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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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red_13th said:
If anything Kogmaw should be buffed. :)
kog is a suicide bomber, it was designed to die with honor. kiddin

kog doesnt have to get too close, he can just spam his ulti. good kog are usually AP builds. DPS kog are usually noobs who just learnd how to play yi


Ladyboy101 said:
kog is a suicide bomber, it was designed to die with honor. kiddin

kog doesnt have to get too close, he can just spam his ulti. good kog are usually AP builds. DPS kog are usually noobs who just learnd how to play yi

now I know you're kidding. you almost had me with the Ashe needs buffs posts.
Ladyboy101 said:
lets comepare other ranged dps with ashe
cait can use her E
tf has stun, slow, and global teleport
ez has flash
vayne can use her Q
teemo and mf have passive and ability make em run faster.

I am not asking more, just buff ashe's base speed from 300 to something higher

Listen, I know what you're thinking up in that brain of yours.

And as an avid Ashe player, I know not having an escape sucks compared to other ranged AD carries.


Ashe is THE BEST carry in the game. There is a reason she was nerfed. There was a reason she was picked/banned in every game for DreamHack.

EVERY. GAME. (vlad too, lol)

*oh yeah* -- and before anyone starts pulling out DPS charts, you've been stunned by an Enchanted Crystal Arrow.
Ladyboy101 said:
kog is a suicide bomber, it was designed to die with honor. kiddin

kog doesnt have to get too close, he can just spam his ulti. good kog are usually AP builds. DPS kog are usually noobs who just learnd how to play yi

uh huh

im terrible player and even i know this is a terrible post


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ashe's lack of an escape only hurts her in solo queue because you can't rely on your team to protect you/control the map/call out misses.

She is beast in organized play.


Halycon said:
Ashe's lack of an escape only hurts her in solo queue because you can't rely on your team to protect you/control the map/call out misses.

She is beast in organized play.

This post should be end of discussion. She doesn't need an escape when she has an organized team backing her up. In solo queue, where survivability is infinitely more important, having escape is absolutely clutch.

Ashe = god tier in tournament, teamplay environments.
Ashe = good, but not significantly more viable than others, in regular play.



It's games like this that make me sad that I didn't grab Mejai's Soulstealer early. :<

Leblanc is probably one of the most fun AP casters to me, along with Orianna.
So I've been playing Kassadin for a bit. I think I'm starting to get the hang of him. In my last game I managed to get 20 stacks on Mejai's which was nice for a change. Avoided dying till the last 2 minutes of the game.

His ultimate is great for escaping or catching up to a target. I've also been using blue elixir's to help get stacks easier.

Overall, I'm enjoying his play style.

Next I'm planning on unlocking Shaco as it was either him or Kassadin when I had 3150 IP which I ended up spending on Kassadin.

God, what a troll game.

Also, Yi activated Ghost at the end. He reached, according to him, 1800 movespeed.

Let me tell you I have never seen ANYONE move that fast. I believed it, he crossed my screen in the fraction of a second. If I had known he was coming at me from across the map, i'm not sure I could have done anything about it.


Woo, free Kayle skins for everyone that played at least 10 games in season 1!

In addition to these great rewards for our competitive ladder champions, upon the completion of the season we will be giving everyone who participated something special. So we have decided to issue each and every summoner that played at least 10 games over the course of Season One in any game mode a special, commemorative skin for Kayle, the Judicator, to thank for helping to make the our first competitive season such a smashing success.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Uchip said:
Haly: "MF is going do get owned mid"
*proceeds to win mid*
*Haly dies in his lane*

I thought their annie knew what she was doing :3

Also soloing shaco and nunu is hard :(


Halycon said:
I thought their annie knew what she was doing :3

Also soloing shaco and nunu is hard :(

annie is not an automatic win over MF
she would have had to flash just to hit me once
double up got her to half hp then she was too scared to attack


FlightOfHeaven said:

God, what a troll game.

Also, Yi activated Ghost at the end. He reached, according to him, 1800 movespeed.

