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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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After all this Elo talk, I played a few games of ranked solo queue for the first time in like a week. Quick recap - Noob level 30 Excel tanked his Elo 800-ish when Season 1 began, took a long break from ranked until maybe two months ago and have worked my way back up to 1100 +/- 30 points.


Singed gonna Singed. Played him for both the two ranked games I did, went 17/0/27 combined haha! In the game pictured, I had ROA, FON and Merc treads at the 19 minute mark.


Lost another 3 in a row, unfortunately didn't take a screenshot of the last. I had veil, revive armor, anti-slow shoes, sunfire cape, and something else...any advice? Lost after like 50 minutes, and I think I typically get to 3000+ HP, armor 200-300, magic resist maybe 150-200 depending no enemies.

There was one game where I was probably armored up, but the other team was still literally doing about 3000 burst damage to me, killing me, with like a 5-second straight stun/suppress during which I couldn't use any abilities at all, even with the anti-stun shoes on.
Some of my friends and I decided to go all troll builds (except one who is new to the game), and to our surprise, we were up against another troll team. To say the least hilarity ensued.


The other teams builds aren't very indicative of what they actually bought during the game, but for a long time it was really annoying chasing them all the way across the map as they continuously healed each other. They also mostly ran either clairvoyance (3!) or fortify or teleport.


Achtius said:
Just had a crazy game. I think I finally found a champion I like. <3 Karma


But what does she [I]do[/I]. I've fought her once and have no idea.


Goon Boon said:
Udyr and gangplank got me 250 higher elo than I was last week, so I think they'll probably get a nerf or two next patch.

people think Udyr is op but he really isnt. once they fic the bug with wriggles lane udyr will be a thing of the past. they might also up the mana costs a little which would be fine with me honestly. udyr is the most susceptible champion to kiting and it is fine that way. he is the only champ without an ult (karma doesnt count cause her ult actually makes a huge difference even though it is a passive.


"Alright guys, who do you want banned?"

"Amumu and GP"


::Bans Amumu and GP::

::Enemies turn to select!::

::Summoner 1 has chosen Amumu::




EXGN said:
"Alright guys, who do you want banned?"

"Amumu and GP"


::Bans Amumu and GP::

::Enemies turn to select!::

::Summoner 1 has chosen Amumu::

Afaik there's a bug which allows you to select the banned champions if you choose "Random". Other than that I can't think of any other explanation.


Corporate Apologist
EXGN said:
"Alright guys, who do you want banned?"

"Amumu and GP"


::Bans Amumu and GP::

::Enemies turn to select!::

::Summoner 1 has chosen Amumu::


It seems that the bug is that random still has a chance of picking an enemy team banned champ.

The easy fix would be remove the random button from ranked.


Corporate Apologist
I wonder when they will give that free Kayle skin out. I am hoping it is next patch along with the remake, since I would like to save that 450 ip for 2/5rd of a qunit (Since you tend to get the champ for free if you don't own them and they give away a skin)


Corporate Apologist
It depends on how you want to play her. As a carry and major damage dealer, it is a nerf. As a support, it actually sounds like a buff.

I wonder if her slow will have the max slow amount at level 1 like it does now. 25% was already a good amount, a buff to something like 40% at level 1 could really make people stop in their paces (Though I bet it will turn out to be something like a buff to just 30%). How much armor and MR reduction her passive does will also make a decent impact on her supporting ability. Seems to cap at 5 stacks, hopefully it is a passive that increases as she levels up.

So I think the whole intention is to make Kayle a more viable support character.


Drkirby said:
It depends on how you want to play her. As a carry and major damage dealer, it is a nerf. As a support, it actually sounds like a buff.

I wonder if her slow will have the max slow amount at level 1 like it does now. 25% was already a good amount, a buff to something like 40% at level 1 could really make people stop in their paces (Though I bet it will turn out to be something like a buff to just 30%). How much armor and MR reduction her passive does will also make a decent impact on her supporting ability. Seems to cap at 5 stacks, hopefully it is a passive that increases as she levels up.

So I think the whole intention is to make Kayle a more viable support character.

It certainly changes how you build on her currently. Since her hybrid passive is gone she'll be a full ap champ with intense cdr requirements. Malady ahoy!


good build with jarvan:

start with hp regen.
First b, get philo and boots or HOG.

Second B, finish off boots/HOG. I usually have enough for phage as well.

After that see how the teams going. If they're going well finish triforce then full tank after that.

If not, get a sunfire and continue the tanking items.


There is a bug that if you don't select a champ, the default will actually be a banned champ. I've seen it a few times now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ferga said:
remake doesn't seem like a remake... seems like its a massive nerf
The problem with Kayle is that her moves are extended duration abilities that don't do a lot to change the game. She can't pursue or escape well because she's slow and her boost just brings her up to normal speed, her slow is just awful, her heal is pretty weak, so its place is more to heal up outside of combat over time. This seems like a big improvement to me.
FlightOfHeaven said:
lol you guys just got trolled


What an epic game.

Lawdy, Trundle and Karma were so damn aggressive in lane. Then there was Udyr on their team who was the bullet from hell, tower diving everything early on and still getting kills from it.
SamVimes said:
What do you guys think about Malzahar? I never saw him but i'm thinking on buying him when i have the IPs.

