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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Boken said:
Or run ghost/exhaust like a real tank.

EDIT: Flash is only good on squishies, instant initiation (annie, ww, malz ult) and positioning dependant champions. Tank examples of those - Amumu (who doesn't even take flash that often) and Galio (position dependant + instant cc) and Rammus (flash over minions, instant taunts). Malphite isn't positioning dependant - you can aim his ultimate nor is he an instant initiator since he has to travel to the location. Unless you want to flash to position his E perfectly...

If you are singed... ghost is the much better option.

I never run flash when tanking.... tanks don't need it. Tanks need to be in the thick of the battle... not chasing carries or others around the map. Leave that to the assassins or ranged.


Corporate Apologist
NemesisPrime said:
TBH when you are pushing solo, you can expect to be ganked by 3+ people. Place wards and DO NOT engage a fight. Run back to tower when you see them incoming, slowing them down if possible. Usually your teammates will run to the rescue while you hold them off around your tower. Almost nobody can win/survive fights against three people.
Xin Zhao can.

*Shakes fist at Xin Zhao*

Goon Boon

I literally stole a victory twice in two days. First I stole one yesterday by backdooring with twitch, then I stole one buy using udyr and rushing towers (rageblade works pretty good on him!).


wow they revealed all of the monkey king's skills. No extend pole ability?!

what is this? his ult seems to pop everyone up


Corporate Apologist
It is odd that he has no ability to extend his poll really far, since it was somewhat implied in the Chinese promotional video. I guess his ult sort of does it.


Tryndamere is my guy. I love his playstyle, matches my aggressive tendencies perfectly. I've been getting login queues all day though, if there's a queue when I get back from grocery store (it'll be about 1:45am here) I'm gonna cry.


Corporate Apologist
cdyhybrid said:
Tryndamere is my guy. I love his playstyle, matches my aggressive tendencies perfectly. I've been getting login queues all day though, if there's a queue when I get back from grocery store (it'll be about 1:45am here) I'm gonna cry.
Good news, they are shutting the servers down tonight to reset them, in a hope to fix the issues from the past few days! So there will be no queue.

On the downside, there will be no server ether.
GAFfers gonna GAF, I guess.

Too bad I'm such a shit carry. I should start practicing Vayne, Irelia, or Yi. I really like Jarvan, but I'm disappointed I'm not scary with him.


It's not all your fault. Orianna is a very strong laner (then again, so is Caitlyn). Try to move perpendicular to the path of the ball, rather than away from it because its easy to lead the ball by aiming behind you.

I think Caitlyn is the easiest carry to play though. While Vayne has an excellent auto attack animation, mid game you can't just AOE a large wave of minions to kil them. Corki can farm really well but his mid game is very skillshot dependant. I wouldn't suggest playing Yi lol


FlightOfHeaven said:
GAFfers gonna GAF, I guess.

Too bad I'm such a shit carry. I should start practicing Vayne, Irelia, or Yi. I really like Jarvan, but I'm disappointed I'm not scary with him.

Ashe/Corki are the best 2 carries in the game. Corki is about to get nerfed though.

I play Ashe a good amount, timely arrows are the shit. Too bad I get owned by egged Anivias lol

Corki is a master at poking when you have both teams in a standoff at a tower and does insane damage because of his true damage passive.
Looks like the EU split is another fuckup by Riot. It is taking ages. I have upgraded much more critical systems in a few hours. Who works there? Monkeys?

Incredible how a popular game like that is shooting itself in the foot all the time.


NemesisPrime said:
Looks like the EU split is another fuckup by Riot. It is taking ages. I have upgraded much more critical systems in a few hours. Who works there? Monkeys?

Incredible how a popular game like that is shooting itself in the foot all the time.
Considering that normal 2-3 hour maintenances usually take a lot longer in case of LoL, thinking that a 12 hour long one would end on time is really naive.

20 minute long queue, I really hope the region change item is there.


NemesisPrime said:
TBH when you are pushing solo, you can expect to be ganked by 3+ people. Place wards and DO NOT engage a fight. Run back to tower when you see them incoming, slowing them down if possible. Usually your teammates will run to the rescue while you hold them off around your tower. Almost nobody can win/survive fights against three people.
Right, I don't try to fight even 2v1 unless they're low health, and I think I almost escaped one group. If I had flash I might have been able to, but I was running ignite and exhaust. My problem is that I don't know how wards work and never spend the money to buy them, since I have such a hard time having enough money for the expensive $2000-3000 items by the end of the game.


