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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Kod1ak said:
Can they just delete Karthus from the game? Talk about champions that are just absolutely not fun to play against. It's like they sat in a room and tried to come up with the most infuriating champ to play against.

I know he's not a threat in competetive 5v5, but I solo queue a lot of the time and he just pubstomps the shit out of teams. And of course when I get one on my team, they're always one of the few Karthus' that have no idea what they're doing and go 0/10.

Just played against one and he cut through me like a warm knife through butter. And I was Udyr with MR boots, a Negatron cloak and my shield. I felt like I was playing Veigar.
Get a Soraka on your team. lol

But yeah, Im usually that Karthus who pubstomps players who don't know how to deal with him. Don't try to 1 v 1 cause his single hit lay waste will hurt you bad, make sure he dies first in a team, ALWAYS. Because he is still gonna do damage after he dies, but if he left alive, he's just gonna do more damage. If he is one of the Karthus' who just sits back and presses R, buy a banshees. And avoid if you can his wall as it drops Armor and MR by 50 and slows. If you can as well, get someone who to harass him in the lane so he doesn't farm.



Mid with Karma first time. Denied Ashe for so long that I got 110 cs and she got like 60.


Kod1ak said:
Can they just delete Karthus from the game? Talk about champions that are just absolutely not fun to play against. It's like they sat in a room and tried to come up with the most infuriating champ to play against.

I know he's not a threat in competetive 5v5, but I solo queue a lot of the time and he just pubstomps the shit out of teams. And of course when I get one on my team, they're always one of the few Karthus' that have no idea what they're doing and go 0/10.

Just played against one and he cut through me like a warm knife through butter. And I was Udyr with MR boots, a Negatron cloak and my shield. I felt like I was playing Veigar.

The thing about karthus, you need health as well as MR. so get veil and then beat down on karthus like the squishy fuck he is because most people dont get health on karthus like idiots.


The game should have been won in 30 minutes, I even was 3+ levels up from the rest at one point. Jax didn't do much, and sion had a tendency to killsteal. -.-



bigmakattack said:
Get a Soraka on your team. lol

But yeah, Im usually that Karthus who pubstomps players who don't know how to deal with him. Don't try to 1 v 1 cause his single hit lay waste will hurt you bad, make sure he dies first in a team, ALWAYS. Because he is still gonna do damage after he dies, but if he left alive, he's just gonna do more damage. If he is one of the Karthus' who just sits back and presses R, buy a banshees. And avoid if you can his wall as it drops Armor and MR by 50 and slows. If you can as well, get someone who to harass him in the lane so he doesn't farm.

Interesting. I've never played as Karthus.. Didn't know his slow wall reduces MR and armor. That's probably why I was getting hurt so bad.

The problem in that game was that our mid was Kat who constantly ran off to gank top/bot... which was my job, since I was jungle. So I ended up having to go mid to hold him off.. and since I had no range, all I could do was get hit my lay waste and try to keep minions back from the tower. I wanted to say something to Kat, because it was annoying, but she was getting kills from ganking. I almost wonder if I should have just let the mid tower go down and work on the other lanes instead.

I didn't even have time to buy a veil. I had my wriggles and merc treads and a negatron cloak by the end of the game. I but Banshees every game vs Karthus unless I'm Nocturne.
Man Kog'Maw is blast to play despite me being terrible with him. He's just too slow/squishy so if you ever get in a tight spot you're pretty much screwed. Still watching people's health just shoot down is ridiculously satisfying.


I finally tried Katarina today, and I think I did quite well the first game or so. Then I did horribly the next several games. I'm really bad about last-hitting. Then I tried solo queue and randomly got this:


OF course the other team was terrible/afk, but it's kind of funny or annoying how I can bounce back and forth between near the top of the team, and terrible. D: One key thing that I didn't even realize until reading a guide is that the shunpo teleport can target friendly minions and champions. I will have to remember that it might help to escape, since Katarina runs SO SLOWLY.


Blizzard said:
I finally tried Katarina today, and I think I did quite well the first game or so. Then I did horribly the next several games. I'm really bad about last-hitting. Then I tried solo queue and randomly got this:


OF course the other team was terrible/afk, but it's kind of funny or annoying how I can bounce back and forth between near the top of the team, and terrible. D: One key thing that I didn't even realize until reading a guide is that the shunpo teleport can target friendly minions and champions. I will have to remember that it might help to escape, since Katarina runs SO SLOWLY.

Kat is really bad at last hitting.


Kozak said:
Kat is really bad at last hitting.