Malzahar is incredibly good, but needs a solid team backing him up while he's vulnerable during his ult. His lane is very strong, but passive until you hit lvl 6. Then you have to test your dexterity with a Flash --> W --> Q --> E --> --> Ignite --> R combo. If you hit like four of those, it is almost a guaranteed kill.


AP kayle is dead now. High cd low ratio heal, E encourages auto attacking but she only has an average auto attack (I think the AP ratio on this is nerfed too)...

So Kayle is basically an on hit/AD or support champion now... Her support is pretty average as well.

Malz is still a very strong mage. Great laning phase because he can farm really easily and also gib people at level 6. In team fights, his puddle does a lot of damage and if any squishy target over extends he can execute them with his ult.

On another note, Co-Op vs Ai is serious business apparently. (Image from a game my friend had):


I started playing this game with a friend. I gotta admit it is pretty fun. Any recommendation of which Champions to use that aren't too difficult to grasp?

I am enjoying using Mordekaiser so far. Also what about first champions you should purchase. There is so many options it is a little overwhelming.


Neo Member
Co-Op vs Ai ?

you would wonder how many baaad players are there now who cant even handle the beginer bots

i was in a game lately where we (well the rest of the team not me) actualy surrendered after 20 minutes and this is on lvl 26 ...


Neo Member
pix said:
I started playing this game with a friend. I gotta admit it is pretty fun. Any recommendation of which Champions to use that aren't too difficult to grasp?

I am enjoying using Mordekaiser so far. Also what about first champions you should purchase. There is so many options it is a little overwhelming.

you can buy som starting heroes pretty cheap like Ashe for example and you wanna go ranged heroes first if you start with the game its easier

after that its pretty much what hero you like


Is LeBlanc hard to play? Just fight one today. Hurt as hell and escape easily, badly combination.

edit: i mean deadly combination:p


Achtius said:
Is LeBlanc hard to play? Just fight one today. Hurt as hell and escape easily, badly combination.
you have to be able to hit her skill shot and quickly combo her skills, but i find her fairly easy. I find she becomes pretty useless endgame though unless you steamroll the early game so hard that you win in 20-25 minutes or people get enough mr that your bust no longer kills someone and then you are useless.


Achtius said:
oh not for me then, hate skill shot :(
it's one skill shot, not that hard to land. you can just spam q and r and still do a lot of damage. :p

I started playing this game with a friend. I gotta admit it is pretty fun. Any recommendation of which Champions to use that aren't too difficult to grasp?

I am enjoying using Mordekaiser so far. Also what about first champions you should purchase. There is so many options it is a little overwhelming.

get the free tristana hero by using the league app and liking their facebook page.


Ultimoo said:
it's one skill shot, not that hard to land. you can just spam q and r and still do a lot of damage. :p

correct. the problem with leblanc is her combos fucking hurts. the general combo is something like: pop in with distortion for decent damage, hit Q, then R and laugh as your enemy lost lost over 3/4 of their health if they arent already dead.


2th said:
correct. the problem with leblanc is her combos fucking hurts. the general combo is something like: pop in with distortion for decent damage, hit Q, then R and laugh as your enemy lost lost over 3/4 of their health if they arent already dead.
the trick is if you last over 20 minutes with Leblanc without surrendering or totally feeding her, then you've basically beat her.


Ultimoo said:
the trick is if you last over 20 minutes with Leblanc without surrendering or totally feeding her, then you've basically beat her.

not exactly. the trick is to get a banshees veil or be sivir or nocturn with spell shields. when you can cut her damage in half its hilarious.


2th said:
not exactly. the trick is to get a banshees veil or be sivir or nocturn with spell shields. when you can cut her damage in half its hilarious.
well usually after 20 minutes you'll have some semblance of MR. hopefully.


Corporate Apologist
2th said:
not exactly. the trick is to get a banshees veil or be sivir or nocturn with spell shields. when you can cut her damage in half its hilarious.
Its a bit hard to get a Banshees before 20 minutes IMO.


Drkirby said:
Its a bit hard to get a Banshees before 20 minutes IMO.

not really... i usually have a madreds razor, merc treads, and at the very least a catalyst and the money for veil by the 20 minute mark as jungle udyr.


2th said:
not really... i usually have a madreds razor, merc treads, and at the very least a catalyst and the money for veil by the 20 minute mark as jungle udyr.
not everyone is jungle udyr.


Corporate Apologist
Teammate gets made at random for trying to go mid when he wants to. Says "Screw it, every one mid", so we do it for the hell of it.

All 5 of us mid, at 21 minutes the enemy surrenders. I bought a Bilgwater Cutlass for laughs, which the active did help. Didn't kill anyone as Ashe sadly, did get 8 assists though.


Speaking of LeBlanc, just played a game where I was playing as Heimer w/ Leblanc in my lane. She omnomnom'd their whole team while my turrets just went pewpew


Corporate Apologist
How the hell does someone get 400 minion kills by 40 minutes.

Really wish there was anther item that gave both Armor and Damage other then Atma's Impaler. Had to get one to help with Xin Zaoh, and a Force of Nature so the Heimerdinger with 1k AP stopped killing me. Rest of the team wasn't much of a problem. Singed was hard to kill, but didn't cause much trouble, Lux got a few people spaming her ult at the end, Jax got a few good shots on me.
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