to stack the secondary effects of the boots?

(You know, I just thought of one possible thing, stacking two Ionian Boots of Lucidity would give 30% CDR for 2100, with masteries and a few runes it would be the fastest way to get 40% CDR, which may just be useful for any champ who can really spam abilities early game)


You shouldn't ever need to stack CDR from boots. If you run CDR masteries + blue CDR runes + CDR boots, you achieve close to 30% CDR. Throw in a blue elixir or a blue buff and you're at 40%.

And of course, support is always useful throughout the game. But someone like Urgot and Yorrick temper off really fast, so you must win early if you play them.


Drkirby said:
The only boots that seem like they could be worth doubling up are the Cooldown boots and Merc Treds though, since the Cooldown boots are the cheapest cooldown item in the game (15% for 1050, where the Kindlegem is 10% for 850, though obviously that isn't taking the health into consideration)

Now, I am not saying it is a viable strategy, but I found it an interesting note. Can anyone think of a situation where it would ever be useful to stack the secondary effects of the boots?

(You know, I just thought of one possible thing, stacking two Ionian Boots of Lucidity would give 30% CDR for 2100, with masteries and a few runes it would be the fastest way to get 40% CDR, which may just be useful for any champ who can really spam abilities early game)

It just doesn't seem worth it to me. Yeah, you can get 30 percent CDR with two pairs of boots, but that second pair of boots is still a wasted item slot. All you're getting is 15 percent CDR, no other effects.

I can't thing of any reason why you're spend 2,100 on CDR boots rather than 2,350 on something like Morrello's Evil Tome, which gives 20 percent CDR, 75 AP and MP regen. Plus you still have room for other items. Just get runes and blue buff if you're that concerned with CDR.


Corporate Apologist
Same, I don't think it would be worth it, but it has some potential for a champ to benefit from mixing boots, and just sell the spare boots later. I just can't think of any off hand.
With runes, masteries, and a morello's tome I usually get around 38%-40% CDR. I don't see a need to stack any sort of boots at all with this one very specific situation; Ninja Taibi. Now I'm not advocating it, but a very strong Jax I faced once told me that against AD heavy teams he usually stacked two. Considering that dodge % items are non-existent, it wasn't a horrendous idea.

Although I still think using another item is better.


Okay it's old, but I just now saw the "real spotlight on Yorick" some guy posted on youtube.
I'm trying to decide what was my favourite part. It's either Blitz punching the ghost instead of finishing off Yorick so Phreak would get to do something; Blitz hooking and punching a squishy by their tower and Phreak saying Yorick did lots of damage; Phreak saying his ghouls killed Garen when there were no ghouls in sight; or the bizarre teamfight on the river in which LeBlanc was running in circles on the corner of the screen while her team was decimated then Fiddle ulting in by himself after everyone had died and being insta-gibbed. LOL.


Unconfirmed Member
Any TF players on here have advice for someone wanting to pick him up?


Drkirby said:
Heimer is easy mode IMO.

@FlightofHeaven: He's not good or anything. He does have an easy play style though.

Retro_ said:
Any TF players on here have advice for someone wanting to pick him up?
Unless this is low level or low elo, AP TF is leagues better than AD TF. AD TF is only useful early game (where there are no team fights and all his ganks are unfair ganks) - late game all he can do is backdoor towers.

AP TF is more useful in team fights. He also farms a lot faster.

And so my advice pertains to AP TF.
-youll want pick a card first since its great defensively and for zoning. Then get stacked deck because you can harass with it and last hit with it. Then max wild cards. You can skip stacked deck if you really want, but drawing a gold card with stacked deck up zones most champions.
-use the psychological effect of pick a card to your advantage. Most players will try to avoid a gold card if you have it picked and use that to zone them out of cannon creeps/other last hits.
-dont cast wild card until its level 2. It doesnt do any damage at level 1. However once it's level 2, it's very easy to wear your lane opponent down if they dont have any sustainability.
-if its safe, make sure you use pick a card to pick a blue card to regain mana since it has a short CD.
-red card + wild cards can clear caster waves
-make a system for how you pick the right card. blue red gold.
-once you get sheen your ganks will do surprising burst damage. pick a gold card, ult, stun them and wild card them asap + auto attack.
-always try to do something useful when your ult is up.
-before team fights you try to weaken their team with constant wild card pokes
-in team fights, you should just stay back and spam wild cards (you should have near max cdr). Running in only to throw gold/red cards at key targets in range. Never put yourself in a position of danger - dont walk past melee/tank just to gold card their ashe.


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, Himer has a turret, a super long range homing attack, and a skill shot. He may not be the bestest, but he is a much more laid back play style.

They did recently lower the mana cost on his turrets a bunch, which helps.

H-28G Evolution Turret: Mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 120/125/130/135/140.


Yep, Yorick is terrible. I couldn't even clear creep waves with my own creep wave faster then 20 seconds at a time at level 18. The hell.

