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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Ultimoo said:
that's why you run flash exhaust to get them. flash after them, and then exhaust!

Point is. Its poor game design to have to burn all that to get someone who does this. Its annoying and stupid.

So I will keep playing HoN where that bullshit doesn't exist. That and laning is actually fun in HoN ... not people just straight farming lanes until they are level 10.
are they magic or attack damage?

1. Go check out leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki or something like it.
2. find the champion in question
3. Check their skills for the phrase "deals [...] magic damage" or "deals [...] physical damage"
4. Weigh the option and decide if the character is magic or attack damage.

After that you check equipment. Madred's, lich bane, etc = magic damage. Infinity Edge, Trinity Force (TriForce) = attack damage.

If the items are attack speed, figure out why they're only going attack speed. Nunu might be doing it for his passiv (free spell every 7th hit). Jax might be doing it for his ult (every 4th hit = magic damage). Pantheon might be doing it for defense (every x hit = shield i think?)

Another thing to look out for that's kinda new is true damage. I think the only way to counter that is to have more hp.
pix said:
Any tips?
Achtius said:
Also try every champion on rotation at least once.
If anyone says anything about you playing a person for the first time, and you're not lvl 30 you can tell them that this is what happens with your solo queue and they should have made a 5 man pre-made instead.

Alternatively, you can/should try out people your first time in a Co-Op vs AI game.
Macattk15 said:
Exactly ... I absolutely HATE when I have a well deserved kill on someone who made some mistakes and they can just flash over a wall or behind a tower to get away. Makes me internally rage so hard.

Its even worse when it is someone like Corki who Valkyries away and THEN also uses Flash to get away .... oh god.

Really makes it feel like "babies first MOBA game" sometimes.
But you forget that you used summoner spells to get him to "well deserved kill" and when he uses a summoner spell to balance things out so you both don't die it's obviosuly flash that's at fault


NemesisPrime said:
TBH all champions can be magic damage and/or physical damage, it depends on the items.

Not exactly true. For example, most people build Warwick to be a physical DPS, whereas his ult and Q both do magic damage. Same with Udyr - he builds AD items but his stances do magic damage.

It can definitely be confusing to learn what types of damage characters do - even with more than 500 wins under my belt, I still have to ask my team sometimes "What type of damage does X character do?"


EXGN said:
Not exactly true. For example, most people build Warwick to be a physical DPS, whereas his ult and Q both do magic damage. Same with Udyr - he builds AD items but his stances do magic damage.

It can definitely be confusing to learn what types of damage characters do - even with more than 500 wins under my belt, I still have to ask my team sometimes "What type of damage does X character do?"

really? all the warwicks I've seen run Madreds + Sunfire + Tanky. no one ever goes straight AD on him anymore.


Ultimoo said:
really? all the warwicks I've seen run Madreds + Sunfire + Tanky. no one ever goes straight AD on him anymore.

I wasn't suggesting straight AD. When I play him, I usually go Madred + Armor item + MR item and then into DPS stuff like Frozen Mallet or Atma's.


EXGN said:
I wasn't suggesting straight AD. When I play him, I usually go Madred + Armor item + MR item and then into DPS stuff like Frozen Mallet or Atma's.
The bulk of your damage still seems to be derived from magic instead of physical though.


Ultimoo said:
The bulk of your damage still seems to be derived from magic instead of physical though.

I think that's the point I was trying to make - even though I build AD/DPS items, magic damage is still my main damage, so it could be confusing for a new player if they automatically think "He has AD items, therefore he must do AD damage."


Owlowiscious said:
But you forget that you used summoner spells to get him to "well deserved kill" and when he uses a summoner spell to balance things out so you both don't die it's obviosuly flash that's at fault

Or I got him in the state of a "well deserved kill" because he overextended in a lane trying to farm his Infinity Edge without using my summoner skills and he just used his own to happily escape relatively unharmed.

You shouldn't be able to do that shit. Whether I use my summoner skills after to catch up to him is moot. It is stupid. Flash is stupid.

They should make it if you take damage ... for 5 seconds afterwards ... you can't use Flash. So you either have to preemptively Flash away before shit happens or be forced to play smarter.
Macattk15 said:
Point is. Its poor game design to have to burn all that to get someone who does this. Its annoying and stupid.
So I will keep playing HoN where that bullshit doesn't exist. That and laning is actually fun in HoN ... not people just straight farming lanes until they are level 10.

Who stays in lane at level 10? I only do that if I'm close to taking their tower. Many people start roaming after level 6-7. I do agree about making Flash pre-emptive and aggressive instead of a OOPS crutch.

The point is many characters sport a mix of damage. However, there are a few characters that do only one type, really. Especially AD characters like Tristana, Caitlyn, and Garen. Sure, they have an ability or two that do magic, but that's not really their focus.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ganks without Flash: "Okay, this guy is overextending and at half hp, I should be able to get him."

