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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Neo Member
Guys, I'm kinda confused on this whole lane Udyr OP thing.
When wriggles procs you get turtle healed from the 500 damage? So he has like great sustain right?
Anyone have a good build for him so I can jump on the Fotm bandwagon :p
Diglet said:
Guys, I'm kinda confused on this whole lane Udyr OP thing.
When wriggles procs you get turtle healed from the 500 damage? So he has like great sustain right?
Anyone have a good build for him so I can jump on the Fotm bandwagon :p

I'm not sure if thats why its so sustainable. I get wriggles more for the easy last hitting and pushing the lane. (not to mention the armor and the vamp and ward)

I start off with 5 pots and cloth and sit in lane and last hit till i have 1.3 gold and then ask for a cover and grab wriggles.

Then I put the ward on the river and push the tower down.

If the opposing champ comes to harass me I bear stance into tiger just to stun them and put the dot on. Then I go back to farming.

Its so broken atm.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
FlightOfHeaven said:
A competent Leona player is neigh unkillable. Even shitty Leonas take a while to take down.
What's the incentive to kill her? She is very easy to ignore in battle.
people freak out I guess. If they were calm about it, sure no worries about Leona. But At the moment I sword through everyone straight to their carry then stun them. The carry freaks out and runs around in circles. If they ignored me after the initial stun I can slowly bring them down I guess? But most of the time they freak out and effectively take the carry out of the fight.


Achtius said:
My position in queue: Over 9000 :(.
Haha, today was the first time I'd seen that. I eventually got in, though the NA server still shows the warning at the top about games potentially not starting properly.


Corporate Apologist
Alpha/Beta LOL:

The Amumu picture there is the Recall button.
Blizzard said:
I tried doing some games by myself with 9 bots, and attempting to jungle with the box setup on golems etc. seemed to always result in me being about 3 levels behind everyone else, and not exactly rich either. The madred's razor or whatever doesn't seem to make Shaco do a ton of damage eiher.

Regarding the boxes, again my problem is not with setting them up, but that they only last 90 seconds out of a 40+ minute game. Say you have some crazy cooldown reduction and can plant one every 10 seconds, and that's still only 6-8 boxes you can set up. That would let you get one box nest in front of the dragon, and maybe 1-2 elsewhere, and you would have to lure the other team or depend on them walking into it within the next couple of minutes. I guess you could constantly wander that area and keep the boxes updated, but that means they wouldn't be as useful in lanes, plus you'll be losing out on gold and XP from minions.

Anyway, I'll be interested to see how the buff goes and I may still practice the jungle thing with him. I tried Fiddlesticks a couple of times, and he's fun, but I am TERRIBLE with the ult. I kept doing the initial trigger in a bad place and got it cancelled by Vayne like 3-4 times.

Shaco doesn't really belong in the jungle anymore, if you go AP and are in duo lane you can usually maintain 3 in the river bush and 3 in their turret bush while harassing with his E and its insane AP ratio. If they come anywhere near teamfighting you, take it to your bush and it's suddenly hell for one of them. By endgame the boxes shoot about 200-250 per shot so it's incredible. You're also assuming AP shaco has to be the one to bait them into the boxes and of course the boxes don't have to be in a bush, just away from minions. The explosion your clone does when it dies also has an AP ratio and by the end you'll usually get 700 damage out of that explosion. Sending a clone to explode in the middle of a team fight and then Qing out of somewhere and getting a E in with your passive is also abusive and then if your chased because of the sight of your massive damage, simply use your Sash and strut back to your box nest.


Actually, I might unlock Karma to try her out.

Still not that great with the skillshot for Morgana, but really like playing her :)

btw I like your Avatar :p
CrazedProfessional said:
Shaco doesn't really belong in the jungle anymore, if you go AP and are in duo lane you can usually maintain 3 in the river bush and 3 in their turret bush while harassing with his E and its insane AP ratio. If they come anywhere near teamfighting you, take it to your bush and it's suddenly hell for one of them. By endgame the boxes shoot about 200-250 per shot so it's incredible. You're also assuming AP shaco has to be the one to bait them into the boxes and of course the boxes don't have to be in a bush, just away from minions. The explosion your clone does when it dies also has an AP ratio and by the end you'll usually get 700 damage out of that explosion. Sending a clone to explode in the middle of a team fight and then Qing out of somewhere and getting a E in with your passive is also abusive and then if your chased because of the sight of your massive damage, simply use your Sash and strut back to your box nest.
that's a lot of work, just buy phantom and infinity edge and win


CrazedProfessional said:
Shaco doesn't really belong in the jungle anymore, if you go AP and are in duo lane you can usually maintain 3 in the river bush and 3 in their turret bush while harassing with his E and its insane AP ratio. If they come anywhere near teamfighting you, take it to your bush and it's suddenly hell for one of them. By endgame the boxes shoot about 200-250 per shot so it's incredible. You're also assuming AP shaco has to be the one to bait them into the boxes and of course the boxes don't have to be in a bush, just away from minions. The explosion your clone does when it dies also has an AP ratio and by the end you'll usually get 700 damage out of that explosion. Sending a clone to explode in the middle of a team fight and then Qing out of somewhere and getting a E in with your passive is also abusive and then if your chased because of the sight of your massive damage, simply use your Sash and strut back to your box nest.

