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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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ItAintEasy said:
If anyone can actually figure out what my name references I will buy them a skin.

your name is in reference to pimping. because as we all know pimping aint easy.


ItAintEasy said:
If anyone can actually figure out what my name references I will buy them a skin.

Chester Cheetah? lol

Ugh. Just had one of my most epic early games I've ever had as WW, yet my teams bot fucked us over by going a combined 0-13. Started out on a normal jungle route starting at Blue. Ganked top once (it was an Alistair), he pushed me towards his own turret giving me room to attack him longer, but he flashed away. I went back to the bush, he pushed up again in 10sec, and I ganked and got the kill on him giving us FB. I managed to get a really fast 6 with that FB and getting wraiths + some minion xp. I flash gank mid giving our Malz another easy kill. I go back, with enough gold for Wriggles. I get our Blue, head over to their blue, place a ward down to catch their Xin doing it. Smite steal and ult onto him for another kill. Then I move towards mid again Malz ults mid and I manage to turret dive their mid enough to kill him.

So in a span of about 3min I get 4 kills for our team, and this lead us to getting first dragon as well. Unfortunately this was all for not, as our bot was feeding hard the whole time, while pushing hard. Their combo bot (Vayne + Soraka) ended up carrying their whole team to victory pretty fast afterwards, and once team fights started they had 6 different ways to disable my ult and we couldn't focus anyone because of an Ali and Soraka making it impossible.
SO pretty much confirmed. Guinsoo thinks red buff needs a change so instead of slow, red buff will give haste. Not exactly sure how I feel about this. Makes some junglers weaker and ad ranged weaker.


Jazzy Network said:
SO pretty much confirmed. Guinsoo thinks red buff needs a change so instead of slow, red buff will give haste. Not exactly sure how I feel about this. Makes some junglers weaker and ad ranged weaker.
jungling and ranged ad was pretty strong to begin with, so this is good. melee ad needs some love.


Corporate Apologist
*Wait in queue for 15 minutes*

"Your Username or Password is invalid, please try again"

*Waits in queue for anther 10 minutes*

Really, why is the password check done AFTER the queue?


Aesthet1c said:
Am I the only one that enjoyed the beta UI much more than current? I feel like the beta one had lots of style, while the current feels really bland.

I doubt your the only one, I do however thoroughly dislike the beta UI for being a steaming pile of non-functional crap, no matter how pretty it looks. The current UI while not very nice looking does everything fairly functionally.


Jazzy Network said:
SO pretty much confirmed. Guinsoo thinks red buff needs a change so instead of slow, red buff will give haste. Not exactly sure how I feel about this. Makes some junglers weaker and ad ranged weaker.

Those jungle changes are the biggest overhaul I've seen since I started playing last August.
I'm trying to keep up with the thread but Guinsoo keeps being downvoted so I think he'll leave it soon. I really wish we had more info.
I didn't think people found farmfests so much fun, it's the boring part of the game to me actually.


North America, busy. Europe, down. =/

Also, I decided I'd try Malphite after all the advice! I was bad and everyone had higher levels than me even though I was laning. :( I almost got enough money to buy the sunfire cape though, but then the other team surrendered.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Having roamers is no different from having stealth champs, or a TF/Noc/Panth (pre-nerf). You have to play cautious, have to buy wards, have to pay attention to the map. It's not fun to play competitively unless you get a kick from tryharding.

I don't think Riot wants a metagame where one player can mean the difference between a victory or a loss. Junglers, by the very nature of their role, are players can can tip the scales one way or another.


Halycon said:
Having roamers is no different from having stealth champs, or a TF/Noc/Panth (pre-nerf). You have to play cautious, have to buy wards, have to pay attention to the map. It's not fun to play competitively unless you get a kick from tryharding.
the dota genre is all about tryhards though. :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ultimoo said:
the dota genre is all about tryhards though. :p
There's a point where tryharding becomes more work than play :3


Pantheon was complete bullshit though.
I think the only nerfs that make me happier than Panth nerfs are Vlad nerfs.
Twisted Fate is... bizarre. They practically delete Twitch and Evelynn but leave him untouched, it's mystifying.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Panth was bullshit, but nerfing him to the point where he's useless is also kind of bullshit.

I don't think Riot was really thinking about balance from a competitive standpoint when they designed TF/Panth. It doesn't take a pro to tell you that the ability to turn a 2v2 into a 3v2 from anywhere is difficult to balance.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wonder who'll get their Monkey King out first, Riot or S2.


HoN's monkey king abilities are pretty cool, tho I do feel it underutilizes his robust power gallery

LoL's king will either have nimbus as part of his model or as his ult I feel (just like HoN's)

knowing riot if nimbus is ult it'll probably stun if you ram into someone or something


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What I think Riot's Monkey King will be like:

Passive: Monkey king moves faster after using a skill.
Q: Skill shot that can stun or slow depending on how it hits you.
W: Passive attack speed bonus. Activate to get a movement buff.
E: A leapstrike which heals you for some reason. Gotta make him jungle viable!
R: An AoE that has nothing to do with your role as a tanky/dps whatsoever.


