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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I think they need a new term for "owned" to describe this one:



If anyone wants to add me my LoL name is red13th, but I only play normals on weekends. I used to play on weekdays but I'd often go to bed like past 2AM, now I only run bot matches for the daily IP bonus. :p
Rumbles beast. "Got" him my first game. I like to play pest and this guy is pure pest. But I think that's because a lot of these champions are starting to blend together. After playing more and more free champs every week, not enough champions really play different from another.


Drkirby said:
Yes. Backdooring is when you realize top tower has 100 HP left, you walk up to it and hit it twice killing it, or actually being more ballsy and killing a half health tower with no minions. Plus, what does it matter, backdooring is perfectly fair.

Or if you play nasus, you walk up to a full health tower and kill it in 10 hits, while losing about 200 health.....


kensk said:
The intent is to give more freedom by not forcing you to gank at extremely specific times, be able to kill more camps whenever you want, let lane players take your smaller camps and allow people to even "laneswap" with a jungler. Junglers don't really have a lot of options now at high tiers of play, these changes should add more options to the jungler and his team.

Also I should probably post more, I've been slacking. Rayven should bug me about it or something haha.

interesting. i take it you are another riot employee?


EXGN said:
Guinsoo's newly proposed mega AD item of death:

Serious question. BFF Sword = BF Sword + Brutalizer + 750. Grants 100 AD, 25 ARpen, 15% CDR, and +25% bonus AD. You buy?

yeah that item will never make it into existence. It would break the game. imagine a trist with this or ashe. you will never get near them as they absolutely obliterate you. especially ashe just kiting the fuck out of you forever.


2th said:
yeah that item will never make it into existence. It would break the game. imagine a trist with this or ashe. you will never get near them as they absolutely obliterate you. especially ashe just kiting the fuck out of you forever.
And also, there would be no other items that any AD carry would buy. One of those, a phantom dancer, and it's over.


siddhu33 said:
And also, there would be no other items that any AD carry would buy. One of those, a phantom dancer, and it's over.

I like the concept though. It would be nice to have a high-damage item with boosted CDR, Ghostblade is good but its a bit too "jack of all trades" IMO. Renekton would buy in a heartbeat.
EXGN said:
I like the concept though. It would be nice to have a high-damage item with boosted CDR, Ghostblade is good but its a bit too "jack of all trades" IMO. Renekton would buy in a heartbeat.
Yeah I agree. not enough cdr ad items. but this has too much. split it up. cdr + ad, or ad + bonus ad%


Best Friends Forever Sword? It sounds terrible.

It has also way too much stats on it for the cost, bffsword over itemised wtf

Also, CDR on the best AD item in the game is stupid.

My conclusion is that guinsoo either 1. sucks, 2. didn't think this through or 3. is trolling us all.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Owlowiscious said:
well it is better to start huge and shave off to perfection then start small and stack on
Like how so many champions Riot releases are overpowered at the beginning and then they slowly nerf them over the course of a year to get to a reasonable level?


I really hate people who don't listen. Some guy died like 7 times getting ganked, despite NUMEROUS warnings from us telling him Warwick was heading his way... =_=;
gangplank goes to the enemy golem and gets 5 man jumped. talks in all chat about "nice ward placements haha" enemy team replies in a way that conifrms they have wards there.

few seconds later nocturne takes the same path and also gets 5 man jumped


Achtius said:
I really hate people who don't listen. Some guy died like 7 times getting ganked, despite NUMEROUS warnings from us telling him Warwick was heading his way... =_=;
Doesn't beat the guy who I'm pretty sure spoke English and occasionally typed in chat, yet ignored our item suggestions and begging that he would sell one of his duplicate swift shoes and buy something useful. =P By the way, I'll try to remember to add you tonight if you're still looking for people, since I'm not even L11 yet (close but I haven't won a game in like 2 days).


Halycon said:
Like how so many champions Riot releases are overpowered at the beginning and then they slowly nerf them over the course of a year to get to a reasonable level?
I almost feel like this is semi intentional. That way everyone buys the new champions on release because they are OP. Then they get nerfed down to nearly useless just so you can buy the next OP champ.

