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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I honestly wish I could leave a comment for arrogant assholes like that.

"Never banned? THINK AGAIN BITCH"

That said, I got out of Normal Elo hell. I was around 1100, and I've crawled my way up to 1494. That last game I posted was me helping out a friend who's stuck at the 1000s.

Which probably explains how terrible their Shaco and Alistar were. I started the game 5 minutes late because the client crashed when the game started to load. I teleported top as Cait and immediately landed a kill on Shaco. The rest of the game just turned into a troll game with me building Madred's first and then going for my usual build.


cdyhybrid said:
Which 1350IP hero should I buy first? I usually play pretty aggressively so something that allows me to get early kills or at least harass/deny a lane effectively, while still being useful late game, would be fun.

The list:

-Dr. Mundo
-Twisted Fate
If you like aggressive laning then i suggest - sion, zilean, annie, twisted fate.
These are all champions that can easily harass and zone people during laning while being useful late game.


Corporate Apologist
Finally got a chance to play Fiddlesticks, tons of fun. Pair him with a champ with a stun like move, and just drain drain drain.

Fear seems to only be good if the enemy has gotten tower agro or you are trying to flee.
Deadly said:
I'm about to try the game. Any recommended starter heroes?

I would pick extremely tanky heros or heros that have very good range.

This week, I would recommend:

Tanky: Cho'Gath (purest, highest health tank in the game)
Ranged/Damage: Annie, Cassiopeia (glass cannons, but they never need to get directly into the fray in order to do damage
Ranged/Support: Soraka (Considered by many to be the best support in the game, she's extremely safe to play. Downside? You won't be the killer. Upside? You'll be the team hero)

If you are actually looking to purchase champions, I would recommend:

Tanks: Shen, Rammus, Amumu, Singed (Especially Rammus and Singed for newcomers)
Ranged DPS: Tristana, Caitlyn
Casters: Annie, Veigar, Lux, Malzahar
Support: Janna, Soraka, Sona
what's a good build for rumble? i'm trying to work with him and i seem to be killer with him (outside of his ult; cant aim that thing worth a crap) with basic stuff but it feels like i could be doing more.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Fjord said:
Garen, Singed, Mordekaiser, Soraka, Warwick.
Definitely not Singed. He's really hard to play effectively.
Halycon said:
Definitely not Singed. He's really hard to play effectively.

What? How?

Get Boots, RoA, Rylai's, and a defensive item.

You turn on poison, fling them, and goo them so that they are stuck in the poison. Activate ult to initiate or GTFO.

What's so hard?


I played Garen and Amumu almost exclusively on my way to lv. 30, with the occasional Tristana. I recommend Garen, Amumu not so much (being the tank AND the jungler means there's tons of responsibility in your hands). Trist is a nice AD carry for a newcomer, especially because she's free with the Facebook deal.
Sona was a very easy support to play but I wouldn't recommend playing support if you're new (it's also rather unrewarding), and Sona was EXTREMELY tedious to play too - but I didn't play her after they remade Power Chord.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
FlightOfHeaven said:
You turn on poison, fling them, and goo them so that they are stuck in the poison. Activate ult to initiate or GTFO.

What's so hard?
Bad flinging, like bad hooking, can mess up a fight. His poison trail is a very indirect kind of damage, where you have to bait them into the cloud or spread it where they're going. Compare that to someone like Annie or Tristana who are just point and click.

He depends heavily and positioning and control, not exactly a hero I would recommend to a beginner. There are lots of bad Singeds even at level 30, which is why I don't think he's suited for someone who's starting out.
Deadly said:
I'm about to try the game. Any recommended starter heroes?
There are 10? (8?) free characters available. Every tuesday they change the free characters. They are chosen for different roles, or let you try out the 2nd newest champion released.

Try them all out, see what you like, figure out what role you like playing, and then come back here to ask again who to play. You'll have enough ip to buy a character, and maybe know what role you like, and then we can suggest what to buy.


Halycon said:
Bad flinging, like bad hooking, can mess up a fight. His poison trail is a very indirect kind of damage, where you have to bait them into the cloud or spread it where they're going. Compare that to someone like Annie or Tristana who are just point and click.