Are you all queuing for EU West? Or are there massive queues on East as well?

I haven't played for a couple of weeks as I'm too impatient to sit in a 20 minute queue let alone the 1hr+ queues that there's been in the evenings. I had hoped matters would improve...


Blizzard said:
My problem is that I don't know how wards work and never spend the money to buy them, since I have such a hard time having enough money for the expensive $2000-3000 items by the end of the game.

Objects can be used by pressing a number depending on the object slot they are in (1-6), with wards you have to click then where do you want them. they'll give your team vision around them for 3 minutes, they are invisible, except the first second after placing them and when you teleport to them.
They're optimally used inside bushes (they give you visibility in the bush it's in), near lanes you want to protect from ganked (usually early game), crossroads or important neutral creeps (baron, buffs and dragons). Use your judgement when and where to place wards.

Remember that spending 75g for vision may be more important than getting an item a bit earlier, it actually saves lives and can win games.

To counter wards you can use oracle's elixir or vision wards, a ward takes always 3 hits to kill.

Archie said:
Wasn't the point of the server split to alleviate queue times?
yep :/

I'm EU West, and I still have a 2-hour queue ahead. >_>


Neo Member
I'm on East I think, from Sweden so that should be it right? And I don't have a queue atm but after the selection is done I can't connect to the server. I get a massage about firewall but LoL is set to go though and it don't work, I also tested to disable the firewall but it didn't help. So I have no queue to get in but I can't connect to the game :p

Edit: Now that I restarted LoL I have 13 min queue
Pjodor said:
I'm on East I think, from Sweden so that should be it right? And I don't have a queue atm but after the selection is done I can't connect to the server. I get a massage about firewall but LoL is set to go though and it don't work, I also tested to disable the firewall but it didn't help. So I have no queue to get in but I can't connect to the game :p

Edit: Now that I restarted LoL I have 13 min queue

Well free massage is great. I wish West would do that while waiting.



red_13th said:
What, queues right after the split? I feel sorry for EU.

To be fair, it'll be everyone trying to log in at once that's doing it right now.

But given that large numbers of people will just migrate to EU West (and not the other way) we may still see similar problems as before.


Eh, that's right, there's the rush right after opening the gates.

I'm so buying Monkey King on release, he seems so much fun. Give me cool skins now 'cause I want the double bundle.


Neo Member
BluWacky said:
To be fair, it'll be everyone trying to log in at once that's doing it right now.

But given that large numbers of people will just migrate to EU West (and not the other way) we may still see similar problems as before.
I wounder how many that will go over to West and how much is just talk.


Neo Member
Don't know if this has been posted, but here is the EU map after split:


Blizzard said:
Right, I don't try to fight even 2v1 unless they're low health, and I think I almost escaped one group. If I had flash I might have been able to, but I was running ignite and exhaust. My problem is that I don't know how wards work and never spend the money to buy them, since I have such a hard time having enough money for the expensive $2000-3000 items by the end of the game.

No excuses, you should always be buying wards. If you go back to base and have 75g left over, buy a ward. Just think - if you always knew where the enemy is, how easy would the game become?

Also, just to note, most games don't end with characters getting full builds (using all six item slots with finished items). If you are getting the items you mentioned in the last page, you are definitely getting enough money to buy wards. If not, buy GP5 items (like Heart of Gold or Philo's Stone) or get better at last hitting.

A ward costs the same as 2-3 minion kills, money shouldn't be an issue. I know you're still a low level, but trust us, wards are game changers.


EXGN said:
No excuses, you should always be buying wards. If you go back to base and have 75g left over, buy a ward. Just think - if you always knew where the enemy is, how easy would the game become?

Also, just to note, most games don't end with characters getting full builds (using all six item slots with finished items). If you are getting the items you mentioned in the last page, you are definitely getting enough money to buy wards. If not, buy GP5 items (like Heart of Gold or Philo's Stone) or get better at last hitting.

A ward costs the same as 2-3 minion kills, money shouldn't be an issue. I know you're still a low level, but trust us, wards are game changers.

This. Wards saves lives people. Spend 75 to prevent them from getting them what is it, 500 gold and exp.


y2dvd said:
This. Wards saves lives people. Spend 75 to prevent them from getting them what is it, 500 gold and exp.
Fine, I'll give wards a shot. =P I may also try starting with the ring instead of the shield since I typically go malphite as part of a 2-person lane. I'd miss the health regen though.

