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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ultimoo said:
Tristana/Ashe are probably the best ranged carries in the game.

That makes me want to play Irelia now, lol.

You'd be too late, because her heal is awful now and her damage was nerfed several times. :(
Played a game where the enemy nexus wouldn't die...go down to 0 health, then become unclickable, then recharge to 100%.

we lost.

On my 8th win in a row as "Crankdat." Good times.


Corporate Apologist
FlightOfHeaven said:
Yeah, it can be used both ways but to get the damage and slow requires you to get in their face.

I wouldn't mind if she weren't so squishy.
I think you can attack the enemy mid jump, so I guess you are supposed to only do it when you are sure you can secure the kill.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Thanks, dudes! I'm working today, but I look forward to NOT working and leaving early so I can get some gaaaames in.

Tell me how Tristana is one of the best carries. No, seriously. I love her character, but she seems awfully risky. One of her abilities is a gap closer.... AS A RANGED DPS. D:

You gap closer once your team has initiated, and once the other team has blown their abilities. It's more useful as an escape mechanism though. It's almost impossible to kill Tristana because she can use her rocket jump, she can use her ultimate, and she'll probably be running flash. She's so much more slippery than Ashe, and she actually has an inherent steroid skill. Ashe only has a stun and slow going for her really, Hawkshot and Volley are useless in most team fights. I also forgot about Caitlyn, she's pretty good too.


Trists Q is one of the best end game scaling there is, 80-90% i think at max level atk speed lets her build a bit more damage / armor pen instead of having to go for more asp. She can easily hit the cap of 2.5 a second and if she shows up a little late to the party, even better.

I used her ult to save people mostly or to push em into an ult that wasn't quite set up right. Her W as either an escape mechanism, or to catch runners, remember once they die or you get an assist it instantly recharges (and you will get them in teamfights) so you can hop all over the place.

Her E, take your pick of anyone that can heal themselves (im not 100% sure if it works on lifesteal, anyone confirm?), pop them with that immediately and watch them melt because that is what they were relying on to keep them alive. Warwick is really funny when hes got E on him because his life just goes boom.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Yeah, it can be used both ways but to get the damage and slow requires you to get in their face.

I wouldn't mind if she weren't so squishy.

Just because an ability does damage/slows doesnt mean you have to use it that way. Late game, carries should really only auto attack.

Early game, jump + the dot is pretty good harass but it seems that you're worried about using it offensively late game. I think that late game it should only be used to escape and chase after people who are running away once you've already won the team fight. You shouldn't use it to get in range of a team fight either because Tristana has huge range late game.

Caitlyn is the easiest to play carry so you should try that Kyoufu.

I think Corki is the best ranged dps overall. He's a bit harder to play though. He is good in all phases of the game (early, mid, late) and can farm ridiculously well. The better a carry farms the better they are basically.

Trist however is a beast late game but is average early to mid game. She's also single target and can't provide a poke.

"Volley are useless in most team fights"
Neki's gonna neki I guess. Volley applies an aoe slow. How could that be useless? You volley as you enter a team fight so that anybody that jumps at you is already slowed.
Thanks for the tips, guys. The majority of my Tristana experience comes from sub-15 play, so you can imagine how terrible my preconceptions of the character are.


aka surume
Mr. B Natural said:
Played a game where the enemy nexus wouldn't die...go down to 0 health, then become unclickable, then recharge to 100%.

we lost.

On my 8th win in a row as "Crankdat." Good times.
Did this really happen? Have a screenshot or repro steps?
Only played Triste a couple of times but her jump, to me, is really sweet and better than Corki's because its downtime is reset if you get a kill with it. So you can, more or less, ninja kill and escape immediately as a carry early or even mid game. That's pretty sweet. Caught someone hiding with low health in their tower once...just got tapped by the tower once. Quick in, get the kill, get out.
The chat after the hour and a half game was hilarious.

Well played Nexus, well played indeed

GG Nexus

thank god we didn't surrender

You guys were too easy


I don't think Yorick was on either team. The game was your typical 2:1 kill ass kicking. We pushed mid after killing the worm thing...all of a sudden the nexus stopped taking damage for 5 seconds, then it started taking damage again, then I couldn't target it when it reached 0 hp, then we ran like hell after the respawn attack. Then we didn't know what to believe anymore.

I was 15 and 3 and lost. The ninja on my team was 47 and 10 or something.


aka surume
Mr. B Natural said:
It really happened. No idea how and no screenshots. Reported the bug. <shrug>
Talked with QA. What may have happened was as you were banging on the Nexus, inhibitors respawned behind you.

You need at least one inhib down to destroy the Nexus and we don't do a good job of messaging that to you in this edge case scenario. Is it possible that was the issue?


Rayven said:
Talked with QA. What may have happened was as you were banging on the Nexus, inhibitors respawned behind you.

You need at least one inhib down to destroy the Nexus and we don't do a good job of messaging that to you in this edge case scenario. Is it possible that was the issue?