I don't know why so many people say this. : / When I play Kat I consistently get the greatest amount of minion kills... She might not be the greatest early game but shes definitely not bad at it, and later game she can clear minion waves pretty easily with her knife.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Anyone else wish people would just cap the entire screen, always curious at the length of the game.
CrazedProfessional said:
Man my ELO is out of the 600s and onto the 800s. I will die a happy player if I reach the 1000s before seasons end. Fuck ELO Hell and all that enables it.
How did you manage to fall that low son?
lowest i hit, was around 1200ish after a string of stunning 3vs5 4vs5 defeats....
but 600? :X

changing the subject...
I'm starting to get the hang on stomping ppl with fair-morde mid :L
the number of people that can outharrass a mid-lane morde is pitiable, the main "danger" is early game when you simply spend too much life abusing your skills for shield generation and you risk being ganked by a jungler+midlaner combo.....
issue is, there are MANY more mid-laners with much more fight-changing ultis, but...
being DA BOSS and going mid-game against three ppl (ap kata, support sona and ad cait) and being so fucking big that they can't reasonably kill you fast enough AND avoid a gank from your teammates feels GOOD!
I can totally see a nerf to morde sooner or later, as a laner he's a beast, and if you're given some key kills early one, you'll just keep yourself one/two step ahead in terms of survivability..
<3 morde!

Any leak on the new scorpid champion btw?


formerly sane
Cindres said:
Big problem was i didn't have condemn up for like 5 minutes after minions spawned due to dying and falling back too much, caught up eventually.

Still new to Vayne so i guess i'm still learning the best way to use her abilities in some ways.


Vayne is all about timing and setup. Once you get use to it and build right you melt people in seconds and typically 6 shot the squishes and melt the tanks within 15 shots.

Always rush for full bloodrazor or black cleaver. If you get really good try a sword of the occult on vayne done it a few times and have beem packing 300+ easily. I use a lot of setups but if you want to kill with her stick to attack speed or amor penetration.
witchedwiz said:
How did you manage to fall that low son?
lowest i hit, was around 1200ish after a string of stunning 3vs5 4vs5 defeats....
but 600? :X

Bad luck but I'm willing to blame the Australian Time Zone.

ELO Hell is a term for the good players who get nothing but the bad players in the matchmaker. There are a lot of good player like myself who ward and all that jazz but are still pressed down by the thumb of the stupid player collective.


formerly sane
CrazedProfessional said:
Bad luck but I'm willing to blame the Australian Time Zone.

ELO Hell is a term for the good players who get nothing but the bad players in the matchmaker. There are a lot of good player like myself who ward and all that jazz but are still pressed down by the thumb of the stupid player collective.

I'm in the same boat. I can't get past 1200 with enough wins to stay in the basic upper class I get terrible streaks of afk or trolls who make the dumbest picks and then feed.
Ikuu said:
Anyone else wish people would just cap the entire screen, always curious at the length of the game.

We usually cap only the results to save space. We can do time, too, we just have to adjust vertically. People are not interested in the chat afterwards.
I like Urgot. He's my Rumble from last week. A pest, fits me nicely. I like Zilean, but in playing solo norm I feel like I'm not doing anything because by mid game everyone just clusters up and it's a game of who can do the most damage wins. And my ability to speed 1 (maybe 2) person up or down doesn't help that much. The revive is nice, but...yeah, it doesn't save the day end game where it's a cluster eff. If he had a stun maybe he would be more "support" than a back-up planning when you're already losing. As Zilean, I feel like I'm on clean up duty. Help him escape, revive him. Slow him down so he doesn't eat.

I think I played a game yesterday that didn't have a master yi in it. Thought that was note worthy. Also played a match where the game wasn't more or less lost by the team with the feeder or afk. That's pretty noteworthy too.

The changes to tryn seems to make him pretty OP imo. Even scrubs can go kill for death with him and by late game he just wrecks anyway.
CrazedProfessional said:
Bad luck but I'm willing to blame the Australian Time Zone.

