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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Aesthet1c said:
So what's the consensus on Vain? Does she suck? I don't see anyone ever play her.

I'm nearing 6300 ip and after watching her champion spotlight she is looking very tempting.

Before her nerf she was a fucking destroyer of everything.

Shes still okay though but probably not the easiest champion to use.
Vayne is just like every other ranged AD carry in the game in the sense that if you know how to play her she is very strong. The trick is to not be agressive with the roll unless you are 100% sure you can do it safely. Her combo is one of the most deadly in the game and she is one of the best at punishing a champion that had pushed a lane too far. I put her right up there with Corki and Ashe as the better carries in the game.



they told me not to go ap kogmaw. muhahahahahahaha
Kozak said:
I think I'm going to have to choke you if you say "Tryan" one more time...

I typed "Tyran" and it's 4 in the morning. Like hell I'm going to look up his name.

Also, I have found that the rallying cry of "We don't want to lose to these dicks. Let's win this." to be very effective.


Grakl said:
I'm liking Yorick a lot more now.

Is it just me or Yorick is super annoying, never run out of health while laning, tanky, annoying safe range poke that leave 2 ghoul chasing you, good damage by himself, temporary self rez.... ~_~


FlightOfHeaven said:
I typed "Tyran" and it's 4 in the morning. Like hell I'm going to look up his name.

Also, I have found that the rallying cry of "We don't want to lose to these dicks. Let's win this." to be very effective.

Subtle yet moves your point across lol


God, Tryn is so scary when he's farmed. Just had a game where we had a commanding lead, like 40/10 kills, but most of the enemy kills were Tryn and he had like 150+ CS. We got into a team fight and didn't focus him down, he ended up getting a quadra and secured an ace, took down the 2nd and inhibitor towers, and even one Nexus tower before we respawned.

We ended up coming back, but damn he's game-changer. I went 20/7/17 as Swain :p
EXGN said:
God, Tryn is so scary when he's farmed. Just had a game where we had a commanding lead, like 40/10 kills, but most of the enemy kills were Tryn and he had like 150+ CS. We got into a team fight and didn't focus him down, he ended up getting a quadra and secured an ace, took down the 2nd and inhibitor towers, and even one Nexus tower before we respawned.

We ended up coming back, but damn he's game-changer. I went 20/7/17 as Swain :p

Yeah, in my game we had him on lockdown. We'd always double ignite, once at the start of his ult and once near the middle or end, to make sure he died.


aka surume
EXGN said:
God, Tryn is so scary when he's farmed. Just had a game where we had a commanding lead, like 40/10 kills, but most of the enemy kills were Tryn and he had like 150+ CS. We got into a team fight and didn't focus him down, he ended up getting a quadra and secured an ace, took down the 2nd and inhibitor towers, and even one Nexus tower before we respawned.

We ended up coming back, but damn he's game-changer. I went 20/7/17 as Swain :p
Exhaust is pretty good btw. Really helps against tryn, yi, jax, and ranged if you can get to them.


Kyoufu said:
A healer and any damage dealing champion is frustrating to lane against though.

Well yes, but I mean that Yorick's e makes it incredibly hard to put any pressure on him if there's a healer laning with him, which is pretty unique. The ghouls are pretty good.


sparkle this bitch
EXGN said:
God, Tryn is so scary when he's farmed. Just had a game where we had a commanding lead, like 40/10 kills, but most of the enemy kills were Tryn and he had like 150+ CS. We got into a team fight and didn't focus him down, he ended up getting a quadra and secured an ace, took down the 2nd and inhibitor towers, and even one Nexus tower before we respawned.

We ended up coming back, but damn he's game-changer. I went 20/7/17 as Swain :p
Even when farmed, he isn't really scary. He is still incredibly easy to shut down as long as your team pays attention. Squishy and any snare/slow will wreck him.


My biggest issue with Trynd is that I play only normals and I don't know when the opposing team has picked him. Although these days I usually pick Exhaust with everyone I'm playing so it's not that bad.
Mundo's annoying the same way, but with Ignite.