Ganks with Flash: "Okay this guy is overextending and at half hp. Did he use Flash yet? Oh he didn't, okay. Is my Flash up? Oh no it isn't. Crap, well, I'll go back to farming until Flash is up."
why isn't the other guy's flash up? that's not en even conversation.

ganks with flash: they're overextended an at half hp. ok i'm leona, ult, shield, sword, stun, they're dead. oops i didn't check if they had flash or not oh well

they're over extended and at full hp. ok i'm leona, ult, shield, sword, stun, oh they flashed, sword, stun, they're dead.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Owlowiscious said:
they're over extended and at full hp. ok i'm leona, ult oh shit they dodged it with flash.
Fixed for reality.

why isn't the other guy's flash up? that's not en even conversation.
Maybe they used it in a previous gank?

Even if they had flash they're not guaranteed to succeed the gank. After all, Flash doesn't magically make your skill shots hit 100%, but someone with quick reflexes can dodge just about any skillshot/AoE with flash.

If you believe having Flash negates other people having Flash then why include the spell at all? Everyone gets it mainly because other people get it. It adds a meaningless layer of frustration to the roam/gank game.
I enjoy Flash, but I see the problem with it. I remember back in the DotA days everyone joked about having 4 item slots because one of the six would be boots and the other would be Blink Dagger or Lothar's Edge (invisibility).

Just make it so that if someone hits you you can't use it for 3-5 seconds. Bam, Flash can only be used aggressively. Ganks out of the bushes still have value, and many spells still track someone that Flashed.


Ultimoo said:
lol clan support. join the NeoGAF channel.
I thought there was one, I dunno just played my second game, loved it.

how do I join the channel?

Playing under Gowans007 if anyone want to add me.


Blizzard said:
Soraka technically gives magic damage, right? *edit* Apparently Leona is too according to the earlier poster.

I'm still super unclear on which classes do physical vs. attack damage. For instance, malphite is an armor heavy champion that does more 'e' damage with more armor, yet all ability damage he deals out is magic if I recall correctly. I'm slowly learning I suppose, but there are a lot of champions.

Also, the force of nature gives movement speed and health regen I think, so it wasn't a total loss. I just didn't want to leave myself with like 330 armor and 50 magic resist and get killed by some silly spell I didn't know about.

so here is a quick list of what spells are done as physical damage.

Akali - Crescent Slash
Ashe - Volley
Blitzcrank - Powerfist
Caitlyn - Piltover Peacemaker AND Ace in the Hole
Corki - Gatling Gun
Ezrael - Mystic Shot
Gangplank - Parrley
Garen - Decisive Strike AND Judgement
Irelia - Bladesurge AND Transcendental Blades
Jarvan - Dragon Strike AND Cataclysm
Lee Sin - Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike AND Dragon's Rage
Miss Fortune - Double Up
Nasus - Siphoning Strike
Nocturn - Duskbringer AND Paranoia
Olaf - Undertow
Pantheon - Spear Shot AND Heart Seeker Strike
Renekton - Cull the Meek, Ruthless Predator AND Slice and Dice
Shaco - Deceive
Sivir - Ricochet
Trundle - Rabid Bite
Urgot - Acid Hunter AND Noxian Corrosive Charge
Vayne - Tumble AND Condemn
Xin Zhao - Three Talon Strike AND Crescent Sweep
Yorick - Omen of War

i think i have them all since i went through the league wiki and went through every champion i could think of that had anything physical. Hope this helps you.


So sorry to the gaffers I was playing with just now. My internet just died, yay Comcast, and I have no clue what the deal is. Thankfully I still have my phone for some internets but that doesn't help you guys.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Messing around with Yorick builds, because all of the online ones are terrible. I get why people use Manamune, because it can eliminate Yorick's mana problems, but it seems like such a huge initial early game investment for something like that, and it seems like making a mountain out of a molehill.

Going with a Faerie Charm and two mana pots at the start of the game seems like it holds me over long enough on mana. This can be built into a Philosophers stone for more mana regen as a first item (which you can buy with starter boots), and later into Eleisa's Miracle, which is cheap, solves the mana problem pretty completely, and gives tenacity. This means you can go Boots of Swiftness instead of having to go Merc Treads (all guides reccomend this because Yorick needs tenacity, but having a fast Yorick is essential for hit and runs, because he is a character that relies on moving in and out of battle based on his cooldowns.).

I'm also still able to push every other champion out of lane so far. Even long range characters like Kog'maw don't stand a chance at controlling the lane versus Yorick.


Macattk15 said:
Point is. Its poor game design to have to burn all that to get someone who does this. Its annoying and stupid.

So I will keep playing HoN where that bullshit doesn't exist. That and laning is actually fun in HoN ... not people just straight farming lanes until they are level 10.

The abundance of mobility skills in LoL is stupid IMO. Both escapes and charges.
2th said:
while you call the global teleport a toxic mechanic i call it a rather unique one that involved strategy. when you know the enemy team has one you have to adjust your gameplay and take it into account. it is something you have to actually use your brain and think about how to counter it. and how do you counter a global teleport? well you dont over extend stupidly and get out of a position to get raped. should you have to always do this? no because you wont always have a global teleport on the other team. just because 2 champions have this doesnt make it broken. it is nothing more than a bunch of people whining they dont like it and not wanting to learn how to counter it. Riot is pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Are you suggesting 2k - 2.3k elo players are the lowest common denominators?

(Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?)


Dance In My Blood said:
I'm also still able to push every other champion out of lane so far. Even long range characters like Kog'maw don't stand a chance at controlling the lane versus Yorick.

Yeah, his range is crazy, combined with how fast he can spam skills. The only solid counter I've found is Cho, who can essentially just shrug the damage off and then regenerate the health by last hitting.


Anyone like Gragas here? He seems so fun to play, and every time I encounter him in a game he dominates. Considering blind buying him, but I dunno.


Corporate Apologist
Fjordson said:
Anyone like Gragas here? He seems so fun to play, and every time I encounter him in a game he dominates. Considering blind buying him, but I dunno.
A friend of mine likes him a lot, says its his favorite off tank. Lot of harass and poke, an ult to position with, has good damage output and is quiet beefy.

Something he has mentioned before is that with smart cast, you can control how far your dash goes, which I think he implied you couldn't with normal casting.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
EXGN said:
Yeah, his range is crazy, combined with how fast he can spam skills. The only solid counter I've found is Cho, who can essentially just shrug the damage off and then regenerate the health by last hitting.
I actually forgot about Mordekaiser, whose shield is great for rendering Yorick's W/E ranged combo useless.


Corporate Apologist
Anyone have a clue where people are getting info on stuff like Alistar and Gang Plank changes? I see nothing on the Europe or American sites about it.


Bought Udyr a couple days ago. So much fun. Not even top solo Udyr. Just jungle run around getting all up in peoples grills Udyr.

Trying to decide if a sunfire is awesome or not with him.


Kod1ak said:
Bought Udyr a couple days ago. So much fun. Not even top solo Udyr. Just jungle run around getting all up in peoples grills Udyr.

Trying to decide if a sunfire is awesome or not with him.

sunfire is indeed awesome. but depending on what type of damage the other team has more of dictates whether you should get omen or sunfire first.


Kod1ak said:
Bought Udyr a couple days ago. So much fun. Not even top solo Udyr. Just jungle run around getting all up in peoples grills Udyr.

Trying to decide if a sunfire is awesome or not with him.

I usually go Cloth armor - > Long Sword - > Boots - > Madreds -> Negatron Cloak -> Mercury Treads - > Bloodrazor - > Sheen - > tanky items. :p

I think Randuins trumps Sunfire in most cases. I also run red AS runes, yellow dodge runes, and magic resist/lvl blue runes, and armor pen quints (you should probably run AS quints though, I'm just too cheap).

easy build!
EXGN said:
Yeah, his range is crazy, combined with how fast he can spam skills. The only solid counter I've found is Cho, who can essentially just shrug the damage off and then regenerate the health by last hitting.

I'm not crazy! Laning against him is difficult.

Also, free Leona week? oh lord
Halycon said:
"they're over extended and at full hp. ok i'm leona, ult oh shit they dodged it with flash."

Fixed for reality.
I have never seen anyone flash away from my ult from a bush. Which is where you gank from when people over extend. I only miss from bad aim, as people never rarely stand still and are usually zig zagging constantly.

"why isn't the other guy's flash up? that's not en even conversation. "

Maybe they used it in a previous gank?

Even if they had flash they're not guaranteed to succeed the gank. After all, Flash doesn't magically make your skill shots hit 100%, but someone with quick reflexes can dodge just about any skillshot/AoE with flash.

If you believe having Flash negates other people having Flash then why include the spell at all? Everyone gets it mainly because other people get it. It adds a meaningless layer of frustration to the roam/gank game.
flash has a very long cd. you can use other summoner spells twice in the time you use flash once. it's not an aall powerful spell. jsut learn to deal with it and know that they're wasting time because they don't have flash up. flash on the other team should make you more aggressive and less toxic (at the right times). make them use flash then punish them for it for the next 5 minutes.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Also, free Leona week? oh lord
I... I have no idea how to deal with Leona. Ignore her?
Drkirby said:
Yeah, I found even as Soraka, if I just ignore her she does nothing.
lol soraka is a joke by herself.
I destroyed towers multiple times when there's only soraka protecting it. watching her helplessly trying to defend but she does nothing, makes me LMFAO
Drkirby said:
Yeah, I found even as Soraka, if I just ignore her she does nothing.
as a person with a heal that gives MR you can ignore this MR damage person? neat.

yeah leona only has a slight peel factor. it's kinda like a support tank almost? i dunno.


Corporate Apologist
Ladyboy101 said:
lol soraka is a joke by herself.
I destroyed towers multiple times when there's only soraka protecting it. watching her helplessly trying to defend but she does nothing, makes me LMFAO
Soraka is a support character. She can at best hold off 2 or 3 people, but IMO, she should never be left to defend a tower alone if possible. With Starfall, she can kill minions pretty quickly.

IMO, she is the best pure support character, sadly she has minimal CC.
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