ELO Hell is a term for the good players who get nothing but the bad players in the matchmaker. There are a lot of good player like myself who ward and all that jazz but are still pressed down by the thumb of the stupid player collective.
With as many people playing as they say, why can't they match people by their elo better? Same applies to nonranked. Same applies to level. When I was level 6, I was playing with and against level 25 or 30's. Why? It DOESN'T even itself out Riot. I don't know what I'm up against until the match is over and then realize, oh, that's why ezreal couldn't do shit against me, or Oh, that's why Cho-Gath did twice as much damage on me than expected. It's not cool.
Mr. B Natural said:
I like Urgot. He's my Rumble from last week. A pest, fits me nicely. I like Zilean, but in playing solo norm I feel like I'm not doing anything because by mid game everyone just clusters up and it's a game of who can do the most damage wins. And my ability to speed 1 (maybe 2) person up or down doesn't help that much. The revive is nice, but...yeah, it doesn't save the day end game where it's a cluster eff. If he had a stun maybe he would be more "support" than a back-up planning when you're already losing. As Zilean, I feel like I'm on clean up duty. Help him escape, revive him. Slow him down so he doesn't eat.

I think I played a game yesterday that didn't have a master yi in it. Thought that was note worthy. Also played a match where the game wasn't more or less lost by the team with the feeder or afk. That's pretty noteworthy too.

The changes to tryn seems to make him pretty OP imo. Even scrubs can go kill for death with him and by late game he just wrecks anyway.
1) about zil.. he's a GREAT supporter :p got a friend that is particularly good with him and master yi (although i must admit that he's a better all-around player than me anyway, i shine with ap carries and tanky-champ)
2) tryn go for a kill for death? ehm hello, pretty much any champ if played decently can aim for a "i kill you and then die" situation... if anything tryn can go for an "i kill you almost die, escape and hope to find no one!"
witchedwiz said:
1) about zil.. he's a GREAT supporter :p got a friend that is particularly good with him and master yi (although i must admit that he's a better all-around player than me anyway, i shine with ap carries and tanky-champ)
2) tryn go for a kill for death? ehm hello, pretty much any champ if played decently can aim for a "i kill you and then die" situation... if anything tryn can go for an "i kill you almost die, escape and hope to find no one!"
I think the issue with Zil is that he relies on supporting good players and a good organized team. At this stage, at level 23 or so, I can't do that. I think soraka's more basic heals are more fit for solo. A heals a heal. It helps immediately in team fights, early mid and late game.

and that's what I'm saying about tryn. even a scrub who SHOULD be doing far worse than 1 for 1 kills can still go 1 for 1 kills. He should be 0 and 4 but he's 4 and 4 cause tryn just does too much damage late game and his escape is just silly. A good player or even a bad player that just happens to be fed juuuuust a little bit early game as tryn will wreck. In other words, he needs a late game and/or early game nerf. So that it's a lot hard to be fed as him (put a little more skill into it cause right now it's not at all to spam for first blood. He can first blood just fine) or he just isn't that ownage late game.


Relax.MX said:
I even run it with very low in everything, before my graphic card was 9800GT and never had a problem :(

Any help? :( i want to play :(

My card is 5770 now and Q6600, and i only run it on sub-30 fps...


sparkle this bitch
Mr. B Natural said:
With as many people playing as they say, why can't they match people by their elo better? Same applies to nonranked. Same applies to level. When I was level 6, I was playing with and against level 25 or 30's. Why? It DOESN'T even itself out Riot. I don't know what I'm up against until the match is over and then realize, oh, that's why ezreal couldn't do shit against me, or Oh, that's why Cho-Gath did twice as much damage on me than expected. It's not cool.
That's because ELO isn't based on level. If you are level 6 and won 5-6 games in a row. You'll be around 1400-1500. It takes it into account. Or the reverse were they just were not very good. It works that way in ranked, where people who only played 6-7 games are matched up with those who played 100+.
shintoki said:
That's because ELO isn't based on level. If you are level 6 and won 5-6 games in a row. You'll be around 1400-1500. It takes it into account. Or the reverse were they just were not very good. It works that way in ranked, where people who only played 6-7 games are matched up with those who played 100+.
That seems silly to me. Very silly. They should match like players with like players in ALL accounts. If this was a niche game with a couple thousand players, sure, I understand and accept the way match making works, but it really doesn't work well here.

That really explains why I win 8 in a row then lose 3 then win 4 then lose 5, etc. It's stupid. This game is already determined too much by feeders, trolls and afks without the need of bad (clearly impatient) matchmaking system.


formerly sane
Mr. B Natural said:
I think the issue with Zil is that he relies on supporting good players and a good organized team. At this stage, at level 23 or so, I can't do that. I think soraka's more basic heals are more fit for solo. A heals a heal. It helps immediately in team fights, early mid and late game.

and that's what I'm saying about tryn. even a scrub who SHOULD be doing far worse than 1 for 1 kills can still go 1 for 1 kills. He should be 0 and 4 but he's 4 and 4 cause tryn just does too much damage late game and his escape is just silly. A good player or even a bad player that just happens to be fed juuuuust a little bit early game as tryn will wreck. In other words, he needs a late game and/or early game nerf. So that it's a lot hard to be fed as him (put a little more skill into it cause right now it's not at all to spam for first blood. He can first blood just fine) or he just isn't that ownage late game.

