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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I don't have a screenshot, but we just did a 5v5 normal where we completely dominated the enemy team. After they surrendered someone started a surrender vote on our side for kicks.

We all clicked yes and it counted as a defeat for us and a victory for them.

Biggest WTF moment ever.


remade trynd is too op.... team made me mid against a vayne and i went on 0/5 due to jungle ganks etc..

after laning phase was over though, i just dominated... it's ridiculous

A nerf has to come for him


Drkirby said:
Yeah, the Decoys are a bit to obvious, I think it should keep walking in the direction you were going.

not a good idea. What if you were running straight down mid back to base and your decoy was following you. once you reappear again, the other team will be right where you are since htey've chasing the whole time.

Decoy is perfect since you dont even have to use the skill and simply press S and they back off. If they don't then use decoy

Goon Boon

PoorFate said:
I don't have a screenshot, but we just did a 5v5 normal where we completely dominated the enemy team. After they surrendered someone started a surrender vote on our side for kicks.

We all clicked yes and it counted as a defeat for us and a victory for them.

Biggest WTF moment ever.
Everyone does that once, and only once.


Bought Warwick completely blind. Was a bit lost the first few minutes, but I'm getting the hang of him. Such a fun champ. The healing from his attacks is crazy once you start getting fed.


Well, the way to have an entertaining Teemo game is to go AP. I did get focused a few times, and if they were doing serious damage to me I would have been in trouble, but I did pretty well since it was such a long game. My shrooms did indeed do over 1000 damage near the end. It's entertaining to be across the map and suddenly get a random kill message. Unfortunately the LoL client thing crashed so after the game ended I didn't get to see the full scoreboard. Match history instead:



Blizzard said:
Well, the way to have an entertaining Teemo game is to go AP. I did get focused a few times, and if they were doing serious damage to me I would have been in trouble, but I did pretty well since it was such a long game. My shrooms did indeed do over 1000 damage near the end. It's entertaining to be across the map and suddenly get a random kill message. Unfortunately the LoL client thing crashed so after the game ended I didn't get to see the full scoreboard. Match history instead:

I always play as on-hit teemo.. I want to try AP since the changes, but on hit such a beast build..


Kod1ak said:
I always play as on-hit teemo.. I want to try AP since the changes, but on hit such a beast build..
Is on-hit the attack speed + frost hammer effect stuff? I normally try that, but Teemo is so weak that I feel like it's rare I can get within attack range and do enough attack for it to kill, unless it's a low-health enemy without others around so I can chase.


Blizzard said:
Well, the way to have an entertaining Teemo game is to go AP. I did get focused a few times, and if they were doing serious damage to me I would have been in trouble, but I did pretty well since it was such a long game. My shrooms did indeed do over 1000 damage near the end. It's entertaining to be across the map and suddenly get a random kill message. Unfortunately the LoL client thing crashed so after the game ended I didn't get to see the full scoreboard. Match history instead:


I like your build bro. I like a lot. (no sarcasm)


Blizzard said:
Is on-hit the attack speed + frost hammer effect stuff? I normally try that, but Teemo is so weak that I feel like it's rare I can get within attack range and do enough attack for it to kill, unless it's a low-health enemy without others around so I can chase.

I got boots to start + 3 health pots.. rush wriggles.. Then malady, wits end and madreds.. Then whatever you want.. Frost Hammer if you want health+slow.

You farm/defend lanes like crazy, can jungle with ease. I try to mid, but can lane in any lane as well with wriggles.

He's a little weak 1-5 but once you get shrooms, you can use them as wards/defense so it's nearly impossible to be ganked.

I have specific masteries for this build too.. A little Offense a little Defense.

I just tried a game as AP Teemo.. It was fun, but the other team all had oracles for my shrooms, plus I got focuses since the rest of my team was tanky DPS/tank. Pretty much every team fight, I would do some damage, die and my team would ace them and push.


AP Teemo, take 2. I didn't get as many kills, and I almost feel bad since I think the shrooms + poison steal kills from my teammates occasionally. And yeah, if you run across a (smart?) team using oracles or something, I guess that would shut you down and you might want to build more focus on AS/AD.

*edits out picture because Achtius beat him to it XD*

My single biggest weakness is ranged attackers. Caitlyn, cass, and even brand have such long range and quick shots that it's almost impossible to dodge, and I soak a lot of damage early on if I'm in the middle versus them. Thanks to Achtius for switching lanes with me.


goober said:
Blizzard, what do you build first when you go AP Teemo?
I'm not at all an expert, but I have been doing doran's ring, speed shoes, try to get mercury's treads for a little MR, then probably malady. Maybe malady before mercury's treads as long as I'm surviving. In that one game I even got rod of ages before malady. Then I go for the rod of ages, nashor's, archangel's, deathcap stuff. If I am getting slaughtered then I would probably try to get some defensive stuff and put the rods off.

I think one key thing is to pick up a couple of attack speed items along with your AP stuff so you can still farm minions without having to waste as many mushrooms.


Blizzard said:
My single biggest weakness is ranged attackers. Caitlyn, cass, and even brand have such long range and quick shots that it's almost impossible to dodge, and I soak a lot of damage early on if I'm in the middle versus them. Thanks to Achtius for switching lanes with me.

Not much you can do against except blind and run unless you feel confident taking them on.


