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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I'm looking for some people to play with that actually have a clue what to do in team fights. My normal group isnt on very much anymore, and solo queuing is making me want to rage most games now.

Like just now my team fed 12 kills in under 6 minutes because they kept tower diving.

I'm not saying I am the best, but I do know what to do and what not to do in this game...

I would love for some people to add me if you would. Same name as on Gaf *sigh*


Telaso said:
I'm looking for some people to play with that actually have a clue what to do in team fights. My normal group isnt on very much anymore, and solo queuing is making me want to rage most games now.

Like just now my team fed 12 kills in under 6 minutes because they kept tower diving.

I'm not saying I am the best, but I do know what to do and what not to do in this game...

I would love for some people to add me if you would. Same name as on Gaf *sigh*

just hang out in the neogaf channel bro.



My first GAF game. It was a pretty epic comeback. We were down like 30-14 at one point. At the end they surrendered and it was 44-42. :) Good times.


Holy fuck they raped Yorick.
One of his abilities no longer scales (well it has an AP ratio, yeah sure AP Yorick), his ult was nerfed, his heal was nerfed and has a lower range, and the ghouls' durability was nerfed.


red_13th said:
Holy fuck they raped Yorick.
One of his abilities no longer scales (well it has an AP ratio, yeah sure AP Yorick), his ult was nerfed, his heal was nerfed and has a lower range, and the ghouls' durability was nerfed.

Believe it or not, in higher ELO he is constantly banned.

Card Boy

What tha f**k?


New model and animations!
Tryndamere has been working out and is now approximately 20% bigger
Tryndamere now uses Fury, gaining 5 per hit, 10 per crit, and 10 extra per kill.
Fury decays at 5 Fury per second after being out of combat for 10 seconds.
Passively adds 5-20/10-30/15-40/20-50/25-60 Attack Damage depending on how wounded Tryndamere is
Consumes all Fury to heal Tryndamere for 30-80/40-135/50-190/60-245/70-300 depending on how much Fury was consumed
Cooldown adjusted to 12 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Mocking Shout is now free to cast
Spinning Slash
Spinning Slash is now free to cast
Cooldown increased to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 9 seconds
Base damage adjusted to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/90/140/190/240
Scaling adjusted to 1.0 bonus Attack Damage from 0.5 total Attack Damage (still scales with AP)
Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage
Battle Fury now grants up to 35% Critical Chance, depending on how full his Fury bar is

Is this good? I'm not sure how i feel about this.


Oh, I don't think the Yorick nerfs were unwarranted, but on paper they seem a tad heavy handed. IDK.

And lol Tryndamere is bigger. Sweet.


2th said:
so here is a quick list of what spells are done as physical damage.
Thanks for the list. :)

pix said:
My first GAF game. It was a pretty epic comeback. We were down like 30-14 at one point. At the end they surrendered and it was 44-42. :) Good times.
I did really badly early on. Good job staying in there for the win. We had some nice team fights in the last half. I ult'd as malphite into some people to try to give the team time to kill baron, and there was a funny moment in the middle another time where fiddle ult'd into our team only to die in like 0.7 seconds from everyone crushing him with ults or something because his ult is so annoying.
red_13th said:
Holy fuck they raped Yorick.
One of his abilities no longer scales (well it has an AP ratio, yeah sure AP Yorick), his ult was nerfed, his heal was nerfed and has a lower range, and the ghouls' durability was nerfed.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
red_13th said:
Holy fuck they raped Yorick.
One of his abilities no longer scales (well it has an AP ratio, yeah sure AP Yorick), his ult was nerfed, his heal was nerfed and has a lower range, and the ghouls' durability was nerfed.
Well I don't care for this at all. Ghoul armor and Omen of Death changes are fine, but the hit to the heal and it's range are rough, and switching Pestilence to scale off of AP is just...ick. Totally messes with his move synergy.

Also, what the heck at Kayle's healing being worse. I thought they were making her more supporty or something.
Dance In My Blood said:
Well I don't care for this at all. Ghoul armor and Omen of Death changes are fine, but the hit to the heal and it's range are rough, and switching Pestilence to scale off of AP is just...ick. Totally messes with his move synergy.

Also, what the heck at Kayle's healing being worse. I thought they were making her more supporty or something.

