Get a Soraka on your team. lolKod1ak said:Can they just delete Karthus from the game? Talk about champions that are just absolutely not fun to play against. It's like they sat in a room and tried to come up with the most infuriating champ to play against.
I know he's not a threat in competetive 5v5, but I solo queue a lot of the time and he just pubstomps the shit out of teams. And of course when I get one on my team, they're always one of the few Karthus' that have no idea what they're doing and go 0/10.
Just played against one and he cut through me like a warm knife through butter. And I was Udyr with MR boots, a Negatron cloak and my shield. I felt like I was playing Veigar.
But yeah, Im usually that Karthus who pubstomps players who don't know how to deal with him. Don't try to 1 v 1 cause his single hit lay waste will hurt you bad, make sure he dies first in a team, ALWAYS. Because he is still gonna do damage after he dies, but if he left alive, he's just gonna do more damage. If he is one of the Karthus' who just sits back and presses R, buy a banshees. And avoid if you can his wall as it drops Armor and MR by 50 and slows. If you can as well, get someone who to harass him in the lane so he doesn't farm.