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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There's some talks about it. It's evident (to Riot, or at least Guinsoo) that Flash is the source of a lot of problems including the super-passive laning phase.

What's stopping them is that they'll have to roll out a series of buffs and nerfs to people with built in flash, and people who needed flash to do anything.


Kozak said:
I didn't mean to say that he shouldn't buy wards at all. I just meant to say that yeah he should pick up a ward to cover himself but don't do it for your team if you aren't getting it back in return or if you aren't the main money maker. I mean how many times have we been caught up in trying to save our teams ass only for our team to bite back at us for not having all the required items for whatever role we're trying to fill..People are ass holes in this game.

Besides, most players when they see that an area of the map is miraculously revealed will realise that a ward may be quite a decent option for themselves too.

1. Carries should be making the most money (highest CS/Kills). Carries do not normally buy wards past the laning phase and should focus on damage.
2. Junglers/Supports should always buy wards. Post-laning phase, Support should always buy Oracle to ward-sweep.
3. Everyone should buy wards in the laning phase, if only to ward your bush and prevent ganks.
no one needs flash to do anything :x

i thought charging means "press q for 1 dmg. hold q for 20 minutes for 3000 radius aoe that does 40000 true damage"


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Owlowiscious said:
no one needs flash to do anything :x
Ali, Amumu and Galio comes to mind. There's a reason Fiddlesticks was given a built in flash on his ult. In beta he was nigh useless without Flash up.


Halycon said:
Ali, Amumu and Galio comes to mind. There's a reason Fiddlesticks was given a built in flash on his ult. In beta he was nigh useless without Flash up.
Fiddles becomes even more dangerous with flash too.
alistar- walk around behind a turret, ult, walk through turret, headbutt enemy into team. or walk up to enemy team, headbutt tank out of way, pulverize rest of enemy team as your team takes them out

amumu- bandage toss, ult
galio- have someone else init, ult mid fight when everyone is clustered together *shrugs*


My guess is that Flash will be changed, but not removed.

Probably similar to DOTA where you cannot Flash within X seconds of taking damage, so Flash can be used to initiate but not escape.
make flash have you stand still in teleport animation while you control an invisible you and you walk to where you want to flash within 10 seconds and cast again to flash to where your ghost double is.



Drkirby said:
He comes off overly arrogant. I still like Guinsoo's proposed jungle changes though.

i dislike the jungle changes. i say this as someone who junlges 99% of the time. i love jungling. it gives me so much freedom and is so much fun.


I'm so mixed on the whole jungle thing. I like giving junglers more options and the ability to be more unpredictable. As it is currently, you know to expect ganks around the 4 minute mark because junglers have to literally nothing else to do. All their creeps are cleared, they have no options. It would be nice if people never knew whether I'm waiting til 6 to have my ult before ganking.

At the same time, it sucks red buff is losing the slow. As a Warwick jungler, he has no slows or CCs and his MS buff only goes into effect once the enemy gets to low life. The lack of a slow will dramatically alter the jungle rankings. Additionally, red buff will be almost useless for range carries like Corki and Cait.


Neo Member
2th said:
i dislike the jungle changes. i say this as someone who junlges 99% of the time. i love jungling. it gives me so much freedom and is so much fun.
Maybe you get even more freedom if/when then change it.


So many people who don't know what backdooring is T.T

I'm pushing top solo while my team is fighting their team at mid, get into their base, get the tower and almost get the inhibitor and I get accused of backdooring when I have like 30 of my creeps around me =\


Corporate Apologist
Yes. Backdooring is when you realize top tower has 100 HP left, you walk up to it and hit it twice killing it, or actually being more ballsy and killing a half health tower with no minions. Plus, what does it matter, backdooring is perfectly fair.


Corporate Apologist
You can also double that up with Revive, so you don't even need to wait the 65 seconds, and do the ward teleport trick.


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, I think it only works in longer games that you have still managed to get a good amount of money in. Not sure what kind of build works best for it ether.

Does stuff like Sword of the Divine, Wit's End, and Malady work on a tower?


Cels said:
My guess is that Flash will be changed, but not removed.

Probably similar to DOTA where you cannot Flash within X seconds of taking damage, so Flash can be used to initiate but not escape.