I dunno, as someone who has played AP Shaco a bunch, I just find he's entirely too reliant on facing idiots. Don't get me wrong, he has a great burst for assassinating - I used to play DFG Shaco and would DFG>Shiv>Lichbane Proc squishies for a crap ton of damage (instant kill against those with no MR).

But the fact of the matter is, you need to rely on your team to 4v5 until you can get a shot at the enemy squishies. Even then, it's a crap shoot because you need Q to escape but no decent team would allow you to run up and combo their squishy either. Hypothetically, AP Shaco should be a solid choice, but unfortunately this isn't a game played in hypothetics.

To be honest, Shaco just isn't really a strong character given the current meta and all the nerfs he has suffered - he's super high-risk and provides very little that another champion couldn't do more reliably and effectively. About the only really notable thing about him are his strong level 2 ganks.
EXGN said:
I dunno, as someone who has played AP Shaco a bunch, I just find he's entirely too reliant on facing idiots.

You really don't have to worry about this until atleast 1200+ ELO.

I've been playing ranked with him and so far its been all wins with about and average of 8/3/X with 1XX Creeps.

It's not that they're necessarily idiots either, it's the fact that his burst is so unexpected.


Corporate Apologist
Yay, my LoL client Bricked it self, so I now have to reinstall it. Riot needs to make it so you can run the repair tool outside of the client, if the initial client won't open.
Drkirby said:
Yay, my LoL client Bricked it self, so I now have to reinstall it. Riot needs to make it so you can run the repair tool outside of the client, if the initial client won't open.
try hit "options" then "repair"


Corporate Apologist
Ladyboy101 said:
try hit "options" then "repair"
I could not get that far. I would try to launch it, and get an error right away.

Anyway, already reinstalled. And fuck, I did not realize Masteries were local >_<


Drkirby said:
I could not get that far. I would try to launch it, and get an error right away.

Anyway, already reinstalled. And fuck, I did not realize Masteries were local >_<
Yeah, I learned that the hard way, and they're buried like 6 levels deep a root level C:\ directory. I made a backup of the file(s) now.

I played two EU games tonight. Rumble...bounces around EVERYWHERE, crazy rat. I couldn't be effective with him, but team won anyway. Second game, Malphite, I was like the only one to L18 and he seemed fun, but the other team had teamwork, a ton of items, and crazy healing from some mechanism I wasn't familiar with. We had a 0/17/0 guy, I think, but even he made it to L10 by the end.

I think I'll try Malphite again. He eats mana like CRAZY though.


Owlowiscious said:
good gaf games with gaffers happened.
Do you guys only play ranked or L30 stuff? I would be up for GAF games but I'm a L10 noob (or like, L3 on the EU server while the US server is broken).


Blizzard said:
Do you guys only play ranked or L30 stuff? I would be up for GAF games but I'm a L10 noob (or like, L3 on the EU server while the US server is broken).

We usually just play normal. Most of us are level 30, but we have a few guys in their 20s still. Level 10 is a bit on the low side, simply because you'd be facing off against people likely with full masteries and rune pages, but it might be doable! Just autolog into chat NeoGAF on the US side.


Neo Member
Played a game last night and was up against Lux and Morgana in my lane. If enyone of them manage to root, you were dead/almost dead. Dark Bindning + Tainted Soil + Light Binding + Lucent Singularity + Lux proc = alot of damage, atlast in laning phase. It didn't help that they were queuing together and had a good teamplay.

But I played anouther game were my team was up agains four players in from the same team/clan and even though they dominated in the beginning we manage to win, it felt good :)

GAFfers gonna GAF. I think that last game broke their spirit. Having two healers was absurd; I arrived late to a team fight where Taric was tapped out and just started healing everyone while he recharged. We were able to press on because of that.

Sona's heals have been improved late game, too. I remember they hit her heals hard, but now they feel decent.


