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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I ended up with teemo by accident because I missed champion select one game tonight. His voice is kind of annoying, but he's actually a pretty fun champion to use. I didn't have like...14 deaths, so that's good I guess. =P I think I had one teemo on my team tonight who was 0/14/2 or so.

I love that the mushrooms last 10 minutes.



casters gonna keep casting


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Getting Banshees later on and getting Catalyst as a starter item are two different matters entirely. The point of getting Catalyst first is to take advantage of the on-level proc, which is equivalent to 1.25 HP pots, and 2 Mana pots. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Tear of the Goddess can restore the same amount of mana as Catalyst (it can't, it'll take you far less than 2 minutes 20 seconds to level up in the early game, which is where Tears overtakes Catalyst), you're still fighting someone with just as much mana as you, more hp, and quaffing HP pots every time they level up.

If you think you can outlane someone who's at a clear numerical advantage, then you must be pretty confident in your skills/matchup/jungler. Which is fine, confidence is necessary to any game, but too much confidence kills.

This is why Catalyst is the superior early game item. It provides you with safety and sustainability, with the option of going for more of the same or for pure sustainability. Tears, on the other hand, lets you go into Manamune or Archangel's staff, which isn't much of a choice at all.


Looks like HoN is turning into LoL.

I figured it was only a matter of time before going FtP ... I cannot wait to make smurf accounts in that game.

Really weird how they are handling new champs .... "Legacy" players get the new champs always but you have to wait a month or can pay cash to play them asap .... new players have to pay regardless.

I've been pretty much just playing Player vs. AI in LoL lately when I do play with my girlfriend (she hates playing against people).


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I need some advice here, i mean i'd ask my mates that i play with but they might be off for the night.

So i'm Vayne, laning bottom with Warwick.
We're up against Xin Zhao and Leona, and well we both got raped by them a good 4 times in the first 15/20 minutes, ultimately ended winning with something like 10/7/5 or something, but anyway.

I can't help but think i was just over extending too much when i knew they were both running back and forth from hitting creeps to hiding in the bottom bush, should i really just sit right back and deal with it until someone can come to my lane to lend a hand or until they've buggered off somewhere? I mean i couldn't even poke them a little because that'd be it, stunned, charged, dead.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
When you can't harass safely, then don't. Just sit back and farm, they can't do much against you either since you can always tumble out of range of their initiation.


Cindres said:
I need some advice here, i mean i'd ask my mates that i play with but they might be off for the night.

So i'm Vayne, laning bottom with Warwick.
We're up against Xin Zhao and Leona, and well we both got raped by them a good 4 times in the first 15/20 minutes, ultimately ended winning with something like 10/7/5 or something, but anyway.

I can't help but think i was just over extending too much when i knew they were both running back and forth from hitting creeps to hiding in the bottom bush, should i really just sit right back and deal with it until someone can come to my lane to lend a hand or until they've buggered off somewhere? I mean i couldn't even poke them a little because that'd be it, stunned, charged, dead.

Could you not just poke, then tumble away? Neither have much range, you just need to bait Leona's stun at poke at them. With that combo, you shouldn't have let them push past your bushes to begin with.

Warwick is tough though, he can shrug off a lot of damage with his Q.


sparkle this bitch
EXGN said:
you just need to bait Leona's stun at poke at them..
Its Xin's Charge would be the engage. Leona would follow in right as he charged to stop you from moving, and Stun right after Xin knock up.


EXGN said:
Ah, I misread. Thought he said Vayne + Xin versus Warwick + Leona. Yah, that is a tough lane.

buy a ward for bottom bush, tumble vertically to avoid leona gap closer, condemn xin as soon as he jumps...

there's lots of ways to avoid that initiation as vayne.


me and uchip run a mean lane with leona + monkey king, so hard to beat, we rape support + carry lanes and we also rape cc lanes. :p


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
unifin said:
buy a ward for bottom bush, tumble vertically to avoid leona gap closer, condemn xin as soon as he jumps...

there's lots of ways to avoid that initiation as vayne.

Big problem was i didn't have condemn up for like 5 minutes after minions spawned due to dying and falling back too much, caught up eventually.

Still new to Vayne so i guess i'm still learning the best way to use her abilities in some ways.
Macattk15 said:
Looks like HoN is turning into LoL.

I figured it was only a matter of time before going FtP ... I cannot wait to make smurf accounts in that game.

Really weird how they are handling new champs .... "Legacy" players get the new champs always but you have to wait a month or can pay cash to play them asap .... new players have to pay regardless.

I've been pretty much just playing Player vs. AI in LoL lately when I do play with my girlfriend (she hates playing against people).
can't register account on HON, false advertisement
2th said:
i love seeing this. it is some of the funniest shit ever.

I had a Warwick jump me just as I was teleporting back to base. He ended up at the base tower, dead. It was hilarious, though this Blitz glitch was better.