She now has two main paths. -- Hybrid Support / Hybrid DPS Carry (75%/75%)


Look, Wukong's spotlight is up. He's a Trinity Forge bruiser with a gap closer. So refreshing. I love how he can two-shot a level 12 Ezreal at level 17. *ahem*
Yorick nerfs made me bitter.


yorick sucks now

what the fuck making his ghost aoe slow go off of ap now

I would have been fine with the damage and armor nerf, but everything else was unwarranted


Ultimoo said:
kayle's passive is so bad now.

most of the nerfs look ridiculous. i mean they nerf pantheon and TF into oblivion for one patch
"oh we will fix them later" fuck that.

also they nerfed my udyr Tiger stance. not that i really cared too much about that but i was hoping they would just fix the madreds problem and call it a day.


Corporate Apologist
2th said:
most of the nerfs look ridiculous. i mean they nerf pantheon and TF into oblivion for one patch
"oh we will fix them later" fuck that.

also they nerfed my udyr Tiger stance. not that i really cared too much about that but i was hoping they would just fix the madreds problem and call it a day.
They said before they were just going to do that then see where it goes from there, I guess someone else figured to put in a a nerf anyway.


like seriously, 10% is nothing. If your opponent has 200 armor and MR, it'll reduce it by 20, only after 5 attacks. If your opponent has 50 armor and 50 MR, it'll reduce it by 5. so so bad.


Corporate Apologist
Dance In My Blood said:
So why is Gangplank's ultimate sill global?
They only removed global teleports, not global attacks.

Gangplank's does not need to be global IMO, but I don't think being global is over powered.

Ashe's Arrows would loose a lot of utility if not global. Shens is still global, but Riot's explanation is that his targets a champ and not a spot.


corki nerfs are understandable, but why the fuck remove blind from bomb? as if tanky dps didn't already dominate this game

yorick and corki nerfs making me so damn salty


Jenga said:
corki nerfs are understandable, but why the fuck remove blind from bomb? as if tanky dps didn't already dominate this game

yorick and corki nerfs making me so damn salty

but yorrick is op.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Drkirby said:
He is going to be harder to build now though, since one skill scales on AP, and the other AD.
I don't see builds for him changing at all because of the AP change, the move will just do less damage for everyone.
Jenga said:
corki nerfs are understandable, but why the fuck remove blind from bomb? as if tanky dps didn't already dominate this game

yorick and corki nerfs making me so damn salty

Tanky DPS don't get their damage output from auto attacks, but from abilities.

Corki's blind does not stop a Garen spin, a Renekton spin, nor an Irelia's Bladesurge.

The blind was removed because it outclasses other carries.
And for the Yorick anger:

Minion spam can be a fun role to play. Here's what the nerfs were targeted at:

Base armor of ghouls reduced to 10 from 20
- Basically, there was no decision of "Oh, I can hit his Ghouls to make them die and stop hitting me." If they were dying to AoE, they were dying to spell AoE. Unless you're really fighting Pantheon and Garen every game, their durability is unchanged except in this "GET IT OFF ME" case. They're still really durable and hard to kill. Towers and autoattacks just work a little better now.

Omen of Death damage percent reduced to 45/60/75% from 50/75/100%
- Double Vayne team is OP. Maybe you guys haven't fought against it much, but seriously. Double Vayne team is OP.

Omen of Pestilence now scales off of ability power at a 1.0 ratio instead of a .8 bonus attack damage ratio
- Basically, you're going to cast this ability whether it deals bonus damage or not. It's an extremely long, fairly potent, AoE slow. That's a good ability. It's a mobile Singed W. Singed's W is pretty good. This one moves. Of course it doesn't go to 75% like Singed W, but diminishing returns means that it's not really that far off. And the cooldown's lower. And it deals damage. Honest this ability would be good if it did zero damage. Ultimately, we just took off some free damage in a place where he didn't need it.

Omen of Famine
Heals for 40% of the damage dealt, down from 50%
Range reduced to 550 from 650
- Pure lane sustain nerfs. Less health gain from maxing it, less ability to spam from out of range. For reference, 650 is longer range than Annie's Q. This pushes him into a little bit more mid-range, and you can still lead with Pestilence, guaranteeing the slow will put your opponent into range for Famine.

So what happened to Yorick?
- His lane sustain went down 20%. We did that to Warwick and he didn't seem to fall off.
- We lowered the power of Double Vayne Team. Honestly, you've still got 95% of that spell intact. You just have that top-end case of duplicating a super-farmed carry down.
- He lost a bit of late game damage from Omen of Pestilence's AD ratio. That one hurts a bit, sure. These aren't going to send him from FP/Ban tier to trash though. That's ludicrous.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Legato.Reborn- said:
And for the Yorick anger:
Made it worse really.

