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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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cdyhybrid said:
What's the consensus on Evelynn? Haven't played a stealth assassin type in a while.

Edit: What about Janna as well?

unless you get fed, eve is completely useless now without that stun imo


sparkle this bitch
Blizzard said:
8/10 in a game earlier had flash. I assume this is just normal at higher levels, a bit monotonous, but I guess most everyone uses a slot for shoes too.
Depends on the character I use and how the teams are built. When I got Nasus, Mundo, Udyr, or Singed. I normally go Exhaust or Cleanse + Ghost. Flash seems useless to me since all 4 of those characters have high natural movement speed. Tanks too, depending on if we need an exhaust or an ignite. My last game as Leona, I went Tele and Ignite.

At the same time, any squishy I pick will always have flash.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Flash is pretty much essential on every character, not sure why you wouldn't take it on everyone. The fact that it's an item in DotA/HoN tells you how good it is.


Achtius said:
Start with 1 Attack, then max Dissonance first and Protect second, and add points to Shockwave whenever possible.

Item-wise, is tears, shoe, deathcap, and then depends on situation.
I just recently purchased Orianna and have been loving her as well. I've also been doing really good with her, either by luck or her just clicking with me, but I'll try to help.

My rune page is really general but I have mana per 5 per lvl for glyphs, magic pen for marks, health per 5 per lvl for seals, and flat health for quints, and my masteries are 9/0/21.

I start with a mana gem and 2 health pots. This allows me to harrass alot early game. I max attack first, then I rotate points between dissonance and the shield. Your q and w combo can do some decent damage early on if both hit. If your opponent in your lane is doing better than you then back up and play defensively, use your ball to keep them off your tower. If you are doing well, use your ball to zone them away from your creeps, denying them xp and and gold.

My build order is tear, cd boots, mejai's, rod of ages, archangel, deathcap, abyssal scepter. People sometimes make fun of me for getting mejai's, but I almost always stack it to 20. In the end I have over 900 ap.

Once it gets to mid game, start stickin with your team. Orianna is amazing support but doesn't fare well in 1v1 situations. I basically hang back and when the team fight insues I throw my ball in, ult, shield whoever is getting low on health and just keep the ball moving.

That being said, I don't know if this is the best way to play her but I've had lots of luck with it.


Ikuu said:
Flash is pretty much essential on every character, not sure why you wouldn't take it on everyone. The fact that it's an item in DotA/HoN tells you how good it is.
This kind of figures given the 8/10 number I was saying, but I wish it wasn't something that everyone always picked, or else I wish that they would just make it an automatic skill everyone has and can use, in addition to one or two other summoner spells. Imagine how boring LoL would be if every game had a Master Yi in it!


Ferga said:

build is horrible. Spell vamp doesn't stack anymore.

spell vamp does stack. its just revolvers and wota's that do not stack. unless in this latest patch they removed gunblades from stacking. also Wota's do stack in terms of the auras.


Sion question: Is there any reason NOT to have the 'e' ability up 100% of the time? It increases your HP with each kill and is supposed to "cost" HP/health, but as far as I can tell, if there is a health cost, it only happens right when you turn the spell on. By the end of the battle I think I had 3000 health or so. Oddly enough my armor and magic resist were far lower than normal malphite levels, but I seemed to be taking less damage in general. Maybe I just stayed out of fights more.


Blizzard said:
Sion question: Is there any reason NOT to have the 'e' ability up 100% of the time? It increases your HP with each kill and is supposed to "cost" HP/health, but as far as I can tell, if there is a health cost, it only happens right when you turn the spell on. By the end of the battle I think I had 3000 health or so. Oddly enough my armor and magic resist were far lower than normal malphite levels, but I seemed to be taking less damage in general. Maybe I just stayed out of fights more.

Sion's passive blocks small amounts of damage relatively frequently. You also have your exploding shield which helps matters.


Unconfirmed Member
on Orianna I stack 2-3 doran's rings early and rush deathcap(probably only picking up boots and maybe catalyst before it)

Getting the doran's early gives me the early game burst to farm and pick up kills, so by the time midgame rolls around I have death cap and im melting teams with my ulti

after that I either go void staff if they're building MR, or will of the ancients/morello's for cheap damage with good stats. I've never really played a game long enough to go passed this point, but late late game I'd probably build my catalyst into banshees and buy zhonyas

I just use standard caster runes and masteries(9/0/21 and magipen reds, mana regen yellows and ap blues and quints) and take CV and flash as summoners(taking ghost instead if my team has a real support that picks CV)

and oh yeah I prioritize R>W>E>Q(you could probably switch E and Q, but I only really use attack for moving my ball more than the damage so I take E instead)

Orianna is amazing support but doesn't fare well in 1v1 situations

I disagree. She's actually extremely strong as mid solo. That's the reason her dissonance was nerfed. Her early game harass is extremely good

Even after the nerfs im able to secure kills early by harassing with dissonance, then killing them from under their tower with her ultimate then dissonance

Orianna is a mediocre support champion, but one of the strongest ap carries in the game(amazing AoE burst damage from a distance)

Imagine how boring LoL would be if every game had a Master Yi in it!