I'm sure it's not that blatant, but it makes sense in a business model to have your new champs feel a little OP while they are new and fresh.


If you low level guys wanna play, add my smurf - DrinkMyHaterade (level 6). I'll see if I can give you guys some pointers.
Aesthet1c said:
I almost feel like this is semi intentional. That way everyone buys the new champions on release because they are OP. Then they get nerfed down to nearly useless just so you can buy the next OP champ.

I'm sure it's not that blatant, but it makes sense in a business model to have your new champs feel a little OP while they are new and fresh.

Who was nerfed to near uselessness?


BFF sword would be for physical dps "casters" like Garen/Renekton who don't rely on autoattacks to do damage. Ghostblade isn't an optimal item on those guys since AS is a wasted stat on those characters, they really want more CDR and AD to be able to get more harder-hitting spells in.

While they're at it, AD/AP boots wouldn't be so bad, either...

IE would still be the way to go for ranged AD carries like Ashe/Corki although after IE I could see someone buying BFF sword.

Aesthet1c said:
I almost feel like this is semi intentional. That way everyone buys the new champions on release because they are OP. Then they get nerfed down to nearly useless just so you can buy the next OP champ.

I'm sure it's not that blatant, but it makes sense in a business model to have your new champs feel a little OP while they are new and fresh.

Of the last 15 champions to be released, I would say only Vayne/Rumble/Nocturne/Jarvan were OP at release and received nerfs soon after. Rumble/Jarvan are probably in line for more nerfs but everyone else is in a solid place now. Of course this number should be 0/15 instead of 4/15 but

I think it makes worse business sense to alienate both paying and non-paying customers by having horribly UP or OP ruin the game when they get released. For example, old TF, old Xin Zhao, etc. Thankfully they seem to have learned and we haven't seen champions that just break the game like before. Although TBH before the Yorick buffs having Yorick on your team was pretty much an auto-lose so that probably alienated a lot of customers too


There's place for a 70AD + CDR item. Sure. Though I doubt any champion would aim for it every game (except pantheon). However, +AD% is just plain stupid. I don't get how Guinsoo does not see this.


Corporate Apologist
Boken said:
There's place for a 70AD + CDR item. Sure. Though I doubt any champion would aim for it any game (except pantheon). However, +AD% is just plain stupid. I don't get how Guinsoo does not see this.
What are you talking about, I read all the Guinsoo red buff posts and there is nothing about AD%, show me where you are seeing anything about it.


Blizzard said:
Oh duh, I guess I didn't expect him to stand still and do that in the middle of carnage. I need to learn a way around it. Had a better game, FINALLY no one left:


Unfortunately, the enemy Cho got huuuuge, and our mordekaiser ignored all advice about items and stacked phantom dancers and swift shoes. =______=

Oh, and that was still like...40+ minutes of 3v3. So much for those games being short, lol. Ashe said I played "reasonably well" and suggested I sell Doran's shield and go for bloodthirster, and maybe frost hammer. I was aiming for one more armor, the force of nature or whatever, but didn't get there. I also warded occasionally!

Ashe and Malphite are absolutely terrible picks for 3vs3.

3vs3 is also terrible and no one should play it.


bluemax said:
Ashe and Malphite are absolutely terrible picks for 3vs3.

3vs3 is also terrible and no one should play it.
Well any map to add variety to the 5v5 one would be awesome. I basically tried 3v3 in the hopes that games would end in like 30 minutes instead of 50 minutes because I have so little time to play in the evenings. Unfortunately, 3v3 games have been about as long as 5v5 games so far. >_>


Respectfully disagree on the 3v3 lasting the same as 5v5, as someone that played a majority of 3v3 while leveling up. I would say 25-30 minutes is average for 3v3 while 5v5 is usually 35-40 average.

It took me a while to get used to the slower place of 5v5, but I prefer it now. 3v3 is fun but it really is a different game.
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