Yorick is really strong early/mid game and really quite weak late game, where all of these changes hurt the most in my opinion. I understand that Riot is moving to eliminate the potential for champions to sit in the lane forever, but Yorick can't make up for having that taken away from him.

All Yorick is good at is lane sustain and zone control in the early game. With that nerfed he just seems pretty useless to me when you can get thrown into games with champions like Akali, who will just run mess on you and stomp you into the ground before you can really do much damage. It's almost kind of a joke that he's called "Tanky" DPS unless he casts his ultimate on himself for the revive.
Dance In My Blood said:
Made it worse really.

Yorick is really strong early/mid game and really quite weak late game, where all of these changes hurt the most in my opinion. I understand that Riot is moving to eliminate the potential for champions to sit in the lane forever, but Yorick can't make up for having that taken away from him.

All Yorick is good at is lane sustain and zone control in the early game. With that nerfed he just seems pretty useless to me when you can get thrown into games with champions like Akali, who will just run mess on you and stomp you into the ground before you can really do much damage. It's almost kind of a joke that he's called "Tanky" DPS unless he casts his ultimate on himself for the revive.

This is simply not the case.

Yorick at this stage (pre-nerf) is almost gamebreaklingly overpowered with the sole ability to make a replica of a carry with 400AD at 1.7AS.

It. Is. Over. Powered.

These nerfs are very well justified.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Legato.Reborn- said:
This is extremely untrue.

Yorick at this stage (pre-nerf) is almost gamebreaklingly overpowered with the sole ability to make a replica of a carry with 400AD at 1.7AS.

It. Is. Over. Powered.

These nerfs are very well justified.
I agree that his ultimate is extremely powerful, and I'm comfortable with that getting nerfed. I am talking more about just him as a character. Yorick himself doesn't do very much in team fights near the end game other than ult the carry and die. The longer the game goes the less fun he is to play.


Legato.Reborn- said:
This is simply not the case.

Yorick at this stage (pre-nerf) is almost gamebreaklingly overpowered with the sole ability to make a replica of a carry with 400AD at 1.7AS.

It. Is. Over. Powered.

These nerfs are very well justified.
so basically, he's only good at lane control, zoning and ulting copies

there is no question his current form is OP, but making his W useless and toning down everything else more or less makes him...well, useless.

now he still has a good laning phase...and that's about it outside of ulting carries after that

sounds like bad champ design to me. there's no reason to play yorick outside of his laning phase and ult after this patch.

yorick june-july 2011 RIP


Corporate Apologist
Yep, thats right. The Nashor's Tooth makes the hammer more aerodynamic, and the Abyssal scepter is attached to the shield for the magic defense. Both attached with duct tape.

I have a version without the mask, if you want to see Taric's Stunning good looks/my horrible art.


I almost forgot the gem on his forehead, the belt was anther thing I nearly forgot.


wow fuck they nerfed yorick... His omen of pestilence will never be the same.....

His all about burst in my opinion and without his pestilence being scaled off ad... i don't know if he'll be able to get those early kills :|


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, I would of rather had Riot scale the ratios back then change it to AP.\

I am thinking of trying a different Taric Build, and play him 'They way he was meant', and make my first item a Nashor's Tooth.

I guess if I did that, I would do
Meki Pendant + pots -> Boots -> Fiendish Codex -> Merc Treds -> Stinger -> Nashor's Tooth-> Soul Shroud -> Wit's End -> Abyssal Scepter -> Hextech Gunblade?

Likely would just fail, but a ton of his stuff is designed with you hitting people in the face with your hammer.


Corporate Apologist
Not off the top of my head. If the video didn't bring it up, the #1 way to really help in the game is to be really good at last hitting minions. It will give you one of the best early game advantages in the game. A good starting goal would be try and get 100 minion kills by 20 minutes.

Edit: Minor thing I find funny, I have the same ping on the EU West servers as the NA servers.


That whole "you will use the ability even if it scales off AP/did zero damage" is bullshit.
Surely that's why Jarvan's ult deals heavy AD damage and Nocturne's ult (a huge gap closer with added utility) and movement speed buff/AD steroid (well, one of the three steroids he has besides his passive and spellshield) scale off AD.

Yorick's ult really needed to be nerfed, I was never kidding myself thinking it was balanced - it was ridiculous. But the other nerfs seemed too much on paper. I haven't given him a run so I can't talk from experience though.
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