Master Yi isn't as versatile and comparatively better than every other option like Flash is to summoner spells.

I personally don't find the summoner spell system that interesting to begin with, so I don't really mind that there are only like 3-4 viable selections in addition to flash
I don't "get" nunu. Can't seem to gank after jungling cause I do no damage. Yeah, I slow em down, but, then what? Punch em for 2 damage?

Monkey boy needs a nerf, but I guess they gotta justify the 10 bucks/grind for 3 months for one character bs somehow. Pentakills on a new character that isn't "mastered" yet is...yeah.

Trying Urgot and Zilean tonight, see if those characters click with me like Rumble did last week. Zilean might be up my alley. Urgot needs a shower and a manicure or something. Seriously, get a job hippy.
Never a fan of stacking doran's items early. I'm all about win your lane, win the game, but three dorans ESPECIALLY along with a mejai's is basically punting your late game, if you end up not doing great early you're fucked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mr. B Natural said:
Monkey boy needs a nerf, but I guess they gotta justify the 10 bucks/grind for 3 months for one character bs somehow. Pentakills on a new character that isn't "mastered" yet is...yeah
But he's not even good. I've seen him in most of my matchups either on my team, the other team, or both, and he's usually pretty wimpy. Even playing characters for the first time I have no trouble just rolling over him.


Mr. B Natural said:
I don't "get" nunu. Can't seem to gank after jungling cause I do no damage. Yeah, I slow em down, but, then what? Punch em for 2 damage?

Monkey boy needs a nerf, but I guess they gotta justify the 10 bucks/grind for 3 months for one character bs somehow. Pentakills on a new character that isn't "mastered" yet is...yeah.

Trying Urgot and Zilean tonight, see if those characters click with me like Rumble did last week. Zilean might be up my alley. Urgot needs a shower and a manicure or something. Seriously, get a job hippy.
I tried nunu and did okay, but aside from the iceball the ult seems to be the only way to really hurt people. I guess you crank up your AP really high and try to catch people in the ult? I had a nunu on my team that apparently did ~1900 damage to somebody with an ult.

Dance In My Blood said:
But he's not even good. I've seen him in most of my matchups either on my team, the other team, or both, and he's usually pretty wimpy. Even playing characters for the first time I have no trouble just rolling over him.
I wish my not-even-good characters got pentakills then. :p (I'm sure everyone's experience is different)
Dance In My Blood said:
But he's not even good. I've seen him in most of my matchups either on my team, the other team, or both, and he's usually pretty wimpy. Even playing characters for the first time I have no trouble just rolling over him.
I experienced the opposite. I guess we'll have to see as time goes how it works out. But regardless, I really don't find him interesting in the least. LoL doesn't need more hybrid characters that remind me of this guy's blah + that guy's blah. Champions are homogenized enough, imo.

Nunu's ult is nice, but it's also extremely risky, and because I'm playing solo, something I can bank on. Maybe it's because I was jungling and unable to complete a gank, but I couldn't keep up experience/money wise with nunu. That didn't help.

Tried teemo yesterday too. So darn squishy with no CC....yeah. Not my thing I guess. Again, maybe he's more capable in an organized match, but solo, I felt like I was asking for it at all times.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mr. B Natural said:
I experienced the opposite. I guess we'll have to see as time goes how it works out. But regardless, I really don't find him interesting in the least. LoL doesn't need more hybrid characters that remind me of this guy's blah + that guy's blah. Champions are homogenized enough, imo.
Well I'll see. I might just not have played against a good one yet. I would agree that he's not particularly unique, but I do love having more super fast champions in the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Never a fan of stacking doran's items early. I'm all about win your lane, win the game, but three dorans ESPECIALLY along with a mejai's is basically punting your late game, if you end up not doing great early you're fucked.

who said anything about mejais?

and with about 2-3 doran's and 3 levels of dissonance you're dropping the back row of a creep wave with one W. Making farming her a breeze for the rest of the game.

That in combination with the cheap early game sustain allows them to pay for themselves easily. They're a much better investment than tear or alot of the other things people are building on her.

but yeah if you stay in lane long enough to farm up enough for catalyst or needlessly large rod, get those instead. I usually end up pushing my opponent out of lane before that happens, so I push the lane when they do and go back to base to buy my doran's, a couple pots and a ward.(I also do this in the case I get pushed out of lane)

Her ratios basically shut down down any talk of "strongest ap carry in the game." She can really zone some people out though.