Let me tell you I have never seen ANYONE move that fast. I believed it, he crossed my screen in the fraction of a second. If I had known he was coming at me from across the map, i'm not sure I could have done anything about it.

old rammus using powerball and ghost with boots of mobility, 5 phantom dancers, nunu using blood boil, sivir ulting, zilean using time warp, galio using righteis gust, someone activating shurelias reverie. Movement speed of like 6000 or something. There is a YouTube video of it out there. He goes from fountain to first outer tower damn near instantly.
FlightOfHeaven said:

God, what a troll game.

Also, Yi activated Ghost at the end. He reached, according to him, 1800 movespeed.

Let me tell you I have never seen ANYONE move that fast. I believed it, he crossed my screen in the fraction of a second. If I had known he was coming at me from across the map, i'm not sure I could have done anything about it.
noob fest?


Great, a free skin for one of my favourite champions. I just hope that normal games count for the "any game mode".

Card Boy

Keiician said:
Great, a free skin for one of my favourite champions. I just hope that normal games count for the "any game mode".

Whats this about a free skin?

edit: Saw above post. Does Normal mode coun't as 'Any mode'? I dont play ranked.


I'm pretty sure they're referring to rank as they're referring to season 1 stats being reset for season 2 and pretty sure they're not going to reset your normal stats.


Gez said:
Whats this about a free skin?

edit: Saw above post. Does Normal mode coun't as 'Any mode'? I dont play ranked.
From what I saw on the LoL forum, there's no official statement on this, but most of the players think that Normal and Custom games also count for this 10 game requirement.


Which 1350IP hero should I buy first? I usually play pretty aggressively so something that allows me to get early kills or at least harass/deny a lane effectively, while still being useful late game, would be fun.

The list:

-Dr. Mundo
-Twisted Fate

Card Boy

cdyhybrid said:
Which 1350IP hero should I buy first? I usually play pretty aggressively so something that allows me to get early kills or at least harass/deny a lane effectively, while still being useful late game, would be fun.

The list:

-Dr. Mundo
-Twisted Fate

Tryndamere, i dont like all those other champs. I know Archie will say Mumu
cdyhybrid said:
Which 1350IP hero should I buy first? I usually play pretty aggressively so something that allows me to get early kills or at least harass/deny a lane effectively, while still being useful late game, would be fun.

The list:

-Dr. Mundo
-Twisted Fate

If you like agression Trynd, Annie, Veig or Fiddle.


Neo Member
Mundo has a great early game with cleavers and all. Ali is amazing early in lane. Zilean is great in lane, so is annie.
Tryndamere is more of a late game champion and will die early to any ranged. Unless you have crit runes that is then you can easily get first blood. Just build up ten stacks of blood lust, run over and if the run away then use your w, and whatever champion just melts with your crits.

I'm like 20 wins away from bronze. I don't know if I'm going to be able be a farm bot with tristana and carry 20 games. Thats way to boring anyway tbh. I may just not get a medal in the end.

Anyone angry that there is no hard reset? I don't really mind for my elo, but for all the top tier players calling others bads, and all the elo hell ragers. It would be hilarious if some 2100 player fell from 1200 to around 1000.
"It would be hilarious if some 2100 player fell from 1200 to around 1000. "

I fell from 1100 to 960 or so in two weeks thanx to afk-ers and quitters.
shintoki said:
I'm Bronze :O

Maybe I should try for Silver... I would love to get up there. Who are the two highly ranked people again? Carry me! ^_^

I'm around 1370 right now, but I've been up to around 1470. I think Legato is the one who's highest ELO here. I thought you were the other high one haha.

I need a good duo queue to play with anyways.

So if I'm Bronze, do I get a certain ELO on reset, or another award?
Riot said:
Rather than a full reset, players will have their Elo rating reset to certain milestone values based upon their finish at the closing of Season One.

Rather than giving legitimately good players a chance to get out of ELO Hell we've decided to be assholes.


Drunky McMurder
CrazedProfessional said:
Rather than giving legitimately good players a chance to get out of ELO Hell we've decided to be assholes.

