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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I finally earned points and unlocked my first permanent hero, Soraka. I fear that LoL will turn out to have some basically fixed "best" orders of item purchases and then it will become boring, but perhaps I will still experiment a little. :) Thus far I like getting the heart of gold as one of my first couple of purchases, and someone asked why I didn't have the archangel staff in the endgame so I've been trying to work towards that as well. It takes forever to get it though, and I need to remember to spend some money on boots (there's one set of boots that seems to work for sorcerers, cooldown or whatever), since otherwise everyone I want to heal outruns me.

Of course, these are just random 5v5 games, so I assume it's a crapshoot whether you get decent people, and it depends on how many people leave at the start of the match. It seems someone almost ALWAYS leaves at the start, but I'm pretty sure I've still won 4v5 a couple of times, so it's hardly impossible.
Yo, this chat is really, really rudimentary
No way to tell who's active in it.
Please update this, Riot!

The first few items are generally fixed, but it really should deviate after the 3rd or 5th, depending on the matchup


sparkle this bitch
Blizzard said:

I finally earned points and unlocked my first permanent hero, Soraka. I fear that LoL will turn out to have some basically fixed "best" orders of item purchases and then it will become boring, but perhaps I will still experiment a little. :) Thus far I like getting the heart of gold as one of my first couple of purchases, and someone asked why I didn't have the archangel staff in the endgame so I've been trying to work towards that as well. It takes forever to get it though, and I need to remember to spend some money on boots (there's one set of boots that seems to work for sorcerers, cooldown or whatever), since otherwise everyone I want to heal outruns me.
That's why I always build tank Soraka.

I've come to the conclusion with how I view the game. There are only two types of characters in this game. Ones you build tanky and ones you don't. If they have short range or always have to be close. I expect them to throw up some defense regardless of class. You become so much more efficient if you can survive that burst. They lose there ults and you're still alive! The only characters who can avoid it and even then its risky, are very few. Janna, Lux, Viegar, Anivia and a few others. Specifically ones with a lot of CC and who kite back in and out of range.
I felt like I was beating up some poor champs from a 3rd world country.

No money for gear. They had one defensive item amongst all of them...

It was a Merc Treads on Corki.
witchedwiz said:
gaf census on leona? should i bite? missing like 8 more heroes :X

i'd say she's pretty solid. but that's just my opinion. out of all the games i've played with her, i've won more than i lost, so i can dig it.


I wonder why I never thought about checking Gaf to see if anyone plays LoL.

in game name is Sat0r1 (sat-zero-r-one) zero= letter o 1 = letter i

Add me to the list and hit me up if anyone sick of solo ques :p
I've got this hankering to help some of the newcomers with a few tips of the trade as far as LoL goes. There are certianly a few things I wish I had known back in the day that I know now.

I'll be on today after 4pm est. and I'll be in the neogaf chat channel.

If you guys want some pointers that can change your game around let's run a custom game and go over a few aspects of the game that the tutorial and leveling from 1 to 30 just won't teach you.
PoorFate said:
Just did a random 5v5 with a few fellow NeoGAF members. First time I didn't do well with Kassadin.

Today I learned that Annie is Kassadin bane. And that I need to find a way to sneak in a null sphere without getting combo'd before it hits in order to have any hopes of killing her.

I usually run cleanse for that reason (mainly cleanse + ignite or tele if I'm mid). Just hit cleanse and rift walk away. With Annie though it's more about timing the null sphere. I usually fire it first and rift walk in to force pulse while it is in the air.

Kassadin is generally a poor AP carry/anti-carry. There are just better heroes than him with an actual early game and can kill before they're 6.

Yeah yeah Kass is totally OP when he gets the right items.

Well unless you can get those items his potential means squat.

I'd say he is one the best anti-mages he can completely shut them down through the game against AD carries it is an issue unless you have a good amount of surprise on your side.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
As i just got back into this after not really playing since Beta (because i have friends that play).
Forgot how much fun this was.

Started with Ashe, just started playing Tristana today who I'm also really enjoying.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
So I'm almost level 30 now and I have about 3500 IP. I have some ghetto runepages, but nothing great (not all tier 3).

Should I focus on nothing but runes for a while?


Neo Member
Tomat - Definitely make sure you have a few basic ones.
Mage page, jungler/ad carry page (arpen or attack speed), And tank runes are expensive so they should be your last get.


Probably the most naive LoL player ever. Played the game for a month without
bothering with the mastery and rune pages. Then went and spent all my IP on
all the cheapest champions. Come to my senses now though so i basically go
through a pattern of rune->champion->rune->champion. Seems to work. For
some reason i really really enjoy playing support champs like Janna. Started
out with tristana but she's a bit too much of a "run in the case of 1v1" against
any skilled player

Apparently it's "nerdy" to solo queue - i learned this this week after telling a
fellow player that i'm a 90%+ solo queuer


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dubbedinenglish said:
I'd say he is one the best anti-mages he can completely shut them down through the game against AD carries it is an issue unless you have a good amount of surprise on your side.
His silence lasts for 2.6 seconds and the cooldown is 9 seconds without any CDR.

I wouldn't exactly call this shutting down.

Annie, Leblanc, Veigar and Akali are better for shutting down mages, by killing them before they get all their spells off. Leblanc has the same issues as Kass when it comes to early game but at least she can field 4 seconds of silence and one second of stun at level 6.

I would say Malzahar and Cho'gath are better at shutting down casters as well, even without farm. Both can silence for 3 seconds, Malz has his suppression, Cho has his stun and high burst.
I've thought of using the null sphere first then rifting in. However what caught me off guard was when the Annie player flashed into me and did her combo.