Also, the inhibitor creeps took 15 seconds by themselves to kill.


Ultimoo said:
That doesn't even make any sense, all my heroes are useful throughout the game. :p
(nidalee, *cough*)

Just spent 5k IP on runes. Farewell, Leona. May we meet in happier times.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Grakl said:
Yep, Yorick is terrible. I couldn't even clear creep waves with my own creep wave faster then 20 seconds at a time at level 18. The hell.

Also, the inhibitor creeps took 15 seconds by themselves to kill.
It shouldn't take that long if you land your AOE, but yeah, he really sucks. His ghouls are just very ineffective, he's nothing special out on the field and when enemy turrets come into play he's garbage.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Pantheon hidden in the bushes at mid tries to join the fight I initiate by using Skyfall on enemies standing five feet in front of him. Battle is over/gone before he even jumps obviously, and of course I get blamed for "leading them away".

And so my losing streak continues.


Drkirby said:
I should try that. Turret level 1, right?


Ultimoo said:
How do you even gank as jungle heimer?

I'm in level 20~ normal queue. It works, somehow.

Just gonna get Warwick soon.


Trolling all day. Remember, I could win as AD Heimer as well.


This game wants to make me kill myself. A sample of my latest loss:


This team had absolutely no map awareness or coordination what so over. The idiocy on this team was utterly ridiculous. People would be messing around in the enemy jungle with all MIA, get caught killing towers, etc.

Rather than waiting for me (Amumu) to ult, Kat would try to initiate with hers (and subsequently get shut down by Ali). For the first 30 minutes of the game, the only items Singed had were two catalysts and and Swift boots - he built ROA at the 40-minute mark. Cait and Kat would chase enemies all across the map for the kill and then get ganked. Jax paid no attention to anything and frequently dove for kills instead of completing objectives.

I feel dirty getting rolled by a Yorick, but my team was horrendous.


No matter what you do you just can't give any insight during games. Ask someone to buy wards I NEEDZ GOLD SRYZ, well you just died 4 times facechecking river bushes..

Watch a tank build atma's first, but the armor halps me git more gold and the dmg is gud. Blah, and i was close to 50/50 ratio.

Play a support, watch others blame you for not supporting hard enough, and the carries dying nonstop while suiciding.

Play a carry, watch others blame you for not carrying hard enough, and the other carries (not one support or smart tank this evening) decide that they are strong enough to kill tryn, mord, (insert other meat wall here) at the opponents blue, then cry when 3 of them come out of no where after explaining theres 4 missing..

The rage, it builds. Theres a thread on offtopic about the hulk being cheap, imagine if he played this for one week straight, the universe would collapse.


EXGN said:
This game wants to make me kill myself. A sample of my latest loss:


This team had absolutely no map awareness or coordination what so over. The idiocy on this team was utterly ridiculous. People would be messing around in the enemy jungle with all MIA, get caught killing towers, etc.

Rather than waiting for me (Amumu) to ult, Kat would try to initiate with hers (and subsequently get shut down by Ali). For the first 30 minutes of the game, the only items Singed had were two catalysts and and Swift boots - he built ROA at the 40-minute mark. Cait and Kat would chase enemies all across the map for the kill and then get ganked. Jax paid no attention to anything and frequently dove for kills instead of completing objectives.

I feel dirty getting rolled by a Yorick, but my team was horrendous.

why u playing with randoms in the first place


Grakl said:

I'm in level 20~ normal queue. It works, somehow.

Just gonna get Warwick soon.


Trolling all day. Remember, I could win as AD Heimer as well.

low level games gonna be low level I guess. :p


Corporate Apologist
Had a good ranked game with a friend, my laning partner Xin was able to shut down Warwick's Jungle super easily (And it didn't help him that every time I left to help mid I found him in the jungle), kept ganking Annie in the middle with good timed stuns as Taric, just beat down the other team in general. Went 3/1/14 before they surrendered.

A roaming Taric seems to work best when you have no jungler while the enemy team does, as it becomes super easy to just leave a lane and help shut down squishy character like Annie or Teemo. The fact that the Cho'Gath had next to no lane presence helped out too.

Highlight was when I was able to save the ignighted mid with a last second heal at level 3. Just leveled up in a gank of Annie, put the point in heal quickly, cast heal and they lived with 12 HP.


xin is a beast in 3v3, rapes everyone mega hard. Just get black cleaver on him and the attack speed boots and you're ready to destroy everyone. If you get the lantern after these 2 items there is probably no stopping you. I feel OP playing with him in 3v3.

I can only imagine what a Xin + Irelia + some good AP damage (morde or blitz) would do in a fight on 3v3 map.


Corporate Apologist
Hate enemy team turn arounds. "Come on guys, they are clearly better at team fights, we have an inhibitor down so stay together and lets finish this now"

I can get 22 assists, but I can't save the day forever. (I got 2 kills when the rest of the team was dead and I defended the mid tower like a champ)
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