Kozak said:
Not much you can do against except blind and run unless you feel confident taking them on.
The thing is, blind doesn't even affect abilities, right? I'm pretty sure almost every time I blind and run, I get hit with a Q or E ability that does the same or more damage in return.


Teemo vs a ranged carry can be easily handled. Wait for them to last hit and then tap them with an auto attack. With his poison, it'll to a lot more damage than they expect. Prepare to dodge their incoming spell and if they decide to stay and fight, blind them and laugh at them as you attack them. Don't make the mistake of blinding for no reason (unless youre going straight up AP, then it's your nuke) you'll want to do it when they will auto attack you. You can't spam it to harass because it's too mana hungry for non AP teemo to handle.


Does anyone have a link to a good beginner tutorial video on youtube? Thought there was one in here but I'm having trouble finding it. Wanted to fire it over to a friend.


sparkle this bitch
I've realize my problem isn't that I don't have variety as much as I need to find a character that clicks with me. I think its why I seem to do pretty well with Jarv even though I've just started to play him, while terrible with Kat. Or how I just don't like Ashe that much outside her Ult which I'm good at using.

Next three characters are Aki, Braid, and LeBlac. If one of them can click with me, or if more. I'll have my AP Carry, Support, and Tanks ready for rank. All I'll need then is to get good at jungling. I'm pretty sure I'd make a good Ezreal.


Boken said:
Teemo vs a ranged carry can be easily handled. Wait for them to last hit and then tap them with an auto attack. With his poison, it'll to a lot more damage than they expect. Prepare to dodge their incoming spell and if they decide to stay and fight, blind them and laugh at them as you attack them. Don't make the mistake of blinding for no reason (unless youre going straight up AP, then it's your nuke) you'll want to do it when they will auto attack you. You can't spam it to harass because it's too mana hungry for non AP teemo to handle.
This seems like good advice, but again, does blind really affect abilities? It seems like abilities always hit after blind to me.

*edit* I'm literally trying this advice against Ashe as we speak. If I hit her right after she last-hits, I immediately get hit with the arrow spam ability, then the slow ability, then a normal attack., or maybe arrow spawn plus two normal attacks. She doesn't miss at all, basically, and getting hit 2-3 times is painful. My poison arrow seems to hardly do anything against her. =(
Blizzard said:
Well, the way to have an entertaining Teemo game is to go AP. I did get focused a few times, and if they were doing serious damage to me I would have been in trouble, but I did pretty well since it was such a long game. My shrooms did indeed do over 1000 damage near the end. It's entertaining to be across the map and suddenly get a random kill message. Unfortunately the LoL client thing crashed so after the game ended I didn't get to see the full scoreboard. Match history instead:

fail, no lifesteal



Epic fail. Could of win but lost.

Fail number 1: Just killed baron and was pushing but nexus turret was under attack by minion , told one person to go back and defend. Guess who went? The tank ofc, and without the tank we can't push into tower so that was stupid and waste of time.

Fail number 2: AP Teemo, he can't really push. So every time we were pushing, he is off some corner clearing some lane.

Fail number 3: Lee Sin.

Fail number 4: Team mate going to through our jungle to defend and got ganked.

Fail number 5: no one got frozen heart even though I asked for someone to get it :(

Fail number 6: no one saved stun for Kat's ult.

/end rage


Everyone is the worst! (well mostly just me)

I think we just need to be more defensive and make sure we announce ahead of time when we're doing a group push so everyone gets together.

It seems like every other team has tryndamere too. Undying rage :mad:
No, it's something better.

I was coming off of the high of the previous two games, and played like a moron. Even more so than usual!

+Nashtor's Tooth makes sure I have Bio-Arcane up all the time
+2.5 AS

-I die a lot


FlightOfHeaven said:
I did, once. Missing R and E sucked, and he's very mana hungry.
that's why you get tear, derp. he's a skill shot hero when he's ap, and not DERP DERP PRESS W AND WIN like AD.

don't listen to people saying tear is bad too.
Ultimoo said:
that's why you get tear, derp. he's a skill shot hero when he's ap, and not DERP DERP PRESS W AND WIN like AD.

don't listen to people saying tear is bad too.

But I like that.

look, I can even practice.

a wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww r


Relax.MX said:
I just got a new HD 5770 and the game just run under 30 fps, ¿what happen? is a problem with ATI cards? (its my first Ati)
It seems to run fine on my 5850. Can you turn vsync off? It might be in the game options and for some reason you're running slightly under 60 fps, which will bump it down to 30 fps.


Blizzard said:
It seems to run fine on my 5850. Can you turn vsync off? It might be in the game options and for some reason you're running slightly under 60 fps, which will bump it down to 30 fps.

I even run it with very low in everything, before my graphic card was 9800GT and never had a problem :(


Can they just delete Karthus from the game? Talk about champions that are just absolutely not fun to play against. It's like they sat in a room and tried to come up with the most infuriating champ to play against.

I know he's not a threat in competetive 5v5, but I solo queue a lot of the time and he just pubstomps the shit out of teams. And of course when I get one on my team, they're always one of the few Karthus' that have no idea what they're doing and go 0/10.

Just played against one and he cut through me like a warm knife through butter. And I was Udyr with MR boots, a Negatron cloak and my shield. I felt like I was playing Veigar.
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