You own tryn in 3 big ways.

1 Ignite - whenever he pops his ult count to 3 and abuse this it will kill every time.
2. Thornmails and health - If you're a bruiser no need for health but if you're squishy get this, regen, and life steal.
3. Frozen hearth this guts a lot of ad or autoattack types.

2 of these will permanently let you have tryn for free whenever you see him especially in teamfights.


sparkle this bitch
Mr. B Natural said:
That seems silly to me. Very silly. They should match like players with like players in ALL accounts. If this was a niche game with a couple thousand players, sure, I understand and accept the way match making works, but it really doesn't work well here.

That really explains why I win 8 in a row then lose 3 then win 4 then lose 5, etc. It's stupid. This game is already determined too much by feeders, trolls and afks without the need of bad (clearly impatient) matchmaking system.
If this is your opinion, you already lost. As long as you are not a bad player, average is that the other team should always have a greater chance at getting a feeder, troll, or AFKer. I can also tell you, I seldom encounter them. Most of the time, they are created during the match.... right after people start bitching at each other.

Ranking in Team games is never going be perfect, but it makes sense. If you win a lot, most likely you are adding something valuable to the team. If you are losing, most likely you aren't. If I can win the center, I can gank early on the other lanes. I caused the snowball to win the game even though the jungles and other two lanes were stagnant. It may not be that their center was bad either, unlike how the other team will picture it.


Mr. B Natural said:
I think I played a game yesterday that didn't have a master yi in it. Thought that was note worthy. Also played a match where the game wasn't more or less lost by the team with the feeder or afk. That's pretty noteworthy too.

The changes to tryn seems to make him pretty OP imo. Even scrubs can go kill for death with him and by late game he just wrecks anyway.
It seems very hard to kill Leona and Jax, but I don't consider them OP, just annoying.

Brand and Gangplank seemed to be doing like 200 damage with a single ability hit on me by level 2 or 3. That's super annoying, but I don't know if it's overpowered. Or maybe it was two hits and I just didn't catch it.

Yi and trynd though...I should seriously keep stats on how many games have at least one of the two, let alone one on each team.


Relax.MX said:
Any help? :( i want to play :(

My card is 5770 now and Q6600, and i only run it on sub-30 fps...
I know people who have this problem, they're still waiting, not even reinstalling the game solved it for them.
Blizzard said:
It seems very hard to kill Leona and Jax, but I don't consider them OP, just annoying.

Sword of the Divine > Jax

Remove all dodge = no stun

Also, Jax players are used to Dodge saving their hides, so popping SotD usually melts them.
I'm addicted to Leona. It's quite annoying. Any game whre I'm not Leona I think to myself that we would be doing much better if I was Leona.
shintoki said:
If this is your opinion, you already lost. As long as you are not a bad player, average is that the other team should always have a greater chance at getting a feeder, troll, or AFKer. I can also tell you, I seldom encounter them. Most of the time, they are created during the match.... right after people start bitching at each other.
I had to stop there. Are you joking? This game has one of, if not the worst communities of any game I've ever played and I'm almost 29 and started playing games when I was 5. I can't...wow. I can't make any sense of anyone that doesn't notice the stupidity that is involved in about 90% of the games. Maybe it changes with ranked matches or whatever, but considering there's a specific definition for being stuck with playing with idiots on ranked matches, I'm gonna have to just agree to disagree with you there with a giant smirk on my face.


Just had the worst game ever.

We were ganking the other team when they were doing baron. We were winning in the beginning and most of them were almost dead then somehow we lost (only two person were alive with 30% in the opposite team). Guess why? An IDIOT WAS DOING BARON by himself during TEAM BATTLE. and you know what his response was? He want baron. WTF IS THAT.

And then our stupid GP KEEP AFKing at key moments. Inhibitor turret under attack? Let's AFK. Oh look it's destroy, let go and suicide now. Oh look Nexus turret being attack, AFK!

WORST GAME EVER. AND We were winning too if not for those two idiots

Mr. B Natural said:
I had to stop there. Are you joking? This game has one of, if not the worst communities of any game I've ever played and I'm almost 29 and started playing games when I was 5. I can't...wow. I can't make any sense of anyone that doesn't notice the stupidity that is involved in about 90% of the games. Maybe it changes with ranked matches or whatever, but considering there's a specific definition for being stuck with playing with idiots on ranked matches, I'm gonna have to just agree to disagree with you there with a giant smirk on my face.

