I keep forgetting to save screenshots so I can ask for appropriate advice about items etc. I continue to typically lose with malphite -- last game I had like 7/1/10 or 8/1/10, and was pushing mid so I was usually 2-3 levels ahead of everyone else on my team. I ended up with that thing that's built on the heart of gold, sunfire cape, mercury's treads, I think force of nature, maybe the veil?
Also, Akali is super annoying to fight as Malphite. Her stun/disable thing is really rough even with mercury's treads.
Lastly, the team kept complaining that I should be helping more. I tend to be very averse to charging into certain death against 3-4 nearly full health guys, since I feel extremely confident that 2-3 people point blank on malphite will kill 2000-3000 HP in no time flat. I think the one death I even had was basically sacrificing myself to try to kill a tower, which went down shortly after that from minions. Should I try to sacrifice myself more often and hope my team can do damage? I try to wait and use my ult in strategic locations, especially if I can hit 2-3 enemies who are near half health, since that tends to mean that 1-2 of them can be finished off by my team. But it's not like I was getting 20 assists or anything. I don't know the overall balance, but the kill balance for our teams was about 43/44 last I remember.