He depends heavily and positioning and control, not exactly a hero I would recommend to a beginner. There are lots of bad Singeds even at level 30, which is why I don't think he's suited for someone who's starting out.

This. Mechanically, he is pretty straightforward, but Singed is more about playing mind games, knowing how people react to situations, knowing the limits of your character and how to push them to the limit without dying, etc.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I honestly wish I could leave a comment for arrogant assholes like that.

"Never banned? THINK AGAIN BITCH"

That said, I got out of Normal Elo hell. I was around 1100, and I've crawled my way up to 1494. That last game I posted was me helping out a friend who's stuck at the 1000s.

Which probably explains how terrible their Shaco and Alistar were. I started the game 5 minutes late because the client crashed when the game started to load. I teleported top as Cait and immediately landed a kill on Shaco. The rest of the game just turned into a troll game with me building Madred's first and then going for my usual build.

Wait, how do you know your normal ELO?


I'm stuck at 1000 elo hell. I was shocked when I saw that Riot doesn't compensate you for someone leaving your game. Garbage system, and what makes it worse is there won't be a hard reset next season.

Suffice to say, my desire to get anywhere in ranked has been flushed down the toilet.


Kyoufu said:
I'm stuck at 1000 elo hell. I was shocked when I saw that Riot doesn't compensate you for someone leaving your game. Garbage system, and what makes it worse is there won't be a hard reset next season.

Suffice to say, my desire to get anywhere in ranked has been flushed down the toilet.

Same scenario here. I managed to tank my Elo down to the 800-ish range by doing stupid stuff like trying new charas for the first time in ranked but I also have been paired with feeders, leavers, etc.

I'm trying to climb out before S2 starts, though - I've gone from 800 to 1150 in pure solo queue (no duos) by essentially carrying with Singed, except the odd games where I get someone that goes something like 0/5 during laning before I even have an impact.
Ultimoo said:
also Southern, why do I never see you on anymore? :p

I have been! It's only been for an hour at a time, though. I get home later in the evenings since I started working.

I'm also afraid of GAF games. I'm thinking of just polishing my Jarvan and my Cataclym usage to avoid more GAF rage.
CaptainMintMan said:
what's a good build for rumble? i'm trying to work with him and i seem to be killer with him (outside of his ult; cant aim that thing worth a crap) with basic stuff but it feels like i could be doing more.

Never mind. I think I just figured out something for myself, lol. Just went 24/5/21, pretty much dominating any lane I was in and carrying the team to victory. (feels good) Mid Rumble seems like the way to go.. .0.o And I'm getting the hang of using his ult.


IsayFever said:
Playing as Pantheon I mandrop into the middle of a teamfight and pick up a Pentakill. Good game!
Pantheon is fun, too bad he's been nerfed. I also get the feeling that is ultimate becomes more of a means of transportation than an actual useful attack. Or maybe I'm usually not lucky/skilful enough.
The AoE of his ult needs to be lowered, but so does the channeling time. I almost never get caught unless I simply don't CARE about Panth and I find my current objective more important.


Well we had a pretty aoe heavy team. Mumu + Anivia + Annie + myself as pantheon. We just walled em in, mumu ult, aniv ult, annie fire breath and I mandropped em for the kill


Now that Yorick was buffed I think I'll get him instead of Leona. Pentakill Yorick is so damn awesome... I regret not playing him when he was free last week, 'twas a busy week though.


sparkle this bitch
Kyoufu said:
I'm stuck at 1000 elo hell. I was shocked when I saw that Riot doesn't compensate you for someone leaving your game. Garbage system, and what makes it worse is there won't be a hard reset next season.
Reading it, it sounds more like preventing the 1800+ elo players from getting matched with people around the 1200-1300s.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I have been! It's only been for an hour at a time, though. I get home later in the evenings since I started working.

I'm also afraid of GAF games. I'm thinking of just polishing my Jarvan and my Cataclym usage to avoid more GAF rage.

don't be afraid, as long as you improve and you can laugh it off, no one will be as bad as tdawg. also excessive whining is bad too.


Neo Member
Went 22-7-2 first time with Vayne.

Lawl! SO EZ-MODE. Alot of fun as well. I might pick her up down the road when she's not free week.