FlightOfHeaven said:
He's an extremely risky champ to play. He can knock out 3 champs in 5 seconds if he gets the jump on them or if he's lost in a confusing team fight.

I never know how melee dps target when everyone are ball together along with minion. Most of time I just click on a random red spot and hope the auto attack will do its job.
kiunchbb said:
I never know how melee dps target when everyone are ball together along with minion. Most of time I just click on a random red spot and hope the auto attack will do its job.

I find that I have the same problem. What I'll usually do to remedy this is camera lock when I'm in the middle of a team fight so I can focus on my target. Naturally I will be looking at the minimap as well unless everyone is onscreen. When the fight is over or people start scattering I'll turn off the camera lock.

I've had some success with this.
TheBez said:
Can I get a link to source?

[23:35] <Codemaster> was all very odd.
[23:35] <Codemaster> surprising, too.
[23:36] <Codemaster> no, they took me into a meeting room in the morning


[23:38] <Codemaster> yeah dunno
[23:38] <Codemaster> they got rid of me, Karl, a few other designers a bit ago


[23:40] <UnknownFactors> What bothers me about this, is that they have so many dev positions open
[23:40] <UnknownFactors> yet they throw you guys out..
[23:40] <UnknownFactors> over this server shenanigans...?
[23:40] <Codemaster> yeah idk >_>
[23:40] <Codemaster> maybe




I'm not happy about it though, CodeMaster is an awesome guy. Sad to see him go.


Legato.Reborn- said:
[23:35] <Codemaster> was all very odd.
[23:35] <Codemaster> surprising, too.
[23:36] <Codemaster> no, they took me into a meeting room in the morning


[23:38] <Codemaster> yeah dunno
[23:38] <Codemaster> they got rid of me, Karl, a few other designers a bit ago


[23:40] <UnknownFactors> What bothers me about this, is that they have so many dev positions open
[23:40] <UnknownFactors> yet they throw you guys out..
[23:40] <UnknownFactors> over this server shenanigans...?
[23:40] <Codemaster> yeah idk >_>
[23:40] <Codemaster> maybe




I'm not happy about it though, CodeMaster is an awesome guy. Sad to see him go.
Thank you. Also yeah, sad to see him go. :/


sparkle this bitch
It maybe sad, but there servers have not improved since I started to play a year a go. I feel the exact opposite, they have only got worse.


Good, they'll have to start taking their servers and community more serious with DOTA 2 on the way. If the shit servers (every day a que of 10 minutes or longer on the EU side) do not disappear than I and probably lots of others will leave for DOTA 2 (or another game).

Not even mentioning the 12 hour downtime if there's a stupid update.
Grakl said:
I'm liking Yorick a lot more now.

I don't think he is bad... a lot of people seem to laugh at him, but I have won some great battles with him by my side (I didn't play him). He seems to be a good all round support and his ulti can be really good if the enemy forgets about it.
shintoki said:
Even when farmed, he isn't really scary. He is still incredibly easy to shut down as long as your team pays attention. Squishy and any snare/slow will wreck him.

I have to agree here. Mord and Trynd are universally feared... yet there are MUCH more dangerous heroes. I rarely have problemns with them. You just need to pay attention. A good tank can usually shut down Trynd with some form of cc.
PoorFate said:
I'm planning on buying Kassadin when I reach 3150 IP.

Anyone have any thoughts they want to share about him?

He is a BEAST. A good Kassadin player can murder almost everybody. Just learn the combos and have fast fingers ;)
2th said:
Yeah sad. Just learned Relpor was sacked too at some point.

TBH when things go wrong, people get sacked.

And things have seriously gone wrong server wise for LoL. Like many people have said... I am out of LoL once Dota 2 arrives. Waiting 30-45 minutes in queues in not my idea of a quick game. They need to fix servers ASAP. Write better server code!


I feel sorry for Codemaster and the others, good luck on their job search. :/

shintoki said:
It maybe sad, but there servers have not improved since I started to play a year a go. I feel the exact opposite, they have only got worse.