FlightOfHeaven said:
*Pic snip*

GAFfers gonna GAF. I think that last game broke their spirit. Having two healers was absurd; I arrived late to a team fight where Taric was tapped out and just started healing everyone while he recharged. We were able to press on because of that.

Sona's heals have been improved late game, too. I remember they hit her heals hard, but now they feel decent.

That last game was crazy. We just had so much heal + poke + CC, and they were like all melee charas except Sivir. They had to commit to a team fight to beat us, but they never did - they let us poke away at them and then when they got low, we just CC'd and beat them bad.

Ended up being a good match for us - as I mentioned right before, I'm not usually good at ranged AD, but I did alright as Ashe in that one :p
what ELO should i aim for in solo queue ranked?
skipped ranked so far, decided to give it a spin and i'm sitting @1500ish...
decent elo = 1800+ rite?
GAF randomly hits on extremely good team comps.

Also, anyone got tips for Irelia? Would a Jarvan set up work for her?

Edit: Once Sona gets Stone and Tear, she practically never runs out of mana. I've never really gotten to use Chalice on her after that, but I can imagine it makes it really hard to run out.



You’ve all waited patiently for us to prepare for the launch of our new, dual-platform environment. Today, we’re here to tell you that your long wait is nearly over. Later this evening, we will begin the process of splitting the European platform into EU West and EU Nordic & East.

At 23:30 UK Time this evening, we will begin the process of bringing the platform offline for the split. For your entertainment, at this time we will be streaming non-stop to bring you show matches, interviews with Riot Games employees, and status updates on how the split is proceeding. We estimate that the maintenance window should take no longer than 12 hours, and – once it is complete – you will be able to log in and play on your new platform. If you would like more information on exactly what the split will entail, you can visit the FAQ.

Once you have logged into your new home, you will find that a 14 Day IP Boost has been credited to your account. This is our gift to you, to help speed your progress toward any content that you’ve been waiting to unlock.

It’s been a long road, summoners, but we’re very close to the finish line. Thank you for bearing with us, and we look forward to playing with all of you on EU West and EU Nordic & East.

At last, now give me the free transfer option.
please go well so you can split north and south US

and to keep them apart, make south us allow multiple people to have the same character. but only activate it for mordekiser


Are they going to split the US server considering it's been semi-broken for days? :p *edit* Double too slow!

I lost 3 straight Malphite games trying EU. He -seems- reasonable/fun, and 2/3 of the games I reached 18. Every game I was at the top or near the top level for my team, but not top kills. Does anyone have advice/items for him? The recommended items mostly seem to improve his health/armor, but I run out of mana a lot for the first half of the game, and the last half (possibly due to good opposing teams) I take crushing damage, typically from mordekaiser and yi.
neither server is getting one. the EU's boost is for the server split so making a new account to join the server you want you can catch up quickly, since server transfer won't be in for a while.


Owlowiscious said:
neither server is getting one. the EU's boost is for the server split so making a new account to join the server you want you can catch up quickly, since server transfer won't be in for a while.
It's not for the 1 hour long queues which we had every day for the last 4 weeks?
I'm guessing if the problems were fixed without splitting the servers, no boost would be given. and if there was one, the us would get the same.
Blizzard said:
Are they going to split the US server considering it's been semi-broken for days? :p *edit* Double too slow!

I lost 3 straight Malphite games trying EU. He -seems- reasonable/fun, and 2/3 of the games I reached 18. Every game I was at the top or near the top level for my team, but not top kills. Does anyone have advice/items for him? The recommended items mostly seem to improve his health/armor, but I run out of mana a lot for the first half of the game, and the last half (possibly due to good opposing teams) I take crushing damage, typically from mordekaiser and yi.

Thornmail? Yi can almost literally kill himself on high hitpoint tanks. Same for Trynd.

As a tank you really have to pick your gear depending on what enemy is most dangerous.

Malph as AP also works... he can be quite deadly especially with ulti/aoe combos.

As a tank I usually run with Clarity. Early game it enables me to push and harass much harder without going oom. End game it is useless, but by then you should be a very hard to kill tank and your priorities will be to spearhead attacks, tower dive and support the carries.

Malph is great... remember that he steals speed from heroes... so use that on the fastest enemies to run almost as fast as Singed ;) making skillshots a lot harder on you and making it trickier for Yi to slice you to death while chasing. Also remember to activate your damage boost before leaping in with ulti (also use ulti to escape if you are in trouble).


So I've been reworking some things after going GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LIKE with orianna in that gaf game. Should be more deadly with her now :>


Drkirby said:
Alpha/Beta LOL:

The Amumu picture there is the Recall button.
Am I the only one that enjoyed the beta UI much more than current? I feel like the beta one had lots of style, while the current feels really bland.
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