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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Both. I've only fought Sona once, so she might be annoying, but it seems every other game has a yi and it's a crapshoot whether they're useless or going 31/4/whatever. =(
Any fed carry will dominate a game, but Yi has no outside utility like other carries, and he can't stay out of the direct combat as a melee, so he gets crushed if he doesn't have the item/level advantage.


Blizzard said:
Had a decent game with malphite to end the evening, yay. Of course, it had to take an HOUR to finish. o.o


I think yi is my single most hated champion. At least ours was decent, killing some of their turrets or inhibitors when they were distracted. Even with 332 defense and thornmail, yi crushed me. =( I did go basically toe to toe with leona and win, but I'm not sure what her starting health and mana were...plus that player was apparently not too good aside from assists.

Why why why does that Yi have 2 triforce?


kiunchbb said:
Why why why does that Yi have 2 triforce?
Don't ask me. Also note the crazy practice I've been starting of getting the stick (second cheapest mana regen item) early, like after shoes, and potentially upgrading it to the blue tear after I get armor. I forget if that tear can build some other armor/magic resist item in the end but I seem to recall that it can, and having the mana regen early should in theory really help until I get more mana regen runes and masteries.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Don't ask me. Also note the crazy practice I've been starting of getting the stick (second cheapest mana regen item) early, like after shoes, and potentially upgrading it to the blue tear after I get armor. I forget if that tear can build some other armor/magic resist item in the end but I seem to recall that it can, and having the mana regen early should in theory really help until I get more mana regen runes and masteries.
Why not just roll Clarity/Flash?
2th said:
the removing of global teleports is so retarded honstely. only 3 people have them and one of them, shen's, is a piggyback so it doesnt matter. so removing the global component from the two that batter is just dumb i think. i mean now top lane wont have to worry about TF ganking from bot when he hits level 6, or Pantheon man dropping on top of them either. only mid lane will be an issue. so yay boring gameplay honestly.

Okay, stop.

Think about it, really. For one moment.


You're top lane as say.... Malzahar, awesome. You're against say... Rumble, sweet.

Now, as you're farming and harassing (haha yeah right) Rumble, you realize they enemy team has TF. And as we all know, it doesn't take too long to turn level six in League of Legends.

And as your assertion in that last sentence as I am understanding it is that by removing these global teleportations, game play will become more boring.

Okay, cool. Valid complaint. -- But let us inspect this to see if there is any validity to that claim.

When you are in a lane do you not watch for the jungler to gank you? Of course you do. You watch timers (actually you probably don't, because you don't know jungle times for specific heroes), you watch your positioning in lane, you buy wards to help mitigate the possibility of getting ganked.

You can do many things to help fight against the enemy jungler. But you can't EFFECTIVELY fight against a global teleport. It is too powerful, and too broken. Indeed, you play passively when teleporting IS in the game. Thus, I assert that the game is in a boring state now and will be better off when it is removed.

Global teleportation is a toxic mechanic.

(How does Morello do this everyday..)


Dance In My Blood said:
Why not just roll Clarity/Flash?
Why flash? I like ignite and exhaust for chasing people and/or helping teammates get kills. I could try clarity for the mana some time but I do like ignite as malphite.

EXGN said:
Lichbane Ashe is even more perplexing. I love the low level screens that Blizzard posts XD
I'm glad someone enjoys them. XD I'll be like...level 13 soon! That's super high level!


Neo Member
TenaciousNorth said:
Well at least I have won every ai game and my one pvp game so far. Definitely loving this game was just overwhelmed by how many characters there are at first along with all of the stats. I'm sure I will learn over time, also love that you can play and not have to put any real money in if you just slowly unlock the characters you want.

Quick question about influence points, as I level do I start earning less or is the rate at which I earn them always the same?
You earn basicly the same amout of ip, if you do not have a ip boost or something. But you get a diffrent amout of ip depending on how long the game was and if you won or lost.
Legato.Reborn- said:
Okay, stop.

Think about it, really. For one moment.


You're top lane as say.... Malzahar, awesome. You're against say... Rumble, sweet.