I remember the weeks back when I was a newbie (I started on Galio's release so it must have been around Miss Fortune's or Urgot's release), the servers were offline basically all the time.
The recent meltdown brought along a lot of downtime but the server issues back then were ridiculous. Probably because it was concomitant with a big boom in LoL players.


Corporate Apologist
So part of the problem that is causing these issues is that they are under staffed, and what they do is fire several people. Damn that sucks.
Well, if current staff aren't up to the job of keeping the servers online... I mean, what the hell is going on with the EU servers? 10 minutes of wait time? 45 minutes of wait time? I have rarely had to wait ever, unless it was a patch day.

Also, it's my birthday! And I won with Jarvan IV for my first game last night! Fitting.


Drkirby said:
So part of the problem that is causing these issues is that they are under staffed, and what they do is fire several people. Damn that sucks.

400 million dollar company is under staffed. Kinda sad.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, if current staff aren't up to the job of keeping the servers online... I mean, what the hell is going on with the EU servers? 10 minutes of wait time? 45 minutes of wait time? I have rarely had to wait ever, unless it was a patch day.

Also, it's my birthday! And I won with Jarvan IV for my first game last night! Fitting.

yo happy birthday, for your birthday, I will get you a win by using Yorrick!


Kyoufu said:
What is the correct build for Yorick? I find the approved guide on solomid.net is far too squishy for my tastes.
step 1 don't pick yorrick
step 2 pick your favourite hero
step 3 ???
step 4 profit


Ultimoo said:
step 1 don't pick yorrick
step 2 pick your favourite hero
step 3 ???
step 4 profit

Preeeetty much, but I don't know which hero to play with lately. Irelia got nerfed to the ground. Jarvan is just too easy to win with.


Kyoufu said:
Preeeetty much, but I don't know which hero to play with lately. Irelia got nerfed to the ground. Jarvan is just too easy to win with.
lol I wish I had the problem of one of my heroes are too easy to win with. Play with harder competition(ranked?) :p


Ultimoo said:
lol I wish I had the problem of one of my heroes are too easy to win with. Play with harder competition(ranked?) :p

I made the mistake of playing ranked when I had just hit 30 a year ago. Elo dropped so much that it is pointless to play until next season.

Just can't carry 1k Elo players who refuse to listen.

Which DPS hero is worth playing now? I don't like Vayne despite how good she is. Maybe I'll play Ashe...


Kyoufu said:
Preeeetty much, but I don't know which hero to play with lately. Irelia got nerfed to the ground. Jarvan is just too easy to win with.

Irelia should be remade, not nerfed. Gee, a tanky bursty assassin with a gap closer, self healing, true damage, a 60% slow that can stun instead and highest CC reduction in the game, what a great concept.
Same designer as Nocturne and Vladimir too, cool stuff.


Kyoufu said:
I made the mistake of playing ranked when I had just hit 30 a year ago. Elo dropped so much that it is pointless to play until next season.

Just can't carry 1k Elo players who refuse to listen.

Which DPS hero is worth playing now? I don't like Vayne despite how good she is. Maybe I'll play Ashe...

Tristana/Ashe are probably the best ranged carries in the game.

red_13th said:
Irelia should be remade, not nerfed. Gee, a tanky bursty assassin with a gap closer, self healing, true damage, a 60% slow that can stun instead and highest CC reduction in the game, what a great concept.
Same designer as Nocturne and Vladimir too, cool stuff.

That makes me want to play Irelia now, lol.


Corporate Apologist
I am on such a loosing streak in ranked. 9 losses in a row :/

The worst thing is that half of them are turn arounds. We will have one of their inhibitors down or exposed, and they will still end up winning. Worst one was when we had all the towers down, the enemy nexus exposed, and lost.
Thanks, dudes! I'm working today, but I look forward to NOT working and leaving early so I can get some gaaaames in.

Ultimoo said:
Tristana/Ashe are probably the best ranged carries in the game.

Tell me how Tristana is one of the best carries. No, seriously. I love her character, but she seems awfully risky. One of her abilities is a gap closer.... AS A RANGED DPS. D:
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