What level are you and why aren't you playing with GAF? I've stopped playing by myself, my experience is loads better with GAFfers, even if it's just a dual queue.


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, I played with nothing but friends till I was about level 25, then started doing some Solo Queue to grind up till 30. I have had very few problems with feeders. I get some Leavers, some simply bad plays ("Hey, Tryndamere, the enemies are over here, stop hugging the tower and zoning your self."), but nothing nothing to horrible.

Also, don't forgo trying to have a balanced team just because you have 2 instalock carries and you want to still play a carry.


FlightOfHeaven said:
What level are you and why aren't you playing with GAF? I've stopped playing by myself, my experience is loads better with GAFfers, even if it's just a dual queue.

What's Gaf's mumble info again?


Drkirby said:
Also, anyone up for a game? Don't forget, there is a Gaf chat channel in LoL. Simply called Neogaf.
I would be up for a game, but I usually can't play until the evenings (like 2.5 hours from now). I'll send you an IM/check Mumble later.

Achtius, I'm glad I missed that game. XD
Achtius said:
Just had the worst game ever.

We were ganking the other team when they were doing baron. We were winning in the beginning and most of them were almost dead then somehow we lost (only two person were alive with 30% in the opposite team). Guess why? An IDIOT WAS DOING BARON by himself during TEAM BATTLE. and you know what his response was? He want baron. WTF IS THAT.

And then our stupid GP KEEP AFKing at key moments. Inhibitor turret under attack? Let's AFK. Oh look it's destroy, let go and suicide now. Oh look Nexus turret being attack, AFK!

WORST GAME EVER. AND We were winning too if not for those two idiots


I really hate troll players like that. I can't believe people can get that dense.

I know this sounds dickish (because it is) but if you're in fact "good" you will carry yourself out of low elo.

So, yeah............
Achtius said:
What's Gaf's mumble info again?


Also, the in-game chat channel = NeoGAF

I wish we didn't have to wait till Valve releases DotA 2 just so Riot can release the updated client (which is what I suspect they are doing...)


I've just started LoL, I wish I started earlier I love these games. I just searching around on the basics, anyone link to a good one?..


CaptainMintMan said:
I really hate troll players like that. I can't believe people can get that dense.

The worst part was we were like RIGHT NEXT to baron since we were ganking them WHILE they were doing baron

Legato.Reborn- said:

I know this sounds dickish (because it is) but if you're in fact "good" you will carry yourself out of low elo.

So, yeah............

I am not good by any means, but at least I don't afk or do stupid things like soloing baron when your teammate were being outnumbered during team battle (especially the other team were fed)
$1,700,000 prize pool for the best 16 teams in DotA 2, with DotA 2 releasing in the Fall (likely free). DotA 2 and Valve have my attention.

Riot, you're on notice. You'd better hope your feature set competes with DotA 2s... I'm talkin' clan support, in-game voice chat, game modes (arem, apem, mm, cd, ect.), multiple maps, champion swap, couriers, replays, and on and on and on. Because you can bet your bottom dollar Valve is going to have that.

LoL has done a lot of things right; the addition of Brush is great, a universal Recall is wonderful, ranges shown is also wonderful, casters scaling with AP is just YES and the removal of runes in favor of creep buffs was smart. But you're coming up short to the game you were spawned from. Step up.
FlightOfHeaven said:
$1,700,000 prize pool for the best 16 teams in DotA 2, with DotA 2 releasing in the Fall (likely free). DotA 2 and Valve have my attention.

Riot, you're on notice. You'd better hope your feature set competes with DotA 2s... I'm talkin' clan support, in-game voice chat, game modes (arem, apem, mm, cd, ect.), multiple maps, champion swap, couriers, replays, and on and on and on. Because you can bet your bottom dollar Valve is going to have that.

LoL has done a lot of things right; the addition of Brush is great, a universal Recall is wonderful, ranges shown is also wonderful, casters scaling with AP is just YES and the removal of runes in favor of creep buffs was smart. But you're coming up short to the game you were spawned from. Step up.

I don't think Riot has anything to worry about really.

S2, on the other hand...


Yeah I actually think Riot will be just fine with this. They may suffer a couple lost players here and there but in the end LoL isnt DOTA. HoN has a bit more to worry about in my opinion.
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