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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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ItAintEasy said:
We need to try Leona Udyr combo.

Would be op.
Fuuuu. I want to try laning with a Leona with my Alistar sometime too. The stun and initial damage lays a perfect initiation for Ali, and I could probably finish the guy off without much trouble.

Zenith Blade + Shield of Daybreak -> Headbutt -> Pulverize + Solar Flare


God damnit. I am never going to get good teammates. Stuck in low-level games forever. Can't push with TF because I'm too busy defending other people's lanes after they die, and then we just slowly get all our lanes pushed because we're stuck at a tower defending 3 fed heros while the other 2 are pushing the other lanes.


sparkle this bitch
Uchip said:
never thought of that combo
leona+sion or maokai seems the best ive seen
It doesn't seem any different though than any of the tanky characters with CC.
Jav+Alistar? Singed+Alistar? Even Poppy with anyone. Put two of them in the same lane and they'll control it.


shintoki said:
It doesn't seem any different though than any of the tanky characters with CC.
Jav+Alistar? Singed+Alistar? Even Poppy with anyone. Put two of them in the same lane and they'll control it.

yeah but those heroes arent fun
Ultimoo said:
if you don't win in the early game with Urgot though, you're screwed.

also, Sorc Boots or CDR boots on Lux? I love CDR, but Sorc Boots make Lux hit like a truck, and I already get close to 18% CDR without the boots, hm.

depends on who i'm fighting. if they have stuns/slows, i go merc treads and get haunting guise for my magic pen. if they don't have stuns or slows i go sorc boots so i can hit harder earlier. and for CDR, i usually go for morello's evil tome for the CDR and AP.


shintoki said:
It doesn't seem any different though than any of the tanky characters with CC.
Jav+Alistar? Singed+Alistar? Even Poppy with anyone. Put two of them in the same lane and they'll control it.
Singed and Jarv have an harder time making something happen than Leona.


I just had a weird game with a terrible scrubby vayne. Level 30 with over 400 games won, and he built banshee's veil first, guardian angel second, and by the time the game was over he was at 87 ad.

I was playing as Keenen and my BASE ad was 112 at lvl 18. I don't know how I surpassed him, I just don't know wtf to think!


drunkendonuts said:
depends on who i'm fighting. if they have stuns/slows, i go merc treads and get haunting guise for my magic pen. if they don't have stuns or slows i go sorc boots so i can hit harder earlier. and for CDR, i usually go for morello's evil tome for the CDR and AP.
merc treads? haunting guise? morello's tome? what.

3 doran ring -> deathcap is the only viable lux build around here dudez. :O

I guess I could go sorc shoes -> morello's tome, but 3 doran rings still sound better.
lol i've never really thought about using more than one ring with lux before. the setup i use has always worked fine for me. i think i'm going to try that next game with her.


drunkendonuts said:
lol i've never really thought about using more than one ring with lux before. the setup i use has always worked fine for me. i think i'm going to try that next game with her.
well health, ap, and mana regen, so good for lux. only problem is mid-game I have no space for wards, but who needs wards when you're dominating!

1 doran ring - > boots - > 2 doran rings - > purple rod - > death cap - > cdr boots - > lichbane/banshee's veil/void staff (depending on enemy makeup) -> end game, do whatever you want

has always been my build. only problem is I'm always stressed for mana mid to late game without a tear.


Uchip said:
dont listen to ultimoo
hes the worst lux in lol
yo don't make me pull out my scores, don't make me do it.

yo I play flowchart lux to the max

1) throw q
-> if it hits, throw e
-> if it doesn't hit, throw e anyways
2) is the opponent in your e spell?
-> if he is, press e
-> if he isn't, hope he walks into it and presses e
3) is your shield available?
-> if so, throw it at the enemy
-> if not, complain about how useless it is
4) is your ultimate available?
-> if so, look at the enemy hp

-->is it low?
---> if so, kill with ultimate
---> if not, save ultimate until he is low

-> if ultimate is not available, get more CDR and go back to step 1

and that's how I win with Lux!