Legitimately good players could just win instead. All they've done is given is legitimately bad players a reason to keep bitching, and from my relatively short experience with the game that's something LoL players like to do more than playing LoL.
Archaix said:
Legitimately good players could just win instead. All they've done is given is legitimately bad players a reason to keep bitching, and from my relatively short experience with the game that's something LoL players like to do more than playing LoL.

Because if your good at a team based game you'll always win because of how well you play, not because of the handiness of your team mates.

If Riot actually shat out a decent matchmaker rather than pairing you up with a bunch of 500s and then making your opponents in the 1000s maybe it'd work better in the good players favour.
CrazedProfessional said:
Because if your good at a team based game you'll always win because of how well you play, not because of the handiness of your team mates.

If Riot actually shat out a decent matchmaker rather than pairing you up with a bunch of 500s and then making your opponents in the 1000s maybe it'd work better in the good players favour.

TBH ELO is not made for this... they should have used TS instead. The server instability has also contributed to this. People waiting for hours are NOT very interested in losing a game and tend to quit or go afk much faster. The server situation is a TOTAL joke TBH. What a mess of a game. Pity since I want to spend money on LoL but Riot is not making it easy.


Man I'm awful with Vayne. I keep feeling like if I put more time into her I'll get the hang of her.. but I've lost all 4 matches I have done with her so far, and each match had twice as many deaths as I did kills..

Maybe I won't be buying her once I hit 6300 IP after all :(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Aesthet1c said:
Man I'm awful with Vayne. I keep feeling like if I put more time into her I'll get the hang of her.. but I've lost all 4 matches I have done with her so far, and each match had twice as many deaths as I did kills..

Maybe I won't be buying her once I hit 6300 IP after all :(
Vayne is really really really really squishy. You need to know when to tumble toward someone for harass/kill and when to save it for escape. Play defensively, farm with her awesome attack animation, then hide behind your team poking anyone who straggles in team fights.

She shines once she gets some attack speed items because her passive.


Halycon said:
Vayne is really really really really squishy. You need to know when to tumble toward someone for harass/kill and when to save it for escape. Play defensively, farm with her awesome attack animation, then hide behind your team poking anyone who straggles in team fights.

She shines once she gets some attack speed items because her passive.

Thanks Halycon.

Does anyone have a good build for her to recommend?

I've been following this one, but I feel like I'm not putting out enough damage to be worth anything. It probably also doesn't help that I'm not able to get halfway through the build because I'm so awful, but I feel like I should be doing better early to mid game.


sparkle this bitch
thestopsign said:
I'm around 1370 right now, but I've been up to around 1470. I think Legato is the one who's highest ELO here. I thought you were the other high one haha.

I need a good duo queue to play with anyways.

So if I'm Bronze, do I get a certain ELO on reset, or another award?
It said each bracket get an award. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat.

2nd, Hell no. I can't play hard carries. I peaked in the low 1400's. Well I'm not bad at them. I'm just not one of those who can change the fate of a game like some can.

CrazedProfessional said:
Because if your good at a team based game you'll always win because of how well you play, not because of the handiness of your team mates.

If Riot actually shat out a decent matchmaker rather than pairing you up with a bunch of 500s and then making your opponents in the 1000s maybe it'd work better in the good players favour.
You keep saying this, but there have been many players who have proven to be able to carry themselves out of "Elo Hell". Someone did it entirely by playing Jungle Shaco and last time I checked, was at 1700 Elo, who started at 900.

Reality is that if what you said is true, where it is the luck of the draw and continually your team's fault carrying you down. Wouldn't the opposing team actually have a greater chance of getting a feeder, troll, afk, etc. You have 4 chances to get one, they have 5 chances.


Corporate Apologist
The tribunal can be pretty funny at times.

OmegaGenesis [All] [11:07:39]: Oh no a report
OmegaGenesis [All] [11:07:43]: Ive only played a shit ton of games
OmegaGenesis [All] [11:07:48]: so it takes a ton of reports
OmegaGenesis [All] [11:07:51]: so I wont ever be banned
OmegaGenesis [All] [11:08:07]: nope, going to lunch with some friends. this team is fail anyways even if I did stay

And he is has 11 games he has recently been reported in.
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