They already changed Flash last year, and this was actually one of the proposed changes to Flash that didn't happen.

If people think Flash is bad now, then I wonder what they would've said last year before it got nerfed.


Anyone want to play with me tonight? I'll be on later on the North America server. I'm still level 11, but I don't consider myself to be that bad.

Username : eosos


eosos said:
Anyone want to play with me tonight? I'll be on later on the North America server. I'm still level 11, but I don't consider myself to be that bad.

Username : eosos
I'm level 10-11 on the NA server. If NA server is up I hope to play a couple of unranked games tonight, maybe 2.5 hours from now. My summoner name is "SummonsInTrouble".
Owlowiscious said:
i would seriously do that bullshit but the first time I tried, i couldn't get enough damage with tf to even warrant an attempt.

Bloodthirster, SotD, Berserkers, Phantom Dancer.

Double up on Blood and PD when you have the chance.

We were helpless to stop him. It was a soul-crushing game, so stupid.


I'll play a few games if I'm on later, I might try to work up enough courage to use my ladder bonus pool on SC2 though. Shoot me a message if I'm on, I'm level 12 I believe.



I'll ask this again - how were the queues on the EU West server after the first rush? East is lag free now.


Drkirby said:
Yes. Backdooring is when you realize top tower has 100 HP left, you walk up to it and hit it twice killing it, or actually being more ballsy and killing a half health tower with no minions. Plus, what does it matter, backdooring is perfectly fair.

my favorite backdooring is with tanky, FULL GEAR, udyr. So bloodrazor, omen, veil, sunfire, triforce, and merc treads. you can literally tank a tower from full health when you are that geared, especially if you have blue buff to spam turtle. it is hilarious.

Mind you i have only gotten that geared a handful of times. but when you survive a teamfight and are t only person alive from both teams, you hit a creepwave with turtle to get full health real fast then completely rape a tower while the other team cant do shit to you and your team is laughing at what you can do.... absolutely priceless.


Played two 3v3 malphite games, lost both, both games someone on my team quit early/super early, sigh. The second one pantheon and I even held the other team off until like the 40 minute mark before losing. :( I had the fire cloak and thornmail even.



Third 3v3 in a row, third one where a teammate left really early. Plus, the other team was GOOD, got buffs, ran away, etc. The only reason I finally got a third kill at the end was because I managed to ignite poppy as they were running away.

BIG QUESTION: Can someone explain what would make yi have a ton of healing? I'm almost certain it wasn't the heal spell because it was regenerating, surely it wasn't just doran's shield health regen, and I thought it was happening even when poppy wasn't around. I would do a bunch of damage or get him (yi) down to maybe 5-10% health, with thornmail and nearly all the other items you see on me, and yi would still continue to GAIN health and survive, killing me.

I'm convinced there has to be a 3v3 game out there where my teammates won't leave, and I'm convinced that one day I will win another game playing malphite, but so far no luck.
welp. starting to get bored of leona. I still like her. I think i've played 100 games in a row iwth her, that's all.

it's gonna be sad not knowing if there will be a tank in the game again :(. so nice always playing leona because that means there's always a tank on the team.


Blizzard said:
BIG QUESTION: Can someone explain what would make yi have a ton of healing? I'm almost certain it wasn't the heal spell because it was regenerating, surely it wasn't just doran's shield health regen, and I thought it was happening even when poppy wasn't around. I would do a bunch of damage or get him (yi) down to maybe 5-10% health, with thornmail and nearly all the other items you see on me, and yi would still continue to GAIN health and survive, killing me.

It's Yi's W, meditate. He gains like 100 MR/ARM for a short duration while he stands still and regains life.


EXGN said:
It's Yi's W, meditate. He gains like 100 MR/ARM for a short duration while he stands still and regains life.
Oh duh, I guess I didn't expect him to stand still and do that in the middle of carnage. I need to learn a way around it. Had a better game, FINALLY no one left:


Unfortunately, the enemy Cho got huuuuge, and our mordekaiser ignored all advice about items and stacked phantom dancers and swift shoes. =______=

Oh, and that was still like...40+ minutes of 3v3. So much for those games being short, lol. Ashe said I played "reasonably well" and suggested I sell Doran's shield and go for bloodthirster, and maybe frost hammer. I was aiming for one more armor, the force of nature or whatever, but didn't get there. I also warded occasionally!