Now, as you're farming and harassing (haha yeah right) Rumble, you realize they enemy team has TF. And as we all know, it doesn't take too long to turn level six in League of Legends.

And as your assertion in that last sentence as I am understanding it is that by removing these global teleportations, game play will become more boring.

Okay, cool. Valid complaint. -- But let us inspect this to see if there is any validity to that claim.

When you are in a lane do you not watch for the jungler to gank you? Of course you do. You watch timers (actually you probably don't, because you don't know jungle times for specific heroes), you watch your positioning in lane, you buy wards to help mitigate the possibility of getting ganked.

You can do many things to help fight against the enemy jungler. But you can't EFFECTIVELY fight against a global teleport. It is too powerful, and too broken.

Global teleportation is a toxic mechanic.

(How does Morello do this everyday..)

Well said. Global teleports are extremely hard to counter as well. In a game where one of the key tactics to victory is proper positioning, a global teleport is incredibly powerful.


Blizzard said:
Had a decent game with malphite to end the evening, yay. Of course, it had to take an HOUR to finish. o.o


I think yi is my single most hated champion. At least ours was decent, killing some of their turrets or inhibitors when they were distracted. Even with 332 defense and thornmail, yi crushed me. =( I did go basically toe to toe with leona and win, but I'm not sure what her starting health and mana were...plus that player was apparently not too good aside from assists.

why did you have a FON? they had no magic damge.


leona and soraka do magic damage dude.

the better question is why their soraka had two frozen hearts. and yi with two trinity forces. and caitlyn with two infinity edges. must be twosie day.

played a game with Excel, Rayven + his Riot buddies. I was pretty ragey from the game before, so it's nice to get a tough win out. Irelia is going to irelia though. deaths were fairly low on each side too.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blizzard said:
Why flash? I like ignite and exhaust for chasing people and/or helping teammates get kills. I could try clarity for the mana some time but I do like ignite as malphite.
Flash is just this amazing spell. When you have it up, you can do things you normally shouldn't do under any other circumstances. By having an escape that powerful that sends you through walls instantly, and out of the enemies' range you can push much better late game, pursue better at all stages, flash in for better positioning, etc. It is just the most useful summoner spell, and should be consider like 90% of the time because it is essentially a get out of jail free card.

Clarity/Flash lets you stay in lane pretty much eternally if you buy a shield at the game's start, and it means being able to stay in enemy territory for long periods of time with a good way to escape back to safety if your enemies get the jump on you, and it is a good way to get out of the fight after you initiate and go low on health. Exhaust is viable though if that's what you like. As always with LoL just find what works for you by experimenting.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
When you fully understand how good Flash is, that is when you know you're becoming a serious LoL player.


Legato.Reborn- said:
Okay, stop.

Think about it, really. For one moment.


You're top lane as say.... Malzahar, awesome. You're against say... Rumble, sweet.

Now, as you're farming and harassing (haha yeah right) Rumble, you realize they enemy team has TF. And as we all know, it doesn't take too long to turn level six in League of Legends.

And as your assertion in that last sentence as I am understanding it is that by removing these global teleportations, game play will become more boring.

Okay, cool. Valid complaint. -- But let us inspect this to see if there is any validity to that claim.

When you are in a lane do you not watch for the jungler to gank you? Of course you do. You watch timers (actually you probably don't, because you don't know jungle times for specific heroes), you watch your positioning in lane, you buy wards to help mitigate the possibility of getting ganked.

You can do many things to help fight against the enemy jungler. But you can't EFFECTIVELY fight against a global teleport. It is too powerful, and too broken. Indeed, you play passively when teleporting IS in the game. Thus, I assert that the game is in a boring state now and will be better off when it is removed.

Global teleportation is a toxic mechanic.

(How does Morello do this everyday..)

while you call the global teleport a toxic mechanic i call it a rather unique one that involved strategy. when you know the enemy team has one you have to adjust your gameplay and take it into account. it is something you have to actually use your brain and think about how to counter it. and how do you counter a global teleport? well you dont over extend stupidly and get out of a position to get raped. should you have to always do this? no because you wont always have a global teleport on the other team. just because 2 champions have this doesnt make it broken. it is nothing more than a bunch of people whining they dont like it and not wanting to learn how to counter it. Riot is pandering to the lowest common denominator.