Last night I got a grand total of one game in thanks to the servers. Maybe tonight I'll get to play TWO! :O Thanks for the tip about 1-6 keys, by the way. I only occasionally get items that have active powers or are consumable, but it's really good to know they have hotkeys.


Blizzard said:
Fine, I'll give wards a shot. =P I may also try starting with the ring instead of the shield since I typically go malphite as part of a 2-person lane. I'd miss the health regen though.

Last night I got a grand total of one game in thanks to the servers. Maybe tonight I'll get to play TWO! :O Thanks for the tip about 1-6 keys, by the way. I only occasionally get items that have active powers or are consumable, but it's really good to know they have hotkeys.

Keep the shield.

Also with wards, it also really depends on who your playing. If you really are playing Malphite most of the time, wards aren't really your duty so don't be the one constantly picking it up. As Malphite you aren't going to be the one making the most gold in the first place.


Kozak said:
Keep the shield.

Also with wards, it also really depends on who your playing. If you really are playing Malphite most of the time, wards aren't really your duty so don't be the one constantly picking it up. As Malphite you aren't going to be the one making the most gold in the first place.
Well, they raised valid points, so it's something I'm going to consider. I assume normal (visible-detecting) wards are the most useful, and I occasionally go back just for mana, so I might spend an extra 300-500 per game on a few wards. In that one game, I got ganked 2-3 times (out of like 4 deaths) by groups of 2-4 people when I was solo pushing a lane to get a tower mid/lategame. Malphite is very good at getting away, and even without flash I might have gotten away had I had a ward behind me to alert me of someone coming out of the bushes to cut the escape route off. So, hopefully an occasional ward will help with such things. Just a learning process. :)


Kozak said:
Keep the shield.

Also with wards, it also really depends on who your playing. If you really are playing Malphite most of the time, wards aren't really your duty so don't be the one constantly picking it up. As Malphite you aren't going to be the one making the most gold in the first place.

He's still a low level, so if he isn't buying wards I doubt anyone on his team is. Warding isn't generally the tanks job, but it's likely they aren't even playing with a support most games.


sparkle this bitch
Want to know what the difference is between good players and bad? Map awareness. Want to know where that comes from? Wards. A single ward can prevent death and also get you kills. It allows you to push safely or allows you to back when a gank is coming.

That is not to say that it is absolute either. But if 3 people on your team buy 2 wards everytime they go back. You can completely cover all entrances to the jungle and one side of the jungle completely. You will know where they are. Even carries should pick up 1 or two ever now and then to help with the placement. Relying on the jungle or support to plant wards all around the map is difficult. Since it takes time for them to move across and normally the support is most vulnerable to a gank.

And never let anyone say that it is one persons duty. If you want wards, buy them. If you want a tank, tank. etc.


Ferga said:
wow they revealed all of the monkey king's skills. No extend pole ability?!
though rayven said Q was chargeable, I think it'd be badass if they reworked a bit to extend depending on how much the player charged.

A fully charged Q extends itself a bit bigger and hits everything caught in the vertical slam

or maybe even change it to a sweeping horizontal strike that extends the longer it's charged

that's how I'd rework it anyway


The European split seems to have worked. No queue at this hour, and we usually had one of 20-30 min.

I will donate
buy riot points
if it keeps going well, unsure about buying some skins or instead going for the extra 7 page rune thing. I only have enough runes to do 2 pages at the moment, so I don't see the necessity, but skins are only skins...


I didn't mean to say that he shouldn't buy wards at all. I just meant to say that yeah he should pick up a ward to cover himself but don't do it for your team if you aren't getting it back in return or if you aren't the main money maker. I mean how many times have we been caught up in trying to save our teams ass only for our team to bite back at us for not having all the required items for whatever role we're trying to fill..People are ass holes in this game.

Besides, most players when they see that an area of the map is miraculously revealed will realise that a ward may be quite a decent option for themselves too.


So, are there no queues on the West side? East side seems to be queue-free and we usually had quite long ones around this time.
Hey guys

When you're losing 2-30 in the 15th minute.

Please, please, please actually take the surrender vote and don't drag the game out another 30 minutes.


Amibguous Cad said:
Hey guys

When you're losing 2-30 in the 15th minute.

Please, please, please actually take the surrender vote and don't drag the game out another 30 minutes.

don't ever play with me then.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ultimoo said:
You loved ChronicleX's crazy shenanigans and obscenities.
I have to admit he was endlessly entertaining.
idk if you're joking (veigar, nasus)
I don't think this is what he means by charging? I'm thinking something more like Jax's old attack buff that got stronger with time.
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