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, we had a bit of an odd glitch in our game. Our Mordekaiser ulted an Alistar, he died, we killed the Alistar. After, we had an Alistar Ghost with 0HP that no one could control, and just stood their, acting as a free ward. After about 5 minutes, he went away, but it is just odd.


Hm. Okay, well, I suppose it's been a while since I've given an update so I'll chime in on this a little:

Following up from last time, the general problem(s) with long term stealth was:

1. There was no way for the opponents to get an inkling of how clever the stealth player was being, and thus there was no good way to get a sense of how that player operates.
2. Stealth is claustrophobic in the way that it makes you play.
3. Stealth gives very powerful scouting information while simultaneously hiding that information from your opponent.

We tried some iterations past the first few tests, with Paranoia, alternate resource bars, footprints, phasing and mark systems but in the end, we settled on the current system because it was the simplest solution for long-term stealth. In short: "Everyone has reduced Oracles, but Evelynn and Twitch are perma-stealthed."

Some Partial Stealth Details

Disclaimer: I fully understand this destroys a *lot* of the current stealth gameplay changes. Unfortunately, through lots of iteration, I was unable to capture the feeling of pure invisibility while in stealth while having fun gameplay. In the end, I decided to opt for a very simple system that was highly understandable over some more fiddling mechanics.

1. Evelynn and Twitch are permanently stealthed when they rank their level one stealth abilities. However, Evelynn and Twitch can be seen when they are within X units of an enemy champion (Slightly under vision range), or when they are within a true sight radius.

If they attack, they are revealed briefly for 2 seconds before going back into stealth.

This 'X' is being adjusted for feel between the two champions. 'X' is smaller than champion vision radius, so you can "stalk" an opposing champion, but it will be farther away.

2. Evelynn and Twitch have a "sight gem" above opponent's, telling them when the enemy can see them or not and whether they are "safe" (green sight gem), "warning - you are close to being seen, but still unseen" (yellow sight gem) or "being seen" (red sight gem.)


Long Term Stealth, in this case, has been removed as a primary initiation mechanic but allows Eve and Twitch to cross minion vision and regular sight bubbles with impunity and sneak into brush patches by circle/stalk their opponents. Their opponents can likewise spot-check areas with their own reveal radius and create zones were stealth characters "probably aren't, otherwise they'd be seen."

The sight gem allows the Eve/Twitch player to take much of the guesswork out of figuring out when they were being seen or revealed and allows them to put more of their thoughts on clever positioning and sneaking around their opponents, especially for lane ganks.

This also lets us make them more combat oriented characters that don't immediately blow up on start. In general, this stealth has proven to be very difficult to use but allows characters to have some bluff gameplay and interesting circle/stalk gameplay in testing. Your characters can still scout, but at a highly diminished effectiveness (due to the increased range.)

In team fights, stealth proved to be less effective than before, so the character's combat viabilities are being looked at through reworks/remakes.

What is blocking us on releasing this:

1. There's a pretty big problem with the concept known as Oracle-Sweeping. We'd want to replace Oracle's elixir with someone that doesn't cause such weird gameplay but as to what would be a *good* replacement is a little up in the air.

2. General particle/kit rebalancing work - We need to heavily redo Evelynn and Twitch's kits and that comes different visuals and graphical effects.

What I am testing right now - Additionally

Sight wards as being partial motion sensors - Sight wards signalling when a hostile is moving nearby?
"Robot Chicken" scout drone
"Wriggles" for supports?

I probably shouldn't do this but as compensation, some sneaks..

Evelynn can have her stun back, because now you have advanced warning of her when she steps in. She might need a short-step-stun in order to successfully initiate. Testing required. Twitch has proven to be a slightly harder problem in internal testing.

As an aside: Hate spike is now awesome (for me, at least). Evelynn now has Champion prioritizing Lurker Spines. This makes her lane less bad. :p

As usual, feel free to ask questions for a little bit as I stick around. I don't know all the details of the full remake (as Live better understands that new environment). Sorry for the delay, but with Orianna/Champion pipeline and such, this has been somewhat of a lower priority for me.

Hey all,

This patch, we're getting the long-awaited global teleport tech, which allows us to limit the range of global teleportation abilities.