I installed this last night and played the tutorial.

My name is Gowans007 in it.

Any good commentary or tutorial videos online I can watch?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Solo queue team of Udyr, Poppy, Yi, Lux, and me as Yorick. Seems like a horrible comp off the bat and things look pretty grim when I see Mundo, Ashe, Amumu, Fiddlesticks, and Jax on the other team. Through some strange logic I wound up in mid against Ashe and found the match up to be extremely one sided. Ghoul harass essentially gave me super farming while pushing Ashe almost completely out of the lane. My team just stomped them once the momentum got going, and we even lost a player near the end. There's no way this can actually be viable, but I really want to take Yorick mid again.
2th said:
while you call the global teleport a toxic mechanic i call it a rather unique one that involved strategy.
Doesn't limited range create more strategy than randomly hitting your button for full map vision and teleporting wherever you feel like? The change just seems to make things a little more fair, predictable, and gives you more of a chance to counter the action, which is the kind of thing that seems fun to me.
Gowans007 said:
I installed this last night and played the tutorial.

My name is Gowans007 in it.

Any good commentary or tutorial videos online I can watch?
Could try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_78J6FEouM
cdyhybrid said:
Oh my goodness. Amumu is fucking awesome.

He is "ok". Many ways good players can counter him.

Also I don't like tanks that have to jump in to engage. I prefer tanks who taunt (Rammus/Shen) or throw (Singed/Alistar) enemies. MUCH better end game.


2th said:
and how do you counter a global teleport? well you dont over extend stupidly and get out of a position to get raped.

That is wrong in several ways.
For instance, how do you stop a TF backdoor/split push by "positioning well"?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Games like this really make my hate the game. Shaco had like 4 creep kills at 10 minutes, I don't even know how it's possible to do that bad.

If anyone on EU West wants to play sometime then feel free to add me, especially if you can play an AD Carry.
red_13th said:
That is wrong in several ways.
For instance, how do you stop a TF backdoor/split push by "positioning well"?

By having Teleport as a global? ;)

TBH there should always be somebody who takes Teleport for these kind of situations. When I play Nocturne I always take that so basically my range is the whole battlefield (if ulti is up) if somebody tries to backdoor. Fortify also can buy you some time... especially if it is enhanced for extra damage.

A lot of people seem to forget it is a team game and always pick stuff to optimize "their" kills. Not a good way to win.


Well, having Teleport isn't exactly "positioning well". Plus, Teleport is 300s CD, Gate is 150-135-120 (without CDR, which as a matter of fact TF gets as a passive). If you bait a Teleport the 2nd Gate will be unanswerable.
And BD/split push TF is one of the issues with his global. His ganks are almost impossible to escape and positioning only solves it to an extent. I mean, even tower hugging doesn't always work if TF has someone on their team who can tank a few turret shots, and that isn't hard to come by.

I think the global change is a good thing. Have you played against unnerfed Pantheon? I played against him last time he was buffed, IIRC it was close to Christmas when I had just gotten Kogmaw and wanted to try him out, let me just say it was painful.

BTW I don't entirely agree that summoner spells are chosen for their offensive value. In fact the most powerful ones in my experience (Flash and Exhaust) serve a double purpose, although I suppose it could be argued that's why they are so ridiculous.


2th said:
why did you have a FON? they had no magic damge.
Soraka technically gives magic damage, right? *edit* Apparently Leona is too according to the earlier poster.

I'm still super unclear on which classes do physical vs. attack damage. For instance, malphite is an armor heavy champion that does more 'e' damage with more armor, yet all ability damage he deals out is magic if I recall correctly. I'm slowly learning I suppose, but there are a lot of champions.

Also, the force of nature gives movement speed and health regen I think, so it wasn't a total loss. I just didn't want to leave myself with like 330 armor and 50 magic resist and get killed by some silly spell I didn't know about.


Blizzard said:
Soraka technically gives magic damage, right? *edit* Apparently Leona is too according to the earlier poster.