Card Boy

Uchip said:
dont listen to ultimoo
hes the worst lux in lol

I think i just found out today I'm the worst Lux in LoL, I can't skill shot for crap. I'm fine with the ulti, but I can never do anything with the E skill.

So much rage at me in todays match. I went 6-8-10


Gez said:
I think i just found out today I'm the worst Lux in LoL, I can't skill shot for crap. I'm fine with the ulti, but I can never do anything with the E skill.

So much rage at me in todays match. I went 6-8-10

e is the easiest thing in the world to hit, that's all of my damage in a team fight and all my damage in lane when harassing. throw it out when they want to poke something, or when they go for a last hit, you'll get them everytime.


Any gaffers want to play tomorrow? Fact I only pick Urgot. No I don't give a shit if you think he sucks. No I wont let you take middle over urgot are you on fucking drugs?


Ultimoo said:
yo don't make me pull out my scores, don't make me do it.

yo I play flowchart lux to the max

1) throw q
-> if it hits, throw e
-> if it doesn't hit, throw e anyways
2) is the opponent in your e spell?
-> if he is, press e
-> if he isn't, hope he walks into it and presses e
3) is your shield available?
-> if so, throw it at the enemy
-> if not, complain about how useless it is
4) is your ultimate available?
-> if so, look at the enemy hp

-->is it low?
---> if so, kill with ultimate
---> if not, save ultimate until he is low

-> if ultimate is not available, get more CDR and go back to step 1

and that's how I win with Lux!

more like
throw everything
save ult to ks


QisTopTier said:
Any gaffers want to play tomorrow? Fact I only pick Urgot. No I don't give a shit if you think he sucks. No I wont let you take middle over urgot are you on fucking drugs?
hang out in mumble and I'm always there, but I have to play with uchip usually, who is on crazy time, which is late at night/early morning in america.

more like
throw everything
save ult to ks
and I still carry, I must be doing something right!


Ultimoo said:
hang out in mumble and I'm always there, but I have to play with uchip usually, who is on crazy time, which is late at night/early morning in america.

and I still carry, I must be doing something right!

carrying is a term for utility, not K:D ratio!



It really depends on the enemy team, but I think I'm not THAT bad.


Ultimoo said:
hang out in mumble and I'm always there, but I have to play with uchip usually, who is on crazy time, which is late at night/early morning in america.
Sounds good, also Uchip suddenly banned o.o

Card Boy

I just did my 10 Ranked matches, so i can get that Kayle skin. I am now 1004 ELO. Ef this game man, the shiter your team the more you go down in rank and rinse and repeat. It's friken Russian roulette.

Never touching ranked again, and i actually mean it. I only did it for the Kayle skin. If i didn't need to do this then it's Riots fault for not explaining what this "10 matches" buisness means.


Gez said:
I just did my 10 Ranked matches, so i can get that Kayle skin. I am now 1004 ELO. Ef this game man, the shiter your team the more you go down in rank and rinse and repeat. It's friken Russian roulette.

Never touching ranked again, and i actually mean it. I only did it for the Kayle skin. If i didn't need to do this then it's Riots fault for not explaining what this "10 matches" buisness means.
I thought ranked matches weren't needed to get the skin.

So we have decided to issue each and every summoner that played at least 10 games over the course of Season One in any game mode a special, commemorative skin for Kayle, the Judicator, to thank for helping to make the our first competitive season such a smashing success.

Wouldn't this include normal and custom games?

Card Boy

undu said:
I thought ranked matches weren't needed to get the skin.

Wouldn't this include normal and custom games?

Or any game mode could relate to Team (3v3), Solo (5v5), or Team (5v5) in Ranked matches

10 Matches are needed to become ranked, why else would they say 10? Why would they extend the Season One ladder?

There is no 100% concrete infomation in regards to this.


Gez said:
Explain Lanewick to me, are you refering to this?


Does Wits End and Mandreds Bloodrazer synegize with Sorc boots?

I don't follow that guide.