Are there any super important changes I should make to the recommended item list for Teemo? I feel like I should get at least SOME sort of armor item, but thus far I have mostly just gone down the recommended list. The last game was a comeback, maybe 45 minutes or so, and I didn't quite have the last item by the end. I did solo dragon, not that that's much of an accomplishment. =P


Blizzard said:
Are there any super important changes I should make to the recommended item list for Teemo? I feel like I should get at least SOME sort of armor item, but thus far I have mostly just gone down the recommended list. The last game was a comeback, maybe 45 minutes or so, and I didn't quite have the last item by the end. I did solo dragon, not that that's much of an accomplishment. =P

teemo is one of the weirdest champs in the game. in that i mean you can build him AD, AP, or Magic DPS and all are completely acceptable. Ill give you the list of why

AD: Lifesteal, attack speed teemo is deadly. Stars and Bloodthirsters make you a beast vs any AD champ thanks to Blinding Dart. You are not great against mages though.

AP: Mushrooms become the most lethal ward in the game. Easily 1000 damage. You can poke nicely with blinding dart and even tocix shot become nice if you get off one hit.

Magic DPS: Bloodrazor, Wits end, Malady. Enjoy doing 4% of their max health, 42 extra damage while gaining MR, and 20 damage while shredding their MR. Couple this with Toxic shot and at 2.0 AS and you are doing a lot of damage. The best part is that it is all magic damage. So the other team could have a Rammus or Malphite with 300 armor but you would still wreck them. It is like Kog Maw used to be played. You are essentially an anti tank champion at that point.


Blizzard said:
Are there any super important changes I should make to the recommended item list for Teemo? I feel like I should get at least SOME sort of armor item, but thus far I have mostly just gone down the recommended list. The last game was a comeback, maybe 45 minutes or so, and I didn't quite have the last item by the end. I did solo dragon, not that that's much of an accomplishment. =P

I usually play on-hit attack speed Teemo. What this means is that I try to get items with bonus effects as they hit and then ramp up AS to get as many procs as I possibly can. This approach synergizes really well with Teemo's poison, which is why I like it.

Core build is usually something like Boots + Madreds + Malady + defensive item, then I get items like Wit's End, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver. A typical build will have me poisoning, doing a certain percent of total life in magic damage, shredding MR/Armor, slowing and/or dealing additional magic damage with each hit.


Very interesting, thanks. The only downside is that Teemo is popular so people will want to play him and will maybe quit if they don't get him. =P

I was saving madred's razor for one of the last items. It sounds like I should try to rush that after doran's sword and boots, then.


Blizzard said:
Very interesting, thanks. The only downside is that Teemo is popular so people will want to play him and will maybe quit if they don't get him. =P

I was saving madred's razor for one of the last items. It sounds like I should try to rush that after doran's sword and boots, then.

i'd personally skip the doran's and go boots + 3pot for opening. after that, rush malady, makes teemo do obscene dmg early-mid. then turn those boots into sorc shoes or merc treads and continue an aspd build from there. starting with boots gives you over 400 move speed at L2/3 if you grab move quick (hint: grab move quick.)


Corporate Apologist
Teemo is good for support damage. He gets free mini wards that pack a punch, and his poison will help ensure a few deaths. He just needs some magic penetration, and he is good to go.

He can also become an AD carry if for some reason the main one isn't doing very good. He is more of a jack of all trades characters. He does a ton of different things, but he isn't the "best" at anything.

Going to give this a try in AI, how does this sounds for a Teemo build:
Nashor's Tooth
Sorceress Shoes
Abyssal Scepter
Rod of Age

Can also change the Rod of Ages/Abyssal Scepter to a Vail if things go bad.
Well, ages ago I tried doing my own builds which were admittedly terrible. So I followed GAF's advice and looked up the top rated guides for whatever champion I want to play. But now I get chewed out for that, too, so I'm kinda lost.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Well, ages ago I tried doing my own builds which were admittedly terrible. So I followed GAF's advice and looked up the top rated guides for whatever champion I want to play. But now I get chewed out for that, too, so I'm kinda lost.
ap kogmaw man, ap kogmaw.

"given to me by recommended guides from MOBAfire"

This sounds like the problem.
to be fair I follow templates from mobafire, then modify them on the fly while in game, eventually settling on a variation of the original guide.


Corporate Apologist
I still can't make Teemo click for me. All his stuff scales off AP, but the bulk of his damage would be from AD. I feel like I need tons of stuff. I need life steel, spell vamp, AP, AD, Attack Damage, ect.


FlightOfHeaven said:
God I'm so terrible. GAF keeps telling me I do the builds wrong, but I just follow the general order given to me by recommended guides from MOBAfire and Solomid.


Just... fuck.

I think the thing is that you can't just rely on a guide every game. You need to adapt to what the enemy is doing and what you're team is doing. For example, when I play Xin Zhao, my preferable build is something along the lines of:

Boots + Madreds + Sun Fire + Banshee's

However, there are several conditions in which I would change it.