Blizzard said:
Oh duh, I guess I didn't expect him to stand still and do that in the middle of carnage. I need to learn a way around it. Had a better game, FINALLY no one left:


Unfortunately, the enemy Cho got huuuuge, and our mordekaiser ignored all advice about items and stacked phantom dancers and swift shoes. =______=

Oh, and that was still like...40+ minutes of 3v3. So much for those games being short, lol. Ashe said I played "reasonably well" and suggested I sell Doran's shield and go for bloodthirster, and maybe frost hammer. I was aiming for one more armor, the force of nature or whatever, but didn't get there. I also warded occasionally!

I would disavow anything she said. You should never EVER get Bloodthirster or Frosthammer on Malph. It's her job to be doing damage, your job to soak it up. If you want more damage, get AP NOT AD.

Buildwise, you probably wanted to get Force of Nature or any magic resistance item way earlier. While Ashe was the biggest damage dealer on the enemy team, both Cho and Mord do reasonable amounts of magic damage. I probably would have went Doran Shield>Sunfire Cape>Banshee's Veil>then more armor against that team.

And yeah, your Mord was an idiot.


EXGN said:
I would disavow anything she said. You should never EVER get Bloodthirster or Frosthammer on Malph. It's her job to be doing damage, your job to soak it up. If you want more damage, get AP NOT AD.

Buildwise, you probably wanted to get Force of Nature or any magic resistance item way earlier. While Ashe was the biggest damage dealer on the enemy team, both Cho and Mord do reasonable amounts of magic damage. I probably would have went Doran Shield>Sunfire Cape>Banshee's Veil>then more armor against that team.

And yeah, your Mord was an idiot.
I almost always go doran's shield -> ninja boots for speed -> heart of gold to help me earn money, and then build up the armor/resist items. But, is the heart of gold money bonus so low as to be negligible? I know sunfire cape is known as a great item but the damage it deals never seems very noticeable to me. I can try focusing on it earlier.


Blizzard said:
I almost always go doran's shield -> ninja boots for speed -> heart of gold to help me earn money, and then build up the armor/resist items. But, is the heart of gold money bonus so low as to be negligible? I know sunfire cape is known as a great item but the damage it deals never seems very noticeable to me. I can try focusing on it earlier.

Ah, sorry, I was only talking about core items. Although GP5 items aren't as good on Twisted Treeline because the games are shorter (unless you have a dumbass Morde that builds straight attack speed) and it takes about 12 minutes to make the money back on a GP5 item. On TT, I would only get GP5 if you plan to get Randuin's Omen.

At any rate, I wasn't trying to tell you a specific build order but rather as a tank, you should be looking at the enemy team and building items that best counter their team. You did good countering Ashe with hard armor, but you built no items to counter the damage from Cho or Morde (albeit Cho's build is about as bad as your Morde's). Against a team that does mixed physical and magic damage, stacking armor isn't the most effective strategy - you need armor and magic resistance.
People were like "wut" when I mentioned I have 120 friends ( I rarely turn people down... people added me after one dominant performance) and 17 people on GAF online at the time.

I probably have 30-40 GAFfers on the list.


FlightOfHeaven said:
People were like "wut" when I mentioned I have 120 friends ( I rarely turn people down... people added me after one dominant performance) and 17 people on GAF online at the time.

I probably have 30-40 GAFfers on the list.

we need more people in the NeoGAF chat channel in game. and more GAF in houses would be fun as hell.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There is nothing more satisfying in this game than seeing the troll from your team last game on the other side the next game.

And then raping him.


2th said:
i dislike the jungle changes. i say this as someone who junlges 99% of the time. i love jungling. it gives me so much freedom and is so much fun.
The intent is to give more freedom by not forcing you to gank at extremely specific times, be able to kill more camps whenever you want, let lane players take your smaller camps and allow people to even "laneswap" with a jungler. Junglers don't really have a lot of options now at high tiers of play, these changes should add more options to the jungler and his team.

Also I should probably post more, I've been slacking. Rayven should bug me about it or something haha.
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