This means Pantheon, next patch, will have less teleportation range than on live currently. This is a big opportunity for us and you to shape the direction of Pantheon's changes - we want you to try him with the new range and tell us what you think he'll need to be fun and viable again. Changes could range from numbers to skill reworks, anything really. We have ideas, but we know you've wanted this for awhile - let's get together so our team can deliver what you want more effectively.

Our goal is to get this out in the patch-after-next. We have a few additional tech cleanups to do on him in the meantime and wanted to take this delay as an opportunity to really give fans what they want to make Pantheon awesome again.

Please post your thoughts here - I'll only be able to comment sporadically, but we'll be compiling feedback and involving you in this decision process.

PS: Derails or flagrant complaints without productive discourse will be ignored by me. This will be a busy thread and I'll need to be efficient to get valuable feedback :)


"Why is this only focused on Pantheon? Global ult is one of TFs core mechanics, what about him?"

To answer the TF concerns, we are not planning TF buffs at all. We'll see how much this actually effects him, since he's a must-ban right now, buffs don't make much sense.

Pantheon is considered really weak however, so we're lining up buffs here, but wanted to gather your feedback as well.

so if a new stealth is in red gem range they're seen and targetable and attackable? or just seen but still can't be clicked?

anyone else affected by global teleport other than tf and pants? shen maybe?


They said they wouldn't mess with Shen's global, and it requires an ally target anyway.

Evelynn is shaping up to become a COMPLETELY different monster.
Here's what I could understand from that thread:
- she will have permanent stealth the moment she gets a point in her stealth skill.
- her stealth skill will have an active - apparently it's a scouting ability that reveals bushes (they didn't make it clear if the scouting ability is the stealth's active, but considering they are keeping Hate Spike and Ravage, that could be inferred I suppose).
- her stun won't be linked to stealth, but to Ravage, which will get a tiny dash (similar to Trundle's Q, really short distance)
- Hate Spike will have longer range (useable as a medium-range harass) and prioritize champions
- her ult no longer has the heal on enemy death, but the active has a "strong short duration shield" - I wonder if the CD refresh on kill will be kept.

Now THAT'S a remake.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm not sure how I feel about the stealth changes. As a long time Dota player it feels strange that a mere two champions with stealth would lead to the reworking of a very old mechanic when it is so common in HoN/DotA. Lothar's/Shroud has had a few reworks in the past but it's never been removed altogether and Dagger/Port Key also offer the same advantages of being able to pop into a fight without the other team noticing. The solution to these strategies was always greater map control through items and consumables. Instead of giving players the means (which they already have, wards and oracles aren't that expensive people!) to counter a given strategy, they're just removing it all together.

On the other hand, LoL's greatest asset is its accessible gameplay, which the original stealth mechanic definitely ruins, since it heavily punishes the inexperienced. So I can't really think of any reasons for Riot to reconsider their decision.

Still, the skill cap on the game just got a little bit lower.
Halycon said:
I'm not sure how I feel about the stealth changes. As a long time Dota player it feels strange that a mere two champions with stealth would lead to the reworking of a very old mechanic when it is so common in HoN/DotA. Lothar's/Shroud has had a few reworks in the past but it's never been removed altogether and Dagger/Port Key also offer the same advantages of being able to pop into a fight without the other team noticing. The solution to these strategies was always greater map control through items and consumables. Instead of giving players the means (which they already have, wards and oracles aren't that expensive people!) to counter a given strategy, they're just removing it all together.

On the other hand, LoL's greatest asset is its accessible gameplay, which the original stealth mechanic definitely ruins, since it heavily punishes the inexperienced. So I can't really think of any reasons for Riot to reconsider their decision.

Still, the skill cap on the game just got a little bit lower.

It's not about skill cap.

Buying an item for 400gold is not a 'skill cap' issue.

This rework was done because of anti-fun.
I actually agree with Riot here.

I found purchasing one specific type of perishable item against one specific type of champion to be incredibly stupid. I also felt permanently claustrophobic when pushing if there's any sort of stealth champ. At least this balances things a little; I rather like the new system.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Legato.Reborn- said:
It's not about skill cap.

Buying an item for 400gold is not a 'skill cap' issue.

This rework was done because of anti-fun.
I'm aware. I don't agree with Riot's "anti-fun" philosophy and how it affects their design decisions even though I know that it is their selling point.
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