Well yeah if we're strictly talking about hypothetical damage potential

but I moreso meant that with her skillset and utility there aren't many picks better than her for the role.
I'm really wondering if the changes to Tyrnd are going to make him more useful. In the 4 games I played yesterday, there were 2, although only one was actually competent, and he seemed to be able to some damage earlier on thanks to him getting crit based on his fury rather than his lack of health. Hopefully more games will show if he is better, cause he's an awesome character, it just sucked having him considering if he didnt get farmed or fed, he never seemed to do all that well.

Also, in every game there was a Wukong, I felt thouroughly unimpressed by him. He's really damn tanky and tough to kill, but his damage seems lackluster and his one CC, which isn't even that great, comes on an ult that doesn't seem to do a lot of damage.


Unconfirmed Member
He's pretty weak right now yeah

His Q and W don't scale off AD and his ultimate doesn't really scale well(like you said it does no damage.)

and the knock up duration seems really brief compared to other AOE knockups like chogath's and Alistar's. but that's just how it looks to me

He's not Yorick terrible but right now he's not really good at all.

I'm sure he probably hurts if fed though but I mean who doesn't


Retro_ said:
He's pretty weak right now yeah

His Q and W don't scale off AD and his ultimate doesn't really scale well(like you said it does no damage.)

and the knock up duration seems really brief compared to other AOE knockups like chogath's and Alistar's. but that's just how it looks to me

He's not Yorick terrible but right now he's not really good at all.

I'm sure he probably hurts if fed though but I mean who doesn't

Yeah, I watched a few high ELO streams yesterday and a lot of people were comparing him to Xin but without CC (Xin has low-coold down pop up + a slow from E whereas Wukong only has his ult).

It seems AtMogs + Frozen Mallet would be a good build for him, it increases his tankiness while also providing him with a much-needed slow. Then maybe a Wits End for MR + AS. With his passive, I think that would make him really tough to kill while also making him a fairly potent threat.

I'm in no rush to buy him, though, so I'm just theory crafting til free week.


Mr. B Natural said:
I don't "get" nunu. Can't seem to gank after jungling cause I do no damage. Yeah, I slow em down, but, then what? Punch em for 2 damage?

Monkey boy needs a nerf, but I guess they gotta justify the 10 bucks/grind for 3 months for one character bs somehow. Pentakills on a new character that isn't "mastered" yet is...yeah.

Trying Urgot and Zilean tonight, see if those characters click with me like Rumble did last week. Zilean might be up my alley. Urgot needs a shower and a manicure or something. Seriously, get a job hippy.

Nunu is a terrible solo queue jungler and an amazing arranged team jungler.

He has excellent jungle control, he's a safe jungler and effective counter jungler. You have to think of Nunu as more of a Support than a Carry or DPS type. His job is to slow people and to buff your ranged AD and to be in the other team's jungle stealing shit.

bigmakattack said:
I'm really wondering if the changes to Tyrnd are going to make him more useful. In the 4 games I played yesterday, there were 2, although only one was actually competent, and he seemed to be able to some damage earlier on thanks to him getting crit based on his fury rather than his lack of health. Hopefully more games will show if he is better, cause he's an awesome character, it just sucked having him considering if he didnt get farmed or fed, he never seemed to do all that well.

Also, in every game there was a Wukong, I felt thouroughly unimpressed by him. He's really damn tanky and tough to kill, but his damage seems lackluster and his one CC, which isn't even that great, comes on an ult that doesn't seem to do a lot of damage.

I watched Saint Vicious jungle Tryn some yesterday. Seems like he has all the same problems he did before and now he's actually worse because you have to choose between using your Fury to heal or keeping it up so you can Crit.
Ikuu said:
Flash is pretty much essential on every character, not sure why you wouldn't take it on everyone. The fact that it's an item in DotA/HoN tells you how good it is.
nah. I never pick up flash and I do fine. the high cooldown balances it out with other summoner spells


Ikuu said:
Flash is pretty much essential on every character, not sure why you wouldn't take it on everyone. The fact that it's an item in DotA/HoN tells you how good it is.

I could be wrong, but aren't stealth and teleport also items in HON/DOTA? I would hardly consider either of those OP in LOL.

But I'm just playing devil's advocate :p Flash is pretty OP.


Corporate Apologist
I would actually say Teleport is better in HoN, since you can have more then one teleport at a time (I think, correct me if I am wrong), and it has a shorter cooldown (65 seconds). It does cost 135 gold though.

The downside is that it does cost mana, and you don't have a built in Recall.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I would say that Teleport is one of the better summoner spells in LoL anyways.
Dance In My Blood said:
I would say that Teleport is one of the better summoner spells in LoL anyways.
Flash has useful in many different ssituations. Teleport is very useful in the begining laning phase, then tapers off as time goes on.