Halycon said:
What I think Riot's Monkey King will be like:

Passive: Monkey king moves faster after using a skill.
Q: Skill shot that can stun or slow depending on how it hits you.
W: Passive attack speed bonus. Activate to get a movement buff.
E: A leapstrike which heals you for some reason. Gotta make him jungle viable!
R: An AoE that has nothing to do with your role as a tanky/dps whatsoever.
monkey xin zhao


Those who missed it - he's a melee DPS:

Passive: Gains MR + Armor for each enemy champ nearby (think Irelia's passive but MR/AR instead of Tenacity)
Q: A solo strike that reduces the armor of the target
W: Turns stealth for 1.5s, leaving a copy of himself. After a while, copy explodes and does AOE damage. (looks kinda like LB's passive + Shaco's ult)
E: A ranged attack involving Nimbus, hits up to three nearby characters.
R: A spinning melee attack that looks like Garen's spin.


Speaking of Shaco's ult, is there any way to make the clone explode at a specific time, other than waiting until the time is nearly up and sending it at an enemy crowd?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Just as I quit out of the client, it loads the champion selection screen.

And now the server is busy.


It's a shit, unfun mechanic. What are ya gonna do? -shrug-

exact same mechanic as last hitting.


aka surume
EXGN said:
Those who missed it - he's a melee DPS:

Passive: Gains MR + Armor for each enemy champ nearby (think Irelia's passive but MR/AR instead of Tenacity)
Q: A solo strike that reduces the armor of the target
W: Turns stealth for 1.5s, leaving a copy of himself. After a while, copy explodes and does AOE damage. (looks kinda like LB's passive + Shaco's ult)
E: A ranged attack involving Nimbus, hits up to three nearby characters.
R: A spinning melee attack that looks like Garen's spin.

Q can be charged and used like empowered or siphoning strike
E dashes in as well as hitting up to 2 other dudes
R knocks every enemy it touches up once

Really fun kit. Deceptive and mobile.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Denying sucks because it tells you directly how much better other players are at last hitting than you.

That's the only difference.


well looks like HoN's monkey king wins in abilities

still grinding IP for him tho :3

Rayven said:
Q can be charged and used like empowered or siphoning strike
E dashes in as well as hitting up to 2 other dudes
R knocks every enemy it touches up once

Really fun kit. Deceptive and mobile.
apparently his ult is toggable yes/no?


Thanks for the malphite tips. Finally won a game and was semi-helpful, like 6/4/9. I felt like it was a pretty even fight, but we drove them all the way back by the end. I still died 2-3 times versus groups of 3-5 people when I was pushing lanes by myself. I don't know if they were roaming to kill me on purpose or if I was just unlucky.

By the end I think I had Doran's shield, ninja tabi, that frosty-looking armor, thornmail (argh yi), sunfire cloak, and at the very end I bought some cross-looking magic defense item but we won pretty much that instant around 45 minutes in.


Take my money Riot again for the consecutive 4th champion release. AoE knock up and free armor and magic resist depending on the number of champions. All over my fucking chest!

Hopefully we'll get the new Nasus buff(s) in the upcoming patch.


Corporate Apologist
Reading Guinsoo's stuff on changing the Red Buff (Which to me always felt a bit lackluster, it is nice but no where near as useful as Blue Buff) and changing the jungle timing, I like the way a new jungle sounds. Its a shame he is being harassed by the people on the official message boards.

My question is how far out are these changes. Few patches, server months, post Dota 2?

Edit: Oh, RiotVeonneth answered the question, months. Got it.

Edit 2: Hmmm, maybe there is hope for some new maps soon. Also, I think Riot may really go with the idea of making Flash a short term super ghost.

I cannot get into too much detail, but our experiences creating other maps (including Twisted Treeline) leads us to believe that having Lizard with a slow is bad. I do believe that we cannot change or remove Flash without a change to Lizard, as well.
Blizzard said:
Thanks for the malphite tips. Finally won a game and was semi-helpful, like 6/4/9. I felt like it was a pretty even fight, but we drove them all the way back by the end. I still died 2-3 times versus groups of 3-5 people when I was pushing lanes by myself. I don't know if they were roaming to kill me on purpose or if I was just unlucky.

By the end I think I had Doran's shield, ninja tabi, that frosty-looking armor, thornmail (argh yi), sunfire cloak, and at the very end I bought some cross-looking magic defense item but we won pretty much that instant around 45 minutes in.

TBH when you are pushing solo, you can expect to be ganked by 3+ people. Place wards and DO NOT engage a fight. Run back to tower when you see them incoming, slowing them down if possible. Usually your teammates will run to the rescue while you hold them off around your tower. Almost nobody can win/survive fights against three people.
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