Was not expecting that. When I think back on it, I realize that he kind of telegraphed that he was going to flash but I didn't consider it a possibility.

I'll have to remember that for next time. Also, I did have cleanse, I just didn't think to use it then. :p
PoorFate said:
I've thought of using the null sphere first then rifting in. However what caught me off guard was when the Annie player flashed into me and did her combo.

Was not expecting that. When I think back on it, I realize that he kind of telegraphed that he was going to flash but I didn't consider it a possibility.

I'll have to remember that for next time. Also, I did have cleanse, I just didn't think to use it then. :p
The trick with Annie 1 on 1 is to bait the stun somehow. When laning with her in the middle and you see her get the stun play a little passive till she gets bored and blows it on a creep. The after that get agressive.

And insted of clense get flash and ignite. If you build rod of ages first then you will have enough beef to not be solo'd down and you will always have a flash to use defensivly.

Flash also gives you more of what I feel is good Kas play in teamfights and that is to rift in, blow your load and hit the ap carry with a silence and then gtfo.


Razgreez said:
Probably the most naive LoL player ever. Played the game for a month without
bothering with the mastery and rune pages. Then went and spent all my IP on
all the cheapest champions. Come to my senses now though so i basically go
through a pattern of rune->champion->rune->champion. Seems to work. For
some reason i really really enjoy playing support champs like Janna. Started
out with tristana but she's a bit too much of a "run in the case of 1v1" against
any skilled player

Apparently it's "nerdy" to solo queue - i learned this this week after telling a
fellow player that i'm a 90%+ solo queuer

A lot of the cheapest characters are actually pretty solid - Annie, Ashe, Soraka, Nunu, Amumu, TF, Janna - and it's a good idea to have characters that can fill any role on your team, so I don't think that's naive.
Solo queue is great to practice... and how can anyone call you nerdy when they are solo queuing with you?

I would set up a rune page for your preferred type first. Tank, Caster, DPS.


I have about 2k riot points. Should I just save them for skins I like? Or shit like heroes and not give a shit. I spent like 500 on a skin(big bad Warwick), kind of like it.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Solo queue is great to practice... and how can anyone call you nerdy when they are solo queuing with you?

I would set up a rune page for your preferred type first. Tank, Caster, DPS.

They were actually in a mixed matched team, where you setup a team of say 3
and the other 2 players on you team are matched with you via the queuing system

EXGN said:
A lot of the cheapest characters are actually pretty solid - Annie, Ashe, Soraka, Nunu, Amumu, TF, Janna - and it's a good idea to have characters that can fill any role on your team, so I don't think that's naive.

Was referring more to the lack of rune and mastery usage. They make huge
differences early game, as i eventually learned


EXGN said:

GAF gonna GAF. Our TF (a random in our group of four) was kinda bad, though.

I'd like to take a second and honor our Taric, PoorFate, who carried me through the bottom lane. They fed me thx to him!
Razgreez said:
Probably the most naive LoL player ever. Played the game for a month without
bothering with the mastery and rune pages. Then went and spent all my IP on
all the cheapest champions. Come to my senses now though so i basically go
through a pattern of rune->champion->rune->champion. Seems to work. For
some reason i really really enjoy playing support champs like Janna. Started
out with tristana but she's a bit too much of a "run in the case of 1v1" against
any skilled player

Apparently it's "nerdy" to solo queue - i learned this this week after telling a
fellow player that i'm a 90%+ solo queuer
rank 1-20 buy only tier 1 runes. lvl 20+ only buy tier 3 runes
here's how i'm doing leona: in bed.

oh uh here's how i play the game lol with leona:
level up w first, then e, then q.

health regen pendant + pot
philo stone + boots 1
sunfire cape
merc treads
heart of gold

after that i buy i dunno yet then use the last slots for all wards all the time

oh i have like 20% cdr masteries/runes so that makes 40% cdr


Some really fun GAF games tonight man. We actually did well against premade 5v5s whodathunkit!?

and yes.... quadra Taric lol


Long games today. There was one entertaining game where my team let me get enough gold for the deathcap, and I ended up with like 350 AP on Soraka. I'm really not sure how I managed that combination since another game I got the deathcap and only had 200 AP or so.

How do you manage to get 700+ heals with Soraka? Is it just a matter of stacking AP items?


Corporate Apologist
Yep, lots of AP.

Just starting a ranked game, one guy is pissed due to my friend banning Xin Zhao, because he wanted to play him, saying "Who ban's Xin Zhao", I almost wanted to point out "Weren't you going to play Xin"

82 minute game. I hate lower ELO so goddamn much, game should of ended at 60 mins, but Udyr thought going for dragon and jungle buffs was better than backdooring, which he was more than capable of doing.

Also, Deathcaps everywhere.


Corporate Apologist
That Karthus must not realize Archangels Staff give more AP then stacking Deathcaps. The Fiddle has the right idea (Except he still stacked 2 Deathcaps)
Drkirby said:
That Karthus must not realize Archangels Staff give more AP then stacking Deathcaps. The Fiddle has the right idea (Except he still stacked 2 Deathcaps)

Stacking AP like that is stupid, though. The poster has the right idea.


bigmakattack said:

82 minute game. I hate lower ELO so goddamn much, game should of ended at 60 mins, but Udyr thought going for dragon and jungle buffs was better than backdooring, which he was more than capable of doing.

Also, Deathcaps everywhere.

this can't be a real game.
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