Either way I agree.


Corporate Apologist
I would say Teleport is useful as long as you have towers. Once you are down to the 3 inhibitor towers, it only becomes a faster recall in case you have to chase off a backdoorer.

I wish Riot would make rally more useful/appealing. (It is likely perfectly useful, just no one uses it)

Oddly enough, I think Riot was talking about making heal a more selfish ability, healing your self more but loosing the ability to heal others, which would suck IMO. Also wish I could use health pots on other people.
Drkirby said:
I wish Riot would make rally more useful/appealing. (It is likely perfectly useful, just no one uses it)
As a person that has no clue about anything, I would adjust rally to have CV's cooldown. if it isn't already, make it untargetable by the turret, and make it something you can't teleport to or skill target/hit like powerball blocking, and dies in 2 or 3 autoattacks, like a ward but maybe only two hits


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, right now it has a 4.5 minute cooldown. It needs a shorter cooldown IMO, and to also give people AP. Maybe even a life steel/spell vamp aura.


I start with a mana gem and 2 health pots. This allows me to harrass alot early game. I max attack first, then I rotate points between dissonance and the shield. Your q and w combo can do some decent damage early on if both hit. If your opponent in your lane is doing better than you then back up and play defensively, use your ball to keep them off your tower. If you are doing well, use your ball to zone them away from your creeps, denying them xp and and gold.

please do not max out Q first. Q may do a little more damage, and have a shorter cooldown, but W has a built in haste/slow and a way larger radius. W is way more useful in team fights. Once you build tear on Orianna, you can basically spam spells in fountain, and use W to get to places faster.
Drkirby said:
Yeah, right now it has a 4.5 minute cooldown. It needs a shorter cooldown IMO, and to also give people AP. Maybe even a life steel/spell vamp aura.
and a way better visual of its range. I put a rally down to the bottom-right of a turret and started hitting a turret and I and the missions on the bottom left of the turret were out of range of the rally :|

and rally's mastery gives it +ap.


Corporate Apologist
Owlowiscious said:
and a way better visual of its range. I put a rally down to the bottom-right of a turret and started hitting a turret and I and the missions on the bottom left of the turret were out of range of the rally :|

and rally's mastery gives it +ap.
The mastery needs to be at the top of the defense tree, not the bottom.


sparkle this bitch
Teleport is extremely useful as long as you aren't getting killed. More if you have proper warding. Last game I used it in was Leona tank. Saved a few deaths and got a few kills + a tower thanks to it. And I was the one even dropping wards heh. Its even better if you have a character with massive burst and can lock up someone quick. Like Malz.


Corporate Apologist
Shurelia is talking about some changes they may do to Karma. Some things that may happen so far are the leash silencing if done with Mantra, doing damage to the targeted champ, and getting a mantra back on kill/assist. Heal should stay the same.

Currently, the changed leash is implemented in the test build, not sure of the other things.


Bought Janna but none of the other 1350 heros interest me too much. Think I'll start saving for some of the 3150 heros like Warwick, Mordekaiser, etc.


shintoki said:
Teleport is extremely useful as long as you aren't getting killed. More if you have proper warding. Last game I used it in was Leona tank. Saved a few deaths and got a few kills + a tower thanks to it. And I was the one even dropping wards heh. Its even better if you have a character with massive burst and can lock up someone quick. Like Malz.

As someone that tends to solo top, teleport has quickly become a must-have spell for me. One game I was play as Cho, my team got caught trying to steal the other's blue - it started as a 3v1 as the enemy jungler stumbled into my team, but mid and bot lanes quickly converged, turning into a 3v4. Fortunately, our jungler had a ward and had just put it down in the bush, enabling me to TP in and turn the tides.

Another instance - I think this may have been a GAF game - I was top as Singed. Bottom got caught with a stun or something and the two enemy heroes dove at our two bot champs. Our minions were pushed up against their tower, though, which enabled me to port in behind the enemy, our two heroes turned back on the enemy and we pincered them for the double kill.

TP is so good if you have a team that wards.

Bought Janna but none of the other 1350 heros interest me too much. Think I'll start saving for some of the 3150 heros like Warwick, Mordekaiser, etc.


If you don't have him already :p


Corporate Apologist
Team surrened just as I finally got both my Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer as ashe, I was ready to start killing everyone.

Yea my Renekton is godlike. Whoever said my Renekton sucks, GTFO. And I was lagging all game too. Ballin.


Corporate Apologist
Not sure if it is a bug or intentional, but Gangplank's ult seems to no longer be attributed to him. He doesn't get gold from minions, XP, or Assist/Kills from it.

At least there is an error report on that in the lol boards.
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