Team's losing, need more damage pronto: OK, Madred's is a great item but it takes a long time to build and be truly useful. I'll go Wriggles and Wit's End instead - I get damage faster and more utility from finished items quicker.

Our AD carry is 0/5: OK, I need to do more AD damage to make up for our shit carry, I'll itemize defense against their biggest damage dealer and get an AD item instead of more resistances.

The enemy team isn't focusing me: TROLOLOL idiots, I'll focus on damage since they aren't trying to kill me.

I'm getting focused a shit ton: After I get my resistances, I'm getting Guardian Angel rather more AD.


Drkirby said:
I still can't make Teemo click for me. All his stuff scales off AP, but the bulk of his damage would be from AD. I feel like I need tons of stuff. I need life steel, spell vamp, AP, AD, Attack Damage, ect.

I build teemo for AP/AS early/mid game, and then on-hit tanky DPS for endgame.

Rainman's guide on solomid is pretty good - you basically want to farm up malady early, and then focus on getting a madred's and a frozen mallet as endgame gets closer.

Teemo's AP ratios aren't good enough to just build AP/AS for endgame - even if you had gunblade, guinsoo's, nashor's, etc. it wouldn't do enough damage because the ap ratio on his E is so low.


FlightOfHeaven said:
God I'm so terrible. GAF keeps telling me I do the builds wrong, but I just follow the general order given to me by recommended guides from MOBAfire and Solomid.


Just... fuck.
While I don't agree with his (cromag's) build (or half of his analysis), it doesn't make a huge difference.

LoL isn't like DotA where items a determining factor to the way you approach a fight. Items really just supplement the champion you are playing. Don't get too worked up about correct builds and such. As long as youre generally buying the right items, what's important is how well you play the champion. The optimal item choice rarely makes or breaks a game. For example that even though tear first instead of catalyst on Orianna is a bad choice, Neki does fine because he can play Orianna.

Situational item building is a good skill to have though. Laning against an AD champion? wriggles - damage, life steal and armor (+free ward) is such a strong buy. Laning against a burst mage? HoG + negatron or that other MR cape thingy. Laning against a poke? lifesteal... Losing the early game? buy cheap and cost effective items to prevent the enemy snowballing. bla bla.

Teemo doesn't "click" because he has to be built like a bulky carry due to his sad auto attack range. Since malady -> bloodrazor takes forever, his mid game is very weak and so Teemo should just focus on shrooming good locations to give his team map awareness and map control while farming/pushing. As AD or on hit Teemo, you want to put the shrooms where people WONT walk but where you can still see them - that way your ward lasts longer. This at least makes him a good/safe pusher.

Ultimoo said:
you'll never die as ap kogmaw though.
Don't listen to Neki he's just a pansy


Ultimoo said:
pansy that never dies and carries.

perfect combination.

boken gonna continue bokening.
4/2/18 is the score of a support.

Supporting my carrying.

Boken gonna boken.

Swain isn't what he used to be (massive lane sustainability) but is still quite strong he can farm quite well and in team fights he's surprisingly tanky. AOE root + bulkiness is quite nice. Protip: get cleansing sash if they're saving their igntie for you and have fun!


Boken said:
Swain isn't what he used to be (massive lane sustainability) but is still quite strong he can farm quite well and in team fights he's surprisingly tanky. AOE root + bulkiness is quite nice. Protip: get cleansing sash if they're saving their igntie for you and have fun!

Yeah, I actually bought Swain post "nerf" and I find he's still quite good. His combo does a mean amount of damage and is surprisingly vicious. He isn't like Malz where he'll burst you down in a single combo, but he can do it once everyone 10 or so seconds.

In the laning phase, if you hit the enemy once with a full WEQ, they'll generally be down to 1/2 - 2/3 life. Another ignite + WEQ and they'll be done. Just don't spam his skills, only use them when you know you can hit the full combo.


Ultimoo said:
me and uchip run a mean lane with leona + monkey king, so hard to beat, we rape support + carry lanes and we also rape cc lanes. :p

Had a game with a Monkey king laning with my main (jarvan). Complete domination over the sion and panth combo.

Game became a joke when me and monkey king hit 6. I trap their entire team while monkey king was spinning for the win. The rest of the team just did whatever. Twas a good game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wukong is pretty underwhelming. They didn't even bother making his decoy transition from move to stop, it's just SUDDENLY, AN IDLE WUKONG.

Not that he isn't good, but he's even more boring than the spotlight made him seem.


sparkle this bitch
I seem to fail as much as Kat as I did Kass.

*Proceeds to go 9/2/26 as Lux*

I feel better. I carry, support, and buy the fucking wards.


Corporate Apologist
Tried some Malzahar, I am just not feeling him. I just don't have much fun playing as him. Though it is nice to have a bit more info on how his mechnaics work. Good to know Null Zone is Percentage base, and just how his Malefic Visions works (Skills like Malefic Visions do make me wish there was some sort of deny)
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