I'm still super unclear on which classes do physical vs. attack damage. For instance, malphite is an armor heavy champion that does more 'e' damage with more armor, yet all ability damage he deals out is magic if I recall correctly. I'm slowly learning I suppose, but there are a lot of champions.

Also, the force of nature gives movement speed and health regen I think, so it wasn't a total loss. I just didn't want to leave myself with like 330 armor and 50 magic resist and get killed by some silly spell I didn't know about.

If you are not sure the type of damage dealt by some champion. When you are killed by them, click on the 'how you die button' (forgot what it is call) to see what they are and react appropriately.


Or you can press tab to know what items they had when your team last saw the champion. It's quite a good indicator as whether they're going for magical or physical damage.
Blizzard said:
Soraka technically gives magic damage, right? *edit* Apparently Leona is too according to the earlier poster.

I'm still super unclear on which classes do physical vs. attack damage. For instance, malphite is an armor heavy champion that does more 'e' damage with more armor, yet all ability damage he deals out is magic if I recall correctly. I'm slowly learning I suppose, but there are a lot of champions.

Also, the force of nature gives movement speed and health regen I think, so it wasn't a total loss. I just didn't want to leave myself with like 330 armor and 50 magic resist and get killed by some silly spell I didn't know about.

TBH all champions can be magic damage and/or physical damage, it depends on the items. That being said... some are better than others in certain types of damage. Like people have said. Check their items on the tab screen to anticipate (especially the ones you are lane-ing against). Some people like to try out weird builds (and they sometimes kick ass).

As a tank I always tweak my armor to be most effective against the guys I am laning against AND the guys that pose the most threat. After that I aquire the "other" armor and after that I start to collect "magic power" gear (usually the game is finished by then ;)

I just didn't want to leave myself with like 330 armor and 50 magic resist and get killed by some silly spell I didn't know about.

End game you will be slaughtered as a tank with that low defense in one stat ;)

Aim for 150+ in both stats.
Blizzard said:
Soraka technically gives magic damage, right? *edit* Apparently Leona is too according to the earlier poster.

The joke being made by the other poster is that their magic damage is really low, or should be. They don't output much damage.


So I started playing this a few days ago. I already dropped money on the Champion's Bundle. This game is fun as hell. I am wondering if I can get some suggestions of what Champions are good to start out with.

Currently I am playing Nunu with my friend who is playing Master Yi. We always take bottom lane, I slow them with Ice Ball, and he destroys them. Works out almost all the time.However I am looking to play around with different playstyles.

Here is what I got with the Bundle:

Champions Included
dr. mundo,
master yi,
twisted fate,

I know a lot depends on group composition, but I just play normal with my friend and 3 ransom people, so I'm not worried about that yet. Any tips?


Halycon said:
When you fully understand how good Flash is, that is when you know you're becoming a serious LoL player.

I'll keep playing HoN until Flash is removed or changed. So rage inducing that spell is for me.


pix said:
I know a lot depends on group composition, but I just play normal with my friend and 3 ransom people, so I'm not worried about that yet. Any tips?
You could try Taric + Ashe or Corki. It's a combination that you'll still be using at higher level play, so whatever you learn won't go to waste.

Macattk15 said:
I'll keep playing HoN until Flash is removed or changed. So rage inducing that spell is for me.
I kind of agree with this. I miss how escaping actually required some skill/strategy in DotA…


Played the tutorial then a online game.

Seems like it's got good matchmaking, all beginners and that video totally helped.

We won.

Had a great time.


pix said:
So I started playing this a few days ago. I already dropped money on the Champion's Bundle. This game is fun as hell. I am wondering if I can get some suggestions of what Champions are good to start out with.

Currently I am playing Nunu with my friend who is playing Master Yi. We always take bottom lane, I slow them with Ice Ball, and he destroys them. Works out almost all the time.However I am looking to play around with different playstyles.

Here is what I got with the Bundle:

Champions Included
dr. mundo,
master yi,
twisted fate,

I know a lot depends on group composition, but I just play normal with my friend and 3 ransom people, so I'm not worried about that yet. Any tips?