Lanewick is best played as Tankwick. So...

Masteries - 0/21/9
Runes - Magic pen. reds, mana p/lvl yellows, magic rest p/lvl blues, movement speed quints

max Q first, 1 point of W at level 4, max E second. Blood scent is amazing.

Item build - I start with cloth armor, 5 hp pots. then madred, then wriggles, then basic boots, then spirit visage, then turn boots into merc treads.

After those I get madred's bloodrazor, guardian angel and usually the game will end.

Merc treads are a must for any melee in the game. Ult the squishies, ignite them and then Q for more burst. Monopolise red buff and bam, you'll be a beast.
QisTopTier said:
Any gaffers want to play tomorrow? Fact I only pick Urgot. No I don't give a shit if you think he sucks. No I wont let you take middle over urgot are you on fucking drugs?

sure, i'd be up for playing. what's your summoner name?
Kyoufu said:
I don't follow that guide.

Lanewick is best played as Tankwick. So...

Masteries - 0/21/9
Runes - Magic pen. reds, mana p/lvl yellows, magic rest p/lvl blues, movement speed quints

max Q first, 1 point of W at level 4, max E second. Blood scent is amazing.

Item build - I start with cloth armor, 5 hp pots. then madred, then wriggles, then basic boots, then spirit visage, then turn boots into merc treads.

After those I get madred's bloodrazor, guardian angel and usually the game will end.

Merc treads are a must for any melee in the game. Ult the squishies, ignite them and then Q for more burst. Monopolise red buff and bam, you'll be a beast.

It's normally best to start with some sort of mana regen over cloth armor. Doran's Ring or maybe two Faerie Charms.
Keiician said:

It really depends on the enemy team, but I think I'm not THAT bad.
if you still have +?? xp in your screenshots, you're playing a completely different game than most people, and thus wouldn't stress too much about your performance or (more importantly) how everyone else's performance is terrible. your scores are way better than mine when i was 1-29 at least.


Owlowiscious said:
if you still have +?? xp in your screenshots, you're playing a completely different game than most people, and thus wouldn't stress too much about your performance or (more importantly) how everyone else's performance is terrible. your scores are way better than mine when i was 1-29 at least.
I'm level 24 and have 0 runes (will buy them @30), but I'm usually playing with a full party of my lv 30 friends who have around ~300-500 wins, so we often come across difficult enemies who's level is also 30 and they have ratio similar to my mates.


thestopsign said:
It's normally best to start with some sort of mana regen over cloth armor. Doran's Ring or maybe two Faerie Charms.

I was considering Doran's Ring, but I haven't had any problems with my mana regen runes. I will try out a ring next game though.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
IsayFever said:
Meh, I've resigned to just being a Sona main. Nobody goes support these days :(
I tried to play nothing but Janna and it's hilarious on a competent team, but when you get people who're terrible it's pretty boring.


sparkle this bitch
Ikuu said:
I tried to play nothing but Janna and it's hilarious on a competent team, but when you get people who're terrible it's pretty boring.

Might I add, I really, really, have a slight disdain for Dreamhack. Decided to get back into rank. You're building all wrong! Don't pick Lux. All your supposed to do is harass the enemy, buy wards, Clair were I say, and be the bitch to whatever carry is below. Assholes who believe they are pros. So far I'm 6 and 3 with Lux in ranked and sadly, 1 and 3 with Janna, listening to assholes on what I should play and do. The support babysitting the bottom carry needs to die.


shintoki said:

Might I add, I really, really, have a slight disdain for Dreamhack. Decided to get back into rank. You're building all wrong! Don't pick Lux. All your supposed to do is harass the enemy, buy wards, Clair were I say, and be the bitch to whatever carry is below. Assholes who believe they are pros. So far I'm 6 and 3 with Lux in ranked and sadly, 1 and 3 with Janna, listening to assholes on what I should play and due. The support needs to babysit the bottom carry needs to die.

I said Fuck it to ranked on my old account long ago. Normal all the way, more fun and less assholes
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