I take it you work at Riot?
when an inhib spawns the nexus health bar disappears; it doesn't show an empty health bar at 0%.

it probably got close to 0, then inhib rspawns so health bar disappeared. then inhib went down, so health bar reappeared at 100%.

separate question: any viable use for tiamat? I want to use it so much but I'm sure I'd be mocked if I did.
Mr. B Natural said:
Played a game where the enemy nexus wouldn't die...go down to 0 health, then become unclickable, then recharge to 100%.

we lost.

On my 8th win in a row as "Crankdat." Good times.
did the inhibitors respawn the moment nexus reached 0 hp? if inhibitor(s) is/are alive, the exus is unclickable.
Rayven said:
Talked with QA. What may have happened was as you were banging on the Nexus, inhibitors respawned behind you.

You need at least one inhib down to destroy the Nexus and we don't do a good job of messaging that to you in this edge case scenario. Is it possible that was the issue?

No, that wasn't it at all cause we took out the inhibitor on the way to the nexus and it doesn't explain why I couldn't damage the nexus for 5 seconds or so but then could again. We were all level 18 and fed, the thing was about to die in 2 seconds tops.
Ashe needs a buff, she is too slow and too squishy. 300 base movement, that means a shoe is a must for her, while other dps can discard the shoe and have two phantom instead.
she is so squishy, and she has no way to escape. traveling alone makes her a easy target. the only hawkeye can help, but its cd is way too long. her ulti can stun and slow but its too valuable to be used on escaping, not to mention it has a long cd time as well.


Ladyboy101 said:
Ashe needs a buff, she is too slow and too squishy. 300 base movement, that means a shoe is a must for her, while other dps can discard the shoe and have two phantom instead.
she is so squishy, and she has no way to escape. traveling alone makes her a easy target. the only hawkeye can help, but its cd is way too long. her ulti can stun and slow but its too valuable to be used on escaping, not to mention it has a long cd time as well.

are you daft? If you have 2 phantom dancers on ANYONE you dont need shoes. Unless you are jax and need the dodge, or a tank that needs merc tread, or a mage that need CDR or MPen. In other words if you are any physical DPS that can get two phantom dancers you sure as fuck dont need to keep your boots, ashe included.


2th said:
are you daft? If you have 2 phantom dancers on ANYONE you dont need shoes. Unless you are jax and need the dodge, or a tank that needs merc tread, or a mage that need CDR or MPen. In other words if you are any physical DPS that can get two phantom dancers you sure as fuck dont need to keep your boots, ashe included.
why does jax need phantom dancers
Owlowiscious said:
ashe is fine. she can't escape, but no one can escape from her
false. here's few examples
yi's ulti make him unslowable, not to mention has base speed is way higher than ashes
kass and ez have unlimmited flash
tryn can spin through walls, he can also undying rage and fight back instead of running away.
since ashe is so squishy, a lot of champs can just fight back and kill ashe
2th said:
are you daft? If you have 2 phantom dancers on ANYONE you dont need shoes. Unless you are jax and need the dodge, or a tank that needs merc tread, or a mage that need CDR or MPen. In other words if you are any physical DPS that can get two phantom dancers you sure as fuck dont need to keep your boots, ashe included.
with two phantom and no shoes, ashe is way too slow. not even 400 i believe. ash has no ability to close the gap between enemy and her, she can only run, therefore a shoe is a must for her.
Ladyboy101 said:
false. here's few examples
yi's ulti make him unslowable, not to mention has base speed is way higher than ashes
melee dps
kass and ez have unlimmited flash
tryn can spin through walls, he can also undying rage and fight back instead of running away.
melee dps
since ashe is so squishy, a lot of champs can just fight back and kill ashe
a lot of other champs can also not fight back and die to ashe

ashe has two slows, a stun, and a vision. I think she has enough escape.
lets comepare other ranged dps with ashe
cait can use her E
tf has stun, slow, and global teleport
ez has flash
vayne can use her Q
teemo and mf have passive and ability make em run faster.

I am not asking more, just buff ashe's base speed from 300 to something higher
Ladyboy101 said:
lets comepare other ranged dps with ashe
cait can use her E
tf has stun, slow, and global teleport
ez has flash
vayne can use her Q
teemo and mf have passive and ability make em run faster.

I am not asking more, just buff ashe's base speed from 300 to something higher

are you kidding?! You do realize that ashe is the most popular pick in competitive play, right?


Ashe got a nerf for a reason. She is godlike.

None of those ranged carries mentioned can initiate with a global stun ult.


Ladyboy101 said:
lets comepare other ranged dps with ashe
cait can use her E
tf has stun, slow, and global teleport
ez has flash
vayne can use her Q
teemo and mf have passive and ability make em run faster.
Koggie just rolls over and dies

If anything Kogmaw should be buffed. :)



I soft select Singed -

Nub: Hey let me be Singed, I'm really good with him.

Me: You sure? He's my main, I have a a 5:1 KDA and have won more than 50 ranked games with him.

Nub: Yeah, no trust me I'm really, really good.

Me: Fine, I could be AP Swain or Jungle Warwick/Xin Zhao then...


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Should have been an easy win, but no, he went 0/8 at the beginning, fed Vayne and got Rylai's as his first item like 25 minutes in. SIGH.
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