Congratulations. You now have more champions than most lvl 30s in the game :p

I played lane Nunu all the way to my 30s. The great thing is people underestimate the power of that ice ball so you can usually zone very nicely. Ignore people who tell you that you must jungle. If laning is working then stick to that. (Test jungling in co-op vs AI)

Just keep playing with your friend. Thats the best way to learn anyway cause at least you guys will be able to bounce tips off each other on how to improve your game instead of receiving rude remarks on your play :)
Yeah, like stated to other newcomers, what's most important is to find a playstyle(s) you gel with. Example: I'm decent with Caitlyn, but terribad with Ashe even though Ashe is supposed to be the superior carry.


Kozak said:
Congratulations. You now have more champions than most lvl 30s in the game :p

I played lane Nunu all the way to my 30s. The great thing is people underestimate the power of that ice ball so you can usually zone very nicely. Ignore people who tell you that you must jungle. If laning is working then stick to that. (Test jungling in co-op vs AI)

Just keep playing with your friend. Thats the best way to learn anyway cause at least you guys will be able to bounce tips off each other on how to improve your game instead of receiving rude remarks on your play :)

Nice, maybe I will stick to that. The problem I can see is if someone ninjas Nunu away from me in the selection screen, I don't know another character. Currently I am suprised I haven't seen anyone else in the 10+ games I've played using Nunu. I know I'm a noob but he seems pretty good.

The only games we have lost is because someone feeds Morde on the other team. Good lord he is a PITA when he is feed. I don't even know how to deal with him properly.


drkOne said:
I kind of agree with this. I miss how escaping actually required some skill/strategy in DotA…

Exactly ... I absolutely HATE when I have a well deserved kill on someone who made some mistakes and they can just flash over a wall or behind a tower to get away. Makes me internally rage so hard.

Its even worse when it is someone like Corki who Valkyries away and THEN also uses Flash to get away .... oh god.

Really makes it feel like "babies first MOBA game" sometimes.


Macattk15 said:
Exactly ... I absolutely HATE when I have a well deserved kill on someone who made some mistakes and they can just flash over a wall or behind a tower to get away. Makes me internally rage so hard.

Its even worse when it is someone like Corki who Valkyries away and THEN also uses Flash to get away .... oh god.

Really makes it feel like "babies first MOBA game" sometimes.

that's why you run flash exhaust to get them. flash after them, and then exhaust!


pix said:
Nice, maybe I will stick to that. The problem I can see is if someone ninjas Nunu away from me in the selection screen, I don't know another character. Currently I am suprised I haven't seen anyone else in the 10+ games I've played using Nunu. I know I'm a noob but he seems pretty good.

The only games we have lost is because someone feeds Morde on the other team. Good lord he is a PITA when he is feed. I don't even know how to deal with him properly.

Nunu has a really solid early game but he drops off late game. The problem is that he really only has one reliable offensive ability, the ice ball. While it's great early game, it doesn't do as much damage late game.

His consume is effective during laning/jungling, but brings nothing to team fights. Blood boil is another great move, but it's purely a support skill. Finally, his ult can be stopped early by almost any character with a silence/stun/knock up/taunt (if you're still low level, people probably don't realize this yet).

He's used at high level play because he's an incredibly safe jungler, can counter jungle as he pleases and has great level 4 ganks. Even at that, though, a lot of the big teams opt for other junglers because his late game is so terrible.

As the others have said, you may want to consider trying different characters (especially considering how many you have access to). It's great to learn the game through the lens of a specific character, but it's also good to know a variety of roles.


pix said:
Nice, maybe I will stick to that. The problem I can see is if someone ninjas Nunu away from me in the selection screen, I don't know another character. Currently I am suprised I haven't seen anyone else in the 10+ games I've played using Nunu. I know I'm a noob but he seems pretty good.

The only games we have lost is because someone feeds Morde on the other team. Good lord he is a PITA when he is feed. I don't even know how to deal with him properly.

Most people don't. A fed Morde can be pretty painful.

A few champions that are easy to pick up and play:
Yeah, Morde is difficult to counter. You need to focus hard with armor pen, a Madreds, and speed. You can't give him time to regen. He's like Mundo in that regard...
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